  Jesus is Virgo and not Saiggitarius (Page 4)

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Author Topic:   Jesus is Virgo and not Saiggitarius

Posts: 101
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: May 2009

posted December 24, 2002 12:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Right on Morgana!

You have managed to open your astrological and numerological horizons, and isn't that what Linda was trying to help all of us do?

You have seen the old and new, the static and the evolving.. all things in constant flux! The cycles of Life, and isn't this the whole point of anything metaphysical, be it astrology, tarot, numerology or Qabalah?

Good work!

And Happy Holy Days...

Pax vobisum...


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posted December 24, 2002 01:25 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I see my little smiling star worked...


Happy holidays to you too!

, morgana

An to you too!

P.S. Are you a Cancer by any chance?

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Posts: 101
From: North Andover, MA
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posted December 24, 2002 02:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello again...

Sorry it took so long. I seem to have lost this thread.. I've been busy under the English Qabalah thread in Universal Codes, you should probably check that one out too.

What makes you think I am a Cancerian?

Just curious.

Happy Christmas...


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posted December 24, 2002 03:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your extraordinary kindness and responsiveness (I mean that in a good way, mind you).

And just something about your manner, I guess...

You must have something major in Cancer.

, morgana

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From: North Andover, MA
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posted December 24, 2002 03:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Ok. you found me out.. I do have 2 planets and a node in Cancer. But... not major stuff! Just enough for a hint o'Cancer.

Peace and Joy...


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posted December 24, 2002 04:20 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I guess you won't tell which two planets, right?

OK, so you want me to keep guessing and stay mysterious... Hmmm, mysterious... Scorpio, perhaps?

But this is what my first thought was: Leo.

Let me try another way: what do you think is your most obvious characteristic? (You see I'm trying to be cunning here )

OK, now I really must go - it's late night here and I'll be going home soon. But I'll be back soon to check if I'm right!

, morgana

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posted December 24, 2002 04:39 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 101
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: May 2009

posted December 24, 2002 07:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings Morgana and Carlo...

Carlo, No... Pluto in Pisces!

Morgana... Well, I'm not all that mysterious, just not a big fan of bandying about my chart. I have found over the decades that people seem to have certain prejudices, and I always rather try to avoid that where possible.

I will go so far as to say that your first impression is a VALID one. Leo being the sign of the astrologer and all!

Which brings up another topic... do we know what planet REALLY rules astrology?

That may or may not be as easy a question as it seems at first glance. And it requires thinking like an Astrologer to answer it.

Peace and Joy...


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posted December 25, 2002 04:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, I'm back.

I understand what you said about prejudice, Aselzion, I hate that too, that's why I'm reluctant to reveal my Sun sign as well. But that doesn't stop me from asking others, though... I didn't mean to pry, I just don't know how to stop when I dig into something (I know that's not the right expression in English, but I hope you know what I mean). Don't tell me you're a Pisces! OK, I'll stop now.

We're all such a messy blend of planets and their energies that I know it's pointless to make conclusions about a person's personality based on their Sun sign or even their Asc. and Moon sign.

Sooo... Leo, the sign of the astrologer, you say? Interesting, I've never heard of that. Is that in relation to Leo's ability to synthesize the facts? I know that's one of the main requirements for a good astrologer.

I was taught that Uranus was the planet of astrology. Is that correct? I know it rules astrology as part of the New Age.

What do you say, Carlo?

, morgana

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posted December 25, 2002 05:25 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Morgana

I understood that Aselzion is a Leo.

I don't know exactly why Leo would be the astrologers' sign, but astrologers are vain, not in the badly sense of the word vanity, but in the sense that they like to show their knowledge...

Yet ,maybe Aselzion is referring to the Sun. Since it is the planet ( luminary )of the ego, our identity, what makes us unique...

Ok...Uranus is the planet of astrology. So, Uranus in conjunction with Pluto in the 8th house in Virgo... what does it mean ?

And you Morgana, which is your sun sign ?


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Posts: 101
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: May 2009

posted December 25, 2002 05:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings Morgana...

Well, I was taught Astrology by a Greek man that has forgotten more astrology than most of the modern astrologers ever learn. He had a unique way of bringing the concepts to life through examples, and humor.. much like Linda. In fact, he had met Linda before I did, at an Astrological convention in the 70's I believe.

One of his main goal was to make his students THINK LIKE ASTROLOGERS. He would often do that by using the day's headlines in the newspapers, or by simply asking questions over a conversation at dinner. "What planet rules salt?" he would say. Then when you got that one, he might say, "then what rules pepper?"

Like the ancients.. the astrology he taught was mainly of the Planets. They are the movers, shakers and significators. One could say they are like the actors in a play or movie. The signs are more like the costumes that the various characters wear. The houses would be the scenes or locations or stages upon which the actors perform in their costumes. Make any sense?

In terms of my chart.. you didn't pry.. you asked. Perhaps some day you will know. It has to do with the old "ask and ye shall receive" trick.

You said, "don't tell me you're a Pisces". OK, I won't tell you.!

In terms of the Planet that rules astrology being Uranus. When you THINK about it... does that allocation make any sense? Why or why not? I don't believe that evreything in the books is true.. I mean, we learn from the books, and then we test it through experience. But who says that the people that wrote the books really KNOW, and are not just regurgitating what THEY had been taught, without really THINKING or TESTING?

I'm going to let you puzzle it out for a while longer before I tell you. The answer is kind of simple, when you really look at it, but as Linda was so fond of saying, the Truth is often hidden in the simplistic.

Just a thought. And of course, as always.. I might be wrong!

Blessings and Light...

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posted December 27, 2002 04:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok, I just wrote a really long and elaborate reply and it was lost due to "internal error"! So frustrating!!!!!!!!!

When I calm down maybe I'll type up something similar again. But for now, I just want to say:

hi, Jackie,

hi, Aselzion!

, morgana

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posted December 27, 2002 09:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Morgana- On a lighter note :
Why does Jesus never looses his work while devil does?

Answer: Because Jesus saves

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posted December 27, 2002 11:51 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 32863
From: Saturn next to Charmainec
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 28, 2002 12:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You have to split up long Posts (with some ISPs). Other ISPs can handle long Posts.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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Posts: 101
From: North Andover, MA
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posted December 28, 2002 12:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I get that Leo is the sign of the astrologer from a lot of research into the charts of astrologers.

It also is a revelation that came to me by meditating on the nature of the planet that truly "RULES" astrology.

It has to do also with some spiraling that started by thinking about one of the most major aspects in our science: The Inconjunct.

It is the only aspect that will tie together the entire zodiac without doubling back on itself. For example... the sextile will go : AR, GE, LE, LI, SA, AQ, AR and so forth (or thru Earth and Water signs, but same pattern over and over) the square will connect all of the same modalities: Cardinals, Fixeds and Mutables. Trines will only Connect same elements in a repeating pattern. Oppositions will only connect Fire/Air or Earth/Water in a see-saw type pattern. Semi sextiles Will connect ALL the signs, but the semisextile was ALSO called an Inconjunct by ancient astrologers.

Ok , have to split this post here or I get the infernal "Internal Posting Error"


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Posts: 101
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: May 2009

posted December 28, 2002 12:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings again, and now for "book 2"

But watch this... let's say we start with Aries and move 150 degrees away we get to Virgo, now follow the bouncing ball!

Aries - Virgo - Aquarius - Cancer - Sagittarius - Taurus - Libra - Pisces - Leo - Capricorn - Gemini - Scorpio and then back to Aries, creating a spinning 12 pointed star.

Maybe I have too much time on my hands.. but I think connecting the entire zodiac before doubling back on itself is a pretty MAJOR thing for one aspect to do.

So... at any rate.. see what happens if you meditate on that pattern for a while. See what thoughts come to you, and then tell me what you think.

(one little hint... instead of starting this little trip around the zodiac with Aries... see what comes to you if you begin with Leo. Look at the planetary rulers.. both ancient and modern, and see what you discover.)

Happy Spiraling...


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posted December 28, 2002 06:19 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OK, here I am again, but now I see that my reply is a bit late because the thread's already gone in another direction...

I just want to say in relation to Uranus that it is the planet that rules New Age, which resurrected astrology and esoteric sciences, so it kinda rules the whole package that came with the New Age. Make any sense, as you say, Aselzion?

About the planet that rules astrology - I couldn't single one out because they all play their part. But it's true that the Sun represents us, life, creation, so in that relation it could be regarded as the planet that rules astrology - because astrology is really us/life, right?

A., I was taught in that way too, that planets are the actors and the houses are the scenes, and I think it's the easiest way to imagine the way astrology works.

Jackie, do you know A. is a Leo or you just got a feeling that he is?

Yeah, Aselzion, it just dawned on me: Pluto in Pisces???

And did you mean that these astologers whose charts you analysed had Sun in Leo or something else?

Hi, amigifted!

, morgana

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Posts: 101
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: May 2009

posted December 28, 2002 07:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello again...

Morgana: Pluto in Pisces. Are we not all Immortal?

In terms of Uranus being the planet of astrology.. or any other planet for that matter.. well I suppose one could pitch a case for any or all of them depending upon viewpoint.

I believe it to be, as you say, the SUN for several reasons. First, and probably foremost, if you took the Sun away, there would be no solar system, and therefore no Life. No Life = No Astrology, as astrology is a science of Life.

I was taught that the Sun was the bringer of Life, and it's rays are constantly emanating throughout the Solar System, and being reflected back by the planets. In coming back, the Sun's energy is altered, or changed by the nature and vibrations of the planets; and that it is in this way that the other planets have their influence on each other and on the earth. Kind of like a constant bombardment with Cosmic rays.. or magnetic influences. Make sense?

In addition, when we do not know a person's birth time, we use a Solar chart to make our astrological judgments. SOLAR.. SOUL-AR? Just another Qabalistic thought.

Okay.. see next installment!

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Posts: 101
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: May 2009

posted December 28, 2002 08:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I must be a windbag of colossal proportions to so frequently generate the darned Internal System Error or whatever it is!

Ok, again, book 2:

In terms of Leo as SIGN of the Astrologer: many of the charts I studied had VARIOUS points in Leo, not only Sun, Moon or Ascendant. Perhaps it is only that my files are overilled with Leo influenced astrologers. This is how we create a theory. We collect data, make observations and then create theories. As I always say, I may be wrong.

There are also degrees associated with Astrology: 27 Leo is one, 15 Virgo another. I'm sure there are more, but just waking up, so hard to recall.

Hmm.. Leo and Virgo.. there is our Sphinx again!


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posted December 28, 2002 11:48 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 28, 2002 12:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted December 28, 2002 01:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, first of all, Pluto was last in Pisces between 1798 and 1823 and will re-enter in 2043. No-one in our time has Pluto in Pisces, yet some have Pluto in a Piscean decan of Cancer or Scorpio, which will evoke the same response. But, then again, being 24 in 1988-89 would make the birth year 1964, when Pluto was in Virgo.

Carlo, you sure can be direct and blunt, something I tend to be in person. Ask anyone that knows me, they will tell you that they all know what I am thinking because I tell them, LOL. Do you remember the Hilda Nussbaum (I think that is the name) case where her little girl was beat to death by her attorney boyfriend? Well, the little girl had no Leo planets and therefore she kept everything to herself, not ever speaking of the torture she was subjected to. I recall reading about her natal chart in Dell's Horoscope mag years ago. Had she had Leo planets, she would have been open and candid about her bruises and talked about it, so the article went. It was then that I realized why I hate secrecy so much, having all those Leo planets, I like the truth and abhor anything that smacks of keeping secrets.

I rather got that Aselzion was using a little tongue in cheek humor about the Pisces in Pluto bit.


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posted December 28, 2002 01:53 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 32863
From: Saturn next to Charmainec
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 28, 2002 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Geez, Carlo, relax! He was joking. You called him an old man (Pluto in Cancer), and he responded with a witty, "No, Pluto in Pisces." It was just an "inside" joke for the astrologers here.

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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