Topic: Venus in Scorpio and "forbidden fruit"
libra78 unregistered
posted October 22, 2004 02:14 AM
Libra/sag with venus/mars in scorp again...I think I may be naturally attracted to a woman with a man, even when I dont know they have a man and find out later they do. I dont know, is it something in the aura? I also seem to attract them more, so it seems to be a 2-way thing, not married women, just women in relationships, I don't flirt with married women. The flip flop thing is just a state of mind, I'm a bit flip flop when it comes to relationships, or so it may seem, I think I seem to know my answer, but it would not appear that way to an onlooker (politeness?) , and sometimes I will battle my answer a bit, to no avail. I dont like to control, I like to be given control once in a while. I dont like pushover women too much. Emotionally strong is good.IP: Logged |
purple_scorp unregistered
posted October 22, 2004 03:32 AM
Hello Luna,Did you come over from ATF??? Good to see you here. Okay, I have Sun, Merc in Scorp (1st House) and Neptune, Venus in Scorp (2nd House). Here is some text from Jonathon Cainer's book about girls with Venus in Scorp: "You are a very naughty girl. No matter how prim and proper you may choose to appear on the surface, there's mischief in your soul. You usually know what people are feeling and you always know what men are thinking. You can manipulate this to your advantage so deftly as to make the other person totally unaware that they have been steered. It's true that you don't do this half as often as you could, but you still do it twice as often as you should. You're potentially an extremely sexy person, but the sexiest part of your anatomy is your little finger. Around this, you effortlessly wrap the men in your life. You want one who knows his own mind well enough to know yours too. That's why you often fall for the rare character you cannot read like a book. Sometimes, though, you do so without checking whether this is because they are cleverly composed or just lacking substantive content!" Okay, I am guilty of all of the above. I know how to play up to men and I use it to my advantage (for getting things like my lawn mower fixed etc). I guess my charming Libra ascending helps too. Interestingly, I am extremely loyal in a relationship (no jumping in and out) and my Mars is in Sag. Then again, my moon is in the seventh house. purple_scorp IP: Logged |
Eleanore Moderator Posts: 112 From: Okinawa, Japan Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 22, 2004 04:00 AM
sthenri LOL wow I was so shocked to see this: quote: Aquarius people seem to be very soothing for Venus in Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio is like Elvis at Las Vegas A little more Action Please! I like this placement for talking, show business, acting, directing, the arts, dancing, the sciences, but not for business. The best Venus for a mate IMO if Venus is well aspected, would be Venus in Pisces, or Venus in Capricorn or Aquarius.
I have Venus in Scorpio and my husband is an Aquarius with Venus in Capricorn.  You're absolutely right about business for me ... I don't have the right temperment for it.
Whenever people find out my Venus is in Scorpio it's always "omg, you must be so jealous" or "wow, you're very possesive" ... which could not be further from the truth. Perhaps it's because I'm a Sag, Aqua Rising. Still, Moon in Aries is also supposed to be jealous and I'm so not. I never have been. I can obsess over someone I love and may be tempted to control the situation, but I never have tried. It wouldn't seem right, you know? If someone's going to love me, I want ALL their love willingly given on their part same as I will give ... surrender to it, not to me. Controlling the situation is too manipulative for me. If you don't love me truly and deeply on your own, then I don't want you; I must be fooling myself about being in love with you, as well. I see unrequited love as a heavy karmic lesson ... so just forgive it and let it go and stop feeling miserable. I speak from my own experience anyway. Scorpios get such a bad rap, not to mention when Venus gets involved. Here's an excerpt from A Time for Astrology by Jess Stearn "I would have thought Venus in Scorpio a salty position, with the sky the limit sexually. But Venus in Scorpio was not to be confused with Moon in Scorpio or Scorpio rising, which was something else again. 'Their emotions are profound,' said Winters, 'and they have a deep need for love of the highest spiritual type, and put their sex drive on that high level, refusing to compromise love for sex. They want to experience the highest emotions.' I could sense the confusion among the other tyros in the class. 'Venus softens Scorpio, and brings out its beautiful, high-minded side,' said Winters. I could see, looking around, that not everybody was convinced. Winters laughed. 'There's nothing like publicity, and Scorpio has plenty of it.' 'Neptune in Scorpio,' I pointed out, 'has apparently brought 14 years of pornography in pictures and print.' 'But that,' said Winters, 'was Neptune, the dregs of the mind, not Venus, the goddess of love.'" 
------------------ "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Ghandi
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gert unregistered
posted October 22, 2004 05:12 AM
My chart is a mixture of both sag nad scorpio.I have 4 planets in fire sag and 4 in water(3 scorpio and one cancer).When I read the interpretation of venus in scorpio I was suprised at how accurate it was but in my case there are certain exceptions.Venus in scorpio does look for the higher love and wont settle for less.This is me wholeheartedly as I am prone to end things with someone before they've even begun if my moon in cancer can sense that the person concerned is not my type. I ,however disagree with the segment I read about venus in scorpios fancing "dark mysterious ladies" or "porn queens" as ideal mates.I have this placement and quite frankly I don't like mysteriuos roundabout women, or women who pride themselves on vulgar sexual adventures.This maybe because I have gemini rising which is not too big on those type of women, and saturn in scorpio which has a deep rooted fear of being overwhelmed by a partner sexualy.I do like to dominate my partner during sex however and am never passive as I fear "losing control",this I owe to Pluto in scorpio but I am convinced that that'll all change if I meet someone who doesn't make me feel like I have prove myself sexualy all the time.So I won't be dating any porn stars as I like to go after the sweet ones and transform them into freaks! Not all venus in scorpio are that sexual anyway.I have 2 friends who have venus in scorpio.The one changes women as if they are underwear while the other is still holding on to his virginity waiting for that one true love! I think venus in scorpio is not good in fire and air sun signs as they have difficulty dealing with it.Air signs will try and repress its jealous and intense nature while fire will have difficulty in knowing where to draw the line as far as sexual conquests are concerned. Venus in scorpio is best in earth as well as water signs particularly capricorn and scorpio as this placing produces an earthy sex appeal and in scorpio it feels right at home and its energies are understood. IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted October 22, 2004 07:21 AM
I have Neptune in Scorpio conjunct Ascendant in the 12th, is there a connection to pornography there? I seem to be surrounded by it sometimes, for no apparent reason,What a terrible world this is, when sex is exploited. I have known Pisces and Scorpios who were either on one side or the other of the porn debate. Either in adult films or fighting them. I feel the best chance we have at fighting exploitation will come from a Scorpio or Pisces. Venus in Scorpio and Venus in Pisces see the dark side of everything and the good. Hefner is Venus in Pisces, Flynt Venus in Scorpio but there are many high minded souls equally committed to fighting exploitation. Natasha Taurus IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted October 24, 2004 05:57 AM
Hey guys and gals, thanks for your responses - keep em coming - and hey Luna I have a friend (male) Libra sun Venus AND moon in Scorp and I know exactly what you mean - a nightmare in love, even in friendship, hot and cold and always something "hidden", good luck to you with yours, a huge challenge I say xxIP: Logged | |