  Three aspects of Man

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Author Topic:   Three aspects of Man
posted December 19, 2002 11:05 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I would be interested in hearing your feedback on my thoughts.

Three aspects of man; Sun, Ascendant, Moon

The three most important points having to do with the development of personality in the birthchart are the Moon, Ascendant, and Sun. There has been a great deal written on Sun sign meanings, less on Ascendant, and even less on the Moon’s meaning. To my knowledge there has not been anything written on the three as a process of personality development.

The Moon by sign and house indicates the child’s emotional personality. How they normally react to their environment in a purely emotional way.

The Ascendant illustrates the methods most easily used by the child in dealing with their environment and emotions in order conform to parental or social norms or in order to survive a dangerous environment. This is often referred to as the mask that the child displays to the world in general. If you ask someone who is observing the child’s behavior, they would usually describe this as the child’s personality.

The Sun by sign and House indicates the child’s true nature, will power, or personality.

From the time a child is born his or her personality is determined by their Moon sign until their culturalization process starts. When you watch any small child, you will usually see them acting in a pure emotional manner, without regard to their environment or other factors. You hear comments about how wonderful it is that a child can so innocent, and pure. What is meant by innocent and pure is that the child has not been culturalized enough to know that they can’t react from a purely emotional personality perspective.

That in essence is what the culturalization process is all about. There are two parts to culturalization; conscious and unconscious. The conscious part allows us learn what is expected of us as a member of our family, ethnic group, religion, etc… The unconscious culturalization teaches the child how they have to behave in order to be accepted, loved or in worse case, survive in their environment. The child reacts by developing a mask to present to the world that gets them what they want. That mask will reflect their Ascendant, because that is their most natural method of adapting to the world. So the Capricorn ascendant child takes on an aloof mask that keeps others from seeing their Moon personality. Every child maintains one or more masks to get what they want from others. In some cases however, the mask becomes a defensive mechanism for survival, not just a way of achieving one’s needs. This is often seen in children who have been mentally or physically abused.

In most children, the mask allows them to successfully function in their environment. They may take on a mask to be able to receive affection and acceptance from members of the family, such as the “Daddy’s little Princess” mask, or “Daddy’s Jock Son”, or “Mommy and Daddy’s perfect child”. Usually as the child matures, he or she learns to accept who they are as a person, represented by their Sun Sign and house location, and feels safe to express that to the rest of the world. An example of that is the male child who wares the masculine Jock mask in High School, to please their parents, and then comes out of the closet as an adult, in effect telling the world “this is who I am”, take it or leave it. Another example is the child that is taught that financial or social status is what life is about, who joins all the right organizations and belongs to all of the right clubs, suddenly emerging as someone who works for the welfare of the downtrodden in the world, and is no longer interested in his or her social status, or how others will see them.

You all can relate various stories from your own life or from friends’ lives that illustrate this process. A friend of mine makes the analogy of the Walnut, with the outer shell being the emotional personality shell, the Ascendant personality being the hard inner shell, and the Sun personality being the sweet meat inside. We just like the walnut at birth are the combination of all three personalities. As we mature intellectually and spiritually, we learn to discard unneeded masks and sign forth in our true beauty.

Just some of my thoughts.


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Posts: 44
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: May 2009

posted December 19, 2002 12:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I would suggest that you include the Fourth Dimension in that analysis and add the MidHeaven to the mix.

I belive that the MC is the least understood aspect of the nativity and probably one of the most meaningful. At least from an Esoteric point of view.

The 10th/4th axis represents the influx of Divine Soul or Spirit into Physical form. The Above to the Below. The 1st/7th axis is more of the physicalization of that Spirit. It's actual projection into the 3rd dimensional world.

Just a thought...

Bright Blessings..


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posted December 19, 2002 01:55 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting, how do you see that playing out in the process?


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Enigmatic Soul
posted December 19, 2002 07:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmm...well, I would love to know more about planets on the MC...I have 5 planets conjuncting my MC....Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury...any insight would be great....

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posted December 19, 2002 09:29 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
cool topic! I can't contribute but I am all ears!

Food is the only art that nourishes!

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Posts: 44
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: May 2009

posted December 20, 2002 01:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lanny: I'm not sure what you mean about "in the process". But I view Astrology as either very mundane black and white cold hard facts, like Horary astrology or Medical Astrology.. or I view it in an esoteric/spiritual sense. I tend to avoid the PSYCHOLOGICAL aspect of astrology, as it tends to encompass too many shades of gray for my tastes. But that's just my take on the subject.

What I mean in practice is that the MidHeaven represents the heights to which we can soar in a given incarnation. It gives a clue to the inner nature, of feelings and emotions; it suggests the outlook or aspirations as well as ambitions and desires that stem from the Soul's purpose for incarnating into the physical realm. A sense of mission, perhaps. In an outward level this would have a strong influence on the choice of profession.

Make any sense?

Pax et bonum...


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posted December 20, 2002 07:13 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What I ment by "In the process" was where in the persons development does he or she demostrate his or her MC in life.

For example, the Moon is displayed by the childs emotional personality, the mask projected to the word by the ascendant, and the true personality by the Sun. What part of the person's personality is determined by their MC?


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Posts: 44
From: North Andover, MA
Registered: May 2009

posted December 20, 2002 12:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings Illog...

Well, The MidHeaven shows what you are striving to be like. The Ascendant shows how others perceive you or the face that you put on for the world to see.

I'd have to say that the MidHeaven is active in our Adulthood, when we seek to make a mark on the world at large. When we reach for the ultimate goal be it material or spiritual. It's innate always, and seems in most cases to be MORE active in Transits, Progressions and Directions, in a correctly timed nativity than the Ascendant in determining timing of significant events. But this is only my observation.

Peace and Light...


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posted December 20, 2002 12:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, what Aselzion said. MC is the door to the 10th house...what is the 10th sign? What does the 10th sign rule? Right, career, workplace issues, getting ahead, all things Cappy. So it would be natural to say that one will not truly observe the nature of a Planet, stellium, or aspect to there, until one begins to work. So as early as a teen, more in the 20's, even more into the 30s...yet if it is a challenging planetary/aspect on the MC, one must learn to transcend it as if it wasn't there. Like I have Saturn Rx in Pieces, er, Pisces, in the 10th, so to the extent that I can be more Virgo-like, less connected with/to other people's feelings like bosses or employees, more "direct" (vs. retrograde), etc, the more I can strenghten my natal hand and transcend the aspect. Just some thoughts to help flesh this out

Bright Blessings,

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stella polaris
posted December 20, 2002 01:42 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Illog, I'm not quite sure if I agree here..or maybe I just don't get it right. I'm thinking about people I know. Both my son and my brother are Aquarius with Aries Moon. I believe their Aquarius side have been present from day one. All the pictures of my son from his first years shows him with this curious expression on his face and on his way to get the camera: "What is this thing, I absolutly got to see what's inside!" Both he and my brother took all their toys apart out of curiousity. And just made new ones with the spare parts. My son is eight now and is desperate to know if a fish can move inside frozen water and that kind of brother is a grown up man who's have patented loads of inventions..Typical Aquarian, both. As for the Moon, I think it's just show an everpresent from day one emotional drive.
The ascendant though, has come out much later..I can't see much of my son's ascendant yet, my brother's started to show when he was well over twenty..The same for my own ascendant.
As for my other son, I'd say the most prominent trait in his personality is his Virgo Mercur in the 9th house, his Leo Sun shines, of course, but his Moon and ascdendant are not showing much.

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posted March 16, 2004 11:44 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

1st of all-you are awesome, I've really enjoyed your posts and all that you contribute here. There are quite a few of you that totally amaze me.

Anyways, in reading a prev. post, wherein you talk about Sun, Moon & Asc. signs, you referenced have a double.......I am trying to learn astrology...WOW...will I ever get it? I recently read in two different places that if your moon is less than 8 degrees in the first house, you also need to reference the Cancer sun sign because Cancer rules the moon.
I am Virgo Sun 7th house 10.28'20 deg. Aqua. Moon 1st 6.46'16 deg. and
Aqua. Asc. 6.12'47

I guess I am asking your opinion, should I consider my Moon Cancer opposed to Aqua???
Having a hard time expressing myself, its like I am speaking a foreign language, I hope this makes sense to ya. thanks, noreen

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posted March 17, 2004 01:06 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 17, 2004 06:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
First of all, thank you for your kind words guys, like you I am a seeker, and like youe my understanding and thoughts change as I experience life. All of your comments are most welcome and provide me food for thought.

noreenz, in my opinion you shouldn't consider yourself a Cancer Moon.

stella polaris, the natal chart is such a complex structure of energies, that usually no one thing domenates. In my experience, my ascendant provided protection and cover for my Cancer Moon and introverted Virgo sun.


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