Topic: Venus conjunct Mars in synastry
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2399 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted December 30, 2011 02:06 PM
^ yeah you can't intellectualise it, but to even imply that it's actually possible to truly fall in love with sb in like two weeks is kinda...naive? Cos it's not possible. Cos love isn't infatuation. Love takes time. You know, time to properly get to know somebody really well. I mean I've had a soulmate relationship before. And we were super connected from the get go. Like very very bonded. But I wouldn't say it was proper love, not at the initial stages. Cos I had to get to know the guy better afterall. I don't know, I just take love very seriously. It just doesn't happen at the drop of a hat with me. It in fact only happened once with one guy.------------------ Leap into oblivion IP: Logged |
starmoon Knowflake Posts: 266 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 01, 2012 08:44 PM
i have this with my bf at 4 degrees. i am mars, he is venus. honestly, i do not feel this conjunct as much as our venus-pluto conjunct at 1 degree. although i am passionate about him, it is definitely more obsessive passion, and i think that is because of pluto. i would take venus-pluto over venus-mars any day - the intensity level is just extreme and the desire you have for one another is off-the-chartsIP: Logged |
josie Newflake Posts: 19 From: sweden Registered: Aug 2011
posted January 02, 2012 03:41 PM
I have venus conjunct mars with my dearest, my venus his mars, we also have my mars opposition his venus. We have alot of passion!! We both also have venus square mars in our natals, so I guess we are both really passionate people. On top of that our venuses square each other and our marses as well. And as if that was not enough we also have venus conjunct uranus and a nice pluto venus trine.. And I almost forgot, the not so nice mars and uranus square! Lots of passion, lots of fights and tons of love. Quite crazy really.. Josie IP: Logged |
Sashar Knowflake Posts: 333 From: Alternate timeline future Registered: Mar 2012
posted March 24, 2012 07:05 AM
I have a Venus/Mars/Pluto conjunction natally. The man that I'm in love with has his Mars conjunct my Venus/Pluto (not Mars). He also happens to have his Saturn and Pluto conjunct my Venus/Mars/Pluto, with Saturn being a direct 0 orb variance on my Venus.Guess what, he has absolutely no interest in me. And staying true to my Venus/Mars/Pluto, I gotta put my two cents in about the "love" issue. If there's anything Astrology has taught you, it's that everyone experiences things in completely different and unique ways. I prefer to look at love like a virus. An uncomfortable sickness that slowly and excruciatingly changes every single aspect that it touches right to the bone marrow. Have you ever gotten something on you that gives you an immediate reaction of, "OMG get it off! Get it off!" ? That's what it feels like, except it's on the inside. The rewards are great enough that it makes you want more... and when it's fully infected you... you are no longer the same person. You are no longer, "You who is in love." It is now who you are, with no ability to separate the love from the you. It is not a choice, it is a fact. And it is pleasant, and it is horrible, and it is traumatic, and it is exhilarating. IP: Logged |
stillatlarge Knowflake Posts: 272 From: TX Registered: Nov 2010
posted March 31, 2012 10:22 PM
Speak for yourself. That's very rude and bigoted. I've experienced love at first sight and hate at first sight, and believe me, there was no infatuation about it. It may grow over time but love can and does happen in an instant. pfftt...  IP: Logged |
Planet Queen Knowflake Posts: 305 From: Portlandia Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 15, 2012 09:04 PM
My current boyfriend's Venus is conjunct my Mars. Its an exact conjunction and it also falls on my IC. We've been dating for about a year. At first we were just very physical because we are both extremely attracted to each other, but there was no real emotional connection. The fact that it is on my IC is very profound but also challenging because it is the most private part of the chart. It took me a while to put my guard down with him (I have Venus-Saturn opposition). But we've worked through some rough patches and I love him so much. And I guess Venus-Mars can be lasting, it just takes some time. IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka Knowflake Posts: 2045 From: Toronto Registered: Mar 2012
posted April 15, 2012 10:52 PM
My boyfriend's Mars is in Aquarius, the same sign as my Venus. The attraction was instaneous but as another user said, it's not what binds.IP: Logged |
Planet Queen Knowflake Posts: 305 From: Portlandia Registered: Jul 2011
posted April 15, 2012 11:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aquacheeka: My boyfriend's Mars is in Aquarius, the same sign as my Venus. The attraction was instaneous but as another user said, it's not what binds.
Thats not a conjunction though. I mean along with having an exact Venus-Mars cojunction in Aries, my boyfriend has Mars in Gemini and I have Venus in Gemini. But its not conjunct. IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka Knowflake Posts: 2045 From: Toronto Registered: Mar 2012
posted April 16, 2012 03:15 AM
quote: Originally posted by Planet Queen: Thats not a conjunction though. I mean along with having an exact Venus-Mars cojunction in Aries, my boyfriend has Mars in Gemini and I have Venus in Gemini. But its not conjunct.
Yes, I am aware that it's not an exact conjunction by orb. Some astrologers believe that dissociate aspects (out-of-sign aspects) are not operable, and that conjunctions and squares with a wide orb are still felt but with far less intensity. Bearing that in mind, I thought it merited an honourable mention.
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vertiver Knowflake Posts: 1994 From: Firey Jupiter Registered: May 2009
posted June 20, 2012 02:46 AM
Oh boy, I just met someone who is the Mars this time and I'm the Venus, talk about sexual tension. We just met, but already there is something between us. I've only experienced being the Mars not Venus, so its refreshing. IP: Logged |
virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted June 25, 2012 06:42 PM
Can someone please give an input- venus in leo conjunct his mars in leo @ 5 degrees and my mars in gemini oppose his venus in sag @ 3 degrees. What's stronger? I feel extremely magnetic attraction and tension between us- hyperventilating sometimes...IP: Logged |
bambam Knowflake Posts: 57 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted July 07, 2012 03:27 AM
I had Venus conjunct Mars with a few guys. (Both ways, no interaspects just yet :P)The only guy I actually had sex with, with this aspect, wow.... really great sexual chemistry that is how I would sum it up I have no other words for it (my Mars conjunct his Venus (in leo)). I felt unbelievably comfortable in a very unsettling way with him. This might have been due to other aspects I don't know. Anyways, at the end we had to end things. We were roommates, he was still with his girlfriend (I know, bad bad.), and to top it off he has a girlfriend (this guy was scorp rising, gemini sun, and aries moon veerrry volatile and impulsive with great intensity). I was hurt and he was very concerned about how he hurt me and worried himself over my feelings. To a pretty great extent. I wasn't too hung up on him, just really missed the physical intimacy and the sex. I had this aspect with another guy in high school. I used to have fantasies about us hooking up or doing something naughty in the school bathroom. Needless to say, I was extremely attracted to this guy and all I could think about was ripping his clothes off whenever I was around him. I couldn't help but feel his physical presence. A couple years later I check out our synastry, turns out his Mars is exactly conjunct my Venus (in Aries). From my experience, I think the Venus person "feels" it more and the Mars person "needs" it more. My Mars and Venus are also both in Fire signs so that increases the "heat" and "fire" of the effect these aspects have on me. IP: Logged |
virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 07, 2012 02:38 PM
So you think venus feels it more? One way I'm the venus in conjunction but in opposition he's the venus. Interesting...we have other aspects in synastry which make me feel more then chemistry. Pluto is just killing me What do you think about eros and psyche aspects?
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virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 07, 2012 05:14 PM
So you think venus feels it more? One way I'm the venus in conjunction but in opposition he's the venus. Interesting...we have other aspects in synastry which make me feel more then chemistry. Pluto is just killing me What do you think about eros and psyche aspects?
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bambam Knowflake Posts: 57 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted July 07, 2012 05:31 PM
Yes I think the Venus person "feels" it more on a romantic level than a physical level and the Mars person "needs" it more on a physical level than on a romantic level. My description of my feelings for that guy in my high school might seem to contradict what I just said but keep in mind that my Venus is in Aries so what I find romantic involves a lot of physical spontaneity.From my experience, Venus opposite Venus can be extremely alluring yet tricky. This would intensify the attraction you two feel for each other. I never really thought that Pluto aspects were special on a personal level because the planet person has that aspect with many other pluto people (since its a generational planet). I don't really have much experience with Eros and Psyche aspects. Just started getting into them :P However, there is this one guy who's Eros is conjunct my Valentine (in Gemini). Some things about him, my Venus is conjunct his Ascendant (Aries) and my Venus is also opposite his Venus (Libra). I find him very intriguing. He was definitely a 'pleaser' . He is also the physical embodiment of what I find attractive and beautiful. I pretty much can't stop thinking about him during any time of the day. I'm sure the Eros and Valentine aspect has something to do with it. IP: Logged |
virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 07, 2012 07:04 PM
Welcome to the "can't get you off my mind 24/7" club  Do you think pluto conjunction sun (mine) doesn't add to the intensity? In my natal I'm not pluto heavy- mostly venus, jupiter, saturn and uranus. But I have pluto in 12. I keep looking for sth that would help me "shake" him off because I can't deal with that intensity much longer. Where do you think that obsessiveness comes from?
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virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 07, 2012 07:12 PM
Ps. We don't have venus/venus. Mars and venus conjunction both in leo and venus opposition mars. My mars in gem. his venus in sag. I have to express myself better 
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bambam Knowflake Posts: 57 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted July 07, 2012 07:58 PM
Oh, I never meant that intensity and chemistry would not be present with pluto aspects, especially a strong one such as sun conjunct pluto. But it seems to be a common intensity you may feel with men his age. What's your sun sign and his sun sign? That might explain a few more details about this aspect. The obsessiveness is a cumulative affect of these 'intense' aspects. The Venus Mars aspects contribute to this as well because they create a sense of romantic passion! IP: Logged |
virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 07, 2012 08:28 PM
Just deleted long response... I'm virgo, him cap/aqua cusp 12 years my senior. We have venus conjunction my neptune, venus sextile my pluto. Mars' sextile, moons in conjunctions, his pluto sextile my sun, his pluto square my mars (sucks right?) and my neptune. At almost 40 he's the only one to bring so much intensity in me. There is attraction but we can't act on it. It's like I can fell there is sth...this pull and then run from each other...IP: Logged |
virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 07, 2012 08:28 PM
Just deleted long response... I'm virgo, him cap/aqua cusp 12 years my senior. We have venus conjunction my neptune, venus sextile my pluto. Mars' sextile, moons in conjunctions, his pluto sextile my sun, his pluto square my mars (sucks right?) and my neptune. At almost 40 he's the only one to bring so much intensity in me. There is attraction but we can't act on it. It's like I can fell there is sth...this pull and then run from each other...IP: Logged |
virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 07, 2012 08:30 PM
Bambam Sorry for double post. And thanks for replies...highly appreciated!IP: Logged |
bambam Knowflake Posts: 57 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted July 08, 2012 01:23 PM
Hmm.. moon conjunctions are a very good indicator of compatability. The pluto aspects may be something you are new to, since he is a much older man (different pluto interactions). All this intensity may be something new and exciting to you! You guys are attracted to one another on a sun-sign base level which is very good. All in all its an intense relationship, that's for sure. Why can't you act on it? Too young?IP: Logged |
virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 08, 2012 01:47 PM
Too young? No I'm almost 40 ...he's married. Plus I really like his family. Life suks... Also discovered my NN conjuncts his moon. And his NN my saturn. What do you think of that? Plus my karma conjuncts his uranusIP: Logged |
virgogirl Knowflake Posts: 69 From: Registered: Jun 2012
posted July 08, 2012 02:08 PM
Oh and his karma conjuncts my saturn. So my theory is pluto and these aspects maybe explain my feeling of me meeting him as "fated". Like there is a reason for that whole messy situation...IP: Logged |
jenibelmarie Newflake Posts: 5 From: NJ, USA Registered: Mar 2012
posted July 08, 2012 02:41 PM
For a year 1/2 now, I've been in an on-off relationship with a Virgo/Libra/Leo whose Mars (Aries) conjuncts my Venus (Aries). We've had so many rough tumbles throughout, fights, rage, jealousy, but I honestly feel it is this aspect that keeps us together. There's this deep routed mutual love between us, we never stay mad at each other, and the sex is mind blowing. But I feel it almost stands in my way, as I often feel I'd like to move on from the relationship, but it's just so difficult to let go. EDIT::: I'd also like to note that despite me being the Venus, I'm frequently finding myself wanting out of the relationship. The Mars dedication supersedes Venus in this scenario. Could be other aspects at work, though. ------------------ The Scorpionic Libran Aries, with a lick of Virgo. IP: Logged |