Topic: Correlation between Myers-Briggs types and signs
dorkus_malorkus unregistered
posted May 02, 2004 10:19 PM
I thought it might be interesting to do a survey of sorts on the correlation between the Myers-Briggs type and your sign. If you do not know your type, go to a site such as for a free assessment. Please post your type and sun/moon/rising sign along with any other factors in your chart that show a realtionship to your type; I am curious to see the results  I will go first: INFP (Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) Virgo sun and rising, Libra moon 
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TINK unregistered
posted May 02, 2004 10:33 PM
I am an INFP too. Scorpio sun, Sag moon. I found the description to be a little too close for comfort. God, I hate it when someone understands me.  IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus unregistered
posted May 02, 2004 11:29 PM
Another INFP - yay! I don't feel so alone now  IP: Logged |
alchemiest unregistered
posted May 02, 2004 11:44 PM
ENTP here I had to get mine done as part of one of my classes last semester... actually, the one class that was required for my job. How accurate is the M-B personnality type test anyway? To me, it seemed like they were pretty encompassing for everybody- like, I would have thought it to be extremely accurate even if I were an ENTJ or something. Just wondering... Oh, and I'm a Gemini by birthsign (barely! 22nd of May, in fact), with a Libran ascendant with the following planetary thingies:
Gemini Moon Taurus Sun Taurus Mars Pisces Venus Libra Pluto Aries Mercury Scorpio Saturn Scorpio Uranus Sagittarius Neptune Capricorn Jupiter 
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proxieme unregistered
posted May 02, 2004 11:51 PM
 INFJ/INTJ (INxJ) - That is, I score right, smack dab (or so) in between F and J. Pisces Sun Aqua Moon Scorp Rising T-Square involving Sun/Neptune/Saturn Would like to type more (and respond to some other posts), but I've a munchkin to burp  IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted May 02, 2004 11:57 PM
Dorkus - You've got more company -I'm also INFP Libra This is a great thread! Thanks for thinking of it... .gloria IP: Logged |
Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted May 03, 2004 12:55 AM
Great minds really do think alike.  Jungian Personality Test + Astrological Comparison ------------------ The role of religion is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. :::P.T. Barnum IP: Logged |
ariestiger unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 10:23 AM
INTP or INTJ. Either a scientist or a strategist (Virgo Ascendant???). The Myers-Briggs personality test does seem to be quite accurate. Sun, Mercury=Aries (in the 8th), Moon, Venus & Jupiter=Pisces (6th House), Mars & Saturn=Gemini (10th House). IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2004 10:39 AM
I think there was a thread on this a while back...umm, I will have to look it up.I am in INFJ (I sometimes fluctuate with INFP). Sun: Sag Moon: Aries Merc: Capricorn Venus: Sag Mars: Pisces Jupiter: Scorp Saturn: Taurus Neptune: Scorp Uranus: Libra Pluto: Virgo Virgo rising Once I got into looking at my astro aspects (I had the MB test done when I was in elementary school - high school pyschology and the long form test in college Sociology / Psych) I realized just how close the MB evaulation correlates with the astrological aspects. I can come across as introverted but I also tend to be incredibly curious which leads me to venture out and want to talk with people. I will see if I can locate that past thread.  IP: Logged |
gloomy sag unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 10:41 AM
INFPSun Sag Moon Libra Asc PIsces/Aquarius Venus Sag Mars Leo Hey, Proxie, how is it going? How is Me(a)gan? *I'm sorry I don't know the correct spelling* IP: Logged |
Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted May 03, 2004 11:05 AM
okay maybe i was too ambiguous with my earlier post..  The link I posted above goes to the earlier thread about the same topic. Interesting stuff.  ------------------ The role of religion is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. :::P.T. Barnum IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2004 11:13 AM
Yep that was too ambiguous - because had you prefaced it with "Here is a thread from the past that addresses this issue" then we would have known hee heeIP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 11:16 AM
Hey Harpyr. Don't recall seeing that post, must've been when I was gone or something. Thanks for sharing  IP: Logged |
gloomy sag unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 11:18 AM
C'mon you guys, by now we should be able to read each others minds. We are all Saggies after all  Pssst, Harpyr, check out Gaia's Garden. IP: Logged |
Nackie unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 11:56 AM
ENTP but sometimes I get ENFJgemini sun scorp rising taurus moon I think the ENTP is due to Uranus pretty much in conjunction with my ASC...ENTP is very aquarian, imho. But otherwise, I haven't any aquarian influences (empty 4th house aqua) perceptive and judging always get only 1%, so I guess it's relatively interchangeable lol Nackie btw...thanks for making me waste my afternoon doing all those bloody tests ...(lol...never met a gemini that could resist a test!!!!) IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 12:27 PM
G-Saggie - Things go well w/ Meghan. She's currently curled up against my shoulder, being propped up by my folded legs (enabling me to type).On that... *hops over to that thread* Gah! In a sec or two...the timer for my bottle sterilizer get-up just went. IP: Logged |
gloomy sag unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 12:30 PM
Proxie, we should open a new thread on Meghan if it is not too much on you over at FFA. I am so curious about babies and everything they do! I feel like it is the most wonderful experience in ones life!  IP: Logged |
trillian Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2004 01:40 PM
ENFJ, The Teacher. Me and Oprah. Well, she and I have the same weight issues.  Only 2-3% of the population are ENFJ, according to this. Gee, I love being the oddball.  Hmmm, astrologically, not sure how that would correspond. Leo Rising, Uranus in 12th conjunct Asc., Pluto in 1st Conj. Asc. Aries Sun Cappy Moon exactly conj. Jupiter Aries Merc. Aries Venus Pisces Mars IP: Logged |
Isis Newflake Posts: 1 From: Brisbane, Australia Registered: May 2009
posted May 03, 2004 02:23 PM
We did a huge MTBI thing at work a few years ago, it was great! I took the full test back then, I'm ENTP (it was close, was almost ENTJ). I'm not sure to which astrological aspects in my chart that corresponds to. We were told that statistics of those taking the test show that corporate leaders tend to be ENTJ, ESTJ, ISTJ or INTJ. The common demoninator there is the "TJ" part (Thinking/Judging)...anyway, very interesting stuff, one of the most accurate psychological profile tests I've ever seen, I loved it.------------------ “The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.” Seneca IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 05:23 PM
I was able to find some interesting info on the subject, I dunno if anyone is interested heheh but here it is anyway:
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2004 05:27 PM
Wow - that was brutal..LOL...they are all geared towards mental illness in relation to the signs and type. On the enneagram (sp) I am a Leader / Reformer.. That makes since if I look at one of my strongest aspects - my Moon in Aries opposed my Singleton Uranus in Libra. Aries wants to lead and while the Singleton in Uranus wants to break down convention - reform. I am at my best when I can see the walls that need to be broken and use my leadership qualities to get there....then it's time to go back into my little world..and wait for the next battle LOL... IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 05:29 PM
I should create a thread on Enneagram types as well if anyone is interested. I dunno if any of you guys follow that too, but I have an interesting book on the subject(Enneagram Types - Riso/Hudson) and there is grips of information out there. I suppose if there is a close correlation between the MBTI and signs there should be corresponding enneagram types as well?IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus unregistered
posted May 03, 2004 05:33 PM
Whoa pid, Moon opposed Uranus? I can see where much of your great personality comes from! You are a type 1 then on the enneagram? That is nice, my stepdad is a type one as well  IP: Logged |
CrabbyRam unregistered
posted May 04, 2004 03:50 AM
I'm INFP too, and I've usually found that most people who fit the idealist mold have a prevalent fire sign on the chart. I'm a Cancer with an Aries moon and a Leo ascendant, so it totally makes sense for me. I use my intuition more than anything and have often been labled "scatterbrained." IP: Logged |
snappyyaps Newflake Posts: 3 From: London Registered: Feb 2010
posted May 04, 2004 09:05 AM
Hello, Another INFJ. Comb's are: Sun - Pis Moo - Tau Ris - Sco IP: Logged |