Topic: Aquarius and the emotion thing - Discuss!!!
soulsista unregistered
posted January 05, 2005 07:32 PM
Oh God (tearing hair out!!!) lolAny Aquarians out there? Explain!!!! Do you have emotions at all or is it just electrical impulses that keep you alive. Help me to understand why you seem so removed from feeling. With love (dont be scared of it!!) xxxxxxx IP: Logged |
Atlantic Myst unregistered
posted January 05, 2005 07:37 PM
Ughh I am going through the same thing also. My boyfriend is a capricorn with aquarius rising and aquarius moon. They are usually like that. They need space or else they will be out the door before you know it.Dont scare them by being to possessive and jealous or pressure them to show there feelings. They usually take things slow by being your friend first. But make sure you let them know you are interested in them more than a friend so they can know. Ughh i feel like slapping them. But I am patience. If they even tell you I love or even cuddle with you then consider yourself lucky. IP: Logged |
Atlantic Myst unregistered
posted January 05, 2005 07:38 PM
What is your sun, moon, and rising sign?IP: Logged |
soulsista unregistered
posted January 05, 2005 08:00 PM
Im Libra Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Rising. My question isnt because Im trying to relate to one (well I suppose I am, Im a Libra after all!!!) what I mean is its not a love question, its a genuine question to anyone who has some insight so that I can try to understand why Aquarians SEEM so emotionally detached to others. Are they cold? What kind of thing moves them? How do they feel when they do feel? Is it a mask? Are their emotions blocked or locked deep down? I have known a few over the years and they all have this trait. Its like you reach a certain point with them and then they withdraw - these are with girlfriends too not just men. Do they feel at all?!!! lol Any insights anyone - especially Aquarians xxxxx IP: Logged |
BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 207 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 05, 2005 08:26 PM
Oh, the emotions are there, very much so, but very deep. Aquarians can be uncannily similar to Scorp in this way. Very good at concealing their true feelings. We usually see their rational side that's able to detach and talk about highly charged issues (even if they're directly involved)...very easily. Many a thread on this enigmatic sign...  IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted January 05, 2005 08:51 PM
They are very quiet when they get emotional and just listen, because they are watching you get passionate and angry and because they have to be careful not to block out what you are saying. As they get older Aquas do not shut everything out, they listen quietly and pick up some points, but they do not want to argue the argument. They do see the big picture, but sometimes they think they are too intelligent to have to sit and listen to someone sermonize. This is what I am told, in any case if he or she is quiet they are listening and getting emotional. Natasha
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cynicalpsychic unregistered
posted January 05, 2005 09:46 PM
i'm aquarius and i'd say i'm a bit over emotional. i'm always the first to say "i love you" and i fully mean it...but it doesn't mean "i love you and only you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you." which i think some people don't get. i also cry all the time...when i see someone else's pain, or when i can feel their joy. i think maybe sometimes i get read as unemotional in relationships by other people because, as much as i love people, i do have a hard time committing. IP: Logged |
ice Mists unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 03:44 AM
hi well i'm not an aquarian, i've moon conjunct uranus if that is of any help quote: I have known a few over the years and they all have this trait. Its like you reach a certain point with them and then they withdraw - these are with girlfriends too not just men.
this trait has caused me quite a few problems, what happens is when dealing with emotional issues or when i'm stressed out, i automatically cut and detached myself from the situation, but not from the feeling, it's more a security thing, moon indicating what you need to feel secure say i'm involved in a matter that means a great deal to me emotionally, if i think there's a genuine risk of my getting my feelings hurt, or if i become too emotionally attached to it thus giving it greater power to hurt me if things turn out rotten, i seem to instinctively radiate an attitude of "do what you want i don't care" or "i can live without it/you", i don't think this is something i can change, people see this as a lack of interest or indifference, they may think i don't care, but on the contrary the more aloof and cold i seem the more i actually feel about it/them, twisted..but hey its uranus.. well my uranus anyway my emotional reasoning is that if i distance myself from the matter/people so as not to identify with them personally, my feelings would be less affected if disaster strikes (for lack of a better term)..hmm i'm thinking only of myself selfish selfish , it's not that i don't care, it's that if you're drowning in quicksand theres no point in me jumping in to save you , that'll be both our bacons 
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LeylaLeFay unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 04:12 AM
You know- I think I know exactly the Aqua game you might be on the recieving end of. They're going to revoke my membership for revealing this secret: -Aqua girl meets hottie boy and wants him very much. Too much. Uh oh. -Aqua girl plays very hard to get. -Toys with hottie boy because she's secretly afraid she's falling in love with him. -Aqua girl tells hottie boy to get lost and that she doesn't want him. -Aqua girl finds other boyfriend that she's less afraid of, and flaunts him under hottie boys nose. -Hottie boy blows a gaskit, gets drunk, and calls Aqua girls house to say all the meanist things he can think of. -Aqua girl is very cool and detatched in the face of his fury- which only frustrates hottie boy all the more. -Aqua girl is only pretending to be cool. She is secretly smiling on the inside. -Aqua girl hangs up the phone to do happy "he loves me" dance across her living room. If we can frustrate you to tears, it confirms and that we make you feel just as out of control as you make us feel. That's why we sometimes smile while you're screaming at us hysterically. One day, I'm going to tell that hottie boy I'm in love with him. But not yet.
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OdessaStar unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 04:50 AM
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ariestiger unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 05:16 AM
Facts about Aquarian guys:They are total emotional manipulators. They will deliberately come out with outright lies to try and make you believe that you are feeling what they want you to feel, so that they can manipulate you into doing what they want you to do. They will automatically prefix a statement with "YOU ARE x" or "YOU ARE y". In the face of such statements, the gullible might be tempted to believe them. However, if you say to them categorically, no, that isn't true, and you KNOW it isn't true, in fact it's complete and utter fabricated rubbish, they will be dumbstruck. It is very necessary to stand up for yourself, as typically they are not forceful, and can be made to back down. I also think they are reasonably psychotic, but they can conceal this very easily under a socially charming manner, that makes people think they are "nice guys". They are aware of their internal "madness", and can project their fears about themselves onto you - be warned. They are desperately insecure, and definetely control freaks. And I think their emotion switch is set at sub-zero. Their brains also appear to be bizarrely divorced from certain other parts of their anatomy . They just don't seem to be interconnected. My Aqua calls me a "cavewoman"! They are quite loyal to their family, but more for loyalty's sake than anything else, not because they necessarily like them. To get an Aquarian guy to do what you want, tell him to do the opposite. They frequently underachieve, simply due to laziness. Or because of their lack of ego. I would never EVER get together with another one on principle. They are extremely exhausting. They will argue and argue and argue, try to beat you into submission through words. I was talking to my counsellor recently (a female Aquarian) and she knows two other guys born on the same day as my husband and they ALL have the same emotional detachment/coldness. Face it, they're simply not human. LOL AriesTiger IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 117 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 06, 2005 10:54 AM
I do not know where to begin. I have to agree with so much of this. AQUA MEN A mess is what I can start off by saying. I have been seeing an Aqua guy for 7 mnths now and it can be draining. All the mind games and donts is crazy. They can be moody and detatch in a heartbeat and you can't be sensetive like I was and still sometimes is cause it will hurt you when they do that. Its not personal most of the time just how they are. This is one thing that use to bother me about my Aqua we could hang out and have such a blissful time then he would turn around and act like he did not even know me. MOODY. I have learned so much from this sign. Also I agree when they get emotional and they can control it they get quite and sit back. They are very emotinal peeps they have just learned how to master at keeping their feelings inside. They are ver cerebral people. They are controlling in a sometimes subtle way they are a fixed sign so thing 9x's out of 10 have to go their way. They are insecure people as well need their ego stroked often. I do know that they do not deal with people that they are not interested in a romantic way. They like to keep it light. I have found the buttons to push though. IGNORE them will send them into a zone. BC inspite the space they need they love attention and if you ignore them and they like you that will send them off and they can sometimes not control it. That will show you just how emotional they can be. They love to have your attention and keep it. It is so much to these men. I am crazy about my Aqua but I must admit he has stressed me some with his weird ways. I have attempted to walk away several times that made him real upset. I am a Pisces its hard for me cause I like closeness and intimacy, but the good thin is y moon is in Aqua and I can detatch too,but not like them though. I do also like space too. I like to feel secure in a relationship/friendship Aqua men have a way of not making you feel that way with always trying to throw you off from how they feel. Time and Space is best I can put it. If you find another guy that is more compatable with you go for it cause I will..IP: Logged |
was weird purple sparkles unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 11:31 AM
ooooooooooh, fun thread!okay, well i'm strongly aquarian (sun merc and mars conjunct in the first), so i identify a lot with what's being said here, however i'm also a taurus moon (squared), so i'm more than a bit of a paradox. also have pisces south node and venus in the 12th, so i tend to have/express more emotion than the typical aquarian, i guess.. like others have said, aquas are extremely cerebral. i think we are rather lonely, in that we do FEEL the intensity of emotion, but we see the patterns surrounding the emotion, and are constantly analyzing that pattern, and projecting that pattern into the future, and meditating on all possible outcomes, etc etc, so we are able to stay detached from the present feeling. can be very frustrating for others, and ourselves. also, we are very afraid of being hurt. we *are* the oddballs, and it can be tricky to articulate a feeling when it's wrapped in so much thinking. sometimes it alienates people even more, when you analyze your/their feelings during an emotional moment, and makes us look even freakier. that said, i do have a lot of sentiment and emotion in my chart, and have a wonderful piscean boyfriend. i am much more emotionally demonstrative with him than i have ever been able to be with anyone, and it is so freeing. also, he appreciates my ability to put my feelings into thots and theories. and he is helping thaw my oft-aloofness.. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 11:47 AM
Messy, complicated, and a pain in the butt....that is the typical Aqua view of heavy emotion. They are rational creatures, and prefer to keep it that way. But it's not possible to be rational when you are drowning in emotion. They cannot BARE being out of control that way. It makes them feel far too uncivilized, and capeable of behavior that is not conducive to their utopian "brother/sister-hood of man" belief system. They have this almost diabolical need to maintain a freindly, but not too gushy way of relating. Everybody is equal in their world...they may treat a dear loved one with the same courtesy and friendliness as they would anybody else. This doesn't make the loved one feel very special. Let's not forget the Aquarian ideals - every human is equal in merit and deserving of the same consideration. Equality for all - and solidarity of society through the principles of personal emotional control, and the suppressing of our self serving, animalistic instincts. Utopia is a society's CHOICE, but calls for personal control by ALL. They try to lead by example. On another note.... Aquarius is also a sign capeable of extreme behavior, like a mac-truck sideswiping you while you're parked, or a bolt of lightening out of a blue sky. They have to consciously supress extremes of emotion, it's really for everybody's best interest. It can make them more than a little insane. Luckily, they have the ability to shut it out. Thank GOD they have that ability, honestly. AriesTiger, your personal experience with THE Mr. Aqua has been less than positive, and you have to be careful not to make negative blanket assumptions about 1/12 of the entire population of the world based on that, because that would be along the same lines as being racist, ya know?  (that's something we ALL have to guard against too) IP: Logged |
cappy unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 12:09 PM
Very interesting thread as I'm obssessed with an aquarian these days. What a curse!So here is my way of dealing with them and hopefully that'll help you guys on this thread. I have a female aquarius friend and I've been stunned last year with the way she just shovels her emotions inside. I thought I was the unemotional one because of my cappy sun! But I also have my ascendant in scorpio and venus in pisces and people would often see me as very emotional. I used to hate that as I want to be the sober cap all the time...But now I consider myself lucky to have my emotions get the better of me most of the time. Because it's sad the ways aquas ignore theirs... So last year I was talking to my friend and she mentioned that she had to go home because her stepfather had died. Knowing that her father had died as well in a car crash when she was nine, I immediately picked up on her stepfather's death as particularly hurtful. I thus said how sorry I was and asked her how she was handling it. As a scorp rising and pisces I immediately felt (instinctively) the pain and bundled of emotions stirring up inside of her. She just looked at me and blanked and there was that switch that she reached inside of her somewhere and turned off the emotions. Then she told me it was okay. After all, people die everyday. So it wasn't a big deal! It's not that she's insensitive and unfeeling! But I guess that girl had a hard time ACKNOWLEDGING that she was human and that it was okay to feel. I was stunned and just back off seeing it as her private ways of dealing with this and didn't want to intrude especially since I resent when people don't back away when I tell them to back off from my private space. I can imagine how frustrating it must be to deal with such automatons in relationships. The aqua that I'm smitten with right now can withdraw inside just like that although not in such a dramatic situation. I would see him one day and he'll be warm and friendly. The next he's moody and there's this halo of ice around him that says stay away. I know he's very sensitive and has a lot of feelings. His eyes could just get all dreamy and watery sometimes. He has his moon in pisces...Guess that explains. In any case, my ways of keeping track of these people's inability to deal with emotions is to always be very observant around them. Look into their eyes!!! It's all there! No matter what their body language says, the moment they start repressing their "feelings" inside can be seen in their eyes. As a scorpio(rising) and pisces (venus) I'm just realizing (through astrology) how much of a barometer I am about people's feelings and this has been useful with aquas. It's a frustrating sign!!
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Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 117 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 06, 2005 12:33 PM
They can seem so cold hearted. Now this is a sign if humanitarian ways, but I think it is more along the lines of principles and ideals rather then actual people and their situatins. Again I am a Pisces Sun and I feel things so deeply. I was on the train one time and there was this lady I was watching her through a reflected mirror in the sun she was just crying I immediately picked up on her feelings and quickly began to empathiized and I pretty much knew what she was crying about and I did not even know her. (Pisces Intuiton) I have learned to work it well. I went home ater that night and told him about that situation I told him I thinks she was a Mexican girl. His reply was she had to go back to mexico. I did not say a word I was like he is so cut off from feelings it is sad. There has been other cases like that too. A trip.. IP: Logged |
was weird purple sparkles unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 12:40 PM
haha, that reminds me of the couple of occasions where i have been in near-death situations.. and could only laugh afterward (car accident in which i was flung and twisted and cracked the windshield with my head, and another time, getting kicked hard a couple of times in the head by some psycho by the river).to some that would make me seem to have no emotion, or to be crazy. to me it meant i felt so lucky to be alive, and amused by the weirdness of it all! we are not cold.. we are just hard to understand!  eta: right before the guy kicked me in the head, as i was walking toward him, about 20 feet away, i had this huge surge of compassion for him; i could feel such pain in him, and intended to ask him if he needed any help. our intuition is linked to our feelings.. it's just that we feel and think at the same time, and that is why we can seem so strange, because thinking and feeling are like the macro and the micro, and we are more comfortable in the macro.. and default to it.. especially so, the more intense the emotion. to get an understanding of it.. not sure if this will/can make much sense to a non-aquarian..? IP: Logged |
Atlantic Myst unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 01:05 PM
My female friend is a capricorn with an aquarius rising. lately she has been detached. Like my boyfriend or whatever you want to call it. And she will not speak about her feelings she just says shes depressed. Not that both of them don't speak about there feelings they just tend to hold in the most important parts. But when she is done having her space we hang out drink and have fun. The best thing to do is give them space but let them know you are interested in them more than friends. I was with an aquarian a while back but i think my possessiveness scared him lol. he was out the door before I knew it. A couple of months after came this one. I'm just glad that he's cuddly and he does tell me how he feels about me. But I think it's better to not pressure them and cling on to them. Right now he has ben wanting space and I am going to respect that. We had been fighting lately I was always saying things to him in the phone. The other day we spoke again and he said you seee that's what i like. When we talk like this and get along and you don't bring up any comments. i have been trying so hard lately because I want it to work. Damn my possessive taurus moon. He is a capricorn sun, aquarius moon, and aquarius rising. His venus is in sagittarius. I am a cusp gemini/cancer, taurus moon, cancer rising, and my venus is in taurus. ughhhh Im just glad he has other sings in his chart. I don't think i can deal with more aquarians. *pulls out hair IP: Logged |
Atlantic Myst unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 01:07 PM
They are emotionally draining.IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 117 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 06, 2005 01:13 PM
Well I think that Aquarius and Gemini get along just fine with each other. I do know about being possessive, been there with this Aqua and he was not having it at all. He pushed me back he did not totally run away. What is so strange is I have a Aqua moon ad I know what it is like to not want that. I also do sometimes just want what I want and kind of go for it. But like you said I want it to work too so I backed off now I got it and give him plenty of space and freedom to do just what he likes and so do I. IP: Logged |
was weird purple sparkles unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 01:16 PM
that has got to be frustrating, if there isn't much else emotional in the chart to balance it off.i am a possessive taurus moon too (and so is my boyfriend.. mmmm..), so i understand how you feel!! IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 117 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 06, 2005 01:17 PM
Yes they are ooohhhhh yes they are. I am a Pisces full of emotion but sometimes after dealing with him I have no emotions to deal with anything else. Just go to bed... LOL...IP: Logged |
zoso Newflake Posts: 15 From: Reno, Nv Registered: Nov 2009
posted January 06, 2005 02:28 PM
This Aqua guy I know (and totally crazy over) asked me over to hang with his friends at his house. He was friendly to the point where I thought to myself "Okay, he just wants to be friends!" But of course, I was already smitten. Then it got late and I thought I should be going. I was eyeing the door when he asked me to his room. What a great night . . .Then, he disappeared. He went overseas for the summer and wrote one email about how he was thinking of me all day, but that was it. I guess he found a girlfriend over there and after emailing HIM about "Hey, what happened to you?" he came to my work to tell me he met someone else. (This was after he came back) Skip ahead TWO YEARS. I'm obsessed (Scorpio Venus, I guess) But don't show an inkling, and he keeps me hanging on. He wrote me one liners every few weeks MAYBE, and then one night I was in a drunken stupor and wrote him this big thing where I basically told him I felt used by the "one-night-stand" and ranted about it. Must have come out of nowhere in his point of view. But, he seemed really concerned and wanted to fix it. I told him to leave me alone for a while (I was totally embarrassed too) but he pursued and called me up to have coffee. Yeah! he DOES have feelings! So anyway, over coffee I told him I couldn't see him cuz my boyfriend laid down the law with me. That day was too weird. I've since broken up with the boyfriend (you can't tell a Sag what to do) and wrote to th Aqua a few days ago to see if he wanted to go out for drinks--thinking he wouldn't write back like usual. But he did saying "I would love to." and all these nice things. We texted for a good hour (very rare) and when he said he was going to be out of town for the next two weeks, I thought he was blowing me off nicely (typical Aqua) so I wrote "When you get back, call if you're still interesed" to which he replied "Of course I will be . . ." So, yes, they have feelings, just don't think you can figure that out for a while. What odd creatures, the Aquas are! IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted January 06, 2005 03:06 PM
Another Aquarius moon here.... The stronger an emotional response I have to something or someone, the cooler I become. I don't process strong emotions very well, that's all. So, I tend to go cerebral, shutting them out. I don't mind strong positive emotions, though. I just can't stand the ones that hurt, and would rather not have them. I'll wait until I can be alone for a long time, then release them, if necessary, and have a good cry. Don't want anybody to know if I've been crying, though. Don't want their pity. That's embarressing. Just need to analyze, purge, then get past it as soon as possible. Could be the Aquarian independance facter. "See? I can cope all by myself." IP: Logged |
whiterabbit Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2009
posted January 06, 2005 04:00 PM
ok..well when I read the title of the thread I laughed but I see that others here realize how emotional we Aquarians can be. I have a perfect example of how our minds work for you, it happened literally just 15 minutes ago. I was getting off work (early shift) and my current love interested just arrived. There is a girl we work with that he has told me he finds attractive. Now him and I have this weird love affair thing going on- we're not dating, just sort of having fun and we always tell each other when we are attracted to other people..well mostly it's him telling me... But this girl we work with- well I just don't get it- I don't know why he is attracted to her and it's bothering me and I am very jealous inside (yes..we even feel jealousy). But what do I do? I automatically make a point of being extra friendly to the girl in from of him and when he flirts with here right in front of me, very openly, I blow him a kiss, wink and leave without chatting. So he must think that I'm 1. not jealous 2. not emotional 3. totally detached (I know I seemed distracted when he asked me how I am) In reality I am completely boilling over with anger inside. But I would never give him (or most people) the satisfation of seeing me emotional- that's the key I think. We are just a lot more cautious that other people about who we show our emotions to. And it totally makes me feel powerful that he has no clue what I feel.. so when one of us crazies does show you their emotions- thank heaven and you may just be the love of their life.IP: Logged | |