  Moon in Capricorn - least desirable position? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Moon in Capricorn - least desirable position?

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posted October 19, 2004 08:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The cappy moon often indicates issues with mom. She wasn't present, she didn't love baby enough, she was the dominant parent...

Love the button A.J.

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posted October 19, 2004 11:19 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My 3 year old son is a Taurus with a cap moon AND rising. Sure there are some down sides to the capricorn moon however there are positive sides too as I think there are with every sign.

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posted October 19, 2004 12:14 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi, Folks

My Taurus daughter has a Cappy moon ~ conjunct Cappy Uranus by 1 degree, conjunct Cappy Neptune by 4 degrees, and Saturn in Cappy too, but 15 degrees away from her sun. All residing in her Taurus house, the 2nd. She's a bit of an nightmare for a child right now. But she's also 14. Hoping she's able to bloom gracefully into all her Cappy stuff eventually.

She's very talented musically, and very ambitious in that direction as well. We'll see what becomes of it, I guess.

She is going through a bit of a rough time right now, because of transitting Saturn in Cancer, and she's really starting to test the boundries of authority, namely me. She's also having some serious self esteem issues, and demonstrating symptoms of bulemia (which I beleive she's come to her senses about now), was also starting to "cut" herself, like scratch up her arm for no apparent reason, other than because she felt like it. Hates herself alot sometimes. Looks in the mirror and just wants to throw something at it. Gets depressed and cries because she seems to think she is the most ugly, hideous thing on two legs (she's not).

Yeah, she's having a bit of a rough go right now. I was looking into councilling for her, but she seems to be doing much better now. Her outlook has been quite positive lately. She's made some new freinds, and is starting to feel more accepted in the world. But, she's giving me a hard time now. I guess that's normal for 14, hey?

Anyway, the point of my story...I'm not sure if all that is a result of her Cappy stellium, which includes her moon, but I have a feeling it has alot to do with it, especiallly with the current Saturn in Cancer transit. (which is thankfully, almost passed, but is about to move into Leo, which is going to be harsh for me, starting with my Mars at 1 degree Leo. Egad. I hope we don't kill each other)

Wish me luck.

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posted October 19, 2004 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
sometimes least desirable is the most attractive

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From: nevada
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posted October 19, 2004 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Interesting about your daughters stellium in Capricorn. I have 2 sons with the Uranus, Neptune conjunction. Vincents' is conjunct the desc. and Roberts' is conjunct the MC. Thier father has a Capricorn Moon.

I'm thinking it will be quite an eye opener when this generation matures.
I'll be looking forward to updates regarding her music.

Everclear you out there darlin? You have that also don't you? You're keeping your nose to the grindstone and studying hard?
Where is your genius sweetie? Scratch that I know where it is, its astrology isn't it

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posted October 20, 2004 10:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted October 20, 2004 11:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lioneye, my little brother (14) also has a stellium in Capricorn including his Mars and Neptune, and Mercury, He also have a Virgo Ascendant. He is very gifted musically and I am sure he will make a living at it if he chooses.
He also thinks he is fat most of the time, and refuses to exercise, for some reason he is very shy of his body even though he is perfectly fine. He is gorgeous in fact, girls love him.

It's very strange, but when he is doing things that pamper his body, going to a steam room, sitting in a hot tub or going out for hot chocolate, he feels better about himself and then he will exercise. It's almost as if he needs permission to like himself, and to do that he has to be in the right mood.

His senses are very strong.

I would say bullemia is a tough disease and hard outgrow, especially the psychology. Most girls are bullemic they just hide it. It's a good thing you know about, you two must have a close relationship.

As for the mother issues, that can be true of Moon in the 10th too. My mother's mother wasn't there for her, she had so many children my mother was raised by her older sister. For some reason my mother always felt inadequate next to her sisters, she favored her father-less discipline she said.

Maybe 10th house moons receive more discipline and criticism from mothers? I know my mother was certainly into the discipline but then she is pretty freaky.


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posted October 20, 2004 11:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't see it as an "issue" necessarily.

Your Moon (mother) is in the sign of the father (capricorn).

It means mother "wears the pants" in the family.

I could see this easly turning up for a single parent who is forced to play both mother and father.

Or a mother who is a strong authority figure- she is the "boss" at her job, perhaps a high ranking position.

Negativly she could be an controlling, oppressive, authoritarian.

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posted October 21, 2004 12:14 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lioneye- I don't think what you're describing is "normal" teenage stuff at all. Please tell me you have the family in counciling- and I mean the entire family. When one member breaks down it's a symptom that the whole household has gone off track somewhere. The cure is not to take the one member and drug them up

(not that that's necessarily what you've done- but that seems to be the most common soultion these days.)

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posted October 21, 2004 11:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No way. I'm very much opposed and sickened by how common-place it has become to put kids on uppers, downers whatever the case may be. My daughter had a teacher who told her she's probably ADD and should be on Ridelin. This teacher would just love it if all her students were on Ridelin.

Yes, my kid told me herself that she was making her self throw up after she ate. This was going on for about a week, but then she saw blood in it, and got freeked out and told me. I explained to her what Bulemia was, and that it was a very serious disorder that could put her in the hospital hooked to machines and basically confined to a bed day-in, day-out. I told her that if she's not happy with her life now, how happy does she think she'd be in circumstances like that?
Sternly told her to NOT TAKE HER GOOD HEALTH FOR GRANTED. Emphasised to her that if she doesn't have her health, she doesn't have anything at all, and all her other problems would pale in comparison to a major health problem, which is what that would surely lead to.

She didn't realize that it was a bonified disorder, with a name and everything. She just thought she was out-smarting the food that was making her so-called "fat". She has told several people that she was doing this, including her best friend, and her best freind's mother who she admires very much, and also happens to be a nurse. She got told the same thing that I told her, but with more vivid detail. She has told me that she's going to be ok now, she realizes how stupid that is. If there is one thing that all that earth in her chart is good for, it's that she is an extremely honest person, so I'm inclined to believe her when she tells me that she knows better now. Having said that, I still keep an eye on her after we have disappearing to the washroom with icky noises coming out of there. I'm watching very closely for that. Although I'm sure we've nipped it in the bud, that doesn't mean I'm going to be niave about it. I know how insidious eating disorders can be, especially for people who set unreasonably high standards for themselves, such as a strongly Capricorn influenced person may do.

Not ruling out councilling, just taking it day by day. It's been pretty good lately. She's begun drawing again, (she's a wonderful artist...true to her Venusian influences), bringing the guitar home from school lately as well, and making up songs, writing lyrics and inventing melodies to go with them, plus she wants to get back into kick-boxing, which she was doing last year, and showing a great deal of potential in that as well. Her club was actually grooming her to be the next north-american female contender for the championship competitions. (The N.Amer. champ for the last 4 years in a row came from that same club)...this is an activity that suits her Venus in Aries just fine, btw, and they also do yoga at the end of each session, which suits her Mars in Pisces just fine.

Her self-esteem was at it's highest when she was involved in that. It will be good for her to get back into it.

Blah. Oh, Geez. Get me talking about my girl and I can't stop.

sorry, peeps.

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astro junkie
posted October 21, 2004 01:45 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That's great news!

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posted October 21, 2004 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for trillian     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
lioneye, she'll be as tough as her mom.
I'm glad she's doing well.

btw...this Cappy moon has lots of Mom stuff. Issues? Well, it's a long story. Perhaps not issues, but there is stuff. Dad stuff too. It's different for each one of us, which is why even though some of us are cappy moons, our charts are unique to us.

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posted October 23, 2004 03:21 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi lioneye,

every cappie moon i've known was a toughy as a kid with their parent(s) and softens up as they get older. a fire or air rising sign or sun adds sparkle and spunk that disguises the intensity.

it sounds like your daughter is going through a transformation in what she wants for herself. finding new friends can be a nightmare for capricorn moons because we set such hard standards for ourselves and expect at least that level of this in our intimates.

all the best to you and your daughter.



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posted October 23, 2004 06:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Moon in Capricorn

Key word is Management.

I do belive this is true.
The chief characteristics are lack of sympathy, innate selfishness and self-preoccupation.

I can see these in myself, and am thankful that they are tempered by my other planets & stars.
Actually i think they have proably played some life enduring roles in my life.
The natives have an earthy practicality, giving dependence and a sense of responsibility towards those around them.

This is so very true.
These people could be loyal and unswerving when eventually give their heart to someone else, and would stick around when others have given up.

Again true.
They have dignity and tenacity and a realistic vision of the world as it really is, not as others expect it to be.

yes, this is also true, yet those rose colored glasses like to paint a softer picture...

The natives display reverence and concentration of mind. The mind of the native is generally very keen, acute, active, far-seeing,

Most definately!
and given to plotting and scheming.

This is true in the sense, that when something first happens, I could think of things worse that could happen, and then realize that them happening wouldn't be such a good thing.
More importantly, this is true, for creative & structual energy!
Makes for great writer's!
With a rapid mental response, they are all-comprehensive and somewhat antagonistic.

Johhny on the spot!
I always know!
Call em, like I see 'em!
Like it or not, it's the truth!
Moon in Capricorn foreshadows defeated ambitions and dreams,

unfortunately,for me this came in form of my father holding me back,...he knew what that life was like and didn't want it for me, especially at a young age, but *soon...
misfortunes at the hands of women,

Yep, this came by way of his birther...
She died, and it has had a relieving effect, on me, I can breathe better. <now that is one of thoselack of sympathy, cards.
occupational and financial troubles, credit difficulties

this to me, has proved true, in classes, the teacher always had me help with the tutoring, and it did at times cause my own to suffer.
I've never really had interest in the financial side of life, though i am excellent with 'the books'.
I do not trust banks!
Edited to add:
That my credit, problem has been to buy what I needed, or wanted when i have the money to do so, in cash.
So there's no record that shows all my good credit!
and all sorts of other misfortunes.

I don't even want to talk about this...
The Moon here bestows something formidable, a hint of arrogance, air of dignity,

*I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am amoung the most beautiful, talented, intelligent, & charming women to ever walk upon this earth and grace other's with my presents!
And, I'm blessed by blessing other's!
So if it has to be put 'that way', so be it!
a lust for power, and recognition and a craving for financial power.

Well gosh, isn't this suppose to be a natural thing?
The Native does not encourage others taking liberties with, or seeking to approach him/her on too intimate terms.

That's Right!
The Moon in Capricorn is said to be better for a man

I can believe this...
while women with this placement can turn off most men.

Ok, this is just 'intimidation' working on the guys, here..
The Moon in Capricorn favors positions of executive, administrative, public and organizational positions and commercial pursuits.

See the * above.

What an interesting site, thank you for sharing,Aquarian Girl!

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astro junkie
posted October 23, 2004 07:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Ginger B for sharing that really HELPFUL rundown on the Cappy Moon. My friend is Libra, his Moon in Capricorn. You'll see me refer to him as "this man", as in "Didn't I say you had to be insane to love this man?"

... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness

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posted October 23, 2004 07:22 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, your more than welcome!
Honored to be able to share a bit of wisdom...

I must say though, that my parents have played a major role in me being me...besides the obvious of course.
I know that no matter what or who, to my father, I am the most beautiful creature to walk this earth.
And no matter what or who, my mother always loves me.

Father - Capricorn/Aries
Mother - Libra/Scorpio

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