Topic: Aspects that can mean Impotence in Men
sthenri unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 01:03 PM
One of the aspects I have run across is Mars square Saturn. Good Mars to Saturn contacts mean a high sex drive without performance challenges. This can be a real problem with some men who do not want to get help, so it could mean performance issues or a reluctance to get help.Anyone else? I have also found his Mars opposite my Venus to be touch and go and strong moon contacts can cause the man to feel unaroused by his mate. Example his Mars conjunct her moon, or if the man has the Moon on the ascendant. My theory is it's too much like a sibling relationship. Natasha Taurus/6th house Sun Mars on the Ascendant IP: Logged |
Ariesrocks! unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 01:13 PM
His Moon on her ascendant? or his moon on his own ascendant?Moon conjunct Mars; I thought that one meant sexual attraction. But I have this aspect reverse with many of my male friends and I see them as brothers only (i.e my mars conjunct their moon) I also find them too feminine So if you meet a man with those mars square opposition saturn aspects what shall you do? is there any way to make him aroused? IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 15, 2003 01:29 PM
Well here is something interesting. My guys Ex became more like a sister to him. We both shared that fact that our spouses were not sexual in the least and we felt betrayed by that. Her Mars conjuncted his Moon in Aquarius His Mars in Sag opposed her Saturn in Gemini Her Mars squared his Saturn in Taurus. Now my ex, I think he also started to see me as a sibling. He was a Virgo, Gemini Moon and Taurus rising that was 16 years older than me. He stopped being "sexual" about 1 year after we started seeing each other. saying it was because he didn't want to worry about pregnancy. Anyway, after we got married, it was determined he had issues and didn't want to get help. Nothing I could do made him interested in me sexually. (He is not gay either). Now we are friends, but it's more like a sibling thing. We do not have those aspects though. My Mars in Pisces opposes his Sun. HIs Venus in Leo squares my Saturn in Taurus and his moon makes harsh contacts to my Sun/ Venus. Interesting enough, my moon does not make any aspects to any of his planets. His Pluto and Venus in Leo trine my Sun / Venus. In his case, I have a suspicion that something may have happened to him long ago that cause him to be so inhibited sexually. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 01:35 PM
How about Saturn in the 8th house? I know this placement all too well. It hasn't cause impotence "per say", but it does cause a real restrained attitude about sex. And some performance malfunctioning, like he always gets two big o's because the first one always happens soooo quickly! LOLBut as for the synastry aspects, my Saturn in 25.33 Aries squares both his Mars in 25.6 Cancer and his Venus in 29.9 Cancer  And his Saturn in 0.39 (retro) Pisces opposes my Venus in 28.48 Leo (by aspect only, not by sign)  We don't seem to connect very often sexually. It has more to do with timing and location issues. His Saturn in the 8th makes him very rigid about where and when that kind of thing should take place. (his house, in the morning, on the weekend...period). If I can't spend the weekend or even the night at his house, there's not going to be any action that weekend. This is happening far too often, me not being able spend the night (I have a daughter) and it's made me vulnerable to my ex's solicitations more than once. It makes me very sad because I'm living with a ton of guilt about that, but I'm beginning to doubt to his ability to meet my needs on an ongoing basis. I think those aspects, along with his 8th house Saturn are going to be our undoing. We seem to be doomed. But it's not beyond his ability to fix it, he just won't. I've expressed my frustrations to him a few times now, but nothing has changed. As for the impotence issue...emotionally sensitive men are easily discouraged or may feel awkward in sexual scenarios if they're not 100% comfortable, and that makes them lose the wood. Performance anxiety, you know. Once they're comfortable, it's no longer a problem. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 15, 2003 02:29 PM
Hmmm, it could be a male Virgo thing Lioneye. My ex was kind of like that (when we did have a sex life). My Saturn in the 8th doesn't manifest itself like that for some reason. Maybe because it forms mostly harmonious aspects with my Sun and Venus, but I would never dictate where, when or how. I am a free spirit in that department. BUT, with women it may manifest differently. I can get turned off my complete coarse speech (not like sexy talk between lovers though) and I worry about being identified as a sex object. I am very sensitive to when a man I do not find attractive at all stares at me like I am the last cut of prime rib to an starving beast. LOL....sorry, but it just grosses me out. The other Virgo I was friends with has Saturn in the 7th / 8th house and it opposes 5 of his Virgo planets. He was a psycho when he talked about sex. He would tell us that he constantly masterbated, watched pornos all the time and his Penthouse mags were used until they fell apart. Why he had to go into detail, I will never know. But, I think it's interesting that he also had his Virgo Sun and Venus in the 12th house. This is not a slam against male Virgos, but I was talking to a therapist on a plane last August. He asked me if I was a Virgo because he noticed me right off and had always been attracted to Virgo women. I told him it was my rising, but I had once been married to a Virgo man. He shook his head and said "In my practice I noticed that the majority of my sexually dysfunctional clients were Virgo men. For some reason they have a tendency to be very uneasy with their sexuality. Throw in a Fire Mars or Venus and they have an even harder time trying to compensate for that uneasiness. They are either strict in their sex or unabashadly whorish". He was in his late 60's and a double Pisces. He was right on though as far as my experience with Virgo men was concerned. My ex has Venus and Mars in Leo. He didn't seem to be able to cope with the passion from those planets. The weirdo Virgo had a Mars in Leo Singleton. Wow Lioneye, I am sorry that you are going through that. Personally, I would have a problem staying in that relationship because I already endured the lack of sex thing. Men that cannot get aroused because of how emotionally sensitive they are do not fare well with a fire girl. Or maybe it's really the other way around. In a sense you are being asked to chose between your family and your lover. If you want 'any' then you need to do what he says kind of thing. I'll bet your Sag rising just cringes at that sort of imposition and that Leo Sun can't feel too happy with those kinds of boundries. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 03:22 PM
Thanks, Pid. It sucks. It really does. Because he really DOES IT for me, attraction-wise, and vise-versa (I believe).Could the problem with us be stemming from the Saturn aspects? I know that Virgo's can be rather repressed sexually, but many of them are not at all repressed. I really think it depends on other things in their chart. The other Virgo is not at all repressed, he has sun in the 8th, Cappy rising, moon in Leo and Mars in Scorpio in the 10th. He's not whorish though. He's very choosy, but very hot blooded. ^_~ As for Mr. Virgo/Leo rising...he frustrates me. I don't get what the big deal is about 'where' and 'when'. He doesn't like to fool around unless we can spend the entire day together afterwards. Like, anything less would mean we were exploiting each other sexually or something.(?!)I dunno where he's coming from. Plus, he's convinced that first thing in the morning is the best time for him, so he figures his performance wouldn't be 100% any other time, and anything less than 100% would not suffice. (that's the Virgo quest for perfection operating there I think)
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 15, 2003 04:36 PM
Hi Lioneye, Yeah, maybe with Mr. Virgo his Saturn aspects are causing too many guidelines. I mean, that whole having to spend the whole day thing together. Maybe he is worried about being used and cast away - or maybe it is a control thing. I find that Virgo men can be very smothering if they do not have good aspects. Now, my ex- he was not at all smothering he just was sexually inhibited. The other Virgo I was friends with was even smothering as a friend. It is funny that you say that your Virgo is quick the first time around...then goes again, because I always pictured that Virgo friend of mine to be something like that. One of our friends told me that his ex complained he was like a bunny..would go for a back on and the cycle would continue. Well, that just "ewwwwwws" me out!!! It sounds like your Ex was more comfortable in his Virgo skin. They say that when a Virgo faces that part of them that causes these repressions, then they are free of them and can get on with their lives. As far as the morning thing. Hmm, that is kind of odd. I am not much of a morning person, period!! I mean I am not adverse to morning antics, but I also want to just wake up...have my coffee and do my thing. What about if you get frisky at night? What about the afternoon? Oh, that would be very hard to tolerate, can you ever initiate it at other times or is he VERY strict about it? Also, if you want me to delete this after it's read, let me know okay. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 04:54 PM
I've tried to initiate at other times of the day, but he lets me know right away that it's no use by saying things like...(say if I'm staying over, and we've just gone to bed and I start kissing him) he'll go "Oh, sweetie I"m sooooo tired" or "Oh, my back is killing me! This bed is going to put me in traction yet" (he uses that one on the MORNINGS when he doesn't want to do stuff as well) Or, if it's in the afternoon, he'll say "we don't have enough time for that" And I'll say "what do you mean? We have 3 hours before dinner, we're not going anywhere. How much time do you need?" His response is "well, I don't like it when you have to leave afterwards" * OH BLAH*!!!! Lighten up for bleep sakes! Or you won't be getting any at ALL!! (I don't say that but I feel like it sometimes) But see, if I have to make an issue out of it, it kills the mood. If I have to debate with him to convince him that we should fool around, that makes ME feel scuzzy. Then I wonder why he doesn't want me as much as I want him, and then my feelings get hurt and I feel all choked up. But I feel silly for making a big "to do" about it, so it's a catch 22. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Suffice it to say, I interpret it simply as "I desire you more than you desire me". And that hurts my feelings...ALOT. (and I've told him this too) You don't have to delete it. I don't care anymore who reads what. Might do him some good to read this. In fact I HOPE he reads it. But I doubt he will. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 15, 2003 05:35 PM
Yes Lioneye, I know how you feel. When one person wants the other, but it is not reciprocated, it hurts. I went through that with my Ex. Even in the beginning there were a lot of rules, then it became more infrequent and there were more rules - then it just stopped. The hardest part for me was on our honeymoon (we didn't even get close to getting intimate on our wedding night...he was too tired). There we were in St. Thomas and we had this amazing view. I put on a little red nightie (not slutty, but very sexy) and he just looked at me. He said "Wow, you look gorgeous in that. Have you seen how good you look?" Then, he just rolled over - said he was very tired. I tried again maybe a few more times in the next year, then my heart just died where he was concerned. He always had an excuse, work was terrible, he was not feeling well, or he was having general stomach problems. He wouldn't get help and so I decided it was time to leave. I guess there was a bit of overlap in that relationship, but as far as I was concerned, there was no marriage.
All I can say Lioneye, is if this is the courting stage and you are not satisfied with the sexual routine, what will the marriage be like? I have found that for most of us Fire signs, sex is extremely important in that it is a way we show love or how we feel. I am not very demonstrative in public, so when I am behind closed doors I want my man to know how much I missed him, how I need him and how much he means to me. When it is returned, I feel happy, when it isn't I start to wonder what is wrong. Maybe that is a big difference with some of the Air or Earth signs, I am not sure. I do know that if it was just sex and goodbye, then I would be upset, but I don't need him around all day. I like quickies too and there is always time for that LOL.... Part of being together is being intimate. I enjoy cooking and making dinner with my Leo. We flirt and laugh...kiss...sometimes we have to take the food off the burners or turn the oven off because we get a little too frisky. LOL, but that is what it's all about for us. He is like me in that he shows affection through sex or intimacy behind closed doors. But like me, he went through the exact same situation - so we both knew what not to look for the next time around. IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 06:55 PM
Lioneye, its not getting any better, he is just pushy when it comes to his way. it's his way of controlling his life. I had an ex like that and he would always say things like "It's too hot", or not now, and he always wanted it in the morning.And do you know why Lioneye? I don't either, but I have a theory that these men ENJOY it more if the woman or partner ENJOYS it less. Sorry but that' the theory, it always worked for my ex, I felt dirty, used and stupid, he felt great. I felt happy, he felt dirty used and stupid. JUST a competition, no equality. All taking and no giving that' the problem. Love is about GIVING, all the time, that is the receiving, it's in the giving. Some people are just very hung up about ENJOYING sex, and restrict themselves physically. Trust me men can control it, they are not uncontrollable. Psychological impotence most of the time is caused by something physical in nature, and it can be controlled. Very rarely is a man truly impotent in that he can never do it again, it's either due to age, hardening of the arteries, or it's controlled by something simple such as a herniated nerve or something else that can be operated on. The question is why would a woman put up with that, when a man is not going to put up with his wife gaining 150lbs? He would try and change it. It's normal, it's the same principle. The wife can go on a diet if she cares about her marriage, or get help. The man can get help too or get viagra. Lioneye, yours will probably say, No I can't take viagra, I have a heart condition....It's called rationalizing...he is not unhappy he just doesn't understand his own feelings and doesn't want to face them. It's laziness pure and simple in his case, he could do something. Some men have serious issues, some not so serious. Performance anxiety is not normal if you know someone very well, and it starts happening all of a sudden. It is probably physical. To not go to the doctor is silly and immature. It's not about arousing the man, I think with the Moon on his ascendant or Mars square Saturn the man can get aroused he just won't get an erection. the two are not the same! Being aroused has nothing to do with performance! Trust me when I say I don't care if he says it doesn't matter to him, and you are satisfied anyway and that's all that counts..he's lying...The man has to feel he can perform or else he is unhappy and will feel resentful of the partner. With all the medical breakthroughs they have now, it's good to get him into a urologists office. Yes I believe his moon on his ascendant is a problem, he may have issues with women being dirty/used or the virginal types, in other words he sees women in black and white. Those he can be sexual with and those he cannot. I have come across men that cannot have a relationship with a woman after sex, the always get sick of seeing her again, it makes him feel dirty/used and he does not/cannot respect her presence after that. The opposition between mars and the moon can be tough too. Natasha Taurus/6th house Sun I do tend to be either very strict or totally out there, but it's because I am emotionally based. I do have a fire mars too which I channel into the Arts. IP: Logged |
PlayfulPonderingFishMoon unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 07:13 PM
Natasha,I'm just curious about what you are into artistically. I have only tackled writing so far myself, but I love it more and more. What endeavors do you undertake yourself? I think I read awhile back that you are a painter? But I'm not sure about that though. I'd love to hear about it all if you really want to answer. I think my own Pisces Moon needs lots of outlets, lol. IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 07:16 PM
BTW in case anyone is interested like I am, I have a link to the chart of the Marquis de Sade. He was also a Monkey (the asian sign.) I was interested because at one time I thought I was working for his reincarnation (he was also a monkey and had the saturn/square mars/venus. The Marquis de Sade has his Mars singleton in its own sign Aries in the 5th house where it is intercepted. He “pioneered” ideas of self-centered and brutal sexuality. The word “sadism” is derived from his name. He was hated and condemned by the Church, and seems to have actively violated its sexual dogma and doctrine. He spent most of his life in prison for expressing his perverse ideas. The Mars square Venus-Saturn suggests he may have loathed women and/or been frustrated by them. Traditional values were anathema to him. He wrote brilliant pornography with shocking stories of depravity. Perhaps a good part of his sexual activity took place in his mind and was acted out by his pen. (Uranus is also a singleton in the 1st house; so he could hardly help but be a rebel and shocking to the status quo). Women with Mars singletons are interesting characters. They stand out in their fields because of their drive, assertiveness and leadership. They show remarkable ability to pioneer and to survive. Actual birthdata Now I have a very strong Mars and I can be very self centered at times but also a leader and a pioneer. And I know I'm a survivor. I think the difference is the square from Mars/Saturn. Most of Sade's stuff was in his mind. This is a good website overall Natasha Taurus IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 07:25 PM
Playful Fish, it's nice of you to ask, I am a painter, and I love oils and also ink and paper, in the typical japanese style. Do you write poetry or paint? With a Pisces moon you would be great at anything like that, sewing, drawing, painting, or poetry. Try a poem it's faster than writing.Houses falling down Foreclosure on the loan Listen to that door moan Where are all the people? Not here where the snow falls Away in brand new Shopping Malls Look away from that house Don't go near the Turnpike Don't dare to go anywhere near anything but artificial Reindeer There you go, that's one to get you started, Take Care, Playful Fish, I know many Pisces moon's and they are always very funny too. Natasha
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Aphrodite unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 07:30 PM
hi lioneye,i am having relationship issues too. not the ones like yours, just different. but problematic nonetheless. i personally went to two readers who helped me understand the situation and what kinds of choices i needed to make. luckily, the ones i went to were really good and able to provide insight without me saying anything. one said, "he's a geek!" (he is). sometimes they can help find that exact locus we can't put our finger on, but know it's there. hope this helps and best of luck to you. amy IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 07:43 PM
Re: something said earlier re: guys, staying power, & Mars/Saturn trines:Jason has his Mars in Pisces trine his Saturn in Scorpio. Ohh, yeah.  IP: Logged |
PlayfulPonderingFishMoon unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 11:36 PM
Natasha,Hi there! Lol, when I say writing, that actually means lots of poetry already too. I just started writing it again last year. But I do enjoy philosophizing ( is that actually a real word? lol ), in prose form about many a subject too, whether I accomplish that on message boards, or just in the privacy of my own journal. I have wondered about my abilities with paint, because I know that Pisces are so very known for that as well. When I was younger and had art class in school, I really didn't do very well with it. But, it could have been because I was extremely nervous about things having to do with coordination back then though, and I wasn't able to relax enough to enjoy it very much. I also flunked out at gym too, while I shined at almost all of the academics though, go figure, lol. I have enjoyed sketching by my lonesome on and off for years though, when I knew that I wouldn't be graded on any of it. Thanks for the words about Pisces Moons being funny. I like to think that I am amusing too, lol.
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astro junkie unregistered
posted December 15, 2003 11:36 PM
How about a guy with Mars & Saturn in Cancer? .gloria ------------------ it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness... IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted December 16, 2003 12:03 PM
Playful Fish, do not hesitate to post your poetry here because we have a lot of poets on this board, I'd like to read it. Pisces are very good with anything that involves the imagination, you probably have a good memory. I could teach you to draw but there are some great books out on drawing the figure on used. You can also check out your local library first.Do not buy any book over $20 start cheap at first and buy lots and lots of paper. Try pencils, charcoal, and even ink, Iove ink on paper there is a painterly quality and it's cheap and fast. Try books, cubes and then plants to start. I know a Pisces moon I just turned on to drawing and she is exceptional. Gloria I am curious about that too, as I met a man once with Saturn on my Mars and we were highly attracted, almost too much. Is your friend very sexy and charming, and is difficult for him to handle friendships with women who are not his lovers? He may be more mental than physical. Natasha
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