Topic: Soulmate Astrology
26taurus unregistered
posted August 29, 2004 11:38 PM
I found this fabulous article and thought some of you would enjoy it.Soulmate Astrology Things to look for in synastry: Feel The Rhythm: Ascendant Connections Never underestimate the power of the Ascendant! It may be easy to underplay, or even dismiss altogether, the Ascendant’s role in interpersonal relationships when we think of the Ascendant as the “mask” we wear when we meet others. If the Ascendant is a mere mask, shouldn’t it only be important at the very beginning of a relationship? We don’t think so. In fact, we feel that the Ascendant has an ongoing, vital role in relationships of all kinds, including long-lasting, one-to-one relationships. We have found that interplays between Ascendants can be the source of basic conflict or harmony, on a body level. Remember as well that the Ascendant defines the Descendant, the latter being a greatly sensitive relationship point in the natal chart. You Complete Me: Grand Trines in Synastry In our experience, one of the most powerful indicators of special relationships occurs when a simple trine in one person's natal chart is effectively turned into a Grand Trine by another person's planet(s), particularly when it involves personal planets. For example, in one person's chart, Mars is in the early degrees of Sagittarius and trines the Ascendant in the early degrees of Aries. A planet in the early degrees of Leo would form a Grand Trine in this native's chart, but doesn't exist. Her partner's Sun fills this pattern, as it is in the early degrees of Leo. This powerful connection is especially potent when it is reciprocated. Haven't We Met Before?: Nodes of the Moon Many Astrologers consider the Nodes of the Moon an important axis, and some believe it relates to past life connections. Whether or not you agree with theories of reincarnation, this axis is a sensitive point in any chart that deals with important life lessons. When strong contacts exist with the Nodes of the Moon in synastry, there is a deep compulsion to be together. You are Made for Me: The Vertex A lesser known point in any natal chart is the vertex. It acts almost like a secondary descendant. Strong interaspects involving the vertex are found in the synastry of people who feel they are made for each other. Sign Interchanges When sign positions of planets are interchanged, there is a special compatibility and fascination. For example, if one person has a Sun in Aries and Venus in Taurus, and another person has Sun in Taurus and Venus in Aries, although they will act quite differently, this pair will have some interesting exchanges in their relationship. I Feel For You: Sun/Moon Contacts When one partner's Sun makes an aspect with the other's Moon, there is a natural affinity. The Moon person supports the Sun in quiet but meaningful ways, and the Sun person returns the favor with an affirming energy. You Rock My World: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto Connections When the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) figure strongly in the synastry of two individuals, there is generally a powerful feeling of being uplifted and transformed through contact with each other. Chiron figuring prominently in synastry is just as, if not more, potent. You Give My Life Meaning: Sun/Moon Midpoint Connections A person's Sun/Moon midpoint is a point of great sensitivity. In a natal chart, planets that form a hard aspect to this point are highlighted, and tend to reveal a strong sense of destiny and identity. Naturally, when a planet in another person's chart makes a hard aspect to this point in a native's chart, that other person tends to give the native a feeling of purpose and meaning. Asteroids: Eros & Psyche Some Astrologers are studying the role of asteroids in Astrology. Strong connections between the asteroids Eros and Psyche in synastry point to a powerful romantic and sexual relationship. The Composite Chart Soulmates always have a powerful composite chart. That is, their composite chart is not scattered--it contains plenty of strong aspects and connections. The Sun and Moon are generally strongly aspected (not necessarily with each other); and similar patterns exist with the other personal planets--Venus, Mercury, and Mars.
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astro junkie unregistered
posted August 29, 2004 11:46 PM
The "... You are Made for Me: The Vertex ..." section just killed me. Yup, you guessed it - I need to go take a nap or something. (Plus the "Nodes" section too)... oooookaaaaay - glad I switched from battery to electric... IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted August 30, 2004 12:09 AM
astrojunkie, I know. It's amazing what starts popping out at you.....astrology never ceases to amaze me.....still!!!Here's another awesome link I found: IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted August 30, 2004 12:47 AM
I like the part about the composite chart not being scattered. I hate it when someone whats my opinion on a composite chart I can tell isn't so great just by looking at how the planets are spaced. A good analogy is if the planets are scattered and aren't aspected there's little opportunity for the energies of the planets to connect and form a relationship with each other, and thus the relationship itself is pretty weak. I find this theory plays out pretty constantly in life.I have been going over the synastry and composite with a very special guy I knew years ago - while it was a plutonic frendship (although I admit having had a sexual attraction to him - I was young and impressionable; he was older, confident and very very talented...had had very nice shoulders that a Gem couldn't help but noticed )), I consider him a soulmate - not only did he has an immense impact on my life for the better I had a very painful premonition of his death and I have vivid dreams of him regularly til this day, even though he has passed away several years ago. It's like he still very much apart of my life now. Anyhow, both the synastry and composite are very intense and have very clear and strong configurations. In the synastry, his Sun creates a kite with my grand trine with my Uranus as the focal point, and then his moon also makes another kite with my Mars as the focal point. Also we have conjunct ASC's, and my Sun and Mercury fall in his Sun/moon midpoint (he was an Aries with Leo moon - heh, a wonderful man...but no sort supply of ego). And in our composite, there's a kite configuration, with Neptune in 3rd house oppo a tight Sun/Merc/Ven/Moon conjunction-stellium in the 9th house as the focal point, and a Pluto/Uranus conjunction as one of the other points of the grand trine. There's only two planets not a part of this kite in the composite - Mars and Saturn - but they are both aspects tightly with Neptune and/or the moon. Pretty intense. Another synastry/composite I've been dwelling over is with a Pisces man I hope maybe one day to have a relationship with, should our life circumstances permit it. Our ASC's are also conjunct, with my moon conjunct his DESC, and his Sun conjunct my DESC. My moon's conjunct his NN, and his moon is conjunct my NN (how unusual is that??). Plus my moon's conjunct both his Sun and Venus. A mystic rectangle appears in both our synastry and composite, and there's good Pluto, Uranus and Saturn aspects. I'm hoping that a good sign that things may turn out good, even though it may take a while. I don't know what to think about the vertex. I have yet to see evidence it works. But who knows. IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted August 30, 2004 12:59 AM
That is all very interesting Gemini. And I agree that the composite chart must not be scattered and should have alot of planets aspecting each other....*thinking*....I believe it was astrojunkie and I who were posting back and forth about the Vertex.....this was awhile back. I remember typing out alot of information from one of the astrology magazines I get, called the Mountain Astrologer. There was a very informative article on the Vertex and it's function in the chart. It is actually a very important and sensitive point in a chart. Always located in someone's 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th house.....if I find the old issue, I'll type out some of the info. Very intriguing article. Hard to find good info on the Vertex though. It has to do with "fateful encounters" with people...... Interestingly, I have natal Saturn exactly conjunct my Vertex at 24' Leo, in the seventh house......don't really know how to interpret that though..... IP: Logged |
soulsista unregistered
posted August 30, 2004 06:17 AM
Could anyone tell me how I can get more information on the vertex and where I can find it in my chart. doesnt make mention of it (unless Ive missed it accidentally).Thanks xxxxxxxxxxxxx IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted August 30, 2004 07:48 AM
Under EXTENDED CHARTS you'll see it as an option in the box on the left.Here's some info for starters - IP: Logged |
Venusian Love unregistered
posted August 05, 2006 10:02 PM
*BumpIP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2006 02:46 AM
This is an article on soulmates. This is where I found out about descending node contacts can be pastlife soulmate indicators My uses of the planetary nodes have been inspired and influenced by the brilliant pioneering work of eminent astrologer, Jeffrey Wolf Green. Strong aspects, especially tight conjunctions, oppositions, and squares, of one partner's planets and/or angles to the Descending Nodes of the other's personal planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) are significant indicators of soul mate connection and likely involvement in previous lifetimes. The actual pre-incarnate contact between the two parties strengthens the experience of soulfulness in the relationship exactly because the source of that contact lies outside one's current bodily perimeters. This works in much the same way that meeting an old and close high school friend after an absence of some twenty or thirty years evokes not only the feelings and memories associated with those years together but also an enhanced sense of life's meaning in general through comparison of where we were then and where we are now. These contacts put us in touch with a deeper dimension of life than we could experience within either of those points in time by themselves. The reason we use only the nodes of the innermost planets is because those of the planets from Jupiter on out move too slowly to be of much use in analysis of personal relationships.
according to the article my soulmate indicators with her altogether are
Hers to mine: 1.Ascendant oppose Ascendant ('16) 2.Ascendant contraparallel Ascendant('06) 3.Ascendant square Midheaven (2'29) 4.Midheaven ruler stationary Jupiter conjunct nadir('19) - need for activation is significantly reduced Midheaven ruler stationary Jupiter square Ascendant(2'32) - need for activation is significantly reduced 5.Ascendant ruler stationary Neptune parallel nadir('04)- need for activation significantly reduced 6.Sun sextile Midheaven (2'00) 7.Midheaven semisquare Sun(2'20) 8.descending Venus Node conjunct Mars('20) 9.Venus oppose descending Mars Node('29)
Significant synastry planetary aspect sets: hers to mine: Moon conj Sun (3'56) Saturn trine Moon ('26) stationary Neptune sextile Moon (3'57) Saturn conjunct Sun (2'36)- karmic connection Moon trine Moon (1'47) Yep definitely a strong karmic and soulmate connection according to this article. :-) parallels are like conjunctions contraparallels are like oppositions They are declinations.
stationary planet is strong planetary energies. when an aspect involves a stationary planet,the aspect is stronger
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geminstone unregistered
posted August 06, 2006 05:09 AM
Venusian Love!! Thank You for the bump... exactly what I have been trying to find for Lovegoblin... Thanks.  ~ geminstone IP: Logged |
carlfloydfan unregistered
posted August 06, 2006 07:21 AM
how much importace is placed on moon to ascendent connections?my aries moon is trine her leo asc. her virgo moon is trine my cap asc. also, her taurus sun trine my cap asc. I made lots of posts about love stuff earlier with my takes on certian aspects. IP: Logged |
Lexyr14 Newflake Posts: 19 From: Tucson,AZ,USA Registered: May 2012
posted June 04, 2012 05:23 AM
Is this a grand trine? IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 18781 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 04, 2012 10:39 AM
Welcome!------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged | |