Topic: Placidus VS Equal House systems
Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted March 06, 2003 10:10 PM
I know that Linda used the equal house system in her astrology, which makes me want to take a harder look at that even though I've been sort of indoctrinated with the Placidus..Being born in Alaska, the differences between the two are large when when applied to my natal chart. One thing I've been grappling with is that in the Equal house system, my MC is in my 8th house!  I'm wondering if anyone would have some insight into how I would interpret that? Was anyone else born in extremely northerly or southerly latitudes that may have some more insight into this issue? IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 44 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted March 06, 2003 10:28 PM
Hi Harpyr...Well with the MidHeaven in the 8th I would say that you would be intrigued by: spiritual alchemy, the occult, depth psychology, issues related to death and the afterlife, and possibly work in fields related to these topics or taxes, inheritances or in some way shaped by matters of life and death such as research or surgery in medical fields. The Equal House chart in my mind shows a picture of the Soul as it is in the 4th dimension... where we are unemcumbered by things of the physical/material world. Quadrant House systems show what happens when that Soul Incarnates onto the Physical/Material plane, with all the limitations, prejudices and obstacles that entails. In terms of Quadrant House systems (any which create UNEQUAL Houses) I prefer Campanus. You will find tho that MOST House sytems EXCEPT Equal, break down in extreme North or Souh Latitudes. That has to do with the fact that the Earth is not perfectly round and other astronomical/geological oddities that make my head spin. Hope that helps some. Blessed Be... A  IP: Logged |
Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted March 07, 2003 11:53 PM
Thank You, Aselzion, for the wonderful insights! quote: I would say that you would be intrigued by: spiritual alchemy, the occult, depth psychology, issues related to death and the afterlife,..
This is right on target for me. I am intrigued by the mystery of life and death and what makes people tick. Hence, my studies of astrology and metaphysics and psychology...I soak it up like a sponge. The fact that my MC is in the 8th house again points me back to that Scorpionic energy. I've long known that I have a Moon/Venus/Uranus conjuction in Scorp and I just recently realized that my Venus and Pluto are in mutual reception. Silly me for having studied my chart for about 4 years before this factor came to my attention! But it has to do with that synchronicity thing..everything happens for a reason and my "discovery" of the mutual reception has coincided with learning about the MC in the 8th house.. interesting. About the Equal House system being a picture of the soul unencumbered by the physical plane..that is fascinating. I will study my chart under the Equal House system with that in mind. I need to study more about the differences between the Quandrant House systems.. although such things make my head spin as well. In the Placidus, my fifth house is HUGE and it encompasses 7 of my planets. I just looked up my chart in the Campanus and that puts 4 of them in the 6th. Interesting. Is there a specific reason you prefer that system or does it just 'feel right' for you personally? Would you know which of the Quandrant systems breaks down the *least* in the extreme latitudes? Thank you again for sharing your thoughts. Bright Blessings of Peace and Love! IP: Logged |
stella polaris unregistered
posted March 08, 2003 03:05 AM
Hi Harpyr, I'm born in Norway, and have the same problem as you with charts. A Norwegian astrologer told me he always uses equal house system north of my hometown, which is at 63 25 N. Aselzion here gives a good explanation. I want to say that I ditched the non-equal house systems after looking at the charts of friends and family, they just become so inaccurate - in some cases the chart would contain of only two houses. This lead me to think that if Placidius, Koch and the other systems are so inaccurate for us born far north (or far south), how can you trust them for someone born anywhere else? These systems would give rather funny charts for anyone born very close to equator, too. And why should they be accurate for someone born in Paris or New York? I've been asking this question at the astrology course, and Greg, one of the teachers there, also came up with a good explanation: He said that Placidus etc, were an attempt to turn astrology into a science, to make the chart scientifically correct. While astrology is not a science, it's a myth, symbols, you're using your intuition, you tell a fable, you simply use another language. Another thing is, that Placidus etc. attempt to be scientifically correct, but are not. Some start signs take a much wider space on the sky than 30 degree, other less. Of, course, asking about this, I've got all sort of ridiculous "answers" on why Placidus&co don't work - from that "Lapons don't need a natal chart" to "the life is so primitive in Norway"...Showing that you don't need to know much about much stuff to call yourself an strologer... IP: Logged |
Aselzion Moderator Posts: 44 From: North Andover, MA Registered: May 2009
posted March 08, 2003 04:55 AM
Hi Harpyr...Thanks... nice to know I haven't lost my touch!  In terms of why I use Campanus.. it works for me! It seems to bring out the intermediate cusps in a way that makes sense to me when I read charts. But, every astrologer should use what WORKS for them. Tho I believe Astrology to be a science, it is also an Art. I always use the Equal House Chart, but for the nitty gritty 9-5 mundane stuff, Campanus works well for ME. Zip Dobbyns claims that the Morinus House System doesn't break down in high latitudes, so you'll have to try that one and let me know what happens. Hope that helps... A  IP: Logged | |