Topic: Mystic Rectangle in Composite
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted July 17, 2004 12:42 PM
Has anyone seen this before? Know what to make of it? Would it act like a mystic rectangle in a natal chart? Anyone have any experience working/living with a mystic rectangle?I found this in a composite chart for me and a guy who I've long had a strange feeling or attraction and curiousity about but recently have wondered if we are soul mates, if not twin flames. There are other "classic" indicators of a possible soul mate connection (including his sun is in absolute conjunction with my descendant, and his sun, north node, vertex and venus are all in orb conjunction with my moon and descendant - all in Pisces and all his aspects expect the node fall in my 7th house, by the way). While this guy comes and goes out of my life (usually very quickly), and has for over a decade, his presence in my life has always been significant and has stirred up so spiritual crisis that often leads to my own growth or progress. There's also many parallels in our lives that I find a little unnerving because I just don't know what to think of it. It's like there's indicators that we would be very complimentary (or possibly very deterimental) for each other yet "fate" doesn't allow our personal paths to stay together long enough for both of to get on the same page. Recently the experience of his presence in my life have grown slightly stronger and leaving a longer "residue" after he's left again. Usually in the past I'd just get him out of my system and go on with my life not thinking about him until he shows up again. But this time it's a lot harder to move on and put him out of my mind, even though the prospects of any stable or intimate relationship, even a "real" friendship, with him seems less likely than ever, due to various circumstances. I try to be patient and kind toward this guy, but it's hard not to feel selfish and angry impulses now that I can't deny that all of this is hurting me, and I can't tell is this a a "good" hurt or a "bad" hurt (if you know what I mean). My spiritual guide said that this guy is probably "asleep" spiritually and needs time on his own to awake and recognize me for who I am in his life and destiny, and that the connection between us is possibly so strong that it can't be "forced" without causing harm to one another. I was wondering if this mystic rectangle aspect could shed any further light on this rather frustrating situation. IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted July 17, 2004 01:03 PM
I dunno, but my husband and I have it in our Davidson composite, so I'd be interested to know as well. Our regular mid-point composite doesn't, though: So I don't know if any experiences re: our relationship that I could share would be of help to you. IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 17, 2004 01:57 PM
I noticed a mystic rectangle in my Mars Retun which will happen on Monday. The Mystic Rectangle looks like a big rectangle with an X in the middle. It is in my "money/work" sectors. Here is some info that may help you out.proxime I dont see a mystic rectangle in these charts but I do see a Grand Trine from Mars, Uranus and Moon. The second chart has one also - involving Uranus, Venus and North node.  "Mystic Rectangle : A pattern of 4 or more planets in the shape of a rectangle where planets are connected by sextiles, trines and opposition aspects. Considered helpful, although the oppositions add some "grit" to toughen up the experience." "This consists of four planets connected in a rectangle of two squares and two trines, together with two oppositions connecting the opposite planets. Despite the name there is nothing mystical about this pattern. The combination of tense and harmonious aspects produces the best possible potential for the constructive use of natural talents." "THE MYSTIC RECTANGLE". This configuration includes two trines, two sextiles and two oppositions. The pattern formed by the "mystic rectangle" can be defined as a "cut diamond". "The faces of the diamond can only be appreciated in the light. Individuals with this configuration will truly be "SEEKERS OF LIGHT" and in Astrology we have two lights which are called the luminaries "The Sun" the day light and "The Moon" the night light. The conflict originating between these complementary and yet different energies will present the individual with this configuration in the natal theme with a great dilemma. The negotiation between a need to shine and to be admired in a truly sunny expression, and a need for retreat and contemplation indicated by the lunar energy. Out of this negotiation some time we may encounter a person of great direction in life, or someone that will only manifest one facet of this polarity." Mystic Rectangle A Mystic Rectangle is formed when two pairs of oppositions are sextile each other. The result is an aspect pattern that includes two sextiles, two trines and two oppositions. A Mystic Rectangle will always be in the same polarity, either masculine (Air and Fire) or feminine (Earth and Water). This is another "soft" aspect pattern in that it does not generate friction, discomfort or a need to take action. What a Mystic Rectangle does offer, however, is an extremely strong sense of balance and structure, of harmony between the four planets involved. Finding this balance is not a given it will still take conscious effort and awareness. However, working with the Trines and the Sextiles will help to make more sense of and find the point of integration for the two oppositions. Working with a Mystic Rectangle takes some practice because in order for it to hold up, all four planets must be working together and supporting each other. It is common for individuals with Mystic Rectangles to struggle with the two Oppositions, see-sawing back and forth between the opposing planets. Once the point of balance has been found, however, it becomes increasingly easy to maintain, and a well integrated Mystic Rectangle can be the most unflappable of aspect patterns. Once an individual has integrated a Mystic Rectangle, it represents a core of strength for them, and a solid foundation that can be a great gift in handling whatever else life throws at them.
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proxieme unregistered
posted July 17, 2004 02:41 PM
Yeah, it's there, though difficult to see with all of those aspect lines. I think that the thing going on w/ Uranus, Venus, the Moon, and Chiron's one. Maybe not. Do you see it?IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 17, 2004 02:46 PM
I don't see it prox. Maybe its there though. Go to this link and scroll down to see what it looks like. IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 17, 2004 02:50 PM
OH! Wait! I think I see it in the first chart! You are right! It involves Venus Uran. Chiron and Moon. Cool! IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted July 17, 2004 06:33 PM
I've never heard of the "Mystic Rectangle", so I'll just share some stuff I learn as I go along:::
"Mystic Rectangle : A pattern of 4 or more planets in the shape of a rectangle where planets are connected by sextiles, trines and opposition aspects. Considered helpful, although the oppositions add some "grit" to toughen up the experience." "The Mystic Rectangle looks like a butterfly. It involves two Oppositions forming an X, where the top and bottom of the X form two Sextiles, and the right and left sides form two Trines. This is a very beneficial configuration. The soft flowing nature of the Trines and Sextiles help the native to work out the conflicting energies of the oppositions, and ease strain on relationships." "...Continuing on, this discussion would not be complete without including some word about the squares, oppositions and even the "Mystic Rectangles" that started this whole ball rolling in the first place. Astrologer Jim Buss explains all of this in detail in his article about "Squares and Oppositions," but as a brief overview, he tells that while Trines and Sextiles hold the potential of great blessings, they need the energetic 'kick in the pants' of a square, or to a lesser extent, an opposition or conjunction to activate them... ...While there are 5 power squares between dynamically compatible planets in the chart, we can also find 3 Mystic Rectangles tucked away inside that astrological Star of David. The energies represented in the oppositions illuminate the unity of Desire (Mars) and Vulnerability (Jupiter) in one aspect, Identity (Saturn) and Healing (Chiron) in the second, and Intention (Sun) and Emotion (Moon) in the third. From there, we can extend the combinations of meaning out into each of the Mystic Rectangles, or continue the analysis on to include all six aspects in the Grand Sextile of a unifying expression of desire, vulnerability, identity, healing, intention, and emotion..." AND
by accident came across this kickazz link explaining the aspects' meanings, and more specifically, all those crazy Wheel designs that confuse us, like Mystic Rectangle, Grand Sextiles, Yod's::: Rectangle IP: Logged |
WhaleSong Newflake Posts: 3 From: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Registered: May 2021
posted October 20, 2022 04:06 AM
I'm relatively new, lurker, however I couldn't help but comment though I know this thread is over a decade old. Still couldn't find info elsewhere on the site, so I think it's worth further discussion and a BUMP.Yes, I actually have one, possibly two (depending on how you read the chart), 'mystic rectangle(s)' in a composite chart with the love of my life, of whom the OP's description was as if they'd described mine and his interactions and the stunning similarities in our respective lives over the years, sans the synastry aspect patterns are different. The four main planets in the first rectangle are Moon(8th)/Neptune (opposition) and Pluto(12th)/Mercury (opposition) and the second is Moon/Neptune and Saturn/Mercury (opposition). Pluto and Saturn are in a 4° orb and Pluto and the AC are in a 3° orb, both in the 12th house. Synastry with him, unless otherwise listed, are exact conjunctions with my Venus/his DC (3° orb), his Venus/my SN, my NN/his SN (6° orb), my Sun/his Moon/Mercury, my Pluto/AC/his SN (3° orb), his Sun/my Vertex (1° orb), his Jupiter/my DC, his AC/my Uranus, I could go on, but you get the idea. Also, my Sun, Mercury, Vertex in my 7th house overlay his 5th and 6th houses. While I am a lover of astrological and spiritual exploration (NN in the 12th, Pluto on the AC), I am also a skeptic when it comes to concrete evidence that cannot be produced to substantiate a claim. Why do I say this? I have contemplated on the 'mystic rectangle' and the properties of the powerful balance it offers when the aspects holding oppositions are reconciled and when the trines are properly utilized. I've researched what I could about karmic relationships, and what substantive information I discovered (mostly books from the library and non-internet resources, but a few websites here and there), seem to indicate this type of chart warrants further exploration in the power of unity and partnerships. That being said, my sun in the 7th just likes to make everything about partnerships, too, so I am keeping that in mind. If, and I mean a BIG 'if', two human beings happen to encounter each other in the same dimension and the same time frame, that would fit the description of Twin Flames, I can't help but hypothesize that one might see this shape of composite chart, as long as there were also supporting aspects. I'm a bit of a recluse and don't talk much about astrology to anyone, though I'd love to hear others' experiences and thoughts on the topic. Be well. <3
quote: Originally posted by Gemini Nymph: Has anyone seen this before? Know what to make of it? Would it act like a mystic rectangle in a natal chart? Anyone have any experience working/living with a mystic rectangle?I found this in a composite chart for me and a guy who I've long had a strange feeling or attraction and curiousity about but recently have wondered if we are soul mates, if not twin flames. There are other "classic" indicators of a possible soul mate connection (including his sun is in absolute conjunction with my descendant, and his sun, north node, vertex and venus are all in orb conjunction with my moon and descendant - all in Pisces and all his aspects expect the node fall in my 7th house, by the way). While this guy comes and goes out of my life (usually very quickly), and has for over a decade, his presence in my life has always been significant and has stirred up so spiritual crisis that often leads to my own growth or progress. There's also many parallels in our lives that I find a little unnerving because I just don't know what to think of it. It's like there's indicators that we would be very complimentary (or possibly very deterimental) for each other yet "fate" doesn't allow our personal paths to stay together long enough for both of to get on the same page. Recently the experience of his presence in my life have grown slightly stronger and leaving a longer "residue" after he's left again. Usually in the past I'd just get him out of my system and go on with my life not thinking about him until he shows up again. But this time it's a lot harder to move on and put him out of my mind, even though the prospects of any stable or intimate relationship, even a "real" friendship, with him seems less likely than ever, due to various circumstances. I try to be patient and kind toward this guy, but it's hard not to feel selfish and angry impulses now that I can't deny that all of this is hurting me, and I can't tell is this a a "good" hurt or a "bad" hurt (if you know what I mean). My spiritual guide said that this guy is probably "asleep" spiritually and needs time on his own to awake and recognize me for who I am in his life and destiny, and that the connection between us is possibly so strong that it can't be "forced" without causing harm to one another. I was wondering if this mystic rectangle aspect could shed any further light on this rather frustrating situation.
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 164545 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 20, 2022 02:06 PM
Welcome!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 164545 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 17, 2022 05:36 PM
Moving to Interpersonal Astrology.IP: Logged | |