Topic: Jesus is Virgo and not Saiggitarius
Carlo unregistered
posted December 30, 2002 01:59 AM
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Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted December 30, 2002 04:55 AM
Jakie... I do believe that the Sun is ruler of Astrology. I think you are correct! The Uranus reference is what most modern astrologers are teaching in the books, that's all. Sorry if I missed your post in all the bru-ha-ha ensuing from Carlo's incendiary commentary.Carlo: re-read that paragraph about trashing the book, it did indeed sound like a threat. Be that as it may. No, my brand of Esoteric astrology has nothing to do with the reallocation of signs or the RAYS as Alice Bailey (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) used them. I may re-allocate a few rulers, but it is simply based on a scientific, Astrological pattern that I hinted at when I discussed the 150 Inconjunct aspect. Anyone could recreate the theory simply by analyzing that aspect in the pattern that I mentioned. But be that as it may.. ANY system works when one is a good enough interpreter. Oh and by the way, 128/95 would be a quicker ride from Boston.. or even better Rte. 1 North... very direct. Pax... A  IP: Logged |
morgana unregistered
posted December 30, 2002 07:52 AM
OK. I see a lot has happened since I last visited. The inevitable Carlattack came and extended this thread. I see I was right about your Mercury in Leo, though, Carlo. I swear I didn't read that anywhere, it was just my personal observation. Now, to reply to your raging post: Maybe it was arrogant of me to imply you don't believe in immortality. I admit it, this was a pure provocation. I said that in relation to your attacking A. that he can't possibly have Pluto in Pisces. And this was not meant as an insult. But the tone of your reply to me was. And if you're trying to explain your way of communicating with your Moon-Mars opposition, I have to tell you that I have Moon square Mars. I didn't put any words in your mouth, I just said I got this impression. "I take it that" means exactly that. I didn't say you don't belong in Lindaland. Why do you take everything the wrong way? I guess it's just that you welcome every opportunity to turn it into a fight thinking the whole world is against you. And you enjoy exercising your eloquence and wit which are indeed admirable, so I can understand that. No, you don't have to believe in immortality to be here, and I never said that. I just meant to say that pure ratio suddenly took over this thread which is exactly what Linda speaks against. So you misunderstood me again. "Because you're new here" - that's a cheap shot, Carlo, and you know it, so I won't even bother to reply to that. I never expected you to "slink away with your tail between my legs", and that was not my intention either. Again a misunderstanding. And don't expect that from me, either. But I did get just what I expected from you, Carlo, dear.  , morgana To paraphrase "Your truth is not my truth and my truth is not yours": Thank god/dess that we each have our own truth. Jackie, that was brilliant what you wrote! Exactly my thoughts! And thanks for reminding what this thread is really all about!  Aselzion, about the inconjunction: I was told that it is the only aspect that "cannot be helped", I mean, you just have to wait it out or bear it and there's nothing much you can do. Is that true?
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Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted December 30, 2002 09:24 AM
Morgana...Thank you for leaping to my defense, I appreciate the support... About the Inconjunct, there is NOTHING that cannot be helped. We are co-creators with God with the ability to manifest miracles and create our realities.. how can we be plugged up or put down by a mere astrological aspect? Unless we CHOOSE to be! Like Linda, I believe that astrology is kind of like a karmic playpen. It serves its purpose very well for the unitiated or apathetic who don't take the steps needed to overcome their obstacles; but past a certain point, when you outgrow the playpen, you can tip it over, or climb over the sides... see the analogy? Does the Inconjunct imply a certaim amount of "fatedness"? Perhaps. Or perhaps it only seems to. The keywords for the inconjunct are Irritation, Adjustment, divine discontent. It shows where we are never quite happy with the way something is going, and provides the opportunity to readjust or try to put it right. In a relationship, the Inconjunct can show a Soul attraction, A Sexual attraction or something in between that always manages to irritate and frustrate until you BOTH learn to set it right. The Inconjunct is often found in the charts of disasters and calamities. And is often frequently found when there is something amiss with the physical/emotional or spiritual HEALTH of the individual. But does that mean there is nothing you can do? I think not. Hope this helps somewhat. In the Light.. A 
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Carlo unregistered
posted December 30, 2002 11:58 AM
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Carlo unregistered
posted December 31, 2002 03:32 AM
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Carlo unregistered
posted January 01, 2003 02:51 PM
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House Brownie unregistered
posted January 01, 2003 07:11 PM
Interesting only opinion is that I still think he's a Leo  IP: Logged |
Jaqueline unregistered
posted January 02, 2003 10:08 AM
He...who ?IP: Logged |
Carlo unregistered
posted January 03, 2003 10:51 AM
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morgana unregistered
posted January 04, 2003 06:54 AM
Carlo, you're one fiery Virgo! Are you sure you're a Virgo?  And that was a JOKE. Aselzion, thanks for answering. Yes, I agree that everything can be helped. I wanted your opinion about that though, because this was something I picked up in an astrology class. Maybe the teacher didn't emphasise enough our free will. Then I took her teachings for granted, and now when I'm thinking about it, I add my own observations from my own experience and I must say I understand much more. Hope everyone had a nice holiday!  IP: Logged |
Carlo unregistered
posted January 04, 2003 01:15 PM
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lioneye68 unregistered
posted November 09, 2004 12:23 PM
Interesting Read...for those who are interested. We had this discussion a few times, but this was the first thread I was able to find. I'm sure there are about 3 others in the archives on the same subject. I believe Linda Goodman places Jesus to be a Leo, born on or about August 8th, and several religious theologians support this theory based on the circumstances surrounding the story of his birth night. I believe it was thought that he was a Leo sun and rising, with a stellium of personal and outer planets in Pisces. (if memory serves) *beams with Leo pride* IP: Logged |
puppyblew unregistered
posted November 10, 2004 03:19 AM
so, what planet does rule salt? and pepper for that matter?  i'm saying earth for salt. (taurus or virgo) and mars for pepper. (aries or scorpio) anybody else? neat to think about. maybe we should start a thread like this? ok, what sign/planet rules glass and sand? IP: Logged |
libra78 Newflake Posts: 0 From: Bangalore Registered: Aug 2011
posted November 10, 2004 03:21 AM
Being a Prophet of God, and being 'perfect', I personally think it doesnt matter what sign he was, and he may not even be affected by astrology, as per God's will.IP: Logged |
puppyblew unregistered
posted November 10, 2004 03:21 AM
oh, and just for the heads up to people like me who are reading this *very* long thread (and have no idea what carlo has said ) the original question/thought pertaining to what planet rules salt and pepper was on page 4 posted by Aslelzion. IP: Logged |
Archer Newflake Posts: 0 From: Cincinnati, OH, US Registered: May 2013
posted November 11, 2004 07:38 AM
: Both were "without sin." thats not true. jesus might be without sin but according to hinduisim and jainism krishna was so human that even he had done sin and had to repent for it. IP: Logged |
libra78 Newflake Posts: 0 From: Bangalore Registered: Aug 2011
posted November 11, 2004 01:17 PM
Archer: I hear your point, but I disagree. I don't think he ever committed a sin in the first place.IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted November 15, 2004 10:43 PM
Greetings... Puppyblew... YES on the Pepper being Mars!
Try again with the Salt. Think about what Salt is, and then have a go.  Glass... Sand? I'll have to spiral on those for a bit. Keep up the good astrological thinking! In the Light... A 
------------------ "The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted November 16, 2004 01:34 AM
puppyblew -That's a great idea for a thread, did you start it yet? I'd say glass is ruled by Aquarius. IP: Logged |
Motherkonfessor unregistered
posted November 16, 2004 01:44 AM
I am curious AJ... what thought process brought you to that conclusion? I am trying to see where you get that would glass be ruled by Aquarius?Thanks... MK IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted November 16, 2004 01:52 AM
Azelzion,Salt - Moon? Moon/Cancer/water - sea salt? That was my first thought. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted November 16, 2004 12:40 PM
Connecting the dots -I have this thing about not liking glass around me too much, connection to disruption in my home life growing up. Singleton Fire Uranus in Leo in the 4th. My Moon opp my Saturn together with my MC in Aquarius. Also other observations about Aquarius', how they are NOT immune from making mistakes, how they break hearts regularly whether they know it or not. And their sensitive nervous system can even tweak your perception of time, causing a chaos they feel very comfortable walking away from. OK - and here's another reason, but must be sure you understand what I'm saying, I really DO like Yoko Ono. Her voice is unique, yet, as popular as the neighbors singing in their showers. I saw Julian Lennon in concert even. So - The thing is, I love her lyrics, her conceptualization. And so, when she did the "Season of Glass" album ... I just like the way she writes, you know? If one day a more refined singer, in a style Yoko would be proud of, took all this and did some radical retakes, I could see people finally liking something I've always liked. IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted November 16, 2004 10:22 PM
Greetings...26Taurus... Would it help at all if I said to look beyond the water connection and focus more on the formation of salt? What is salt? I think that helps to give away its correct planetary ruler. Glass... my thoughts? Moon or Neptune. Moon in that it can be a reflective surface, as in a mirror. Neptune as in something that one may see through. And not always clearly... sometimes looking through glass will distort the viewed object... like an optical illusion, once again pointing to Neptune. If it were A GLASS as in a cup or container, than I'd say the SIGN Cancer. But that has to do more with function than an intrinsic quality. Sand... I'm going to hold off on that one at present as I feel that SAND and SALT are both ruled by the same planet. Any thoughts? I believe that things are ruled by PLANETS and NOT Signs, but that is my own opinion, and reflects only my understanding and research. (as well as my experience with Horary Astrology) PARTS OF THE BODY, however, are governed by the SIGNS though, rather than the planets. Again, that is my own opinion based on research and experience in Medical Astrology. Hope that helps a bit. Blessings... A  ------------------ "The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 101 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted November 19, 2004 11:26 PM
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