Topic: black moon/lilith
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 17, 2004 11:20 AM
what is the difference between black moon and lilith? I thought it was the same?IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 17, 2004 11:34 AM
I mean this is strange that on astro com you can find lilith both on additional objects and on astreroid list (#1181) and they do differ in degrees and signs if you select them both! IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 17, 2004 12:16 PM
This is what I’ve managed to find about Black Moon Lilith and the asteroid Lilith: In the traditional astrological literature about the Black Moon, Lilith is mostly described as representing the dark part of the female being. She appears as a demonic, dark goddess, as a destructive, psychic trouble-maker, the ultimate femme fatale, the mean seducer bent on revenge - really a very diabolic image. DARK MOON LILITH According to Lilith researcher Sue Simmons, many people don't believe the Dark Moon is a planetary body because the orbit is too regular and it cannot be reliably observed. Some think it is a ball of space dust, which would explain why it doesn't reflect the Sun as other Moons do. For these reasons, many astrologers do not use it in charts. According to Delphine Jay, author of Interpreting Lilith, published by the American Federation of Astrologers, the effect of Dark Moon Lilith is distinctly impersonal. When her expression is self-centered, she can be quite negative; when the emotional content is directed to higher centers, she enhances creative, mental, aesthetic, and even spiritual expression. Transiting Black Moon Lilith Experiences with transiting as well as natal Lilith are often connected to feelings of pain and agony. That brings us back to the myth: the Lilith of myth cannot forget that she was punished just because she wanted to act freely and according to her own will. Hence, Lilith transits often bring us into contact with uncontrollable emotions, a desire for revenge and frightening sides of sexuality. Black Moon Lilith in Relationships Lilith is no joke in relationships! Most people are not conscious of the forces of this astrological point, nor have they integrated them. Thus, a date under the influence of Lilith may grow into a dangerous liaison, into a painful, intense, obsessive or strange love affair. Often it's a matter of male or female self-esteem, of power and powerlessness and of radical breakthrough. Lilith often uncovers hidden structures of suppression and confronts the partners with their true desires, which they haven't lived out. Lilith also stands for a form of independence that may cause some loneliness or result in your getting in with the wrong crowd, symbolized by the demons. Some modern feminists see in the myth of Lilith an early expression of female power, sexuality and independence. She represents a combination of the magic power of the dark goddess, the female instinct and the endeavor to be equal to the male. THE ASTEROID A prominent asteroid Lilith in the birth chart may indicate a person who does not fit the cultural stereotype, leading to some kind of exile from the community. P.S. It seems that I like asking questions and answering them myself, LOL IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted June 17, 2004 01:25 PM
Peri -There was a time a few months ago, when I was determined to crack open this CONFUSING mystery regarding the Lilith's. Especially since like you, I asked and asked all over the Internet, and no one seemed to know. BUT it is more than likely that the information you receive is INACCURATE at that. There is a lot of confusion and misinformation out there, even from professional astrologists. I've spent hours and hours and hours researching this, and the following is by far the most well-researched and accurate explanation I found. ESPECIALLY THE PART ABOUT THE TRUE VS. MEAN!!! This is key::: "Lilith - by Sue Simmons There are 3 astrological points with the name Lilith: asteroid Lilith, Black Moon Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith. They are all called Lilith because the way you interpret them in a chart is related to the Lilith story.
Probably the earliest version of Lilith is from Mesopotamia in the 13 -15th centuries BC where she was the Goddess of Death in the form of an owl. She was called Lilith because it means "screech owl". The version of Lilith we know today is as the first wife of Adam, before Eve, although she is not mentioned in the Bible or in ancient Hebrew religious writings. This version seems to come from a medieval writing that purports to be part of Hebrew writings but is not. The writer probably took the older legend and Christianized it by making it part of a Bible story. Lilith became the woman from hell, the anti-female. There are many versions and interpretations of her story. As the first wife of Adam she refused to be subordinate to him. She refused to lie beneath him in sexual relations. She wanted to lie side by side or on top. When he tried to force her she used her powers to fly away. This part of her story has interested many women today . They like to think of Lilith as a feminist heroine, saying she was courageous and asserting her equality. However, in the original story she was more a symbol of the psychologically damaged. If you interpret the Liliths in a chart as heroic or admirable it will not be accurate. The Liliths in your chart operate as places where you are having trouble, where you don't fit in with the norm. After Adam refused to have her as his wife, she ran off and mated with many demons, which was strictly against God's will. God sent 3 angels to her to get her to stop but she didn't obey so He started killing her children at the rate of 100 per day. She went mad with grief and started killing other people's children. Painful issues surrounding children, birth, unsuitable sexual partners and parts of your life where you just can't function like others do are Lilith issues. Asteroid Lilith The glyph for asteroid Lilith is a straight horizontal line with 4 small vertical lines sticking up from it , sort of like an upturned rake head, and on the right below the horizontal line is a very small mark like a capital L or V. Some say it is an upturned hand which could be either rejecting or expecting something different. It takes about 5 years for Lilith to travel through all 12 signs, since it does retrograde a lot. It orbits the Sun in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid Lilith has to do with all aspects of difficult sexual relationships. Black Moon Lilith Black Moon Lilith is the astrologer's term for the lunar apogee. Since the Moon has an elliptical (oval) orbit and a wobbly one at that, the distance the Moon is from the Earth varies. The lunar apogee is the mathematical point in the sky where the Moon is farthest from the Earth. The reason this point is called Lilith is because in the Lilith story she was acting out the difficult (distant) part of the Moon, in murderous rage, vindictiveness, and insanity. The glyph for Black Moon Lilith is a black crescent pointing east, similar to a 3rd quarter Moon, but with a cross underneath. Black Moon Lilith can be calculated as mean or true, similar to the way the Moon's nodes are calculated as mean or true. But in the case of the Black Moon there can be as much as 30 degrees difference between the mean and true so it is possible for them to be in different signs or houses. Deciding which to use is easier if you look at charts of people you know where the mean and true are in different signs and houses. The true is the more accurate placement but an ephemeris for it has only been available for about 10 years so not as much work has been done using it. The ephemeris for the mean has been available for about 100 years and astrologers in Europe have been using it almost that long. That's why you see the mean used more in articles and books. The mean moves about 39 degrees per year or about 3 deg 8 min per month and does not retrograde. The true Black Moon retrogrades a lot and can move anywhere from 9 deg to well over 70 deg per year. It also can move up to 4 deg per day or stay at the same degree for several days so it is important to get an accurate placement for the true. An ephemeris in a book is fine for mean but not for the true. You can get the true in Win*Star software, Halloran software, or Riyal freeware or you can use the Swiss Ephemeris online to get both true and mean. It takes about 9 years for the mean or true to pass through all 12 signs. Dark Moon Lilith Unlike Black Moon Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith is a real body in the sky, a second Moon to the Earth that doesn't reflect light, hence the name Dark Moon. The glyph for Dark Moon Lilith is a zero with a forward slash running diagonally through it. There is some controversy over whether it is really there since it can only be seen as a spot moving across the Sun. However, there have been sightings since the 1600's as detailed in Delphine Jay's book, Interpreting Lilith, pg. 1-6. Dr. Georges Waltemath, an astronomer, documented it in 1898 and came up with calculations which gave it an orbit of 119 days around the Earth. The astrologer Sepharial used the Waltemath calculations to come up with an ephemeris but he made errors which caused a difference of anywhere from about 2 to over 40 degrees. Delphine Jay, Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, Mae Ludlum-Wilson and others copied Sepharial's calculations. The original Waltemath calculations can be found in Solar Fire software or Riyal freeware. Many astrologers use the Sepharial calculations with success, but the Waltemath calculations are more accurate. Dark Moon Lilith can be interpreted similarly to the other Liliths. Delphine Jay says Dark Moon Lilith is a place where you must operate impersonally because operating personally there will never be successful. Sue Simmons" IP: Logged |
lilith unregistered
posted June 21, 2004 03:14 AM
Hi again, astro junkie,  I remember clearly that I answered your questions re. Lilith, and provided you with a link from which you could find out everything you wanted to know. I remember that you had some other questions about your personal horoscope for which you thought Lilith is the answer but the problems you were/are having are clearly visible from the positions of the planets in your horoscope. Lilith has just a very small part to play in this, the major influences always come from your (personal) planets. What's still not clear about Lilith? There should be no confusion: there are 3 Liliths, and the ones that are relevant for horoscope interpretation are the Dark Moon Lilith and the Black Moon Lilith, that is all. Some astrologers even give precedence to Dark Moon Lilith and there is also a book on it. And you can calculate the TRUE position of every one of thee Liliths at I know Matrix software calculates the true position which is apparently very rare in astrological programs. all the best, Lilith IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 217 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 21, 2004 03:24 AM
Yes, lilith, I remember those posts! Hi! Haven't seen you in a while. Thanks for the info.IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted June 21, 2004 03:56 AM
Hi Lilith -Yeah, I found out TONS of info due to my tenacious hunger to understand. My chart is just chock full of challenges, and some is very much related to the Black & Dark's, especially having to do with my 4th House. It's all at once scary and joyous to attain a new perspective. But as usual, it takes several reasons for me to actually take action, and so it's not just astrology which gives me insight, but all the other studies of the mind, soul and body. Thanks. IP: Logged |
lilith unregistered
posted June 21, 2004 04:47 AM
Hi girls!  Yes, each horoscope is a challenge in itself, that's why we're here I think. Unfortunately (or fortunately) we each see our own problems as the most difficult whereas they may seem unimportant to other people, and that's why we got them instead of other people I also think that each person is also equipped with the matching amount of power to solve them, so don't give up the fight, right? Right! all the best on your quest  IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted June 21, 2004 07:05 AM
Ironically, I've been learning how to STOP fighting it... less effort and I become less neurotic...IP: Logged |
lilith unregistered
posted June 21, 2004 11:46 AM
 IP: Logged |
LEXX Moderator Posts: 6224 From: Still out looking for Schrodinger's cat.......& LEXIGRAMMING.♥.. is my Passion! Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 25, 2010 01:19 AM
Very interesting!------------------ Everyone is a teacher... Everyone is a student... Learning is eternal. ~Everyone is gifted. Some simply open the package sooner~ ~To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.~Oscar Wilde ~Life might not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance!~ }><}}(*>♥<*){{><} IP: Logged |
Chaos Knowflake Posts: 133 From: Serbia Registered: Aug 2010
posted September 26, 2010 09:43 AM
I found Black Moon Lilith & asteroid Lilith on, but I can't find the option for inserting Dark Moon in a chart Is there some kind of code/number for it? I can't find it...yeah, I'm Logged |
Stawr Knowflake Posts: 471 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted November 18, 2010 02:42 PM
man...I thought for sure that I have 2 Liliths in Scorpio...but now I know true/mean/black lilith are all the same moon I am second guessing that I have two Scorpio lilith signs. ....yep I still don't know what my dark moon lilith is...but a few weeks ago I found out that my asteroid lilith is in Aquarius... Thanks for posting that info, I am less confused now. ------------------ I'm brand new to this site. Rising: Gemini Sun: Aries Moon: Scorpio Mercury: Taurus Mars: Aqarius Venus: Pisces N. Node: Aqarius S. Node: Aries Juno: Scorpio Eros: Pisces True&Mean Lilith: Scorpio IP: Logged | |