posted October 05, 2004 03:45 PM
Here is some good info on how to deal with eclipes, by Susan Miller. Thought I'd share.How To Deal With Eclipses
The following will give you points consider when you are preparing for an eclipse. First however, letês define two terms: the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse.
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, cutting off the light of the Sun. A solar eclipse is always a new moon, and tends to mark new beginnings.
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth stands between the Moon and the Sun, cutting off the light of the Sun from the moon. A lunar eclipse is always a full moon and usually marks endings or culmination points.
Now letês review the points to keep in mind about eclipses so that you can better deal with them should any touch you in an unexpected way.
1. Eclipses are dramatic "wild cards" in our horoscopes. They shake us up so that we can move from one level of evolution and maturity to another, higher phase, fairly rapidly.
2. Eclipses bring news of life's big events: a birth of a baby, a marriage, a promotion or career breakthrough, important travel, the signing of a vital business deal, the start of oneês own business, the sale or purchase of a house, a cross country move, the acquisition of a family pet (or loss of one), surgery or see an important health development, college graduation (or the eclipse may mark the start of study), divorce, publishing a book, and so forth. Monumental meetings and breakups or changes on oneês job are also common on eclipse dates. No matter what occurs, it will become evident that the universe is intent on moving you forward.
3. Events that follow an eclipse have more weight than events brought on by a normal new or full moon. In fact, an eclipse is like a turbo-new or full moonãit packs much more energy and punch. An eclipse may even bring on an event that seems "fated". Eclipses always bring unexpected changes of direction if you have a planet that will be touched. The eclipse does not have to fall in your sign to affect you. (Check your individual forecast to find out more.)
4. If an eclipse falls on your birthday, the year that follows certainly will be quite eventful. You may experience a big change in lifestyle or in one specific part of your chart.
5. Guard your health if you are having an eclipse on your birthday, near your birthday, or on your rising sign degrees because you will be a bit more run down than usual.
6. Take any message you hear at the time of an eclipse seriously. There usually is no way to get a situation reversed. If someone brings news you donêt like on an eclipse realize that there is little chance you can get it reversed, at least not for four months, if ever. See the news as essentially a non-negotiable decision and try to move on.
7. Eclipses shine the bright light of truth to the part of your life that is touched by the eclipse. Most of the time, eclipses act as brilliant illuminators, revealing a condition that you were unaware existed. They can also act as catalysts to a major life decision. Also under an eclipse, you may finally understand the true character of a person near you.
Imagine that a puzzle piece fell out of the sky into your hands. This new piece of information, when added to the overall picture of your puzzle, will change your understanding of it and bring you a flash of insight. You may say to yourself, "For the first time, I understand!" Now you have a full picture of the situation and can make a fuller, more realistic appraisal of what that it means to you, and what you must do next. You will gain maturity and seasoning.
8. Even if an eclipse won't affect you (and I will tell you in your forecast), you will nevertheless notice that there is plenty of action around you, not only in your own circle but also in the world at large. The news media will be filled with information.
In your personal life, you will hear of many monumental life events (the kind we listed earlier in #2) in the lives of people you know, both friends and family. You may be called on to help others at this time, so try to keep your schedule light. There is a feeling of life moving on speedily, fast forward, of great acceleration.
9. With all eclipses, something ends and something else begins. During an eclipse period, you may feel like you are walking across a bridge to a brand new place, with no turning back from where you started. The door behind you latches, and locks. You canêt go back because after the eclipse you will know more and understand things that were never clear to you before. In that sense, you really canêt go home again.
10. Try not to issue ultimatums or make big actions under an eclipse. Bide your time and act in a few weeks when there will be less static in the air. Itês best to respond to othersê messages but try not to initiate your own. Said another way, it is better to listen than to act.
Letês say you need to sign a contractãthat is OK to do if you are presented with one at eclipse time. You didnêt initiate that contractãsomeone else did. However, letês say you want to have a major talk with your boyfriend or girlfriend because you are unhappy. Do so later, well after the eclipse.
The first is an action someone else is asking you to respond to (good) but the latter is an action you chose to take under the eclipse (not so good). The ancients always wrote that if you act under an eclipse, the plan would not work out quite the way you expected. Thatês why itês better to consider the ideas of others at eclipse time but not to make proposals or decisions of your own at that time.
11. You may be feeling more emotional than usual under an eclipse, especially if the eclipse is lunar (full moon). Since your judgment may be impaired or pieces of information missing, try to get as much time as you can to think about what you heard. If you can, wait a week's time before deciding. If someone comes to you with a proposal, consider it carefully. If after looking at it from all sides and you like it, proceed.
12. A quick response to news generated by the eclipseãoften quite out of the blue---may be required. Have your wits about you! As said earlier, keep your normal schedule light as you might have something new to focus on that will need your immediate attention.
13. Donêt be too quick to judge an eclipse as ¯good² or ¯bad²ãeclipses may act suddenly but it takes weeks to understand their real meaning. If you should suffer under an eclipse, consider that sometimes the universe had something better for you in mind. Be patient and keep an open mind.
14. Eclipses can help you do things you never thought you could do. You may be offered a chance to write a book or to record an album, for example. Eclipses sometimes will open a doorãone that was previously impossible to enter.
15. Eclipses play with our sense of time. They bring events that you assumed were months or years away, to your doorstep now. Here is an example of how an eclipse often works:
You are riding a horse in unfamiliar, beautiful terrain. You were told that you would have to jump a tall stone fence (a substantial obstacle or big-deal project) five miles down the road (later in life). Distracted by the scenery (life) you forget about the fence, until it looms suddenly in front of you. You don't feel ready to jump (take a risk). You cannot imagine going over that fence and surviving! This is a big stretch for you! Yet, it symbolizes something you want to do, so you feel conflicted (fear vs. wanting). Perhaps you momentarily panic or try to stop. However, the horse (your inner power) has been trained to jump and before you can pull on the reigns, you find yourself flying through the air. The horse is doing it for you. You land perfectly. The horse is fine and so are you--but you feel Shaky.
It all happened so quickly! You knew the fence was coming up, but being distracted by the scenery (everyday life), you didn't expect it so soon. Now, however, you feel quite accomplished--proud of what you did, and rightly so! Had it not happened without time to think, you may not have had the courage to try. This, dear reader, is the feeling brought on by an eclipse.
16. A word on the timing of an eclipse. A message brought to you by an eclipse is usually delivered within four days of the actual date of the eclipse, but not always. Yet you can sometimes feel a full moon lunar eclipse as early as two weeks prior to it or up to six months later when another planet is needed to trigger the news. (Most likely however, news will occur either at the eclipse or a month to the day later, plus or minus four day--that is your zone to watch if things don't happen immediately).
17. Take notice of ALL news and signals you get near the eclipses. While often news is delivered in a dramatic and obvious way, sometimes the news will come in much more subtly, as a secret or as a piece of gossip. Nevertheless it will foretell dramatic changes to come.
18. Solar eclipses work somewhat differently than lunar eclipses, and emphasize beginnings. (Something may also be ending but the attention is more on the start than the finish.) The changes could phase in over a period of months. Still, the news or timing of those changes often comes as a surprise. If a solar eclipse falls on or within a few days of your birthday you will certainly feel the effects of it over the course of the year. Changes will be complete by the time you reach your next birthday.
I hope you have found this helpful! Perhaps you may want to refer to this list as you move through the eclipses of this year.
Hope that was helpful for some of you.
Read your RISING SIGN for the most accurate forecast for the month ahead and how these eclipses will affect you here:
By reading your Rising sign's forecast you will get a more accurate picture for the month ahead than if you read your Sun Sign. Because horoscopes are drawn using a Solar Wheel. So a Taurus Sun with a Capricorn Rising individual would get a more accurate forecast by reading about the month ahead for Capricorn. The transiting planets would then be in the right houses for that person's chart.