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Author Topic:   Relationship interpretation please?

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posted January 04, 2023 07:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi everyone

I find I have the best synastries and composites with coworkers... instead of potential romantic partners. WHY???? I always seem to have these intense exchanges of energy, but they are strictly platonic.

I would love your insight on this relationship. This is my favorite coworker, and the one I want to learn the most from. I am new in my role, and while he is my equal in the company, he has been doing this for 15 years. I admire and respect him very much, but also just really enjoy his company and friendship.

I do NOT have his TOB, so until I can update, I have to read without it.

Aspects I love:
Moon/Venus- friends for real
Mercury trine Mercury- great exchange and supports our friendship
Saturn trines- we are on the same page

Composite aspects- not sure what to make of those... I tend to let the relationships evolve and play out and then go back and make sense of the composite.

Anyone willing to throw in their thoughts, I greatly appreciate you!


Him- No TOB


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posted January 04, 2023 08:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
StoneMoon! We're back here are we, lol.

I'm happy to have a look later tonight for sure. I'm trying to work harder at synthesising, so I'm happy to exercise that here.

Hey, may I ask, if you feel like a challenge, can you maybe have a look at thread here on LL: Synastry/Composite exchange for tarot?

It's really quite intense and I'd love another person's perspective, if possible. But I understand that there is only limited time and headspace, and if you don't have these it's completely understandable!

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posted January 04, 2023 08:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am always happy to look for you! I will go find you. I saw the thread but didn't realize you had one up there.

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posted January 04, 2023 08:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for girlwiththerainysoul     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I think it comes from your 7th ruler sitting in your 10th, that you meet potential partners through work. I would think the setting where you first met them, was probably something very public, such as with a lot of people around the two of you.

I love the composite sun-mars. be careful he may not be able to get enough of you. The physical touch could be magnetic, setting little shocks through your bodies.

Based on your chart I see a powerful and magnetic woman, and he is a wild sag child with cap venus and cancer mars! he must be deep. I love in general the cap-scorpio combo in men.

I may add more later. Stay well.

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posted January 04, 2023 08:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for girlwiththerainysoul     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh wow, his Mars on your AC. I suppose the attraction is Ssstrong.

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posted January 04, 2023 09:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh yes, it's strong. But he's married, and I am not crossing that line. I actually think I respond to my Mars square his Moon the most. Hard to say. But we have to channel this energy into work.

I am asking the universe to send me one of my own men with this Scorpio Mars/Cap Venus placements.... lol! I will say this- the energy I am getting from our connection has made me very ready to have a relationship again. For the past year I have been solo and happy about it. The spark here make me realize I want a relationship and I want that spark with my own person.

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posted January 04, 2023 09:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for girlwiththerainysoul     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ah what a bummer, why are all the good ones married? Lol I bet their wives are a huge part of the great men they turn out to be.

Anyway all the best to him and to you as well at work. I am sure you are soon meeting someone. When you feel your heart is open, love is on its way.

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posted January 04, 2023 11:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi legends

Thanks for doing that. It was giving me heavy feelings, and another person's input was helpful support. I think if she goes into that one (the other synastry), indeed it will be a lot to handle.

So, no not my synastry. I have one coming soon though

Ok, now.. what's up here? I'll start glancing over. StoneMoon, another Jupiter boy! And Jupiter square Venus is .. well, he might be giving off affair vibes to you?

SORRY that I write so much I cannot yet do it another way.

Those charts so big they seem to be changing the formatting of the whole page... Can you reduce the size of these charts by any chance and add the natal aspect grids please? No way I can read and by the looks of it, I need to get in deep.

Already I see:

Your Mars makes a yod with his Mars and Jupiter - his Jupiter = apex and boomeranging to your Pluto
Your Mercury makes a yod with his Chiron and Venus - his Venus = apex and boomerangs back to your Jupiter
His Chiron also completes a yod with your Mercury and Moon - your Moon = apex and boomerangs back to your Sun and EROS

All this alone is a lot of focused energy and heat in the kitchen. Let alone what else is coming...

Mars sextile: with his Mars creating a talent triangle (and the yod above) in your chart with his Mars/Plut and your Uranus at apex (hot).
Grand fire trine: your Sat/Merc with his Sag party and Aries Jup.

So far..
His Mars (and Pluto) are strong focal points for two powerful astro patterns: yod in HIS chart and talent triangle in YOUR chart (balanced exchanges of intensity). That intense focal point - not just a conjunction of Mars/Pluto - is opposite your Chiron in 6H - your house of work.

That Mars/Pluto of his, sandwiches your Uranus, and all falls in your 12H (Rainy - not ascendant?). I remind you that the 12H is the house of hidden affairs. His Pluto/Mars would feel (even?) less comfortable if it wasn't in as good condition as it is in his own chart.

Oh, wait - is it? Is that a couple of sesisquares to his Pluto/Mars? Including to his fairly challenged Chiron? And inconjunct to his Jupiter. And his Jupiter is tied up in a square to his own Venus. Hmm.. maybe I'm getting to know this guy a bit more.. Getting a picture of the condition of his Mars and Venus, so far, anyhow.

Anything with his Chiron (such as the very powerful yod above!) is going to be sensitive, as you can see, because his Chiron is quite challenged. But, while the yod triggers this very sensitive point, you offer him safety with your Saturn and Mercury. But, still, consider that, he is a grown man, his pain and habits around his pain, are likely to be well ingrained by now, no matter what soft islands someone may offer to him.

But, anyhow, running with it all the same - your Saturn and Mercury, as you can gather, links him nicely back to himself via his own Moon, Saturn, Mercury, and friends there, in Sag. You're his missing link and soft landing. And he's not saying no with his big Jupiter energy in Aries, which is part of the grand fire trine, and sitting in your 5H (boom!).

5H is romance only, remember.. And now, after mentioning the other houses above, it's sort of feeling like well, an affair that could come about that could be quite painful for you.

But.. I may be jumping the gun

Another question anyhow, about what you offer with Saturn and Mercury - can a Sag let go and be so vulnerable? Or must they mask their authenticity, and perhaps instead, dominate and control?

It doesn't matter anyhow, he cannot hide because you can see clearly, as his Chiron falls in your 7H. This might make him extra vulnerable though. Another question then is: what are his ingrained habits when his vulnerabilities are triggered because (as mentioned) Mars/Pluto sesisquare is nothing to sneeze at.

Especially at work, where he's supposed to keep it together.. he may not like feeling as raw as Chiron can be. Depending what you do for profession of course, lol.

Anyhow, I always think of this kind of dynamic of causing pain and soothing at once, in synastry, as pleasure and pain/carrot and stick.. it can create excitement and deep feelings, IMO. And turn the Chiron person into child-like inside, as all their pains are resurrected.

So.. that grand trine is a lovely island of affirming, soft optimism and safety for his Chiron - which is otherwise not all that happy.

I get the feeling you like the fire energy that shakes up your Leo planets because it's the only fire planets you have, and when they are awoken, it's huge novelty for you (exciting).

An aside: it sometimes nice to remember that living closely with fire signs can be quite another thing. Running after them putting lids on caps properly, wiping toilet seats, toothpaste, and dripped food on furniture can become annoying. Listening to slurping food and tea sounds, burps, and God knows what else, can be even frightening for some. Worth remembering especially for fire crushes who are married

Challenges -
Mars squares x2 .... his to your Mercury, and yours to his Moon and EROS and the rest of the Sag party
Mars square: your Mars forms a T-square with his Chiron and Sag party - which includes Saturn and Uranus (Sag party is quite a force), and again, his Chiron is already pretty sensitive, your Mars may highlight the rawness..
His Jupiter forms not only the apex to the yod with his Mars and Pluto (and your Uranus and Mars), but also it's the apex to a T-square with your Sun and Moon. This is huge - especially looking at how heavily aspected his Jupiter is (Venus). And that it IS Jupiter. Which is also a significant part of his psyche as the ruler of his Sun, and also in Aries, the ruler of his Mars, and which has been delineated as having quite a lot of significance in your synastry..
Nodes are upside down for each other - as you know, this is a big one too, and binding! Suggests a mentoring relationship, IMO. But as lovers (if ever that would happen with anyone), it's surely a pushing and pulling.. ughh...

Ps, how did it go with that other guy, all those years ago? I mean, from an astrological view of course.. Not being nosey but interested if it was push and pull, or did it peter out, or anything else? I would revive our threads if I could remember their titles

I ponder still on the Chiron/Uranus/Pluto generation-thing. Chiron in Aries: warrior generation

Just found this -

Venus Square Jupiter Natal
Born with Venus squaring Jupiter, you’re capable of going to extremes with your desires and being drawn toward the vivacity of peak experiences within your relationships. You have a big appetite and big feelings, and you are willing to be a big spender with your own resources in order to pursue your dreams and aspirations. As the path toward excess can drain you, you will need to temper and balance the areas of life where you tend to overindulge. You will also need to be careful around your tendency to over-inflate yourself and your relationships. Otherwise, you can become deflated when life doesn’t measure up to your expectations. However, your resilient sense of hope will help you recover from loss and seek out better circumstances beyond the horizon. When you become disillusioned, you can learn important lessons in reconsidering the inner values you feel are truly worth embodying and developing in your life. Rather than remaining in a stagnated situation, you’re willing to create change and shake things up within existing relationships. This comes from the feeling that a more ideal scenario could be found elsewhere.

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posted January 05, 2023 08:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh boy- that's a lot to take in Sass! Thank you times a million!

I completely missed his Jupiter completing the grand square! How did I miss that? And that it squares his own Venus.

I agree, it feels like strong affair energy, especially with his Pluto Mars in my 12th. I won't do that- I love my job, he loves his wife. And I know my ideal partner is on his way, so I won't risk it... but that energy is absolutely what I love!

You are so right and you explained to me perfectly what I have felt but couldn't articulate- I LOVE aspects to my Mercury. I love to find the fire, and it's a huge pull when I meet someone that activates it.

Perhaps the Chiron is already showing in the fact that we cannot have a relationship. If he were single, it would be on. It would be inevitable. But he's not, so it's not. We have to stay friends, and his Mars has to hide. How fitting, as it's in my 12th.

I am going to ask him for his TOB. I am dying to know.

He absolutely cannot hide. I feel the energy, but I also feel how acutely he feels it. It's a snap, a spark, and I know this feeling all too well when someone is aware of another's presence so completely. I will have to go back to when we first met and look at that chart. The progressions right now are intense too.

His. pMars is square my nVenus,
His pMars is square my pSun (conjunct my nVenus right now)
His pVenus opposite my nVenus/pSun
His nSun sextile my pVenus

I would think though that with his Scorpio Mars conjunct Pluto, he is not afraid of going to the depths of his own pain if it means coming out on top.

Again thank you so much!

I will come back later and answer about the other guy. Which one? The one I dated for 1.5 years? The other cancer Sun with a conjunct Moon?

There was a very brief affair with a Pisces Sun who had his Moon on my Mars, and his Mars on my Moon... holy crap was that sexy! But it died quickly and he was gone.

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From: Oz
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posted January 05, 2023 11:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So did I!

Your Moon, Pluto, Jupiter his Jupiter and Venus.. Extra stuck - given he already kind of has a grand square.

Your Jupiters being squared... maybe you both have different philosophies/ethics about what you would or wouldn't do.

Aries loves a challenge, and Jupiter loves to chase. Just saying

You're welcome.. it's fun and interesting. I find his Chiron intriguing.. I wonder what his pain is?

Yes! The one you dated for 1.5 years. The other cancer Sun with a conjunct Moon. We worked so hard on those charts back then, and you worked hard in the relationship! How did the whole lot go.. including the exit?

No pressure take your time and of course ok if it's private

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posted January 05, 2023 03:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The other one I dated- sun in cancer and his moon conjunct mine. We had Jupiter trine Jupiter.

It just kind of ended. He was great, compatibility was fantastic. Easy, peaceful, sex was great… but there was no fire. He had a Leo mars but it didn’t do anything… he was so caught up in his own world and life I think (he had a t square of his own - moon, Uranus, Chiron… and my sun locked us in to a grand square. He was so passive. He would sit and think about things for months and never take action.

But the ending point? He didn’t believe in me. I’m very passionate and have big ideas in life. I need my partner to support that passion. I was building a business and he would never spread my website or pass out my cards. He didn’t believe in it.

Ironically, the very thing I told him I wanted- a specific salary, specific benefits, … he asked me if it was reasonable to expect that in life for me … guess what? Two years later. I have all of that. And the potential for more.

So that’s what happened. Good guy, decent relationship. Just wasn’t “it.” I need that fire.

Now how about you? Looking forward to your forthcoming synastry post!

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posted January 05, 2023 05:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, good you know when to move on. Well done! Well done indeed.

There were questions if I recall correctly, about the T-squares, yes. I can kind of remember the feeling of his chart. Isn't that funny getting an impression about a person? Accurate or not though, is the question.

For memory, who supported whos challenges in the synastry was a focus. I think this was my method for synastry back then too. There is room for improvement with my astrology readings. I would like to be as accurate as I could be.

I will post charts soon, yes. I kind of met up with someone I knew many years ago. I don't see anything positive in the charts, unfortunately. But it will be a good exercise to have mine read. And see what people come up with about his character.

He has Sun/Merc/Mars in Cancer, I think a Scorp Moon, Jup Libra, Virgo Venus! Sound familiar?

His Cancer stuff falls in my 7H. So, I am interested in the Cancerian nature, and what really drives Cancer people. I mean, what does a person get out of "nurturing", lol. Do they really find that satisfying?

What I am specifically curious about, is his Uranus-Chiron opposition that is solo. Not aspecting anything else. Yet I am aspecting it quite heavily. What do you think about that? I would like thoughts on this.

My Sun is also trapped at the apex, in a boomerang yod between his Sun and Pluto, and it slings back - widely though, to his Venus, which is on his SN. Hence yods being my new thing of interest.

All in good time. Maybe I'll get around to it on the weekend

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posted January 07, 2023 07:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sass I do hope you post it! I can’t comment on the Uranus Chiron being isolated for him until you come alone… but now I’m going to think about it. Mine’s not isolated but I could try to think of relationships that specifically highlighted that and how it felt. Venus is involved in mine… but mostly I want to see his chart and yours.

If you do post, can you post your individual charts as opposed to/in addition to the biwheel? I read the individual charts so much more easily than biwheels…

Cancers and fulfillment from nurturing? Absolutely yes! I am very fulfilled by nurturing. It makes me feel whole, like I’m doing my job in life. If I don’t nurture someone I feel like I’m abandoning them, and me! And wow, there in that sentence I just uncovered the whole Cancer abandonment issue… at least for myself. I can’t speak this for all Cancers obviously but maybe we mother and nurture how we wish to be nurtured. Maybe this is for those of us who were lacking it in some way?

Regardless- looking forward to your posts!!!

And I love love love the insight into yods you’re putting out there- it’s something I have never gotten far into so I’m enjoying your vision with it!

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posted January 07, 2023 09:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by StoneMoon:
Mine’s not isolated but I could try to think of relationships that specifically highlighted that and how it felt. Venus is involved in mine....

And your Jupiter, StoneMoon..

Thanks for the compliments!

I will post soon, when I remember how to. And yes, makes sense: def I will post the natals and a biwheel too.

What you say about the Cancer nurturing is actually, same for me, even with Cancer on descendent. I tend to nurture everyone and enjoy it so much. When I've analysed it, it's true, I feel like I'm increasing the nurturing in the world. Which (I rationalise), is making up for the nurturing I didn't receive.

Keep us updated with this Sag guy won't you. The synastry is intense, IMO.

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posted January 07, 2023 03:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Reading about yods…

One interpretation I’m reading says the apex owner is the one to feel the pressure to act, to respond.

So the Venus/Moon conjunction feels pressure from his Chiron, and my Mercury. Here we both feel the tension and aim to resolve it somehow together through Cap Venus/Moon…

Then his Jupiter would feel inclined to act and resolve the tension between his Mars and my own Mars…

Interesting. I am not certain how to read this or what to expect. So on one hand there is a camaraderie between his Chiron and my Mercury, but then we both compete for the attention of that moon Venus conjunction. Could this be I love the feel and want to express it, communicate the closeness it compels… and his Chiron can’t? His Chiron in my 7th, prohibits a relationship from forming?

And then his Jupiter is in my 5th. Our mars compete for that Jupiter of his. Which is now also caught up in the struggle of my sun/moon/Jupiter opposition and his Venus conjuncting that.

So many yods to think about.

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posted January 07, 2023 07:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

And, like any pattern with an apex - including the talent triangle you have here too (with is Pluto did I say?), and, say, a kite as well.. the apex needs an outlet.

Otherwise, the intensity is just too much for the psyche. And the focus on just one area of the chart is too unhealthy because it's out of balance being centered on one spot. The psyched knows this, and will struggle. Depends on which planets are involved too, of course. And why Pluto at the apex is relevant.

But even if it's Venus at the apex, it's too much superficiality, too much niceness, vanity, worrying about if you're good enough. Or feeling not good when they are not around reflecting you.

I feel patterns are like prisons. Or carousels, lol, if anyone reading this feels triggered. But they all vary in their intensity and challenges. I guess there are some prisons - I mean carousels - that are more comfortable than others. And some people like carousels and others don't.

But they are boomerang rods that you have here. Apparently, they "sling back" to the other side. And then presumably back again, etc. It becomes a strong theme in the synastry. But it's super narrow in all respects: a narrow location in the charts, and narrow aspects (inconjunct). So pretty difficult, really.

It can become dull I'd say. Because it's like, with that one person it's always the same thing.. You know those relationships where you're just saying: can we get passed this please? That's how I see it is, potentially. Depending on the rest of the synastry and other aspects out, what condition in the natal the apex planet or boomerang is in, depends on the age of the people involved, how much intimacy/challenge/etc they can handle, and other socio factors.

That's my go with it anyhow

Looks like edenhardwicke has something interesting to share and explore!

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posted January 07, 2023 10:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for edenhardwicke     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by sassaqua:

And, like any pattern with an apex - including the talent triangle you have here too (with is Pluto did I say?), and, say, a kite as well.. the apex needs an outlet.

Otherwise, the intensity is just too much for the psyche. And the focus on just one area of the chart is too unhealthy because it's out of balance being centered on one spot. The psyched knows this, and will struggle. Depends on which planets are involved too, of course. And why Pluto at the apex is relevant.

But even if it's Venus at the apex, it's too much superficiality, too much niceness, vanity, worrying about if you're good enough. Or feeling not good when they are not around reflecting you.

I feel patterns are like prisons. Or carousels, lol, if anyone reading this feels triggered. But they all vary in their intensity and challenges. I guess there are some prisons - I mean carousels - that are more comfortable than others. And some people like carousels and others don't.

But they are boomerang rods that you have here. Apparently, they "sling back" to the other side. And then presumably back again, etc. It becomes a strong theme in the synastry. But it's super narrow in all respects: a narrow location in the charts, and narrow aspects (inconjunct). So pretty difficult, really.

It can become dull I'd say. Because it's like, with that one person it's always the same thing.. You know those relationships where you're just saying: can we get passed this please? That's how I see it is, potentially. Depending on the rest of the synastry and other aspects out, what condition in the natal the apex planet or boomerang is in, depends on the age of the people involved, how much intimacy/challenge/etc they can handle, and other socio factors.

That's my go with it anyhow

Looks like edenhardwicke has something interesting to share and explore!

Yessss discussion of Boomerang Yods! I agree with the intensity part and I think there is a degree of like, knowing what to expect? And sometimes going round and around in circles not being able to resolve a core conflict but not being able to fully leave the relationship either. However my suspicion is that the issues will resolve or adjust with time and each person's individual growth, and/or as each person learns to accommodate the other one. In my relationship where I have like a bajillion Boomerang Yods, we are currently broken up. But it doesn't feel like the end, for better or worse. The whole thing has felt so fated and uncontrollable and like there was something just out of reach (maybe marriage? unbreakable lifelong union of some kind?) that we were striving towards, and are still striving towards, believing we can attain it against all odds. Outside observers of the relationship including my parents and sister seem to believe that we are going to end up together ultimately, but I guess all of that crazy Yod energy is too much to handle at this life stage? It's very binding, I think. Feels inescapable, like a trap I stumbled into not knowing what I was doing and then it was too late, boom, my life changed irreversibly.

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posted January 07, 2023 10:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Exactly what I said.

Thanks for your valuable feedback! I'm not very often right, but when I am I try to enjoy it

Sounds like a fight to the death you got there edenhardwicke, lol.

StoneMoon, just wanted to say how refreshing it is to cross paths with your wonderful enquiring mind, once again

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posted January 08, 2023 07:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So would one of the above yods be a boomerang? His mars sextile my mars, with his Jupiter at the apex... then my Pluto, slightly out of range there, between our Marses...?

And then if the apex is his Chiron, and the two sextiles are my ASC and his Venus/my Moon... the release point/boomerang is his Sun/Saturn/Mercury?

As I commented in your post eden, reading up on yods talked about the way to resolve the tension is to find the point between the two sextiles, which is the point opposite the apex planet or point.

How do you feel angles like ASC and NN would play into these?

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posted January 09, 2023 07:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ok what about this combo-

same guy, but with another female coworker. I ask because her Mars is very close to mine, and we have other similarities.

Complete aside, out of a group of ten, at least four of us have Virgo Mars. Interesting, isn't it? Three others have water Mars- one of each sign. One has Cap Mars. Don't know two of the others yet. And the outlier has Air Mars.

him: TOB unknown

her: TOB correct


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posted January 10, 2023 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Looking at the above synastry, I actually think he would have strong feelings for this other woman coworker.

Her moon sextile his Chiron, and trine his own Moon/Sun/Mercury/Saturn.

Her Mars triggers all of his planets, just as mine did, but hers is exactly sextile his. Plus his Amor is conjunct her Mars, and trine her own Amor, and widely conjunct her Valentine.

Her Valentine squares his whole stellium. His Valentine is on her DSC, and trine her Mars. So their Valentines are widely trine.

But her sun is opposite his Juno, where it's my Venus.

Her Venus opposite his Jupiter, and his Mars is closer to her Scorpio ASC so he is attracted to her very much

I would think he would be very emotionally attracted to her! What do you all think?

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posted January 11, 2023 12:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Do you actually feel anything between them? Because I feel like you could compare his synastry with all of the other female coworkers and there may be an even better synastry between them. Also, I think when people have karma/soul contracts that may not (always) be present in synastry it will trump the really good synastry between the others?

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posted January 11, 2023 10:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There is definitely a camaraderie between them, and a solid friendship. I think he can hide what he needs to. So, yes, I do think this has potential for it to be truth.

I personally find psychology and interactions between people to be incredibly fascinating. So to me, it doesn't matter that he is married and they are not having a relationship in the material world. I find the story of the connection much more important, on that soul level.

I want to be clear I am not advocating for infidelity, or anyone stealing anyone else away. To me, it is more like following the plot lines in their story. It is bittersweet to be able to make so many important connections through your life and see potential everywhere- its both something that I feel grateful for and at the same time sad.

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posted January 11, 2023 07:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by StoneMoon:
There is definitely a camaraderie between them, and a solid friendship. I think he can hide what he needs to. So, yes, I do think this has potential for it to be truth.

I personally find psychology and interactions between people to be incredibly fascinating. So to me, it doesn't matter that he is married and they are not having a relationship in the material world. I find the story of the connection much more important, on that soul level.

I want to be clear I am not advocating for infidelity, or anyone stealing anyone else away. To me, it is more like following the plot lines in their story. It is bittersweet to be able to make so many important connections through your life and see potential everywhere- its both something that I feel grateful for and at the same time sad.

Hmm, I do understand what you are saying - but it is sort of like; on that soul level it's important, to balance it out with whats happening in reality. Because otherwise there is too much time living in the ether or in fantasy (same LOL). But I suppose it is like watching a video and seeing all the things others don't see.

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From: Oz
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posted January 11, 2023 08:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LilyIris07:
Hmm, I do understand what you are saying - but it is sort of like; on that soul level it's important, to balance it out with whats happening in reality. Because otherwise there is too much time living in the ether or in fantasy (same LOL). But I suppose it is like watching a video and seeing all the things others don't see.

Haha.. StoneMoon doing the synastry breakdown of the whole office, lol. This is hilarious!

Something already touched on with Dwhelps - if only they knew, right.. They'd think we're all mad.

I do it too, so I am very pleased to be in good company

How indeed fascinating it is the many Virgo Marses! Who was hiring, they seem to have a bias?

Or is it the type of work that attracts Virgo Mars. Or maybe the office is just very tidy, with access to high-quality stationary. Lol.

I understand the points here and hope you don't mind me adding a friendly +1 to the discussion?

Personally, I have a terrible affliction of living in the ether (12H planets and Aqu Uran everywhere). But I like to live dangerously (heavy Sag and Jup) and see how well I can straddle the line (with Pluto in Virgo precision). With a foot both sides, lol. Must be my Libra fence-sitting - LOL!!

Seriously, though, the lines of astrological queries are such a wonderful panacea to the dry minutia of daily life, how can we resist? It's so satisfying to wander around in another universe and attempt to discover or apply rules and methods to - of all things - the mysteries of human relationships. It's code cracking.. Just like Indiana Jones.

Back to our regular programing. Sorry if I'm interrupting with my antics

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