Topic: Pisces w/ a Strong 10th (?!?)
proxieme unregistered
posted September 27, 2002 03:14 PM
OK. So I'm a Pisces Sun w/ Aqua Moon - not the most prone personality to seek success, right? But I have this 10th House thing going on: It's ruled by Leo and has Jupiter (in Virgo) and Mars (in Leo) within it (using Placidus). I'm a novice, but that seems like a pretty strong 10th... My question: how could the above manifest itself in a Pisces/Aqua personality (albeit w/ Scorp rising)? Thanks, Cheers, CorriIP: Logged |
stella polaris unregistered
posted September 28, 2002 03:14 AM
When are you born? It's better to look at the whole chart, but from this information I can't understand what you say about not beeing prone to success! The ruler of your tenth house is the Sun, which you have in Pisces - the sign of all successful people working in finance or banking. Add that Scorpio rising, you'd feel at home dealing with other people's money! Your Aqua Moon would add some idealistic feelings, that's much needed in the world of finance! You could use money to work for a better world...Mars in the tenth house makes you ambitious, add the Leo influence and we have the perfect boss/leader. (Mars is the general, the army leader while Leo is the king). Jupiter should add luck in any career you choose...But again, have to look at the whole chart! IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted September 28, 2002 09:24 AM
Mar 12 1980 9:43 (or :42) PM EST Fairfax, Virginia, USALooking at it, I have Uranus in the 1st (I'm not sure what that would do to biz acumen...); Aqua in the 3rd (I can strike-up a convo w/ just about anyone), but Saturn in my Virgo-ruled 11th (w/ probably accts for my not doing well @ "networking" past the bare initial stages). I'm not that good w/ aspects (still in learning mode), so I haven't even tried finding out the significance of those. To be honest, if I actually end-up involved in "business" per se, I'll probably eventually hang myself with a power cord or beat myself to death with a keyboard. I don't think that the world of finance and wheeling and dealing is my thing. It's just that I'm in college right now, and it seems that nothing that I'm interested in or vaguely passionate about can transfer over to something @ which I can make a living. Thank you for any help, Corri IP: Logged |
stella polaris unregistered
posted September 29, 2002 10:57 AM
Now the picture looks very different! According to Bob Marks, the closest aspects to the cusp of the 10th house will define your career, in your case that's Venus - the planet of art and anything beautiful in life. You have a very strong Venus in your chart. Not only is it in its own sign, Taurus, but in addition in the 7th house, where it also belong (since Venus also rules Libra). It's beautifully aspected, from Mercur, the planet of communications, as well as Jupiter, the planet of expansion. It stands all alone in the chart, like a shining star to follow! You also have the Sun in the 5th house, which is an indication of a very creative person, the Pisces placement just makes this stronger and then add the 10th house cusp in Leo and I'd say you're born to a career in something creative, something with art (or beauty products - but with the Leo influences something luxurious!). All this Leo influence indicates that you'll love it on stage or anywhere you'll get lots of attention. Actually, with the Leo north node I'd say you NEED to shine. Your Uranus-Sun trigon indicates someone who is highly original and can produce some really original work, the watersign placement gives you depth. Your Moon in the 3rd house should indicate that you're great in communicating your feelings, which is important for an artist. The ruler of your 2nd house, the money house, is Jupiter, so I guess you'll make money from your career... Your north node is conjucting your Leo Mars in the 10th house, which is just a further indication that you should concentrate on a career and preferably in something Leo-like = art, children, creativity...your south node in the 4th house indicates that you're very comfortable at home with your family and that you should be careful not to get stuck here. There is an opposition between your 4th house Mercur and your 10th house Jupiter, very often this is an indication of divorced parents or parents who are very different and give you contradictary signals, in your case Mercur representing one parent and Jupiter the other, one being very analytical and critical while the other jolly and outgoing. The funny thing is that Mercur belongs where you have Jupiter and vice versa! I think just being aware of this aspect helps you deal with it. Acting is something I really can imagine you doing, the Jupiter 10th house placement is good for anything in show bizz. I wonder if Neptun in your money house can indicate that you can make money from something neptuny, like film...The Jupiter-Venus placement probably gives you plenty of charm and with your Venus I also picture you very good looking! I can also imagine the Scorpio rising giving you this aura of mystery that's so attractive in a good actress, the Pisces Sun just add to this. And there's even more art influence here: Pluto in the 12th in Libra. Actually, the more I look at your chart, the more I'm getting convinced that I look at the chart of a potential movie star! So, Corrie, standing up there holding the Oscar statue in your hand, remember me in your speech! IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted October 07, 2002 02:00 PM
 Thanks Stella!  First: >>There is an opposition between your 4th house Mercur and your 10th house Jupiter, very often this is an indication of divorced parents or parents who are very different and give you contradictary signals, in your case Mercur representing one parent and Jupiter the other, one being very analytical and critical while the other jolly and outgoing.<< That's exactly right; actually, they're divorced AND very different (Mom = Pisces Sun, Sag Moon, Cancer Asc; Pop = Libra Sun, Cancer Moon (he IS moody), Virgo Asc). >>The funny thing is that Mercur belongs where you have Jupiter and vice versa! I think just being aware of this aspect helps you deal with it.<< How exactly would this aspect affect my personality apart from the personal-historical influence you cited? >>All this Leo influence indicates that you'll love it on stage or anywhere you'll get lots of attention.<< Thinking back, some of my happiest times were when I was an ace character actress back in school...I should probably look back into that. I can't say that beauty products are an option, though - I'm much too lazy to actually put on make-up, let alone sell or promote it  As for the effect of Venus on my I happen to think that I'm just plain goofy, but here's a link to Bissie's photos of LL'rs: I happen to think that my toe is quite attractive, though. >>Your Uranus-Sun trigon indicates someone who is highly original and can produce some really original work, the watersign placement gives you depth. Your Moon in the 3rd house should indicate that you're great in communicating your feelings, which is important for an artist. The ruler of your 2nd house, the money house, is Jupiter, so I guess you'll make money from your career...<< Hey, never bad news. I almost have a compulsion to communicate. I have the longest, sometimes most pointless posts. That whole "origninality" thing can get on one's nerves, though. Half the time when I talk to people (and most the time when I talk to them about my deepest musings, ideas, and feelings) I just get a blank stare in return. Even my Gemini step-sis said one day, "You know, Corri, I always find what you have to say interesting, but sometimes I have no idea what you're talking about." Cool. You gave me a lot to think about...and assuaged my fears (as pounded-in my certain parts of my family...*cough*my dad*cough*) that I'm hopelessly hopeless because I don't want to pursue a career in high finance or big business.  Corri Oh, oh - one more thing: How is a 12th House Pluto in Libra artsy? I've only heard about the tendency to supress rage w/ that placement.
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stella polaris unregistered
posted October 08, 2002 12:32 AM
Jupiter is expansion and Mercur communication so: Maybe your tendency to talk a lot can be indicated here, but I'd rather say that you need to expand through communication and that the opposition indicates that it won't always be easy. Or something like that. How funny that your dad is the Mercur (Virgo asc) and your Mum Jupiter (Sag Moon plus Pisces Sun). This is another way to say it/see it: Daddy (Mercur) wants to keep you at "home" (4th house), while Mummy (Jupiter) wants to drag you out on stage (10th house). There are the safe surroundings where you feel familiar (4th house), studying, reading, talking, analyzing (mercur). And then there is the public world (10th house) and drama, acting, teaching, travelling (Jupiter). Pluto is the planet of obsessions, passions, in the sign of art (Libra). The 12th house is also the house of our psychic abilities, I can just imagine this placement can make you dig up some passion and psychic understand of the characters you'd play... I'm glad you said that you had some happy moments when you played theatre at school. I got sad when I read your first mail where you said that you weren't interested in anything that seem to could make you a living. It's so important to work with something you're passionate about! Why don't you join an amateur theatre group or an acting class - you'll soon find out if it's something for you. I didn't look at your picture because I'm not digital yet and it takes ages to download. But I can tell you're a beautiful person without having to see a photo!
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Mercy unregistered
posted October 08, 2002 08:44 AM
I just HAD to reply. I só relate to this thread. I guess I am so excited for you Proxi! Maybe there is some similarity in our horoscopes...? I have 3 planets in 10th (Sun,Mars and Merc) and moon in 5..blah blah..and stage is my home! But I also want to say I think it is incredibly wonderful there is so many interested people who are more than willing to look at charts. You guys are wonderful and I admire you greatly! And I did look at your pic. Prox and I think your gorgeous! I guess we are all little stars twinkling on earth. Geez...I feel so HAPPY AND BLISSFUL!Bless you all and I love you!
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proxieme unregistered
posted October 09, 2002 08:11 AM
Mercy - Yup, this site has continually impressed me with the help that kind people such as stella polaris offer. I've learned a lot through what everyone's shown me. Oh, and thanks for the compliment! You got a pic up there? Corri IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted October 09, 2002 08:17 AM
stella polaris - "...but I'd rather say that you need to expand through communication and that the opposition indicates that it won't always be easy" Yep. That's right. I've also noticed that I communicate *much* more fluidly as soon as I'm comfortable with a place or person - one of the reasons I write so much on MBs, etc. is b/c they're so impersonal. Thanks for all your work and everything you've told me - you've given me a lot to think about (and act on - for the sake of my Leonine North Node ) Corri IP: Logged |
Mercy unregistered
posted October 09, 2002 08:26 AM
Yep Proxi I posted a pic just today. I consider it my fun pic, in a tourist shop on Corfu (Greece). It's not my real hair though (that's what makes it fun). A hat with long blond hair attached to it, how about that?! Hohoho. And no thanx, I like to compliment and..... I always mean it. I soon hope I can also help someone or amuse someone with what I have learned in here. It is not only an interesting place it is also very jolly, cosy, warm, friendly and light vibed!Kisses, M IP: Logged |
stella polaris unregistered
posted October 09, 2002 03:18 PM
I believe one of the great ways to use astrology is when it comes to questions like "what should I do when I grow up"..."should I persuade a career in..." etc. etc. I think it's wonderful to be able to "praxtice" on other people's charts, after all, a birth chart is very personal. Astrology becomes very boring if all you can do is study your own chart (though I LOVE inputs on mine, of course!)...and when it comes to a problem or conflict area I believe one easily get stuck staring at all the trees and not see the wood...IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted October 30, 2002 11:30 AM
Heya there, stella polaris!I just discovered how to post pics on here, and since you said you couldn't get into the Knowflake Photo Album, I thought I'd post the image of me that's on there (that having been an issue further up on this thread): Groovytoovey. Corri IP: Logged |
stella polaris unregistered
posted October 30, 2002 11:41 AM
A star! Btw, did you check out any theatre stuff? Together with a friend I've started a theatre group for the kids here in the village, we have so much FUN! I'm rewriting Snowwhite so that all the little girls will get a chance to play princess!IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted October 30, 2002 11:48 AM
That pic does, however, obscure the fact that I have a gigantic alien-esque forehead...  I plan on auditioning for a play er two @ GMU next semester, but I'm swamped this semester (2 jobs + full-time college student = ) That's so awesome about the theatre group!!! Have you reworked the story at all to fit in more w/ Greek culture? The way you'd go about that would be so interesting. Aaaahh - Gotta run off to campus - paper to write. Have a supercalifragilisticecspealadocious day - I'll be watching your "Moon and Fame" post w/ anticipation and curiosity. Corri IP: Logged |
stella polaris unregistered
posted November 02, 2002 01:57 AM
Hi Proxie! You'll get all these intelligent parts..the new Jodie Foster! I finished the play last night..the Prince is a wanna-be rockstar and will try to impress Snowwhite by singing. We'll let him choose the song himself, but Greek music is much more popular here than foreign music so I presume he'll choose a Greek song. The same for the princesses...Some of the kids already learn Greek dancing so the dance they'll perform will be a Greek folk dance..I'm really looking forward to this. The kids seem to enjoy it so much, one boy asked me if we could have rehersals four times a week instead of only Sunday...
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