Topic: marriage indicators
Kat unregistered
posted March 22, 2003 02:00 PM
In a beginning astrology class I learned that the 7th house and any planets in it can show you who you'll marry. Out of curiosity, I checked around the room at other people's charts. A Leo rising married an Aquarius and and then an Aquarius rising. Another with Leo as 7th house ruler is married to a Cancer/Leo cusp husband. Anyone else out there find this to be true? What other astrological indicators determine marriage (other than the mars/venus connection?)What about Chiron? Thanks IP: Logged |
brunnhilde unregistered
posted March 22, 2003 02:18 PM
My 7th house is in the last degrees of Taurus but I have Mars in Gemini.My husband is Sag ASc. almost directly opposite my Mars and his Mars is on the cusp of my 7th.I've noticed that I'm attracted to people who have prominent Mars and Mercury intheir charts. My Taurus desc. says I want to think he's gorgeous but...not without content.I like that dialogue bakc and forth like the Spencer Tracy/Hepburn or Cary grant /Rosalind Russell movies... mental foreplay??My eldest daughter is Scorp asc, her guy is a scorpio.My second daughter is Pisces asc.and her guy is a Pisces. Oh and isn't the 9th house second marriage?
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Twin Lady unregistered
posted March 22, 2003 10:57 PM
I have Pisces rising so Virgo is my 7th house cusp. My first husband was Virgo with Virgo rising; my second husband, Leo with Virgo Moon, Venus AND Ascendant!  ...Just in case I should consider marrying again (though at this point I have my doubts) ...what house represents a THIRD marriage?? 
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taj unregistered
posted March 23, 2003 03:21 AM
are there also chart indicators that one isn't going to marry ever? haven't really heard or read much on that. IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted March 23, 2003 12:07 PM
Yeah. Chiron conjunct Venus in the 7th.Ah ha. Ha ha. Heh.
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taj unregistered
posted March 25, 2003 12:54 AM
 an empty 7th is a much more likely candidate, corri.  IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted March 25, 2003 08:46 AM
Oh, you're right, you're right.A Taurean Venus and Chiron conjunct in the 7th just indicates really messed up relationships. Where was my head?  IP: Logged |
Nikky unregistered
posted March 25, 2003 11:25 PM
Well! what does this mean ????I am a gemini Ascedant- Pisces DC -Virgo 7th house has - Moon, Uranus and Pluto  IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted March 27, 2003 06:31 PM
Thanks so far all, I recently came across Magi astrology and supposedly if someone's composite chart forms a grand trine to your chart and Chiron is one of the three - it's considered a Super Linkage and... I don't know exactly what it means because I was reading this in a bookstore and the next day when I returned to buy the book ---It was gone!!! So I have to wait two weeks to tell you unless someone out there knows this stuff.Taj--I'm not sure what indicators show you'll never marry. However, my chart supposedly shows that I may never marry. So far it's true. Aquarius is the ruler of my 7th house and I have Saturn in Aquarius. I have my 12th house with Sun, Mercury, and North Node in Cancer. Supposedly this is a very difficult since I always question my unworthiness. IP: Logged |
Mercy unregistered
posted March 28, 2003 03:49 AM
Hiya all, Kat...,Though I am not married I know I am with the ONE right now and we will spend the rest of our lifes together! He has Cancer Ascendant (my Sun)and my Mars is conjuncting his Ascendant. His Mars falls in my 7th house in Pisces. We have Venus/Mars conjunct plus my North Node is conjunct his MC. Of course there is a lot else and I don't know about the Magi's influence. But I have found people I know who are together a long time have planets in each others 7th house. So yeah....there you go Kat!  Twin lady: how about the 3rd house representing a third marriage ? Sounds logical as every time you marry you move into a new your third! Ughugh, I am so lame! IP: Logged |
sVirgo Knowflake Posts: 51 From: Colorado Registered: May 2009
posted March 28, 2003 03:13 PM
Hello!! Can anyone help me in finding the planet with whom I have more chances to marry second time. My first marriage was with Cancer. It did not worked.Here is information I picked from Astro about my planets Planetary positions planet sign degree house motion Sun Virgo 21°31'52 09 direct Moon Sagittarius 26°22'06 12/1 direct Moon is technically near the end of house 12 and is interpreted in house 1. Mercury Virgo 04°48'40 08 direct Venus Leo 06°23'40 08 direct Mars Cancer 29°27'07 07 direct Jupiter Taurus 26°07'43 05 stationary (R) Saturn Pisces 00°10'08 02 retrograde Uranus Virgo 11°09'31 09 direct Neptune Scorpio 15°41'25 11 direct Pluto Virgo 14°15'34 09 direct True Node Gemini 28°13'59 06/7 direct True Node is technically near the end of house 6 and is interpreted in house 7.
House positions (Placidus) Ascendant Sagittarius 28°43'25 2nd House Aquarius 02°32'32 3rd House Pisces 09°12'30 Imum Coeli Aries 13°20'53 5th House Taurus 11°50'33 6th House Gemini 05°58'57 Descendant Gemini 28°43'25 8th House Leo 02°32'32 9th House Virgo 09°12'30 Medium Coeli Libra 13°20'53 11th House Scorpio 11°50'33 12th House Sagittarius
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Kat unregistered
posted March 29, 2003 04:34 PM
sVirgo: There is a book titled When Will I ?(You) Marry. I found it in a discount book store and it was pretty good about discussing second marriages, periods of time which are good for finding you soulmate, etc. If I ever find the book (amongst my mess) I'll post an answer. IP: Logged |
sVirgo Knowflake Posts: 51 From: Colorado Registered: May 2009
posted March 30, 2003 09:53 PM
Hello!! Actually I posted my planets in context of 7th and 9th house. When it was in discussion that 7th house indicates our first marriage planet. So that is true in my case. So I was asking that I could see that Gemini too entered into my 7th house. Does it indicate that second marriage would be with Gemini or the 9th house planet? Thanks Kate!! I will look for this book. IP: Logged |
taj unregistered
posted March 31, 2003 03:01 AM
hey sVirgo, you might want to check this link: IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted March 31, 2003 03:27 AM
Hhmmm interesting. My sun (aries) is in my 7th and I have no planets in my 9th or 11th.My current partner has Libra in his 7th and no planets in his 9th or 11th. Now he is aries rising and I am Libra rising. IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted March 31, 2003 05:40 PM
RRR: very very interesting!sVirgo: Offhand I can't remember how the book determines second marriages, but I don;t think it said anything about it having to do with your 9th house -- (I really do need to search for it sorry.)  IP: Logged |
sVirgo Knowflake Posts: 51 From: Colorado Registered: May 2009
posted March 31, 2003 07:06 PM
Thanks Kat!! I posted on the mentioned forum. There I think they mentioned something related to 8th house.IP: Logged |
WakeUpMaggie unregistered
posted March 31, 2003 07:24 PM
Kat,Oh no! I think I am in the same boat as far as being unmarried, and possibly staying so. As far as I can tell (and I am not as good at reading charts as most of the people on this site!), I have an empty 7th house. Also like you, I have Saturn in Aquarius and my True (North?) Node in Cancer. Under "house positions" (I'm reading off my astodienst chart now), my 12th house is in Gemini. Also my 8th house, not my 7th, is in Aquarius. Hopefully this improves my chance somewhat!!!
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N_wEvil unregistered
posted April 01, 2003 06:33 AM
*edit* wibble, no uranus is in my 7th, but on the cusp.IP: Logged |
sVirgo Knowflake Posts: 51 From: Colorado Registered: May 2009
posted April 02, 2003 09:33 PM
Hello!! Two of my friends had no planets in their 7th house. They already got married once and now they are divorced and looking for second marriage too. I tried with one of my friend and her 8th house is the one with whom she got married first time and now she is engaged with the person in 9th house.
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Lunargirl unregistered
posted April 03, 2003 12:42 AM
Hey! Everybody please remember that Kat said at the beginning of this discussion,"I learned that the 7th house and any planets in it can show you who you'll marry." So planets or no planets, the 7th House is still an indicator of partnership. In a 7th House without planets, look instead more closely at its house ruler for an indication of the kind of relationship a person needs, and the kind of person they are likely to attract. However, it may in some cases mean that a marriage is not a huge soul-concern in a given incarnation. For example, a career, or karmic family debt, or calling, or friendships, destiny, or whatever, might be more urgent for a person rather than their partnership, but that doesn't mean they can't also enjoy a partnership -- which in this society tends to mean marriage, or living together. Marriage is a big word; sometimes people are technically married, but without a closely-bonded relationship. Does a married absent-minded professor really have a "marriage" if s/he is emotionally and physically absent most of the time? What about a dual-career couple who travel separately all the time? Hmmm. Also, if you have two charts of a couple, you might well find that their planets combine in the 7th House in a synastry chart, making a perfect astrological case for compatibility. Lunargirl IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted April 03, 2003 06:17 PM
Thanks LunarGirl, you are right just because the 7th house is empty does not mean you won't get married or have a partnership of some kind. WakeUpMaggie, keep in mind that astrology is highly complex. I just read a posting about my moon and chiron that contradicts my never getting married attitude. If you do not have a full understanding of astrology - you could make a mistake if you misinterpret what your reading and then permanently etch that concept of yourself then it becomes a self fulfilled phrophecy. It may have not been your truth - but you could claim it as your own. It is important to realize that astrology can be used as a tool to help guide us on a spiritual path in which we are centered within ourselves and God. Or it can be viewed as a rulebook- something outside of ourselves controlling our destiny. Be careful to what you give your power. I hate to get preachy, but I've done this negative stuff to myself only to realize I or someone else was wrong in the first place. Also to everyone- I will have to look for that book that I mentioned. I think second marriages are determined by the degrees of your sun or maybe it was your mars or venus. I'll let you know when I do some major cleaning and stumble upon it. IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted April 03, 2003 06:27 PM
Hi Kat  I look forward to you finding that book  Yes an empty 7th house most definately doesn't mean you will never marry. My 7th house is empty (except for my NN) and I have been married.....and divorced  Sue  IP: Logged |
WakeUpMaggie unregistered
posted April 03, 2003 09:58 PM
Thanks to everyone who posted about my empty 7th house "dilemma" -- especially Kat...I think you understand me perfectly, and I appreciate your warning about a "self fulfilling prophecy"...I've done stuff like that in the past and it's just not cool!Besides, I've got a lot going on in my life right now (career change, school, 3 jobs) -- so it's probably a good thing that I'm not married yet!
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Kat unregistered
posted April 05, 2003 10:01 AM
Well all- I found the book! and of all the places that it could have been --I found it in my bookshelf, imagine that! I haven't had a chance to read it, only skim through it. It really doesn't cover second marriages as far as I can tell. It does mention that transits give some people more opportunities to marry than others. The book When Will You Marry? covers various methods of determining when you'll marry. It covers periods best for meeting someone, arabic parts, venus/mars connections, and other ways that I haven't touched on. I'll try to post some stuff from time to time. It did use Madonna as an example of when to determine when you'll first marry. She is a Virgo rising - ruler mercury. Using an ephemeris, they counted off the number of years that it takes mercury to make a second progression that is harmonious with neptune (or was it uranus). (The planet needs to travel through two signs and then return to 1 degree.You count from your birth year then each year up to the 1 degree.)With her it came to 27, which is the age that she married Sean Penn. I did mine and it came to 44. I'm Leo rising ruler sun.July 11, 1963. That is, if I did it correctly. I'll reread the section and confirm if the above info is correct. IP: Logged |