Topic: Astrology may have negative consequences
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 95 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 04, 2004 09:27 PM
There are two ways of viewing how astrology affects your life:1.My transits/natal influences are guidlines and influences to my life, they have no actual bearing on my fate, and I still have complete control over myself/environment. The second and, unfortunately, more commonplace view of astro is this: 2. My natal influences define who I am, and my transits affect my moods and state of hapiness, and I can attribute bad things that happen to me as well as good to my transits. After studying much social psychology as of late, I realized that not only do I have the second viewpoint, but that it is extremely unhealhty. Multipe psychological studies show again and again, that the less perceived control you have over your life the unhappier, lower performance, greater stress, and worse health you will have. Taking this view of astrology (fatist approach) takes away the control we think we have over our lives. When we start attributing our successes and failures to the stars, we take away our will, our choice, and that is bad for our health, both mentally and physically. I hope everyone reconsiders how they view astrology, and doesn't allow it to influence their mood and health. If you're feeling great, then you find out you have a disatrous saturn opposition 5 natal planets, then you feel that you are doomed for the next 10 months, then something is definitely wrong here. Astrology should work to explore and expand who we are, and open us up to possibility, not to put us in a box and make us worry about whats influencing us today. I'm saying this for myself as much as anyone else. =) IP: Logged |
virgotaurustaurus unregistered
posted December 04, 2004 09:49 PM
Whoa! Haha this post just gave me a severe case of deja vu...I think I saw a similar discussion on another astrology board I post to...anyhow, I was thinking, what if we looked at the houses, planets, transits, more like, activation portals of certain energies, or the energies that are associated with a certain transit are easier to deal with at that certain time? Like say, I decided (free will) to go make hot sweet love tonight, could I look at the Venus/Mars conjunction in Scorpio as maybe having extremely passionate intercourse much easier at this time, because the energy was activated by the transits and planet placements? Haha oh man I feel like I just made no sense. I just started having an almost sci-fi look at astrology lately too haha. But yeah, I wonder if what I'm talking about goes more with the first way of looking at astrology...that would be cool! IP: Logged |
whiterabbit Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2009
posted December 04, 2004 10:01 PM
Blue, what an important reminder. Perfect timing too. I have been trying to explain away everything in my life using astrology, to the point where I have begun to feel so helpless and desperate. You mentioned psychological studies about the feeling of the loss of volition- were you speaking about "learned helplessness" studies? I read about these recently and it was very alarming but enlightening. We should certainly constantly remind ourselves to take that first position! IP: Logged |
whiterabbit Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2009
posted December 04, 2004 10:15 PM
something else I have been thinking about lately- I'm worried about how Astrology influences my perception and subsequent interactions with people. I use to think it sort of gave me the upper hand and it was helpful in being understanding and patient with people- but sometimes I get angry with Astrology and I wish I could just erase everything I know about it and see people the way I did when I didn't know much about it. I (sometimes) feel tainted! I can't help but always keeping people's sun signs and any other information I have in mind as I talk to them and it just feels wrong sometimes. I want to discover them slowly- and not have my vision coloured by Astrology. I mean our perceptions are ultimately, always going to be biased, that is natural- but does it have to be in such a direct and conscious and overwhelming way? Does anyone else struggle with this? I know that there are SO many positive things and I love them all- but once in a while don't you just want to be a little more innocent and clueless and curious? IP: Logged |
KarenSD unregistered
posted December 04, 2004 11:52 PM
whiterabbit, i know EXACTLY what you mean!!IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 95 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 05, 2004 12:00 AM
I agree sometimes I even dream about astrology...but hey its a hobby, as long as it doesn't get too out of control!Its especially a problem for me with cancer suns, who I rarely get along with, and have never had a close cancer friend...probably becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy IP: Logged |
soulsista unregistered
posted December 05, 2004 12:29 AM
WAY HAYThis is a view point that I have been advocating for some time. We are all masters of our own destiny and the power to shape our lifes is phenomenal and its in OUR hands. I love astrology, find its a fascinating psychological tool but I do not place TOO much credence on it. We are all individuals and I think its dangerous if we start to relate to a perception of someone based on their astrologcal data rather than with the people themselves. Birth charts can provide great insight into people but they do not govern the person. Equally, we have all met people that turn out to be say a Virgo when you were so expecting an Aries etc. I have been very surprised by some peoples charts finding planets and aspects that just dont seem to fit the personality. Thats fine, it reaffirms my belief that its the person first astrology second. Well said xxxxxxxxxxxxx IP: Logged |
Motherkonfessor unregistered
posted December 05, 2004 02:05 AM
THANK YOU, Blue Roamer.Succinctly put, and so truthful. I have felt at odd with some of the things you have posted... but with this thread I totally appreciate your logic. having been part of this board over a year? or so, i was absent for 8 months. COming back, I havent posted much because of how I perceived the words alot of people posted. I started getting annoyed with how people used astrology to justify the most innane of habits or predicaments, and wallowing in "I cant do anything about it. I am a (fill in blank here)." Assuming I was oversensitive, I said nothing. But here you have defined what I was seeing- especially since I function in the number 2 mindset. thank you so much. MK
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moonbaby unregistered
posted December 05, 2004 04:41 AM
im feelings you guys on that one...i mean, despite the fact that I pride myself on not judging people till i know them for myself, as opposed to what they wear, the colour of their hair et al, i know that surface indicators can cloud our judgements. its an evolutionary thing.. its only when my virgo friend told me off for constantly saying 'its typical virgo male thing' that I realised i had begun to get an astrological bias but, i dont take it for gospel...i think its entertaining and higly accurate, but i believe nurture has a big role in these things too. IP: Logged |
Archer unregistered
posted December 05, 2004 05:49 AM
aarghj, i forgot...what is deja vu?IP: Logged |
Aquarian Girl unregistered
posted December 05, 2004 06:11 AM
I know what you guys mean also.When I was 17 I decided to go and see a psychic so she could "tell me my future"... Well... she got a few short term things eerily spot on (things that would happen within the next year or so)... but what irked me in the few months after the reading was that I realized I didn't want to know what was going to happen. I realized that she had told me my path and now I felt bound to it because it was "fated"... It made me question the concepts of free will and predetermination, fate, destiny, life... And I came to the conclusion I would never visit a phsycic again... and which is why until I came to LindaLand, I haven't interested myself in any sort of predictive astrology (but my interested has been piqued)... I do read my own tarot cards, but I'm of the mind, just like with astrology, that they can only tell me what the possibilities are, or the likely outcome according to influences present right now. Nothing my beloved cards tell me is etched in stone (I'm kinda attached to them)... they just give me understanding. Every time, I'm astounded at how the perfect cards to describe everything happening come up. With astrology, I'm not really interested in other peoples charts unless I'm very close to them... so my family, dearest friends and lovers... I know all their charts inside out, again in the name of understanding. I don't really ask other people what their sign is, lol. To be honest, I could care less Having said all that, right now I'm concentrating on synastry and composites... but next I do want to learn about transits and predicting influences... I don't believe the stars have us bound to live out preordained destinies at all. IP: Logged |
Aquarian Girl unregistered
posted December 05, 2004 06:14 AM
Archer, de ja vu is where you experience a moment you feel you've lived through before... ever get that feeling when talking to someone or going somewhere new and feeling like it's eerily familiar? For me it's usually accompanied by a split second of feeling faint...People say there is a scientific explanation for it, but I don't know if I believe that. Why does science have to try to explain everything? I like the smoke and mirrors of a bit of mystery and intrigue! IP: Logged |
trillian Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 05, 2004 09:49 AM
The first rule of Astrology has always, and will always be, Astrology indicates. It does not compel.We can't blame Astrology for our perception of it. The stars in their paths are relatively benign. They indicate energies that are available to us. And those energies are quite handy sometimes, when we are aware of them. For instance, I have bought my last two cars under earth signs, one was a Taurus, the most recent a Virgo with a Taurus moon, and they have been very reliable cars. Would they have been, had I waited and bought the most recent under the Libra moon? I have no idea, I can't tap into that reality. But it is of some comfort to me to know that I can control my reality by using Astrology to what I believe is my own advantage. So yes, these are important reminders. Astrology, like us all, is a Piece of a Part of a Whole. IP: Logged |
Lilith1075 unregistered
posted December 05, 2004 12:28 PM
I believe in fate, I believe in "destiny" but I also believe we are in complete control of whether or not we get there. For instance, it could be our "fate" to marry a particular person, but if we marry someone else, that's not saying we won't have a successful marriage with them, but that our marriage to our "soul mate" would have been even more perfect... if that makes sense. So, I believe in fate as a place to get, a thing we are striving for, but at the same time we really don't know what it is, so that's what we're constantly trying to figure out. If something "seems right" and logically it does as well, then it probably is. Sometimes we can't explain things. Sometimes there are "coincidences" that can't possibly be by luck or chance. As for using astrology, I am obsessed with astrology although I still have much much more to learn. I understand all of the 12 signs and how they influence people as sun signs, and I'm also looking into rising signs (ascendant) and moon signs. Later I will get more into the other planets, and houses, and all else. I think it's interesting because it makes sense but only to a certain point. If my birth chart says that I may have financial difficulties, I probably will... if I'm gliding through life and letting things hit me as they come. But if I take intiative to not let that happen, then I'm not fulfilling my "destiny" of financial troubles. I also love astrology for the mere psychological aspects of it. People born at different times through the year are different, and it's fun learning about astrology even though it's controversial, especially since the church I attend is quite conservative on these matters. The Bible says that "divination" is wrong, but... I don't want to become a prophet via summoning of spirits. "The Heavens God's glory to declare" - I'm simply looking to the stars for the answer, to become closer to God because my belief is that God arranged the stars and placed "astrology" in order for us so that things would be balanced. ...Sorry if none of this makes sense, especially the former part of my post. So, in "short" I believe in fate but also in free will. ------------------ You raise me up... to more than I can be.
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delerious unregistered
posted December 06, 2004 03:11 AM
I see divination as a sort of "warning", that if we don't use our free will to change something, this is what will happen. Liken it to the "fork in the road" where a choice has to be made, and if we're just barreling along might miss the "path less travelled" I think Linda talked alot about transcending our charts, that they are a tool for self-knowledge. The Avatars are ones that have risen beyond the constrictions of natal/transital influences. I think in past lifetimes we have learned more + more how to deal with those influences, so depending how many times around the wheel or how the karma goes it gets easier. Maybe "old souls" can chose simply to erase the qualities that bind them! grow + know....... ------------------ "Too much sanity may be madness, and the maddest of all is to see the world as it is, and not as it should be" Don Quixote IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 1120 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 06, 2004 04:40 AM
Progressions time events, specifically the Progressed Moon. Transits show the type of energy used to trigger those events. Transits and Progressions work hand in hand. A Progressed chart will never show something that is not first in the Natal. I have seen things coming astrologically and resisted just to test fate and free will, guess what I have found? That circumstances will change to fit what was originally shown. So yes free will, will let you decide for yourself but if it is meant to be, circumstances will change so that it can be (fate) IP: Logged |
delerious unregistered
posted December 06, 2004 04:53 AM
It so baffles me but the "great mystery" is what makes it so exiting.... all is revealed as our eyes can see the questions and so many viewpoints here!Oh and LaLa if you're still floating around take a look at "delerious" post(with my natal info) over at the course. So much confusion over my natal chart! Aries impatience...!! thanks IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted December 06, 2004 08:33 AM
quote: Multipe psychological studies show again and again, that the less perceived control you have over your life the unhappier, lower performance, greater stress, and worse health you will have.
So - Margaret Mead wrote that it is in our nature to, at some point, seek an alternate reality. Does that mean the human race should be required to drop acid every day? I think that premise I just quoted is complete Ca-Ca. Psychology meant to coddle and DIS-empower us. IP: Logged |
Virgo-AriesArtist Knowflake Posts: 175 From: Michigan :) Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 06, 2004 09:55 AM
Just a reminder, our beloved Linda was a great Believer in FREE WILL.... ------------------ -K "Most people love with restraint As if they were someday to hate We hated gently, carefully As if we were someday to love"-Venus Trines at Midnight IP: Logged |
Deira unregistered
posted December 06, 2004 06:11 PM
Hey BR,I totally agree with you on this one. Its not just astrology people do this with, its with other things as well. I enjoy reading tarot cards (for myself), and see them as a guide to energies unfolding. I believe that people are blessed with free will, and nothing is set in stone. However, I see many people who view the cards and other divination methods as something inevitable... I've seen people rush to psychics, card readers, and astrologers every time they have a problem, and pay lots of money for consultations... I have a cousin who is always shopping around for the latest astrologer to predict her love life, and I think thats a harmful and unempowering way to view these things. D
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ariestiger unregistered
posted December 09, 2004 11:54 AM
Well, I am currently having great fun recovering from chickenpox.The whole damn thing started (barely perceptibly)around late November's Mercury retrograde, and developed into the full-blown version this week. (I'd had severe stomach pains for 2 weeks beforehand - apparently the "shadow period" of the retrograde phase). I anticipate another week - 14 days of this, easily, and reckon it will take till early January before I can confidently face the outside world . And no, I couldn't have seen it coming. Not in a million years. In fact, November and December were supposed to be good months for me, but so far, they've been utter crap. Never mind, I'm sure I shall cheer up sometime . IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted December 09, 2004 12:21 PM
AriesTiger -I'm SO SORRY to hear this. Hoping you get well soon ...
------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
ariestiger unregistered
posted December 09, 2004 05:05 PM
Thank you, AstroJunkie. That is really kind!LOL AriesTiger IP: Logged | |