  Appearance and the 1st house? (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   Appearance and the 1st house?
The Mutable Night Force

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posted December 21, 2004 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The Mutable Night Force     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Has anyone found the whole 1st house determines your appearance thing to be true? Is there anywhere that says what you should look like according to your sign there?

Just wondering..

In any case, what are Capricorn in 1st house people supposed to look like?

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posted December 21, 2004 05:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for whiterabbit     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well obviously the cusp of the first house is important when it comes to appearance because that is the ascendant. I find that certain planets in the first house will have a strong effect on your was discussed in other posts- mars in first house tends to give a strong body, masculine appearance to some extent whereas venus in the first gives a soft feminine touch..some people have both- so one person can be both I guess. Other planets in the first usually have more of an effect on the native's personality (Neptune in the first, for example, often makes a person somewhat deceptive, consciously or not, about who they are, when you first meet them) But sometimes those planets can act as though the sign they rule is the Ascendant- this is particularly true of Pluto, for example..I find it makes the person look very much like a Scorpio.
So are you asking about a Cappy rising or planets that are in Capricorn in the first?

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posted December 21, 2004 05:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for whiterabbit     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here I found some things on the appearance of Capricorns, some of it is contradicting and I disagree with a lot of it but I might have too small a representation of the appearances of Capricorns to judge- still I find they tend to be very classically beautiful with amazing skin and a nicely shaped torso and legs. And all the cappy rising and cappy sun people I know love gorgeous, high-quality and classic clothes.

The Capricorn women in her early years is normally slender and somewhat weak. Her general demeanour lacks confidence. However there is definitive improvement in her constitution after 16 years of age.

The nose is generally long and the eyes are deep set. The face bears a forlorn look. The body below the waist is normally on the thinner side.
Overall appearance of a Capricorn woman is however of a smart and attractive woman.

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posted December 22, 2004 01:27 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I can really notice the effects of the transits over my Ascendant and the long term ones in my First House (on my appearance)
I have a Capricorn Ascendant...with Aquarius intercepted...
I think there are other influences that can affect the appearance...such as the aspects of other planets to the Ascendant...also...if you have any planets in the 1st would have an effect...I think

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The Mutable Night Force

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posted December 22, 2004 07:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for The Mutable Night Force     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Some of that I think definately applies to me and some also to my Capricorn friend. Her hair is very thick, dark and coarse. My hair is light and thin although it is quite coarse. I'd definately agree with my upper body being slimmer than my lower body. Generally, I'm slim but my thighs and waist are larger and not so in proportion. I'd say my teeth are quite strong too. My nose is reletively small but I know a Capricorn guy with quite a prominant nose. Did you say something about forlorness too?
I'm wearing a jumper and retro necklace at the moment. I tend to go for 'vintage' clothes. Does that count?

The only planet I have in my first house is Saturn.


Oh, and what is a Scorpio supposed to look like then?

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posted December 22, 2004 11:10 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That brings up a question I've had that I posted in another thread that nobody ever answered. I read that if you have a planet in the first house, say Neptune for example, that that'll influence you the same way Pisces Rising would. Is that true?

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posted December 22, 2004 04:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
similar influence...I think...there could be distinctions...cause of the aspects to the planet....
anyway...I have a friend w/Uranus in 12th conjunct Ascendant.....He is real "off the wall"...interesting character though

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posted December 22, 2004 06:58 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hehe! this is a preety interesting question. i always wondered if you have more than 1 planet in the 1st house(conj the asc), what areyou supposed to look like. I also have Saturn in the first house(as well as Pluto). I am tall, slim and have a generally muscular body. since Saturn rules Cappy, you may have an affinity for wearing dark colours like brown and black. others may see you as wearing a serious or gloomy expression on your face even when nothing is wrong. Physically- its VERY hard to pin point what one would look like since so many factor affect this- like genetics and other placements in the chart. But one thing that I've noticed about Cap or Saturn risings is that: they are either very tall o very short. And either very slim or preety fat. They also tend to age in reverse- looking young when old and old when young.

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posted December 22, 2004 07:40 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ichigo, I have neptune conjunct ascendant but I am not exactly like a Pisces ascendant. I do not get as emotionally attached to people, I am not in need of a partner usually, and I don't drink.

But I am attracted to chemicals, perfumes, people who do drink, people who are Pisces, artists, and I get lost sometimes for hours:> I miss dates especially ones with Virgos and Capricorns, and I tend to get very emotional. My art is my window to the world, and my identity is wrapped up in that, not who i am with. So people always see what they want in me, but I am defined by my artwork at the moment.

Pisces risings, do not change that much but Neptune will make you changeable, and it's much less stable than a water ascendant, actually less so, but my first house is Sag so the Neptune and Sag make me very emotional and not very practical at all.

My Ascendant transits are Pluto right now, so I am much more practical than usual, Thank God.

I know a Pisces rising with Saturn conj and he is a stick in the mud, not emotional about anything, but he does drink like a fish. He thinks I am too emotional, and I change my hair colour all the time, he basically thinks I am silly.

So we are a combination of planets, the ascendant, and the transits.


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posted December 22, 2004 10:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for the insight, sthreni. Let me ask you something then, cause I have Pisces rising with Neptune sextile my ascendant. What do you think that will do to me and my Venus in Aries in the first house? Because I sound almost nothing like an Aries in Venus, could that have something to do with my Pisces ascendant?

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posted December 22, 2004 11:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, I have Venus in Aries in the 5th, and I do not fit that description either except in rare cases. I am competitive but that's about it.

Your Pisces Ascendant sextile Neptune would make you an excellent photographer or artist. Chances are you will start out slow romantically because you do not fall in love easily, in fact you will only meet a few people in your life that totally wow you. But others will fall in love with you, more than you know.

part of the pisces is not seeing what is, it's seeing what's going on inside of you instead, so you will not see it when others are attracted right away. You are not as other oriented as say a Sag rising, pisces also wants to help others, volunteer and help those in need. Your profession and life will revolve around some kind of work with people where you care and nuture.

Your relationships, will be deepest where that person needs you emotionally. A healing quality comes from you, don't be surpised to meet someone with physical or emotional problems who is healed by knowing you, its' a strength.

I know it may seem slow romantically but traditionally pisces stays young longer, and has a more optimistic attitude later on too. and remember others will fall for you, look for someone who is not hard to get but who is caring and supportive, it's a learning process. Excitement will not come from love but from work.

That quality is very similar to Sag rising which has a humanitarian bent. Love is better among friends with similar interests, and excitement comes from passions outside the relationship.


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posted December 23, 2004 09:06 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Aww wow, thank you so much you've really given me hope in this area because I used to worry that I wasn't normal because I've only ever really liked maybe 2 guys my whole life while all the other girls I know have had too many interests to count on two hands. And now that you've told me that, I will go look for excitement in work! That's just what I needed to hear, thank you! ^_^ I'd bear hug you if I could!

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astro junkie
posted December 23, 2004 11:39 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm still trying to figure this one out, since my Asc in Taurus is at 29.48 degrees, the majority of my 1st House is in Gemini. I don't think I fall into ANY description of Asc's, much less Taurus or Gemini. Then again, I'm often surprised as to other's perception of me.

Since Gemini does take a lot of space there, my Mercury is in Scorpio, and a lot of people think I'm a Scorpio.

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posted December 23, 2004 12:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for amisha121877     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think so - as far as first house determining appearance and such. you see - i have leo rising BUT and I mean, BIG BUT, I also have saturn in virgo so even though my appearance may be somewhat ummmmmm, domineering with/without speaking a word, my nonchalance in regards to others appearance, constant use of body language with or without being aware of that, my struggle with believing that as soon as I am satisfied with the way I look and feel I can have anything I want sans needing anything else(air of conceit)- I do have something to hold me back from boiling over or bring my vision of self up. You know, a Hyde to Jekyll or a Jekyll to Hyde. FUNNY - I use to be afraid of being a vain individual but no matter how much I buried it - it comes out any way.

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posted December 23, 2004 12:31 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Glorida, my libra ex had gemini ascendant, and his mercury was in scorpio. He acts exactly like a scorpio male, only more communicative about his needs/likes/dislikes.
You are very communicative about Scorpio subjects.


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posted December 25, 2004 10:32 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ichigco--I think having a Pisces Rising with Neptune sextiling it would provide you with an inspired presentation when you meet and interact with people. I would think you'd have an ease interacting with must be very intuitive...and with Venus in Aries in the First House...I would think you could be quite the "dynamic" influence on the social scene.
Finding constructive outlets for your rich and fertile imagination would prevent you from having typical Piscean problems...I would think.

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astro junkie
posted December 25, 2004 05:16 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Interesting Natasha - thank you.

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posted July 31, 2008 09:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for EighthMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bumping for 23's research project.


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posted July 31, 2008 09:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I always thought if you put a cap AC in a crowd you won't be able to find him with a spotlight on.

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posted August 01, 2008 04:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
THanks 8th

The cap description is very accurate. They also have very nobbly knees I've noticed LOL

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posted August 01, 2008 06:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MiaMammy08     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have gemini asc and my mercury is in capricorn. I am a capricorn so i guess i act like myself but i have no planets in my first house. so i guess gemini is not evident?

Yes i'm a capricorn with an aries moon and gemini rising. oh yea...

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posted August 01, 2008 08:22 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There`s an astrology system in Germany that believes, the appearance (the way we look, talk, move, the whole package) is shown by the 3rd house.

Yes I know, unusual, unusual.
Their explanation is that the cardinal houses are the seed, all the instinctual possibilities you have, but the mobile houses like 3rd houses is what of these possibilities you SHOW externally. So, it doesn`t only include the LOOK (that may be signified by t he 1st house quite purely), but also the way you appear to others as a whole, the way you dress for example, the way your voice sounds, how you speak, what you say, how you move, in short how you show (3rd house) your body (1st house).

In my case I have Aquarius on the cusp of the 3rd house, with Uranus conjunct the 11th house cusp. Pisces is intercepted in 3rd house and Neptune is in Sagittarius conjunct ASC. I also have Jupiter in 3rd house.

And yes, you guessed it I need MUCH space for myself, even physically. I show (3rd house) my body (ASC) in a big big (Jupiter) way. lol

Uranus in 11th house makes sense in that I don`T fit into any pattern. I usually don`t wear make up (unless I really WANT to), I never cared about fashion (the only fashion I accept is what I like); I manage to appear seriously underdressed or overdressed, I mean, I am known to have gone to the opera in jeans (in my youth and I think I can still hear my mum scream about it. Of course that was one of the reasons I did it. ); I remember when I first saw "Starlight Express" I was wearing a jeans overall with a broad golden belt. And on my darkblue shoes there were a lot of little golden stars on them. I thought it was fitting for a musical about Stars. lol Actually I must have looked RIDICULOUS!

I usually like to wear earth-colours or black, but then all at once it needs to be glaring red, or flashing colours. Well, actually i just bought new glasses. And I ended with the one in orange.

I can`t help it. Uranus sometimes just drives me to do these things. And I guess my appearance can be a bit unusual at times. The t hings I speak about (astrology for example), how I speak about them (not even my family can follow my "thought-jumps" at times). And friends of mine used to complain that often, when they turned to the side I had been walking, I had seemingly disappeared. I`ve had the habit of always changing sides or stopping in my track because I saw something interesting. I just failed to mention that i had stopped to the people I were with.

Well, I have that under control now. Well, most of the times at least.


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posted August 01, 2008 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for writesomething     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
darkdreamer- interesting info about the 3rd house theory.

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posted August 01, 2008 11:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ladya22     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi all-

I am a libra rising but i also have scorpio in the 1st so that flavors the appearance as well, right? should i be looking up info on scorpio rising to get a more accurate picture (so to speak) of appearance? HELP!

Thanks in advance!


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posted August 02, 2008 05:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PeaceAngel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

lol! i do things like that too!

i think the only visible aries thing about me is that i can wear red really really well. funny thing about the black - most people drown themselves in black clothing - i hardly ever wear black.

i'm a disappointment to my aries ascendant and sun. it seems i'm more libran in appearance than aries - so i'm told. so i personally don't relate to looking like my 1st house sign. but i have venus in aries and also my asc is opposite uranus in libra so that could have an influence.

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