Topic: Gall-bladder Surgery?
MARY unregistered
posted October 04, 2003 10:14 PM
Hi, My sister thinks she may need gallbladder surgery and I think the moon in Gemini is the wrong time to do the sugery... Am I correct? What sign rules the galbladder? I assume Gemini, because in my books it rules the upper rib cage. Does that include everything in the rib cage as well?Does anyone have a list of all of the rulers for the whole body? IP: Logged |
goldielox512 unregistered
posted October 04, 2003 10:46 PM
i think gallbladder would be ruled by virgo, it is part of your stomach i know aires is the head and face taurus is the neck & throat aquarius calves and ankles pisces is the feet scorpio is the sex organs cancer is the breast & stomach libra is the lower back & kidneys gemini hands, arms, lungs and nerves leo heart and back sagittarius hips and thighs capricorn knees bones and skinIP: Logged |
goldielox512 unregistered
posted October 04, 2003 10:47 PM
i forgot to say virgo rules the intestinesIP: Logged |
CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 04, 2003 10:50 PM
i cant be sure...but what about rules the intestines and alimentary system???...please check it out and get her to be careful...i had a caesarean and my tubes clamped when the moon was in scorpio(ruling reproductive system)and i had numerous problems...reaction to drip...haemorrage...blood clot in plzzz.....check it out..i will look some more to see if i can find anything further...dont mean to scare u..but better to be safe..IP: Logged |
CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 04, 2003 10:58 PM
also...if they r going to remove the gallbladder via keyhole surgery as they did on me....they open the navel and take it through maybe careful of moon in cancer too??(rules stomach)IP: Logged |
MARY unregistered
posted October 04, 2003 11:14 PM
Thanks a lot ya'll. Goldilox, I have all of that info in my books too... couldn't really find gall-bladder though?? CancerianMoon, I know what you mean about having sugery at the wrong time, She already did it once..."wouldn't listen to me" about the tubes being tied in Scorp, and it is taking her a really long time to heal. She told me tonight, that she called because I knew.... the first time. But I am still not sure about the gallbladder? I figured rib cage, that is where it's located right? Who suffers more from gall-stones, I mean which sign?
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purplezen unregistered
posted October 04, 2003 11:16 PM
Mary, I don't have any helpful advice like the others, I just wanted to send some healing light to you and your sister  IP: Logged |
MARY unregistered
posted October 04, 2003 11:22 PM
Thank you purplezen,That is really sweet!!! IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 2787 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2003 01:54 AM
Hello MaryGallbladder surgery is an irrevocable step that doesn't always eliminate the pain associated with gallbladder attacks. Surgery is lucrative for surgeons and hospital, expensive for patients or their insurance company. If it were me contemplating surgery, I would explore every other option first. This is one of many sites that talks about alternatives to surgery. jwhop IP: Logged |
zoka unregistered
posted October 05, 2003 10:52 AM
Mary,I know when chosing a day to have surgery (electional astrology), you should AVOID the day when Moon is in the sign of the organ being operated - too much bleeding. The XIIth house should be positioned good (hospitals) and the Mars in good aspects with Jupiter (surgical knife). The last few things are difficult to achieve, try to make your sister avoid the Moon in Virgo or the Moon in Cancer (I think the Cancer rules the gall-bladder, not sure though). Good Luck, Zoka IP: Logged |
goldielox512 unregistered
posted October 05, 2003 11:27 AM
im pretty sure what they mean by cancer ruling the stomach is reproductive system since cancer is the motherhood sign, scorpio is sex organs that would be the male organ you know what,and the " where it is placed in the female organ." if you think of it when surgery is done the lungs are always involved because thats where the anesthesia takes place. i feel pretty strongly that the gallbladder is a virgo thing since it rules things like the intestines and digestive system. IP: Logged |
goldielox512 unregistered
posted October 05, 2003 11:48 AM
i am having a hysterectomy 12/18/03 i chose this date because of work and i have 2 vacation days left 3 sick days left then with new years and xmas 2 holiday paid days. then is will run into the new year when i can start with more sickdays. i plan to be back to work the 2nd week of the new year. i don't know if this is the best time but it is far enough from the full moon so hopefully i wont have to deal with hemorrage. my doctor said usually everthing goes very well with this type of thing. the thing that scares me alittle is the moon close to scorpio but i still don't know if there gonna do it vaginally or inscision c section style my uterus is quite large so i think their gonna do c section style. i will just do it then and trust in my friend up above and my wonderful doctor and i feel confident all will be fine. i am in wonderful health besides those fibroids i inheireted from my mom. there are worse things so to me that is a walk in the park. i have had 6 c section style surgeries to try and get pregnant when i was in my 20s and 30s. they removed cysts then opened by fallopian tubes i am a pro at this surgery stuff. everything has always gone the best it could and i would be up walking the same day. anesthesia scares me the most.IP: Logged |
CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 05, 2003 02:33 PM
goldilox...plz..i dont mean to sound dramatic...but plz avoid moon in scorpio...i said the same as you when i allowed my c-section with moon in scop...i thought its ok its not in leo or cancer(i was relly worried about being paralysed by the epidural)..i had 3 c-sectios b4...and trusted god would protect i KNEW i would survive...however during the operation i reacted to the drug they give to contract the uterus...which made me experience the most pain and most terror i have ever felt in my life...they were going to knock me out and send my mum away it was so pulse was up to 140-150 for many hours b4 they realized the had left the same drug in my drip also...then in my room for maybe 2 hours they check on me...and i was haemoraging...i lost so much blood they wanted to do blood transfusion..but i didnt want one...after 1 week of being in hospital i wasnt my usual self..(having 5 chilren b4...and recovering quite quickly)after being home and repeated emergency trips to hospital for bleeding...4 weeks later i find i couldnt breath properly..after 2 days of tests..they discover i had a blood clot in my lung..i could had died..i didnt, but for the next few months i was on blood thinning medicine which made me extremely depressed and i had blood tests every few days for months...and i am only recovering now...its been almost a yes i survived...but it was really hard on myself and my children...Mary, sorry to take over you thread with my experience...but goldielox...plz be careful..just postpone until moon is out of scorpio..  IP: Logged |
CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 05, 2003 02:44 PM
Mary..i been searching to try to find definate answer for u....but to no avail...i think it may be virgo ..however...i looked through some medical books and the gall bladder is directly related to the liver....(which is ruled by sag)...dont mean to add to the confusion..but i will continue long b4 ur sis will know if she will have the op??IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted October 05, 2003 02:57 PM
Virgo rules the stomach.Saturn rules the gall bladder.... Here's a link re gall bladder.... D=29&orig=I2 IP: Logged |
zoka unregistered
posted October 05, 2003 03:34 PM
Hi!Would it be wise to have the surgery when Mars (knife) or Uranus (laser) makes a good aspect with the natal Saturn - if it is the gall-bladder, and I think it is (sounds logical to me) and avoid the Moon in Cancer or Virgo? Zoka IP: Logged |
CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 05, 2003 03:45 PM capricorn rules the gall bladder... Cat..doesnt cancer rule the stomach??IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted October 05, 2003 04:17 PM
Hi Cancerianmoon  I personally haven't studied medical astrology. However from my astrological studies I believe that Virgo rules the stomach (actually if you've ever read Parkers Astrology - they also confirm that). Virgo also rules the nervous system and the intestines. Cancer rules the chest, breasts and the alimentary canal. Sue IP: Logged |
CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 05, 2003 05:07 PM
Hi Cat...  i looked through all my books..and everything is pretty much the same in all except for virgo and always says breasts..diaphragm..and glandular system..(and all info i have says stomach)..however some info i have says cancer also rules the alimentary system...and some say virgo rules the alimentary system???the only parkers i have doesnt list the ruling signs it getting confusing sorry to rule out capricorn seen as though that rules the gallbladder...and possibly virgo and cancer???(is that posssible??)makes it hard huh?  IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted October 05, 2003 05:53 PM
Hi Cancerianmoon  Yes it's a confusing issue re what sign rules what in some cases.I always thought Cancer = stomach ie: nuturing - one way of nurturing is feeding someone or yourself. However, I study with the Faculty of Astrology and they tend to go with Parkers ie: Virgo ruling the stomach - ie: Virgo health, particular about what they eat, when nervous (Virgo rules nervous system) it affects the stomach. Some sites say Virgo rules the abdomin and Cancer rules the stomach so that's a very fine dividing line.  IP: Logged |
CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 05, 2003 06:40 PM
ding..ding..ding..light globe moment..thanks Cat...der..i feel a little silly now..stomach as in the actual organ that holds our eaten food...and abdomen as what many call our ya..this makes sense to me...well for now  Mary..i hope this information helps you and not confuses i havent confused you  IP: Logged |
Cat Newflake Posts: 0 From: USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted October 05, 2003 06:53 PM
 I hear ya re the confusion....Woman stomachs big...but actually we mean our abdomin. Once you start to actually (medically) dissect the human body as in which bit is which, it does get verrry confusing.  Hmmm just had a "global moment myself"...the abdomin is in the same "region" as our intestine (I think.....anyone medically qualified please feel free to correct me) so I guess that makes sense re Virgo - intestine, abdomin (which we tend to call stomach - but that's not medically the correct term - hence the confusion).
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MARY unregistered
posted October 06, 2003 04:25 PM
ok,I think I'll go with the safest route... Cat, if saturn rules the gallbladder, then it would be ok to assume that Moon in cap. is not a good time.. As well as,CancerianMoon's mention of moon in vir. because it rules the stomach... zoka, about the bleeding I think that is for any full Moon... So that is always a good point to remember in any case...  jwhop, thank you for the alternatives, I'll pass those on to my Sis for sure. goldielox512, thanks for the lung reminder...I always forget about that 
Thanks you guys for all of the hard work.!! 
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CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 06, 2003 05:21 PM not so sure u have to worry aboout the lungs...only parts of the body that will be touched with iron(scalpel) not sure if this includes injections??to quote from stars signs.. "touch not with iron that part of the body ruled by the sign the moon is transitting". it means ne does not perform a surgical procedure with a knife(iron)upon a part of the patients body which is ruled by(associated with) the astrological sign through which the moon is moving at the time. i wish ur sister well  
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CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 06, 2003 05:24 PM
lol..dont ask how i got that red face  IP: Logged |