  Of all the "Cusps" between signs... (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Of all the "Cusps" between signs...
lovely libra

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posted April 02, 2004 01:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lovely libra     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't know that much about Linda or her dislike of cusps but in my copy of Love
Signs It reads the following

Sun Sign birth periods Pg. 36

Aries March 20 into april 20
(march 20 aries or pieces?)
Taurus april 20 into may 21
(april 20 taurus or aries?)
Gemini may 21 into june 21
(may21 Taurus or gemini?)
Cancer june 21 into july 22
(June 21 which one)
Leo july 22 into august 23
Virgo Aug 23 into sept 23
Libra sept 23 to oct 23
Scorpio oct 23 to nov 22
Sag nov 22 to dec 21
( My daughter born on nov. 22 does this make her a sagipio?)
Capy dec 21 to jan 20
Auqua jan 20 to feb 19
Piesces Feb 19 to march 20

My highschool freind a nice virgo gal got me hooked and when i asked her what if you fall on a date listed on both signs she said your on the cusp with traits of both. I have no doubt Linda didn't like cusps but why overlap the dates? On My online astrology sight it lists my daughter as sag. I have always been confused by this.
I would love some enlightenment

~indecision may or may not be my problem

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posted April 02, 2004 02:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BlueRoamer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I liked your response, and I agree with what you have said. Being somewhat active in a scientific community, however, and believing in astrology are two things that don't necessarily mix well. I guess I'm just progressive in believing that astrology is more of a science than an art, and that there is some way to prove its validity. I feel that ignoring the scientific aspects of astrology merely contributes to the common opinion of astrology as "joke" or a pseudoscience.

I believe that everyone holds elements of ALL the signs, and that we are just stronger in expressing certain energies than others!

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posted April 02, 2004 06:52 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cusps are an Interesting thing. Although of course I don't think they are the only thing that goes into someones make-up.

Most of the people in my immidiate family were born on one. The most amusing are my dad and my little sisters:

My dad was born on the Gemini side of the gemini/taurus cusp.
My sis was born on the Taurus side of the gemini/taurus cusp.
They are different, they deffinitly are alittle more inclinded to their sun signs but there is some effect. Either way I love this Cusp....they're pretty easy going, and funny people to spend time with.

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From: North Andover, MA
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posted April 02, 2004 10:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Lovely Libra... you would need the exact date, time and place of the person's birth to determine the actual Sun sign on the "cusp" date.

The Sun moves approx. 1 degree a day, so some years it may enter a sign on the 20th, others on the 21st (or what have you). So on those questionable dates, you must go with a correctly calculated and timed nativity.

Blue Roamer... I agree astrology is a science, but it is also an art. People do have free will, and THAT is much more important than just the astrology. It has often been said that the chart of a saint is impossible to read... other people's charts fit them like the proverbial "glove". Much of this has to do with the level of spirituality the individual has attained to.

Linda used to call it the Karmic playpen. When we are babies we need the confinement of the playpen for safety's sake. As we grow older, our field of experience expands from the playpen to the playroom... and as we mature and grow, then to the outdoors. In a like manner, the spiritually "evolved" soul has a bit more room to roam than the lesser "evolved" soul... if that makes any sense.

Hope that helps a bit...

The opinionated astrologer..

"The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion

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lovely libra

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posted April 02, 2004 01:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lovely libra     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ah got it ok. She was born on nov.22 1992 12:00 pm. On the 20th aniversery of kenedy's assination 1/2 a block away from the grassy knoll dallas texas. Scorp or sag.?

~indecision may or may not be my problem

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Posts: 44
From: North Andover, MA
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posted April 02, 2004 02:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aselzion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Ok LovelyLibra, here's the deal:

Sun at 0 degrees Sagittarius 42 minutes
Moon at 9 Scorpio 59
Mercury at 28 Scorpio 44 Retrograde
Pluto at 23 Scorpio 11
MidHeaven at 27 Scorpio 27

So you will see that she is a Sun sign Sagittarian.

If you seem to see any Scorpio in her it will NOT be because she was born on a "cusp" but rather becasue her Moon is in Scorpio which will show her emotional nature (among other things) and her Mercury is ALSO in Scorpio describing how she thinks and communicates. That is also in a conjunction with Pluto, also in Scorpio (its own sign) again emphasizing a Scorpio type mental process. In addition to the planetary factors, her MidHeaven is also in Scorpio describing her perception of the public at large and career issues. (also among other things) This is probably a psychic/mediumistic or clairvoyant child... if that hasn't been scared or programmed out of her yet.

So, cusps aside, your child is a Sagittarian with some marked Scorpio influences.

Make any sense?

In the Light...

"The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion

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posted April 02, 2004 08:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Jazzebel, they couldn't be more specific could they about the fate to weep over:> I am sure I have had a few breakups (divorces) in my lifetime, and I am always starting new projects. I can't do anything about my fate, but I am pretty sure it must be past-with Saturn in Taurus it's said that my early life would be hard, and it was. I can only suppose that everything ahead is rosy.

But What about the other degrees, do they have a story? What about 0 degrees for example? If i have the ascendant within the 0 degree, and Uranus in the 0 degree, is there a significance, or is it only the 29th degree?

Thank you,

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lovely libra

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posted April 03, 2004 01:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lovely libra     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cool Thank you. She has never exibited any clairvoince. she does watch very carefully and "take notes" mentally. She can remember the way to anyplace we drive better than me.SHe remembers who said what when, and she is brutally honest. I dig brutal honesty she cracks me up. My little one what ifs things. What if we have a fire on our last night in Oregon? we did. What if Stephen(cat) Breaks his leg? He did. What if you car breaks down. it did. I have asked her to only what if good things from now on. No seriously i kinda listen to her she gets a certain tone ya know. She's my leo Aug 15 1994
mesquite texas 8:30 am. and my extream gratitude for solving an 11 year old puzzel.

~indecision may or may not be my problem

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taurus/gemini cusp


posted January 15, 2008 06:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for taurus/gemini cusp     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Natasha, because I have a feeling you dont understand what "the sisters of tears" on your Sun degree means - I`d tell you a bit - your Sun at 29' Taurus falls in a cluster of 7 fixed stars know as the Seven sisters (or the Pleides or the Weeping sisters). Every planet or angle( like the ASC for examle) at 29 Taurus falls in that constelation too. It is said that anyone influenced by the 29th degree of Taurus will at some point in their life, suffer a fate to weep about. It also gives strong will, sincerity and honesty. The fixed stars, even thou they are called fixed, they do move slowly - about a degree per 70 years. Means - the Pleidas (the seven sisters) is now at 0 Gemini. (they have + - 1 degree orb of influence, or from 29 Taurus to 1 Gemini)

Gulp! Although I have reason to believe that this fate may have passed. I think I may know what it is.....

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Seeing Stars 7.21

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posted January 15, 2008 08:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Seeing Stars 7.21     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


Touche' I think the same thing. and good quote from Love Signs. I was questioning cusps until I read that. it does make sense.. I could easily say I feel like a leo because of the cusp but when I look at my progressions my sun has been in leo since I was 2 years old so that makes more sense. I know at heart I am Cancer but some Leo shines through all the time.

by the way you said the 29th degree was a degree of breakups? I have read that it was more associated with clairvoyance. Im confused now. I have my Sun and Jupiter in the 29th degree of Cancer and Taurus respectively.

its funny cause the majority of the planets in my chart are all on cusps cept for mercury and venus.

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posted January 16, 2008 03:03 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
right on, Sagicorn

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Seeing Stars 7.21

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posted January 16, 2008 03:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Seeing Stars 7.21     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote


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posted January 16, 2008 09:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just 'thumbsing-up' blueroamer's posts.

I agree about there being value in the consideration of the influence of flowing energies. Even if subtle, an influence nonetheless.
It just makes more sense
that the energies wouldn't have a
sharply halting boundary line.
STOP ENTIRELY HERE, in the blink of a nano-second.
Everything you observe of the Universe
defies this notion. Stars super-nova and the molecular gases their death emits birth other stars and creation. Everything blends, and is a state of being/becoming.
I think astrologers find it sloppy,
because it makes interpretations a bit
more complex to deal with.
Having definative boundaries to work with
makes things easier.
Astrology may be a long-established system,
but I don't know how benefitial it is for any of us to believe it's not open for discovery. We don't know everything.

Every pioneering scientist (Einstein for one) goes up against conventionally rigid thought. I just think it's at least better open for consideration, rather than closing it off entirely, without room for wonder.
I'm surprised Linda was closed-minded in this respect and so open in other ways. But then it seems most often 'non-cuspers' are the ones who have the most forceful opinion about it.

Just my thoughts, as a 0 degree Sagittarius/Sagiscorp/Scorpittarian.

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Posts: 5228
From: Sacramento,California
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posted January 16, 2008 09:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sun in Pisces can begin on February 18th

My cousin,Joey was born on February 18th,and he has Sun in Pisces. He was born in Alameda,California at 4:30 PM.
He has Sun,Mercury,Venus,and Saturn in Pisces.

You have to take the time into consideration.

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Posts: 5228
From: Sacramento,California
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 16, 2008 09:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

29th degree of Leo is not weak.
The Royal Star,Regulus is located around that degree.

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wild sheep
posted January 16, 2008 12:35 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My vote for the "most noticeable" cusp (in terms of both appearance and personality) is Cancer-Leo. My mother was born on that cusp (reflecting, I think, among other factors, a difficult birth for my grandmother; my mother had a Apgar of "1" at birth) and is quite the individual, let me tell you.

"You stay young as long as you can learn, acquire new habits and suffer contradiction." (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

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