Topic: Astrological Signs and Vivid Dreams
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 28, 2003 07:11 PM
Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has studied the correlation between vivid dreams or prophetic dreams and the connection to the astrological chart or sign. For me, I seem to dream things before they happen. Sometimes they are insignificant, a conversation, a page in a book and other times they can be on a global scale; toronadoes, riots, floods, and sometimes even the death of someone I know. I also seem to be able to dream the answer to a problem or connect with someone that I haven't seen. It's pretty weird. I also have very vivid colorful dreams and remember at least 1 dream or more every day. Anyway, I'm a Sagittarius. Does anyone else experience these types of things?
Thanks for your comments in advance!!! ------------------ "Lahn dádzaayú nahikai leh ni' nyelíí k'ehge," Goyathlay (Geronimo) "Once we moved like the Wind" "Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar." This call and spur to the faithful servants of Truth and Justice was quoted by Churchill in his first broadcast as Prime Minister to the British people on the BBC - May 19, 1940, London. IP: Logged |
StarLover33 unregistered
posted March 28, 2003 07:43 PM
Hi, I'm sure it depends on the aspect to your Neptune. For instance, if your Sun and or Moon are trining Neptune, then you will be much more susceptible to psychic and prophetic talents or maybe become a creative genius. Uranus and Pluto are very important as well, and so if they make trines to any of your inner signs, they will indeed make you a power house for whatever you desire.-StarLover  IP: Logged |
WychOfAvalon unregistered
posted March 28, 2003 10:39 PM
hrmm interesting question. I have intense dreams and tend to remember at least one a night but usually more than that. I'm an Aries, though. I'm not sure about my Neptune or any of that but this is my chart :  ------------------ I like to watch you in your sleep ..I’d give a million if I knew your name ..And all I need is to be with you ..In a state of dreams ..That’s where I wanted to be ..With you in a state of dreams
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 28, 2003 11:19 PM
Hi Starlover,That makes sense but I am not sure that I have any of those features. I have Pluto conjunct Ascendent (Virgo) squaring my Sun and Venus, both in Sag. My Neptune is in Scorpio at 29 degrees and 24 minutes in my 3rd house. It squares my Mars (Pisces) and forms a Sextile to my Pluto. Uranus is in Libra in my first house, pposing my 7th house Aries moon and squaring my Capricorn Mercury in my 4th house. Amber / WychofAvalon, I wonder if having a connection to Aries has anything to do with it? IP: Logged |
Tuesday unregistered
posted March 28, 2003 11:40 PM
I have memorable dreams, and even if they're not memorable, I remember them anyway! I still remember certain dreams I had when I was 4. Because I feel it's important to remember them, and write about them or just think about them. They're never prophetic, but they're emotional and vivid. Sometimes I turn them into short stories. I can also read in them (the dreams). I have my sun in Gemini, and in my chart I have my moon conjunct neptune. Neptune is in my 3rd house.IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted March 29, 2003 01:12 AM
I have incredibly vivid dreams, and occasionaly the "mundane" prophetic ones that you talked about. (I'm a Pisces w/ a very tight square - 0°02 - between my 5th House Sun & 2nd House Neptune, an Aquarian Moon, & 1st House Uranus). I also have Neptune Sextile my 12th H. Pluto by 1°30. I have no Aries (or Gemini or Cancer) planets at all in my chart. I asked around my family, and a tendency towards those kinds of dreams seems to hold true for most of the females on my mom's side - My Mom - Pisces, Sag Moon w/ 1st House Uranus; I'm pretty sure that there's no Aries influence (although I don't know about the rest of her chart b/c it's not on this comp) - has had several that I know of, including one predicting the finding of her brother's body. My Great-Grandma (my Mom's Mom's Mom) - A Sag Sun; I don't know much, but I remember hearing some info re: that...but, also, come to think of it, her Scorpio husband was probably better known for his predictions...and his dowsing. My Great-Grandma (my Mom's Dad's Mom) - A Libra Sun...I think. I do know that she was an herbal doctor who is remembered for her predictive dreams, etc. That's all that I know with any certainty; hope it helps. Corri IP: Logged |
Twin Lady unregistered
posted March 29, 2003 07:11 AM
Hi all  I also have quite vivid dreams, complete with sounds of all kinds, esp. music; physical sensation, sense of smell (!) and in living color. Quite nice if it's a pleasant dream...terrifying if a nightmare! Some of the not pleasant ones have resulted in my waking up sobbing, while the nice ones left me with a "glow" and smiling to myself for days afterward.  Some have been very prophetic in a symbolic way. I too can remember dreams from many years ago if they were significant to me, and have found the most outstanding ones eventually coming true but again, in a symbolic way. I have also noticed I have a few recurring dreams which reflect situations in my life and/or my psychological state of mind. There's a lot of water in my chart, including a Scorp Moon and Pisces Ascendant, which I've read usually indicate vivid and/or prophetic dreams. My Mercury conjuncts Mars out-of-sign, sextiles my Pluto, trines my Neptune and Moon (which are widely conjunct, also out-of-sign), as does Mars the same planets, and Pluto sextiles my Neptune closely and my Moon widely. I'm guessing that the Merc/Mars conjunction hitting all the other planets is what provides such explicit dreaming, with Pluto's influence adding the element of intensity. As I said, when my dreams are good, they are "very, very good" and when they're bad they are "horrid"! But then that's me, too...LOL. Along with patience, another of my life's lessons seems to be temperance.   ------------------ "Yes, I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can find his way by moonlight, and see the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted March 29, 2003 05:31 PM
I have great dreams-- very intense- with smells, touch, color, people I've never met, place that don't exist, I've made up entire cities, landscapes.I've even had a few animated dreams - they are rare and always a treat when I get them. When I had difficulties with depression, I used to like to go to sleep. On the flip side, in the past I used to have severe nightmares. Many years ago I had one where I was tortured the entire night. I have no idea how I created the pain and events that happened. Fortunately, that period in life is over I've had a few prophet dreams. Once I wrote a dream down and had no clue it was going to happen. In the dream I was given a box that contained a map and a one way ticket to the middle east. I was told that I had everything I needed. What?!! was my response. Fortunately, I dated it. Years later when going through papers I found it. Here six months later I became my mother's caretaker and I had to deal with her middle eastern doctors. Perhaps I need to write my dreams down and date them just to see if any of them happen. I find that many more of my thoughts during awake period come true. My Sun is conjuct with my mercury cancer 12th house trine my moon and chiron conjunct 8th house trine my neptune scorpio 4th house. And yes starlover33 I'm very creative/artistic--- a genius I would not go that far.IP: Logged |
Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted March 31, 2003 05:04 AM
I too, have extremely vivid dreams that are, at times, prophetic in the mundane sense.... and once in every great while... prophetic in very dramatic ways. The one that now stands out the most is the dream I had about one month after discovering I was pregnant. I dreamt of sitting at my partner's deathbed in great detail...he was bald on the top of his head in the dream and so I thought we were older, atleast in our 40's it seemed. It seemed sooo real that I woke up thinking it was for a moment..I actually woke myself up with my own tears. J was next to me and he said I had been sobbing in my was the first time I could remember that ever happening.. I tried comforting myself with the notion that even if it really was prophetic atleast we would have a solid decade together, since J's head was in no way on the verge of balding..and he was 31 at that time. So almost exactly a year and six months later I found myself as I had been exactly in that dream..on my beloved's right side at his deathbed and his head was shaved on the top because he'd had a head wound so he looked like a partially bald man. Next to my son's birth, that was the most profound moment of my life..when I realized I had dreamt of that moment in it's exactitude. ..  Time seemed of a different quality not unlike how it seemed when I was in the midst of giving birth..heavier..more real somehow than the quality of time one normally resides within.. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone else but it's similar to deja-vu.. my Scorpio Moon/Venus (I always write them like that because they are both exactly 7.20 degrees) is widely conjunct Uranus. Uranus is semi-sextile Neptune exactly and Neptune conjoins my Mercury, and Mars in Sun is also in Sag 12 degrees away from Neptune. Pluto is semi-sextile Uranus and sextile Neptune/Mars/Mercury. My Pisces MC is squaring Neptune/Mars/Merc, trining Scorp Uranus and inconjunct Pluto. Do nodes have anything to do with the dreams, I wonder? My South Node is conjunct my Pices MC.. Oh, I also wanted to add that J also had profound dreams that often foretold future events.. His Sun was Pisces squared his Sagittarius MC. He had Mars in early Sagittarius conjunct Neptune in late Scorpio in the 9th house. Mars squared his sun in early Pisc. and Neptune squared his AC in late Aquarius. Mercury was in his 12th house in Aquar. and it trined his Jupiter/Uranus conjuction in Libra. 
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 31, 2003 05:46 PM
Thanks everyone for replying. I did read somewhere that Neptune in Scorpio was apt to provide our generation with certain psychic abilities. I wonder if given that sign assignment, combined with it being located in a specific house or forming specific aspects, it causes the dreams to become more vivid and or prophetic? I have also read that specific signs are "blessed or cursed" with prophecy, Sagittarius being one of them. Aren't the signs of Pisces and Scorpio able to "sense" things or have the psychic ability? Maybe that is what is strong in our charts? Harpy, That is really tragic about your lost love. That had to have been such a horrible ordeal. I am sorry that you went through that. On another note of the weird. I woke up one morning in mid February and had a sad / heavy feeling. I was driving down BWI parkway on my way into work when I saw something that was amazing, but terrifying. A large owl had flown from a tree that separates the North and South highway. The owl flew parallel to my car, so close in fact I could almost see it's eyes. It stayed like that for a few seconds before it flew back up. What was terrifying is that in my tribe, my ancestors always felt that to see an owl would be a predicition of a loved one dying. That afternoon my father called to tell me that my grandma (the fullblood) was in the hospital. She had broken her thigh bone and at almost 90 that is not a good thing. (Side note: She is an Aries and typical of an Aries was rushing around, trying to do two things at once and ended up falling). After he told me the news. I knew it wasn't about her. The owl was telling me something else. That night I dreamed about owls. I was looking at the carved owls on key chains statues. Two days later my father called to tell me that my aunt (his older sister) is out of remission and the cancer was spreading. As I write this post, she is getting care by hospice and is not expected to live for more than a few weeks. I do hope she lives past my abuela's birthday (4/18) or she will be so crushed. Not one of my aunts / uncles have died and there are 12 of them, we haven't even lost any of the grandchildren. Pretty remarkable. But it's a part of life. Oh well, I just wanted to share that. IP: Logged |
Lost Leo unregistered
posted March 31, 2003 08:20 PM
I once again, had Dejavu this weekend... While I was out in Lake Havasu, the dream was.... well, who cares. Anyways it was dreamed moment from about a month ago that came into reality while I was out on the Lake...It really freaks me out, why does this occur in us? It makes me want to realize that moment as something important, but is it? I have that Neptune in Scorpio thing too, as well as Moon is Pisces... I can't help but feel this may be a tool, or a lesson, or something of importance... Or maybe I just WANT to make it important... I dunno, it's so confusing?!?! IP: Logged |
Shieldrocks unregistered
posted March 31, 2003 09:28 PM
In my twenties, I used to have dreams about plane crashes a day before they happened. Those dreams were very detailed and very frightening. I'm very happy not to get them anymore. I still get chills thinking about them though. I was actaully very happy not to dream about 9/11. IP: Logged |
Shieldrocks unregistered
posted March 31, 2003 09:31 PM
Oh! I have an Aquarius Moon and Neptune in Scorpio. I read somewhere Aquarius has psychic ability... ? IP: Logged |
theFajita3 unregistered
posted April 01, 2003 12:02 AM
I am Aquarius and I have had a lot of psychic dreams. I have extremely intense dreams, which can be fun, scary or stressful, or disturbing to people around me  ------------------ food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 01, 2003 03:25 PM
Shieldrocks, You're lucky. I did dream, in vivid detail about 9-11 a week to the day before it happened. I was freaked out about it because when I had the dream I was getting ready to fly out to Phoenix the next day and we had some engine problems. I told my ex that the dream was different. That in my dream I was in a plane flying over water towards a city. I saw a plane fly past us and the passengers were screaming and the pilot was crying. I watched as they crashed into the windows of a tall building. I was yelling for them to stop and asked "What in the hell is that pilot doing, doesn't he see the building?" Then I looked at where we were flying. I couldn't move or get my seat belt off. Then we flew into a building. I woke up in a sweat and told my ex that something wasn't right. I also called my coworker and told her about the dream. The day we were supposed to leave from Phoenix back to Balti we turned on the TV. On the news was the film coverage of the planes hitting the towers. I just whispered "That was my dream". Needless to say, my family, my ex and my coworkers still comment about how freaky that was and how weird I am. LOL.... People around here will ask me periodically what I have dreamed to make sure nothing is coming. After 9-11 I had also dreamed about a toronado with tons of rain and people being picked up and thrown against a tree. A week later we had a freak toronado that picked up a car with two students and slammed them into a tree. Lost leo,
It is a tool and it is telling you something. Since I am not sure about the dream you had, I can't give you any advice, but think about how it made you feel and where it can be pointing you. IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted April 01, 2003 06:31 PM
Yeah. 9/11. I had had dreams about Afghanistan for 2 weeks before it happened. It wasn't always blatant - one was my mother & I sitting around her dining room table preparing something; she said, "Do you think I should wear one of those scarf-things when I go over to Afghanistan?" I said, "Well, I did when I went." It always worked its way in.IP: Logged |
Alena unregistered
posted April 01, 2003 09:07 PM
I don't dream vividly often. Most of it is blurry weird stuff. But the vivid dreams I do have are the ones that come true and most of them have been pretty scary. Pidaua, you're are definitely not alone in dreaming about 9/11 before it happened. I know of many people who did. It's very eerie. And as for Neptune in Scorpio I've heard the same in regard to psychic ability especially if it's located in one of the water houses or is a singleton. Lucky me I've got it as a singleton twice over. eeshhh, I really don't like some of the dreams I've had .......terrifying and true IP: Logged |
stella polaris unregistered
posted April 01, 2003 11:36 PM
I share some positions with a lot of you - I also have a Scorpio Neptun in the 3rd house and Uranus (and Pluto) in the 1st. I also have Jupiter in Pisces and Mars in Cancer in my 12th house. I believe we all have psychic powers, but that we need to develop them - and to some people that come more easily than to others. IP: Logged |
Lunargirl unregistered
posted April 03, 2003 01:47 AM
Hi everybody,My Neptune/dream connection is an opposition in Scorpio to my Mercury in Taurus; I have had occasional prophetic dreams, and also "dreams" that were actually visits in the ether that I was aware of, and remembered. I'm also an Aries, which adds to the pot. There's a psychic streak running through my whole birthfamily, and let me tell you, this group is just "swimming" with water-- lots of Cancer, Pisces and Neptunian influences across the board, aspected like crazy.  All of the intuitive signs may have this capacity -- Fire especially, but also Water. Aquarians also, because of their Uranian intuitive connection. Harpyr, so sorry that you lost your love. I do hope you find another special soul in this lifetime.  Pidaua, wow - you must have quite a connection with animals. I don't have a Native background like you, but have found the totem animals in the Spirit Card deck very generous and informative... I once had an owl follow me, and have had experiences with foxes and once, a cougar... they have a lot to teach us. And your dream about 9/11 - disturbing, but what a gift to have such a direct pipeline to the pulse of the world. I suspect that the classical Greek prophetess Cassandra may have been a Sag; I think she got a bad rap, indeed!  How amazing everyone's experiences truly are. cheers, Lunargirl IP: Logged |
morgana unregistered
posted April 03, 2003 05:13 AM
Hi guys! Vivid dreams - Mercury in the 12th house. At least that's what I learned in an astrology class and I remembered it because I have it in Cancer in the 12th house. I almost always remember my dreams very well and they stay with me for the most of the day, and sometimes I even confuse them with reality, thinking it really happened and then realizing it didn't. Does anyone of you have that placement? Pidaua, do you? As for the prophetic dreams - that's the domain of the water signs I think   IP: Logged |
WychOfAvalon unregistered
posted April 03, 2003 05:22 AM
hrmmm... I don't seem to have most of these placements mentioned. I do have an Aquarius moon? *shrugs*But I remember usually several dreams a night. Many vivid dreams with scent, colour (always dream in colour), tactile sensations, etc. I've only had a couple prophetic dreams. One of the Northridge earthquake in the 90's (when I lived in NYC) and other small things... like what friends will be wearing the next day. erm... well two nights ago I dreams the two neon fish we just bought died and now they both appear to be sick... but nothing I can really change... IP: Logged |
stella polaris unregistered
posted April 03, 2003 12:26 PM
Harpyr, I just wanted to add that I'm sorry about your loss, it must be very hard for you. Maybe the dream was a way to prepare you for what would come. WOA, the cusp of your 12th house is in Pisces, and the ruler, Neptun in your 5th house - that could explain your NUTZ dreams!! Guys, why don't you come over and visit at Astral Realms?!IP: Logged |
WychOfAvalon unregistered
posted April 03, 2003 01:10 PM
*snicker*NUTZ is right I think you found the perfect word! And I was thinking they should all come over to Astral Realms, too! Good call! IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 03, 2003 02:05 PM
Hi Stella, I thought about putting this over in Astral Realms, but I wasn't quite sure. I did post a while back about another dream that I had about a horse and a panther. I agree with you that we all have psychic abilities, but that we are in different stages of development. Do you think I should transfer this over to the other forum? Lunargirl, I do seem to have a major connection with animals. My true dream / spirit guides alternate between a black panther and a horse. All of my life I have been close to animals and seem to have a gift even with some of the most aggressive ones. LOL.. it helped me tremendously when I worked in ER Vet hospitals because I seemed to have way even with the mean "will bite" dogs / cats. I have Leo on the cusp of my 12th house and my Mercury is in Cappy in my 4th house. Funny, I had a dream two nights about, probably as a result of this thread, about receiving a "gift". Three people came up to me at different times and handed me a "gift" the last one was a woman. She looked like my deceased grandma, but taller. She asked me if I was ready for the gift, that it wouldn't hurt, but life would change. She said that the gift couldn't be seen or touched, but that it could be felt. Then she touched me and I felt a jolt.
Alena, your Neptune is a Singleton? I have a friend with the same thing and his is in retrograde in his 7th house. Weird. I have a Singleton - Uranus in Libra (it's my only air planet and it's in my first house). Yeah, I think many people were "plugged" into the "ethers" about 9-11. I had responded once to Lost Leo on the "drugs and alcohol" thread about us all being made of electrical reactions and that we were all apart of the same type of source in a sense. Too philosophical for my brain right now. LOL  IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted April 03, 2003 05:59 PM
Morgana, Yes I have Cancer 12th house- Sun mercury, North Node. I have an earlier posting that lists more of my planets. I have intense dreams.IP: Logged | |