Topic: Venus in Scorpio and "forbidden fruit"
sue g unregistered
posted October 17, 2004 06:46 AM
Does anyone know anything about venus in scorpio and the thing of wanting want you can't have. I know three venus in scorps, two with Libra sun and the other with Scorpio sun and they all appear extremely passionate and sexy but there is this sense that they, at times, play a slightly dangerous game with the opposite sex. Of course me having venus in scorp (and sun) wouldn't have a clue what this means??!!! Any feedback would be great. Thanks xxIP: Logged |
ariestiger unregistered
posted October 17, 2004 01:51 PM
Sun + Venus in Scorpio is a more harmonious placement than say, Libra or Sag Sun + Scorp Venus, and the former - for me - are easier to get on with. Yes, I wouldn't disagree that Venus in Scorpio tends to prefer the unattainable over what they already have. The partners of most Venus in Scorpio people I know enjoy, or have enjoyed, a rollercoaster ride. A lot of it is tied up with idealism and the quest for perfection in their partner (i.e. perfect body, perfect personality, etc.) If someone has both Mars and Venus in Scorpio, they are like an absolute magnet for the opposite sex - whether the attention is desired or not. Some of them just don't realize the effect they have on people...or do they? IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted October 17, 2004 02:56 PM
... a' la demi moore? ...She's got a ton of Scorp, while Ashton has a ton of Aquarius. I never could find out his Rising, but it MUST be in a Water Sign, I'm thinking Scorpio Rising.
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zoso Newflake Posts: 15 From: Reno, Nv Registered: Nov 2009
posted October 17, 2004 02:58 PM
I am a Sag with a Venus in Scorpio and it is very difficult at times. First of all, the restlessness of the Sag sun makes me prone to wanderlust. And Venus in Scorpio definitely play a part in wanting what I can't have more than what I already do have.Luckily, with a moon in Taurus, I know I need stability. If I feel that pertinent desire to get what I can't have (or who I can't have) I can always turn back and appreciate the stable relationship I have already. For, like, a split second . . . geez. IP: Logged |
Nadalie unregistered
posted October 17, 2004 03:54 PM
I know someone who is maybe your astrotwin. He also have venus in scorpio, sun in sag, and moon in taurus. (Mars in aquarius) He is very sexy. All women likes him…..(tv guy)IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted October 17, 2004 04:40 PM
Uh HUH? Famous movie man? What'cha waiting for? IP: Logged |
zoso Newflake Posts: 15 From: Reno, Nv Registered: Nov 2009
posted October 17, 2004 06:52 PM
OOOOO, who? and please don't say Luis Guzman!IP: Logged |
purplezen unregistered
posted October 17, 2004 07:08 PM
I have venus in scorpio, and I am usually very devoted when in a relationship.IP: Logged |
Nadalie unregistered
posted October 17, 2004 08:21 PM
He he ... It is some news guy from my country. You dont know him. Very sexy voice...eeehhh...
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sassygrrrl unregistered
posted October 17, 2004 10:39 PM
I have Venus in Scorpio and I rarely fall in love, but when I do, I fall HARD. And when the relationship eventually ends, it's hard for me to let go emotionally even if I no longer have contact. And then I always beat myself up over the mistakes I probably made regarding the broken relationship and end up obsessing over the "if-only's". But then again, this could be because I also have that darn Mars in Scorpio too. lol. And I don't know if this is a Venus-in-Scorpio thing, but the people I seem to fall the hardest for and love the deepest ultimately don't feel the same way about me. I wonder if the intensity ends up driving people away or is it that Venus in Scorpio is the 'Unrequited Love' placement? IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted October 17, 2004 11:52 PM
I totally want to know the answer too Sassy - It's my life story, loving the guy I thought loved me, and then me feeling more for them - they don't feel as strongly towards me.I have Mercury, Mars & Neptune in Scorpio and lots more Pluto influence. So, maybe we're attracted to guys who just need an ego boost or something. I have no idea, but I'd like to know! IP: Logged |
Deira unregistered
posted October 18, 2004 03:22 AM
I also have Venus in Scorpio and Sun in Sagittarius. In my life, love has been at times painful and always intense. I agree on the tormented love.... I had the very bad experience of unknowingly getting involved with a married man. He hid the truth for seven months before fessing up. It was hard on my Pisces moon, a negative and hurtful thing to go through. It has been three years now, and the good thing is I learned not to be so guillable and have moved on. The bad thing is, Venus in Scorpio has a hard time forgetting and letting things go... So it did take a lot of strength from my Sag Sun to grow from the experience and not hold negative feelings.D IP: Logged |
sassygrrrl unregistered
posted October 18, 2004 06:00 PM
I think the problem with having Venus in Scorpio is that we unfortunately love too deeply. This is supposed to be a Venus in Pisces trait, but I think the Scorpio Venuses feel it even more due to the obsessiveness of Scorpio. How lucky we are! lol :P Having my Pluto in the 7th House probably means I've gotta have that intensity in my relationships, which trust me can get emotionally exhausting after a while. My Neptune is also in Scorpio in a stellium with Venus and Mars which makes for one heck of a love-fest. :P But I'm getting tired of being tied down by my Scorpionic emotions. I just wanna be a Venus in Leo or Sagittarius for a day and kick back and just have fun. ...Or maybe be a nice Venus in Libra in which I could enjoy all the benefits of romance without all of the intensity. Oh well maybe in my next life...
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sthenri unregistered
posted October 18, 2004 10:55 PM
Venus in Scorpio always looks back instead of forward so it's much like Venus in Cancer, sort of obsessive and controlling of the situation.You may in your mind, work over different scenarios without realizing it, change the way you feel, and your feelings are noticeable. Having a positive attitude about love is really important, intense or not. There is intense positive energy, but it takes work. Venus in Scorpio women seem to have a harder time being happy with their mate, because of the control factor. If they get a man who is controlling they hate it, but if they get a man who is easily controlled they are bored and unhappy. This works a lot like Venus in Aries, there is no solution, only love bits and pieces of people. There is no total satisfaction. Aquarius people seem to be very soothing for Venus in Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio is like Elvis at Las Vegas A little more Action Please! I like this placement for talking, show business, acting, directing, the arts, dancing, the sciences, but not for business. The best Venus for a mate IMO if Venus is well aspected, would be Venus in Pisces, or Venus in Capricorn or Aquarius. Natasha Taurus IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted October 18, 2004 11:12 PM
A Venus in Taurus sounds nice and may be do'able, or a Venus in Libra or Capricorn.IP: Logged |
sassygrrrl unregistered
posted October 18, 2004 11:51 PM
I don't know if this is a Venus in Scorpio thing, but one of my worst faults is my tendency to be jealous. And even though I'm well aware of it and try not to let my jealous side come out, it always does. I think one of the worst things for a Venus-In-Scorpio to do is get involved with someone who is a major flirt. And for some reason, I always do. Arrrrgh! IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted October 19, 2004 01:28 PM
i think natasha has something there...i'm involved with a man who has venus in scorpio (in addition to mars, uranus and his AC). he's got a lot of intensity and control issues in love. it would seem that my venus in aquarius might not be a good fit, but it is. we work well together - i think i balance him out to a certain extent. i guess it all depends on the whole picture, though. -c
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zoso Newflake Posts: 15 From: Reno, Nv Registered: Nov 2009
posted October 19, 2004 04:29 PM
I know a man who is an Aquarius with Venus in Capricorn and he is very soothing to me. Also teaching me a lot about "cooling it" and the benefits of loving unconditionally, without needing emotions to be requited for it to work. I think I scare him a little, what with the intensity and all, but I can't help thinking his Moon in Leo eats the attention up. All in all, it is a very unique friendship, although I'd love more, but it is what it is and it helps me in more ways than I could describe. IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted October 19, 2004 08:02 PM
I have Venus and Mars in Scorpio as well as my sun... all in my third house along with Libra Mercury and Neptune. In the past, I've gotten sickingly jealous of girls talkin' to my man, but after an embarrassing incident, I've tempered down my green monster. (Not good... no Scorpio fool here!) I do tend to have that "magnet" effect with men, but they don't usually approach me because they're intimidated by me. (So I've learned from all my male "friends") Is this my Leo moon and asc.? Dunno... but I do know that I don't like controlling men, and I don't like weak men, and I *LOVE* men that won't back off just to make me happy unless I'm right. 
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libra78 unregistered
posted October 20, 2004 12:42 AM
venus/mars in scorpio here (libra sun, sag moon) I like to think I attract older women Im careful where I step, but sometimes I just like to jump head first into something dangerous... then realize it.. then im out  IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted October 20, 2004 08:19 AM
That jumping into things, applies to Mars in Sag too. And then out again, and then back in again:>I am also sickly jealous, with Venus in Aries, unfortunately I am working on this. I remember once choosing a seat in a restaurant based on how many pretty women were around, and I avoid waitresses for waiters. It's pretty obvious to my date which is embarassing. I try to contain myself. the only more jealous types I have seen are Venus in Scorpio, and Venus in Taurus, both with eyes in the back of their heads. Venus in Aqua can be pretty jealous too. Natasha Taurus IP: Logged |
Dreamybecca unregistered
posted October 21, 2004 08:04 AM
Hmm the guy I really like has Scorpio in Venus and in his Ascendant, and he seems to have a very strong attraction towards committed girls...he finds them more attractive, beautiful, better, etc, etc than the rest... I guess one of the main problems with me is that I don't have a boyfriend, so he doesn't find me SO irresistible... I am trying to take it with humor, but I think today I am having a bad day... Once we both talked about it and we reached the conclusion that he may like committed girls because if he "wins" them and they prefer him better than their own boyfriends, it is like it means he is better than all those guys...hmmmm...IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted October 21, 2004 08:27 AM
Yes both Venus in Scorpio and and Venus in Cancer men that I know have a thing for married women seeing them as better, cleaner, more wholesome, maker easier to corrupt subconciously? Make their own? How is that not jealousy and control run amok? They both like much younger women.It's like if you are 24 dating a 14yrd old, sure you're in love but it doesn't hurt that she thinks you are a God. In a relationship that's going badly, people are more vulnerable. Some men and women, tend to specialize in those who are vulnerable, this way they feel more sure of their trap, and are less likely to be left. Married women who choose married men in bad marriages, almost always say it's more stable, that way. It's sort of like a setup for emotional blackmail. I don't think they are aware they are doing it, these two men. I think they don't know what drives them, most compulsions are buried. Both are in therapy, I used to find it fun to be with a married man, until I realized that he would never be there for me like I was for him. So I bailed out of that, but sometimes if a person is really controlled and damaged, They will play out the scenario again and again, the roots of which are from childhood, the child wants to compete with the parent, and sets up triangles that mimic family dynamics. Of course that's what therapists say anyway. I mentioned this to a Moon, Mars and Venus in Cancer, and he said you mean therapist? the rapist? So apparently he doesn't listen much! He is heavily involved with a married Venus in Scorpio, who is staying married. We all play out roles, it's better when they don't control happiness. Venus in Virgo likes to play-don't take him away. Natasha
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Luna Newflake Posts: 0 From: Michigan Registered: Oct 2009
posted October 22, 2004 01:05 AM
Currently dating a Libra with Venus in Scorp. We have know each other since we were young. He jumped right in was completely himself, then pulled back, which ****** me off royally. I flipped my lid on him (my mars in aries) and then decided it was his loss. Now hes back (this started in august) and he seems to want a commitment. I swear hes like a politician with the way he flip flops. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted October 22, 2004 02:03 AM
*razberry*IP: Logged | |