Topic: Jesus is Virgo and not Saiggitarius
Carlo unregistered
posted December 15, 2002 10:32 AM
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108 unregistered
posted December 15, 2002 11:27 AM
hmm.... have we gone off the track a bit here? But anyway, I want to say that I find all the ideas expressed in this thread fascinating, especially those revolving Jesus' gender, grail and his being a myth.I want to ask though, that didn';t Linda wrote in the beginning of one of her books "as channelled through Jesus"? And in a lot of the spiritual writings, Jesus was at times mentioned, and "he" was always referred to as a "he". Now ... if Jesus is indeed a myth, doesn't this mean that all those spiritual writings are ... well I don't know the word, but I think you know what I mean. Morganna, could you tell me where you foudn the info about Jesus' child being the holdy grail? I'm very interested to find out more about it. ------------------ -PEACE- IP: Logged |
Donna unregistered
posted December 15, 2002 11:38 AM
Carlo,I understand about your lawyering!! I was trained as a nurse (RN), so I was trained to observe, observe, observe. I have been deposed a few times too, so I understand about documentation, but being task oriented, documentation gets the short end of the stick.  Jakie, that was cute.  the Fajita, I love your screen name, even if it makes me hungry for Mexican food. So, we have the same name, cool!! morgana, yes, yes yes, I believe that, in fact, I have all of Laurence Gardner's books and read Bloodline of The Holy Grail. Here are some links to Gardner's lectures and mag articles. Bloodline of The Holy Grail Lecture Genesis Of The Grail Kings
The Realm of The Lord of The Rings
Mag articles: JR Tolkien was a linquist who studied the ancient peoples and wrote about them, incorporating truth with myth (story) and it is tied into the Grail (womb of M.Magdalene) 108, your answers are in the above links. Donna IP: Logged |
morgana unregistered
posted December 15, 2002 02:17 PM
Thanks, Donna, I didn't know the name of the man either, I just read a really fascinating book which was translated in our country as "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail", I don't remember who's the author, but maybe that's the same book we're talking about. And I saw a documentary narrated by this guy explaining the whole thing in a lot more simple and organized way as opposed to the overwhelming amount of data collected about the grail in the book. But I think there was nothing in the book about this theory about king David's/Jesus' bloodline. I must read it again, though, I don't remember anymore.Maybe Jesus was just a political figure because of that fact. There's a whole lotta maybes here, isn't there? Carlo, lawyer to astrologer - talk about evolution!!  
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Jaqueline unregistered
posted December 15, 2002 04:35 PM
Carlo Thank you! What you said was really a praise ! Hi Morgana! Of course I know ! I am an ardent fan of Morgan Le Fay since I read Mists of Avalon for the first time ... thousands of years ago. Donna ____________________________________________________________________ Jesus was a man... I don't have the smallest doubts of that. In that time a woman would never be taken seriously, mainly if she announced that she was the daughter of God. In the Christian vision, the center of the Bible is Jesus. Everything in the book appears for The Son of God . The Tanach prepares his arrival, the New Testament accomplishes . So,how could the Son of God be a daughter ? Naturally that what we know as the New Testament is a make-up of the reality, beginning for the time that it was written. How can it be possible to accept a history that were told at least 50 years after Jesus' death ? Jesus' life should not be summarized nor in the years, nor to the facts of the New Testament and I believe that we know practically nothing of this great man that changed history two thousand years ago. John 21;25 " Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written ". The word Gospel, originating from the Greek language (euangelion) means " good new ". The main good new brought by Jesus were his messages of Peace, respect and fraternity. Mark 16;15 " He said to them, " Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Jesus asked for his disciples to nail his message of good new, therefore, Peace, respect and fraternity to all creatures and not only to the human beings. Unhappily, the Roman Christian Church and her dissident daughters lost the essence[Essene] of his words along the years. 
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108 unregistered
posted December 15, 2002 09:13 PM
Thanks forthe wonderful links, Donna!!By the way, I learned from the news that a gentleman sent an urn to an organization for inspection or something. He did not know that there were inscriptions on the inside on the urn. Later, it was found out that the inscriptions were actually hebrew, and one of the lines talked about Jesus. It said that Jesus was the son of Joseph, brother of James. Archeologists, however, cannot confirm whether this Jesus was "the" Jesus. 108 IP: Logged |
amigifted unregistered
posted December 15, 2002 11:28 PM
Hmm I am inclined more towards Jesus being Virgo. Our solar system is situated in the milky way galaxy, which is situated in the constellation of Virgo. I would expect the King of earth to be born under this sign, that is Virgo. Won't you?IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted December 16, 2002 02:11 AM
Greetings...Somewhere in my files I have another chart for Jesus.. this one in the HELIOCENTRIC system of all things.. but it contains a grand sextile, such as I have never seen.  For those of you who don't know, a Grand Sextile will create a Star of David Pattern. Which is one reason I found that chart sort of intriguing. Heliocentric.. Sun in the center. Wasn't Jesus called by some the Son of the Sun? Interesting.  If I dig it up, I'll pass it along. Blessings... A  P.S. Carlo; I don't buy that Jesus was a myth, nor do I buy that He was a woman. You may believe as you like, and we can agree to disagree.  P.P.S. Has anyone ever read THE NINE FACES OF CHRIST by Eugene Whitworth? He's not QUITE on the money.. but VERY close. At least that's what my Inner Ear tells me.  Pax et Bonum... A IP: Logged |
theFajita unregistered
posted December 16, 2002 02:16 AM
Azelsion that is AWESOME! I would love to see Jesus's chart  ------------------ Food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
morgana unregistered
posted December 16, 2002 10:51 AM
Jackie, !IP: Logged |
Donna unregistered
posted December 16, 2002 01:14 PM
This link will show the heliocentric chart of Jesus based on the research of John C. Webb. He bases his research on The Great Pyramid, Pi and historical records. He feels the "Star of Bethlehem" is actually the planetary positions forming The Seal of Solomon, or Star of David and is actually a double grand trine in water and earth signs, surrounded by a grand sextile in earth/water signs. this link will show the actual chart-- Donna
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theFajita unregistered
posted December 16, 2002 10:55 PM
Jakie- your things about Jesus was tooooo funny! ------------------ Food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted December 17, 2002 03:58 AM
Donna: You are a Goddess! What do you have in Virgo?? Perhaps something in Aquarius?  That was the heliocentric chart I mentioned.. thanks, now I can update my computer files.. hate when Merc's Rx and the puter crashes!! =( Blessings... A 
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Donna unregistered
posted December 17, 2002 07:16 AM
Aselzion  My Mars is in Virgo in the 10th. Oh, so is my Chiron.  I found that link about 2 years ago and saved it but never really took the time to read it, thinking I would get back to it. Now that you gently guided me back to it, what an amazing chart! In the book, Astrology's Pew in the Church , Moby Dick gives a chart (geocentric) for King David showing the double grand trine at his birth but it is nothing as spectacular as the (Webb's) chart of Jesus. He says he calculated it historically, Bibically and astrologically and came up with a birthdate of King David to be October 28, 1062 BCE at 00:01 hrs. He further explains that the Mogen David simply means horoscope of David and David wore it on the shield he carried into battle to show how unusually fortunate his horoscope was as a warning to anyone who challanged him. Astrology was very important to the ancient Jews and Mazeltov translates literally into lucky constellations to you. Interesting how this chart of King David ties into the later one of Jesus, who, being from the House of David, makes sense, at least to me, for the reincarnational ties. Donna IP: Logged |
Jaqueline unregistered
posted December 17, 2002 08:37 AM
Donna...Aselzion is right !  Thanks for the links !  Morgana and Fajita  love Jakie IP: Logged |
morgana unregistered
posted December 17, 2002 04:08 PM
Aselzion, you don't really believe in answering questions, do you?  IP: Logged |
amigifted unregistered
posted December 17, 2002 10:53 PM
Well how abt Jesus is Pisces because: 1. He is vegeteranian 2. He is compassionate 3. He does get fit of anger sometime(as told in Bibl when he visited Jerusalem temple for the first time) Am I an oxymoron 
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Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted December 18, 2002 03:52 AM
Morgana...WOOPS. I totally missed that on the other page, so sorry!! One is the Sun yes and 2 the Moon. In terms of 5.. well I was thinking that the gathering of stones would require a certain amount of travel, thus the Mercurial vibration. Casting away stones.. reminded me of Virgo's ability to analyze, break down and discard that which is no longer useful.  8 is Saturn, why would that not be a time to love? Love is the tie that BINDS us together and CRYSTALLIZES our unions, making them cohesive. Isn't that in the nature of Saturn? Saturn = crystallization, bonds.. it can be delays and frustrations and he also requires hard work, but what good relationship does not?  Apologies for not responding earlier, I have a bad habit of checking the last page... do the others make sense? In the Light... A  IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted December 18, 2002 03:53 AM
woops this was a silly 2nd posting, sorry!A IP: Logged |
morgana unregistered
posted December 18, 2002 04:29 PM
Hi, Aselzion! Thanks!!  And... sorry. I have a quick temper, you know. Well, if you put it this way, maybe (about Saturn, I mean). To me Saturn has always been a symbol for rigidity, strictness, something that limits (oh, yes, BOUNDS!) as opposed to Jupiter which expands. So I guess by this logic 3 is Jupiter, 4 is Uranus, 7 is Neptune, right, just like in the numerology of Linda and the Chaldeans? Number 1 is crystal clear - the Sun represents our purpose here, our mission. Number 2 also: the Moon is the symbol of birth, cycles and change. But number 3 sounds to me like Pluto: the time to kill, the time to heal, a time to break up and a time to build up - this verse obviously talks about regeneration, or am I not looking deep enough to see Jupiter here? And number 4 also isn't clear to me, if it is supposed to be Uranus. I see it now, the number 5, after you explained it. About number 7, which is Neptune, if I'm not mistaken, I only understand the second part: the time to keep silent and a time to speak. For easier reference I copied the verses here for the others to ponder this, if they want to: 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: 2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; 3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; 6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; 7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; 8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. Does anyone else have any ideas? And how do the VERSE numbers relate numerologically to the sentences they contain, as you put it? I'm not sure I quite understand the question.  , morgana
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Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted December 18, 2002 05:22 PM
Morgana..I think you did very well. It's only a matter of expanding the meanings of the planets/numbers a wee bit. I also didn't say that the correspondences were exact on a word for word basis, but more conceptually. 3 is Jupiter: the concept of Jupiter is that which EXPANDS as you say. By extension, Jupiter rules Sagittarius, sign of the Centaur.. Chiron, the Healer? But yes I see what you mean about the Pluto context!  4: this one requires a bit more stretching, but again I think conceptually we can "go there". In OLD times, before Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were discovered (or re-covered) 4 was also considered an alternative number of the Sun. It was considered the negative or night time number of the Sun. It has also long been associated by numerologists as the number of Earth. (Which astrologically is always OPPOSITE the Sun in a chart.) So in that context the Earth is the place where we: weep and laugh and mourn and dance. To further stretch the mind... Uranus is about rhythms and pulsations or spasms. Where Neptune may be a flowing graceful ballet.. Uranus is more of a rhythmic jazz or tap dance! <ok, maybe that's a stretch... but again this is an example of thinking Qabalistically> In terms of the 7: well again, Qabalistically, you were RIGHT ON about the time to keep silence, which is what immediately caught my eye. 7 is the number of reflection and turning inward to seek the source, Neptune. Again, in the OLD DAYS.. Number 7 was the alternate number for the Moon. So we have rending.. and sewing.. a bit domestic? The Moon! 
As I said it was all of a sudden when I looked at the verse numbers that the numerology thing kinda of clicked in my head. so if you see the numbers 3 refers to the 3rd chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes and the verse numbers are just a way of counting the sentences within the chapters. I just noticed it and wondered if anyone else could make the connections. Make any sense? It's really as I say not hard and fast but more conceptual... qabalistic even. Bright Blessings... A  IP: Logged |
Carlo unregistered
posted December 19, 2002 04:19 PM
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morgana unregistered
posted December 20, 2002 03:54 PM
Allright!! Thanks for replying! This makes things a lot clearer, Aselzion! Certainly number 4 is very clear, this would explain it very accurately. And life (beginning with birth) is one big spasm anyway, right? I thought of something else about the number 7, the old number of the Moon: rending and sewing reminds me of the waning and the waxing of the Moon.... So maybe if you look at the old numbers of the planets and combine their meanings with the new ones you can have the whole meaning perhaps? I mean, doesn't our knowledge about the planets keep developing in the sense that we have to expand the meanings of the planets and the houses - by that I don't mean their general meaning, just the specifications - in concordance of the development of the human kind? I hope I'm making any sense.  But I do have to ponder some more about the numbers, maybe I'll come up with something new (for myself, I mean, because I see now that my view and perception of the planets' energy is pretty much one-sided and based on intuition rather than real knowledge). As for the verse 3 of the Ecclesiastes, I don't know it, I've never read anything of the old scriptures, so... But I'll save this in my memory so that when I do, I'll try to find the numerological aspect that you're talking about.  shine on!  IP: Logged |
morgana unregistered
posted December 20, 2002 04:37 PM
OK, I looked up the definitions of the planets: Jupiter, nr. 3: mind over matter, development, expansion through mastering the material world with spirituality and with the help of experience and inspiration from the material world. So, duality of spirit and matter (Centaur - man and beast), so, this is maybe "a time to break down and a time to build up", which is basically the same as "a time to kill and a time to heal", only expressed with other words. Number 7, Neptune: the pervadedness of all things earthly with the spiritual, the direct communication between spirit and matter. Infinity. Neptune is everywhere and nowhere. Evaporating. But in this definition I still don't see this: "a time to rend, and a time to sew". Hmmm... And in the "modern" definition of Uranus, which is communication of the individuum and the matter with the universe, I definitely don't see this: "A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance." Maybe it's because I'm number 4... I only see the connection in relation to the spasmic, shock-nature of Uranus. In general, I think all the verses contain both the "positive" and the "negative" of the planets' energy, the yin and the yang, the cause and the result, the beginning and the end, thus conveying the same basic message: that everything is subjected to the eternal everchanging cycle of life. Wow, I'm beginning to sound way too serious now... I hate it when I start to sound like this, so I'll stop now. So, that's it from me. Have a nice weekend!  IP: Logged |
morgana unregistered
posted December 24, 2002 11:03 AM
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