  Who is Rasputin, and what Sign was he? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Who is Rasputin, and what Sign was he?

Posts: 8
From: ON Canada
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 15, 2004 05:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh, everyone has to lighten up, it's just a t!t.
Although, I suppose guns and violence on prime time is more tolerated, huh?
Even though it was obviously staged, children *exposed* could be led to believe 'oops, it was an accident' and it culd be painlessly explained like that... sometimes embarrassing things happen. I think if more women breastfed in public, some of the sexuality would be subdued.. yes, breasts are sexual, and they have their place in a healthy sexual way, but they are more than that.
Realtv,Cops and shows like this, depictng real life crimes in progress and violence are much worse in terms of influencing our children, and they are so commonplace, they are accepted. I'd rather hear someone get all bentout of shape about that. For Goddess's sake, it's just flesh.. with some jewellery on it.

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Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted June 16, 2004 12:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey, anyone who wants to see breasts, penises and other assorted body parts can simply do a search of the web. Perhaps our Brit friends can hop on the bike and pedal on down to the local porn shop and pick up a copy of Hustler or Playboy/Playgirl.

But when we're sitting in front of the TV watching a halftime show with our parents, uncles, cousins and children, most of us don't want to see an over the hill publicity hound like Janet Jackson with her breast hanging out or some jerk or assorted jerks grabbing their crotch, no matter how cool some of the brain dead think that is.

To that end, a lot of people told the FCC to fine CBS for airing it during prime-time. Me too but I asked the FCC to yank the CBS broadcast license and sent CBS a copy. Some of us really don't appreciate that kind of surprise.

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posted June 16, 2004 05:54 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry jwhop, I can't take you seriously.

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Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 16, 2004 06:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
maklhouf, the truth is you can't "take me" any way

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posted June 16, 2004 09:09 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not at all. I have observed your spirited defense of your country. And I agree that we can't blame America. If we are invaded, downtrodden, whatever, then that is our fault absolutely. But a *** ? Really. She did not even show her nipple.

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Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
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posted June 16, 2004 10:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hmmm, how many ways can I say the same thing without repeating myself. That entire half-time show was wholly inappropriate for the timeslot and audience. The sexual content was aggressive and Jackson flopping her breast out was just the final straw. Be certain of this, the NFL will never have another half-time show that approaches the sexual content of that one.

I don't give a flip if JJ wants to get naked and spread her legs for Playboy or any other porno rag. I think anyone who would pay to see it probably needs a brain cell infusion but at least when someone picks it up, they know what to expect. Springing a show like that on an unsuspecting audience.... was inappropriate, in bad taste and irresponsible and the network, the NFL, MTV, the FCC and Janet Jackson caught hell for it, as they should have.

I don't know what the broadcast rules are in Britain but here broadcasters are licensed to operate on the public airwaves and supposedly in the public interest. There is nothing, not one thing in the public interest in having a bunch of jerks grabbing their crotches and JJ flopping out a breast on a world wide broadcast of a major sporting event.

Just my opinion of course but I'm not likely to change my mind.

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posted June 16, 2004 02:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Nobody thinks it was a marvelous thing to do. Just couldn't beleive all the fuss over something minor when there was so much major stuff going on.

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posted June 16, 2004 03:47 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
jwhop, in Juni's "why women lie" thread, you said
By now, we should have been sailing between the stars, exploring the Universe and would have been if not for squandering our energies on making women more beautiful, more desirable, everything to satisfy the insatiable desires of women to retain their youthful appearance.

Then, in this thread you said...
....most of us don't want to see an over the hill publicity hound like Janet Jackson with her breast hanging out

She's only 36 for God Sake!! So, if she was younger, you may not have minded quite as much? Geez. If you represent the attitude of the average man, can you blame us for being so insecure about aging? If you're a woman, you're considered "over the hill" as soon as you pass 29 in this society. It's not us who are driving that industry, jwhop, it's MEN LIKE YOU.

Rant over.

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posted June 16, 2004 10:34 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I find your comments both contradictory and rude.

You seem to forget that much worse is shown on television here all the time. OOOps, sorry, I forgot, it WAS during the BALL GAME!!!! Which if I recall the previous year, aired a commercial where two very scantily dressed women were fighting over a beer. Not to mention those Victora Secret girls. What, not cerebral about those?
Nope, well then, perhaps we can suppose our children love those!

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posted June 16, 2004 11:01 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I posted a reply to the rude, contradictory, and very cerebrally gifted on Playboy and Hustler person.

However it seems to be lost in space. Perhaps it is just as well. This was a topic on Rasputin, or so I thought.

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Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 17, 2004 01:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
lioneye, did you take that bit about Adam and Eve seriously? Well, it may be true for all I know. Sometimes I'm only half convinced women are aliens, the rest of the time, I'm certain. This is one of those times when I am certain

I was referring to Janet Jackson's career as over the hill. Singers with a voice don't need to grab their crotches or get naked to put on a good show. Generally, they get the best improvement when they work on their voice and leave the sexual content to the bedroom or backseat of the limo....if they have a voice to begin with.

maklhouf, yes there is major stuff going on, every day. Women are raped and murdered and children are abused, molested and neglected among other things in this society. Part or even most of this can be directly tied to a decline in moral values and the entertainment industry is at the top of the list of those responsible for pushing the envelope. They say they mirror society but in my opinion they're out in front leading. Perhaps some are more pleased than I with the progress they're making.

Gia, I see a distinct difference between provocative clothing and partial nudity, don't you? Agreed, there is far more explicit nudity and sexual activity on TV but those who turn it on know what to expect.

Do you claim to see no difference between making a decision to view explicit programming and having it thrust on people without warning? I don't see an equivalency between sexual nudity, violence, provocative clothing or verbal innuendo. Different, distinct things altogether.

Well, you women are either mothers or potential mothers yourselves, so please tell me how proud you're going to be the day your little Johnny grabs his crotch repeatedly in front of your mother or perhaps your friend's daughter or little Sally reaches into her tee shirt and pops her boob out in front of your father or your friend's son.

Gia, rude, how? Contradictory, how?


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posted June 17, 2004 02:41 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Rude? Now let me see, how about "Perhaps our Brit friends can hop on a bike and peddle down to the local porn shop and pick up a copy of Hustler or Playboy?"

Contradictory? What is provocative clothing if not partial nudity?

Educate your kids so they know what is appropriate and what is not. Don't allow television to do it for you. Cause if you do, that is exactly how they will behave.

I'm not going to rant about this anymore. I'm only bothering to be courteous. It's the Brit. in me you see.

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posted June 17, 2004 10:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
jwhop, then I believe the phrase you were looking for is "has been", not "over the hill", because the two have entirely different meanings. I took offense to that because I'll be 36 in August, and I'm somewhat fretting the approaching big one....40

Your statement did nothing to eleviate the angst I'm already feeling about it.

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Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 17, 2004 12:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Gia, I think my response to someone suggesting Americans were or are hysterical about JJ showing her boob was appropriate. Let's not confuse anger with hysteria. Hysterical is not a term I would use to describe Americans and it is a putdown. Use that language, buckle up.

Using your definition of nudity, everyone would need to be totally covered showing no flesh whatsoever or risk being called provocatively dressed or partially nude. Perhaps a Berka with a full veil would fall within your definition of conservative dress. Provocative dress is somewhat different from partial nudity.

Well, you see Gia, that's just the problem now isn't it. We instruct our children and entertainers attempt to undermine that instruction by pushing the envelope with ever greater sexual content.

It is instructive that you didn't respond to my question. Indeed how could you?

Lioneye, you're absolutely right, I should have said "has been." In JJ's case, her stunt was intended to reenergize a stalled career, stalled for whatever reason.

Well, I don't see women in their 30's, 40's and 50's as being over the hill, lioneye. I'm not a subscriber to the notion that when women reach 16 they start that long downhill slide.

Sorry, I just can't see anything wrong with women being, sexually, emotionally and physically mature, focused, discerning, capable and wise in the ways of the world.

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posted June 17, 2004 01:20 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ok, jwhop, you've completely redeemed yourself. You're hard to stay mad at for any amount of time anyway. You must drive your wife/girlfriend crazy.

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Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 17, 2004 02:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

When I was thirty-five,
it was a very good year
It was a very good year
for blue-blooded girls
Of independent means
We'd ride in limousines
Their chauffeurs would drive
When I was thirty-five

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posted June 17, 2004 03:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I didn't use that language. You did.
I do not consider full cover up conservative dress at all. Nor, do I consider a GSTRING/POP UP BRA either! I think you know what I'm saying. I suspect you have a thing about winding people up.

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Posts: 2787
From: Madeira Beach, FL USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 17, 2004 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually Gia, it was maklhouf who introduced the word hysteria into the mix and my comment about pedaling down to the porn shop was directed (her?) way since the words "We" and the UK were used in the same paragraph. Are you part of the UK "we"? In any event my remark was not meant as an insult.

We didn't think Janet's boob was bad. The U.K.couldn't beleive all that hysteria.

Yes, I know what you're saying but I also draw a distinction between showing elbows, knees, ankles, ears and cleavage on one hand and breasts on the other ------and who those body parts are being shown to as well.

No, I don't wind people up just to watch them march over the cliff

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posted June 17, 2004 06:06 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi AJ, I cant believe how much controversy your topic has created!! I look one day and Im like "Yuck!!" (the pic) but interesting all the same, and also all the cool feedback about Russia/past lives/ Rasputin ect, then today its like "Oh two pages..." "..Janets boob= obsessive arguing, what the hell...!!!?"
Anyway, the channel who showed it were OBVIOUSLY exploiting Janets mistake/Pub. stunt to get more publicity themselves, "Sex and nudity sells". Its the sad truth I suppose but broadcasters dont seem to care anymore about what they show might upset people.

Anyway, back to Astro's topic, AJ, and also Gia, if u love films and want a good one you should definitly watch the film 'Rasputin' with the INCREDIBLE Alan Rickman in it as Rasputin. Its such a good film, also quite sad and very moving and just fantastic!! I cant really describe it but its very truthful and deals more with his psychological/spiritual side than his sexual tendensies. Look on and ebay if u want to buy it....
(PS, its nothing like a crappy hollywood remake if your worried! Lol!)
Hope u like it, tell me if u've watched it!!

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astro junkie
posted June 17, 2004 07:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the flick pick!

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posted June 18, 2004 05:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not all biographers would agree that Rasputin was blameless in regard to children.It is more useful to remember that at that place in that time, "childhood" was an altogether different bag of tricks from what it has recently become in the western world.

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Posts: 8
From: ON Canada
Registered: Apr 2009

posted June 18, 2004 08:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was remembering that movie from the very first time I saw this thread. Thanks for reinforcing it, SunScorp.

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posted June 19, 2004 05:17 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also, people are rather missing the point of the sex part (as it were), it seems to me. Call me "cryptic" if you like.

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posted March 23, 2005 02:10 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 01, 2005 09:43 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
To compensate for the broken link I put a picture in photoshop:
hope the link works this time.

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