Topic: How does your stellium effect you?
Nebel unregistered
posted November 08, 2002 02:17 AM
Hiya guys  I was thinking about the stellium on my chart (Sun, Moon, Asc, Ven, Merc, Mars and Chiron in Taurus) and wondering what effect stelliums of this nature (Or any other nature for that matter!) have on other people. Would anyone like to share their experiences with stelliums? Love and Light Nebel 
------------------ As you heal yourself, there is less illness in the world. No, not just one less sick person... Less Sickness. As you replace your darkness with light - hopes, dreams and visions - there is less darkness in the world... IP: Logged |
N_wEvil unregistered
posted November 08, 2002 07:06 AM
it might help if i knew what a stellium was? *is stupid*IP: Logged |
Nebel unregistered
posted November 09, 2002 03:36 AM
No stupid questions here  A stellium (or satellitium in England) is a cluster of three or more planets in one sign or in one house. If these planets are in the same house as the sun, it apparently reinforces the message of that sign... Thats where my knowledge ends I'm afraid  Love Nebel 
------------------ As you heal yourself, there is less illness in the world. No, not just one less sick person... Less Sickness. As you replace your darkness with light - hopes, dreams and visions - there is less darkness in the world... IP: Logged |
Bissie unregistered
posted November 09, 2002 05:33 PM
hi Nebel "the bull" I also suffer from exssesive baggage in one of my natal houses - the 7th in my case. 7th house being the house of close relationships (and open enemies) makes me to be highly concerned about all my personal relationships. It seems I can`t live alone yet I am craving for solitude. I long for quiet moments on my own yet I am freaking out of the thought to not been able to share those moments with somebody else. The result is I havn`t been on my own since ages. ah, stellium, stelliums....such a tortrure  IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted November 09, 2002 05:52 PM
Hi Bissie  Stelliums hey....who'd have em  When they are good they are GREAT but when they're bad they are horrid........... For anyone else reading this (cos Bissie already knows) I'm meaning when certain "icky" transits "hit" your stellium you are in for a seriously bumpy ride BUT when the good transits are in Heaven  4 planets in the 12th here Sue  IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted November 09, 2002 06:09 PM
Here are a couple of stellium links for you.... IP: Logged |
Bissie unregistered
posted November 09, 2002 06:10 PM
sweetie, how are you? I miss the ole good times when we posted like crazy at the LGF forum. I know, i know what you mean about the stelliums and transits. Do you know what I am thinking right now - people with stelliums are usually very concerned in that area where the stellium falls. In fact- these people could concentrate their life only there and forget the rest of the chart. And here comes the our old buddy Saturn squaring all that stiffed stellium by transit. Suddenly you feel awaken, first is the annoying ring of the alarm clock, then is the realisation that the whole morning is damned from the begining and shortly after that you feel like your life is not what is was yesterday. Saturn makes you to look around and fix teh stuff you neglected while living in the shell of your stellium. My stellium is in Virgo and Libra, I survived the Saturn and Pluto transits so far but still a lot stuff to happen after Saturn moves in Cancer and square my Libra planets. But hey, good news - Jupiter is soon to be enetering the borders of my world - next september, yay..Venus, Jupiter and Sun all at once.  IP: Logged |
Bissie unregistered
posted November 09, 2002 06:17 PM
interesting websites,thanks  IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted November 09, 2002 06:17 PM
Hey Sugar  Yes we used to post like crazy  "people with stelliums are usually very concerned in that area where the stellium falls"...... Yes tell me about it my 12th house stuff is a never ending "quest" for me to understand. Especially as it's been whacked for years now re Saturn/Pluto etc etc......zzzzzzzzzz AND Saturn hitting ALL of my angles recently is not a party I want to go to again  Hmmm but next years going to be something else  Love ya Sue  IP: Logged |
Foxxy unregistered
posted November 11, 2002 07:24 AM
I have two stelliums. Neptune(sag), asc(sag), mercury(cappy), and sun, running from the twelfth, but mostly in the first. and saturn, jupiter, midheavan and pluto (All libra).Both of them are cardinal, and pretty much everything in the first, is square everything in the second. :P I've always had a very definite sense of who I am, and what I want. I also think they give me the ability to get whatever I want, whether they're the source of it or not, I can get everything I want LOL. I've never had a problem finding a job anytime I've looked, and I've almost always been happy at work. I am pretty unhappy though when I don't WORK. Almost a given seeing as I'm cappy. Saturn and Jupiter are in my ninth house, and I often find opportunities for travel. At the moment I'm 4 days away from the end of a 30 day tour of the states I took myself on. Movement in general makes me happy (moon in the ninth as well, but not quite in the stellium, about 15 degrees off if memory serves). I like to move house, I like to travel, I will go across town to buy a can of tomatoes if I can find a reason. Mercury is the first planet in my chart, and cnj my Sag ascendant. I don't really like to fly. Boring to be stuck on a plane where nothing ever changes for that long. Uhm, I guess this isn't very specific of helpful, but its a bit about me and I think my stelliums have definitly made up a large chunk of my personality. IP: Logged |
MARY unregistered
posted November 11, 2002 10:03 AM
Hi all, I don't know if my stellium has anything to do with this or not? But begining in 1997 till 2000 those were the WORST years of my life. I don't know what was transiting then, it was before I got into Astrology on a daily basis. moon(cap) venus(cap) jupiter(cap) Asc(cap)1st house. Everything broke.. My heart,self esteem,home...everything.IP: Logged |
Donna unregistered
posted November 11, 2002 06:47 PM
I have a 9th house stellium in Leo in a bundled chart. I have collected books for years. I have over 2000 metaphysical books, 600 of them being astrology books. When TMI was leaking and they told us to get ready to evacuate, I packed only my books!! Of course, I didn't quite have 2000 books back then.  Donna IP: Logged |
Nebel unregistered
posted November 12, 2002 01:34 AM
Hiya Guys, Thanks for your replies  I think i'm gonna agree with Cat... 'Stelliums hey....who'd have em' lol  Love Nebel ------------------ As you heal yourself, there is less illness in the world. No, not just one less sick person... Less Sickness. As you replace your darkness with light - hopes, dreams and visions - there is less darkness in the world... IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 270 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 10, 2011 04:16 AM
I have a 4 planet stellium in my 5th house(Koch) Uranus,Sun,Mars,Mercury. They're not all in the same sign, at least not in Western Sidereal. In Tropical they're all in scorpio. Anyway,since I was little I've wanted to do something creative. I didn't realize it was like that until my mom told me I wanted to be a singer at 5 years old, and then a writer and artist. I also can't seem to work a regular job. I'm not lazy. I'm just too different it seems. ------------------ "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” `Helen Keller quotes IP: Logged | |