Topic: Pregnancy in natal chart
Mercy unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 07:14 AM
Hiya dear ones !I have been away a while (great reasons )and now I am obviously finding it difficult to keep pace with the board. Yep, life has changed drastically for me!  I have a question regarding pregnancy. How do you see indications of pregnancy in one's natal chart? I remember one thread talking about being vertile and the way you can see (calculate) this in your chart. I am just wondering about planets in houses and aspects and so on that point out the chances. Would be so nice to hear from you! Love ya guys!  IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted March 04, 2003 10:27 AM
Hi Mercy  How's your 5th house looking? What's your 5th house cusp ruler? Check the aspects to My 5th house cusp is Capricorn = Saturn. Not the best placement for a 5th house (in my own personal experience)..... I haven't been able to have any children. Interesting hey how Saturn can restrict! Sue  IP: Logged |
Mercy unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 11:47 AM
Hi Cat,Did you wish for any? Then it is a shame and I am sorry! I have the same 5th house ruler; Saturn. My moon is in there opposite Venus and some more. I guess what I meant is transits to the natal or progressed charts not the natal itself (ofcourse should be considered as well). Thanx honey for your sweet reply!  IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 11:49 AM
My 5th house is aquarius.. no planets are placed there. However, I do have an aquarian daughter. Coincidence? I don't know.IP: Logged |
N_wEvil unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 12:05 PM
my my, what have you been up to?  IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 01:12 PM
Check all Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter and Ceres aspects: In one's and partner's: natal, transit, and progressed Check those with synastry and composite. Also check with lunar fertility calendar. A lot of research yes. You can do it on your own or consult with a professional astrologer.  Aphrodite
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fishy unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 01:42 PM
Hi Mercy, I was told if you have mutable signs on the 5th house cusp their could be difficulties in childbirth, also your children could be a problem. This holds true for me. Mutable signs for the (new knowflakes) are Pisces-Gemini-Sagittarius Have a great day IP: Logged |
Shieldrocks unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 04:16 PM
1Scorp,I also have an Aquarius Daughter, intresting creatures aren't they? You look way too young to have kids though... My fifth house is Libra though. -SR IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 10:19 PM
Shield: I took a look at your pic and you know... I was thinking the same thing about you!! I'm 24. Yes, those aquarius girls are something! My daughter is such a chit chat.... talks about any and everything!... She also loves the outdoors and any and all animals! Also, can "take up" with anyone with an extreme amount of ease. How about your daughter? Mine's a cancer asc., aquar. sun and sag. moon... I've learned to just let her do her thing! Never feel alone when she's around that's for sure! She sometimes looks at me as though I'm out there!... We really have a sweet relationship... sort of like sisters really. IP: Logged |
Shieldrocks unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 10:37 PM
1Scorp,Mine has a Sag rising and a Scorpio moon, she's a rather STRONG WILLED if you know what I mean. Aggressive but friendly. She talks my ear off, but I'm a chit chat too so I don't mind. She just turned three last month. How old's your's? -SR IP: Logged |
Shieldrocks unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 10:44 PM
BTW - I'm 33IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 11:51 PM
Shield: Don't mention it... when I pay a compliment... you can take it and run with it! Don't hand them out without sincerity. She's 5. So maybe the reason on me "looking" so young?!.. lol And yes, know exactly what you mean by the "strong willed". That's why I lean toward the letting her do her own thing.... she's fixed and so am I !! What sign are you shield? Though I do tend to give in... she does that whole batting eye lash puppy dog eye.. combined with a pouting bottom lip show... works every time! Does she know that I realize that's just a show?? Anyway..... glad to hear your comments on the girls! IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted March 04, 2003 11:57 PM
33?.... Still young... Was figuring you for more my age!! IP: Logged |
Mercy unregistered
posted March 05, 2003 08:44 AM
Wow! Thanx guys! I'll check!Hah, N_wEvil! Don't let me start, it'll be too much to explain....Just checking.... . Now those aspects; Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter...mmmmm *scratch*, *scratch*.  I'll keep you posted. IP: Logged |
Shieldrocks unregistered
posted March 05, 2003 09:58 AM
Mercy,You'll have fun trying anyway..... IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted March 05, 2003 10:13 AM
Hi Mercy  Yes I would have liked to have had children - had fertility treatment for a couple of years a long time ago, which didn't work for me.Interestingly enough the only aspect Saturn makes in my natal chart is a very wide one (just under 10 degree) to Jupiter. So my Saturn is considered to be unaspected as too wide an orb. Sue  IP: Logged |
Shieldrocks unregistered
posted March 05, 2003 10:24 AM
1Scorp,Aries Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn & Part Of Fortune. Aquarius Moon, Gemini rising ..and a red head to boot! IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted March 06, 2003 05:32 PM
Wow Shields! I saw your pics and knew you were red headed but didn't realize you had all those placements!...  You are not one to mess with that's for sure!  I'm scorpio sun, venus, mercury, mars and uranus.... Libra moon and asc! IP: Logged |
financechick unregistered
posted March 06, 2003 10:10 PM
I have Venus in Cancer in the 5th as well as Saturn...because Saturn is there..does it mean that I won't have kids?I WANT kids so badly. IP: Logged |
moonshadow unregistered
posted March 07, 2003 02:24 AM
Hi everyoneI have been trying to fall pregnant for about 6 months now. I have, you guessed it!, Saturn in the 5th house. It is in gemini though square pluto and trine the MC. Any ideas?  IP: Logged |
moonshadow unregistered
posted March 07, 2003 02:42 AM
Sorry, more info... Mercury in Leo in the 6th. It is opp jupiter, trine neptune, sextile pluto and opp asc. Thanks! This is also why I have not been around much lately, between work and this my mind is a bit scattered!IP: Logged |
Mercy unregistered
posted March 07, 2003 04:05 AM
Hi Moonshadow,Something completely different but try focussing on being a channel for the new born. Concentrate on that and don't be bothered by only the physical part of it. It is a great priviledge to be able to be a channel through which new life can come! I have a feeling I am not great in explaining what I actually mean right now. I hope you do understand what I am trying to get accross though! Financechick , Venus in Cancer is a lovely placement! Mmmmmmm!  IP: Logged |
moonshadow unregistered
posted March 07, 2003 05:07 AM
Thanks Mercy. I understand what you're saying. I also know that the soul will incarnate when the time is right. I have been trying to connect to find out if there is a soul that is waiting. I have sent out my questions when receiving readings but no confirmation yet. IP: Logged |
Mercy unregistered
posted March 07, 2003 07:29 AM
That's beautiful Moonshadow!  IP: Logged |
Twin Lady unregistered
posted March 07, 2003 09:32 AM
Hi everyone  I told my "story" about my infertility and eventually giving birth in the Labors of Love section, the "Bringing my LOL out of the closet" thread if anyone would like to refer to it. My natal Saturn is in Scorpio, in the 8th house and exactly opposite my natal Venus in Taurus, in the 2nd. My Moon is also in Scorp in the 8th, though not conjunct Saturn. I believe this had something to do with my inability to conceive. I do however, have Cancer on my 5th house cusp, with Jupiter and Uranus located in this sign and house. As for the time I finally got pregnant Saturn was approaching my natal Neptune and Moon, and when I gave birth transiting Saturn was between my natal Neptune and Moon, conjuncting BOTH. I remember thinking at the time this represented my becoming a Mother as a dream come true (Neptune) after much delay and hard work (Saturn), plus its conjunction to my natal Moon representing the RESPONSIBILITIES Motherhood would bring. Just my 2 cents here, but for any of you wanting to have children I would say this: The desire is already there, so to put your mind at rest it is practical to make sure everything is okay physically. Once that is taken care of, you can focus on being a channel for a soul to enter without nagging doubts or worry to interfere with your receptiveness. It worked for me. I hope this makes sense. Take care.  IP: Logged |