Topic: New Moon Wishes
26taurus unregistered
posted March 03, 2005 01:21 AM
Hey Azalaksh! Nice astrodata! I dont think I've ever met a Piscean moon. Seems like a nice moon placement though. And your Libran Sun conj. Neptune along with Venus in that sign......are you artistic? Or a poet perhaps? Oh! I just noticed Saturn right there with the Sun and Neptune! Alot of Libran energy going on! I wonder how you see that playing out in your life.Thank you for the compliment. You know, it's funny, people have said that to me before - that I have a way with words. And have asked about my Merc placement or what I have in Gemini or Sag. It's interesting because I've always felt words were my weak point. I am coming to realize that that has really all been in my head. And stemming partly from a critcal mother. While I have discovered a talent for writing, I still feel an inner struggle to express what I feel or think into words. It feels really hard for me, maybe it's partly my perfectionist and critical Virgo moon hindering me. I feel like I'm always reaching for words that I dont know, that arent at my disposal. So I usually just keep quiet so I dont sound stupid. Astrologically speaking I think this feeling within me has alot to do with Chiron in the third conjunct Mercury in Taurus. I dont know if you know much about Chiron but it can show our "wound". I also see how these two planets have played out in the sibling (3rd house) arena. But I sometimes feel crippled in expressing myself verbally as well as with the written word. It's hard to explain, lol. But my Mercury in Taurus is also in a mutual reception with Venus in Gemini (5th house). That Venus is also opposite Neptune. I think that lends a talent for writing especially that Merc at home in the 3rd. So thank you. Your simple comment meant alot to me. I think my problem is I have to stop beating myself up all the time. I am a visual artist as well and I am my own worst critic. I really seem to get in my own way alot. I'm the only one holding me back. And as you can see, if I feel comfortable I can open right up! blah, blah, blah lol Where's Chiron in your chart and how do you see it operating in your life? I find that asteroid very interesting but need to educate myself on it some more. IP: Logged |
GeminiAries unregistered
posted March 04, 2005 01:00 AM
New Moon Reminder..... by Jan Spiller Thursday, March 10, 4:12 am, EST, is the New Moon Power Day in March! Don’t miss this opportunity to make wishes for experiences you’d like to have. Because this New Moon is in the sign of Pisces, it’s a powerful time for new beginnings in feeling more loving and taking steps to release any self-destructive habits of addiction. Progress you may have wanted to happen in your life for a long time can begin easily manifesting through using the boost of this powerful New Moon.
For success, your wishes must be handwritten on paper and ten wishes maximum are allowed on each power day. The most potent time is the first 8 hours AFTER the exact time of the New Moon; within the first 48 hours will still work. The potency continues to exist for another twelve hours, but is weaker. For clear success, its best to avoid wishing during those hours when the Moon is Void of Course. Therefore in March, your most potent times for wishing are: Thursday, March 10: 4:12 am - 11:44 am & 9:03 pm - 12:00 midnight; Friday , March 11: the entire day is clear for wishing; Saturday, March 12: until 3:13 pm. All times are Eastern Standard Time and need to be converted to your local time zone. Among other things, this New Moon stimulates the ability to more successfully navigate your life by understanding and forgiving the foibles of others and yourself, seeing that we are all doing the best we can, given our understanding and history. Because the New Moon of March is in the sign of Pisces, it is an especially auspicious time for wishing to surrender any self-destructive addictions: such as excessive drinking, drugs, smoking, counter productive dietary choices. It is also uniquely empowered to help release any self-sabotaging behaviors: for example, procrastination, judging others or ourselves, the habit of criticizing or over-analyzing. The energy of Pisces also stimulates an opening for creating greater success in spiritual pursuits, such as meditation and stress reducing exercises. This New Moon stimulates the capacity to view our lives with more Love. When we forgive and cease to judge others, it opens the way for us to more easily create the personal successes we desire.
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 04, 2005 10:53 PM
26T ~ Hey thanks, I'm really enjoying this lovefest (**giggles**). Seriously tho', as for the "artistic" or "poet" you asked about, I'm not sure. My medium du jour is beads. I love stones, and I make necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc., I have thousands of dollars worth of beads all over my den, works in progress. I love working with turquoise, mother of pearl and other semi-precious stones. A bead shop is my idea of heaven on earth. That's where most of my creativity goes. When I was younger and before I was a mom (back when I had endless time for my own pursuits!), music captured my creative energy -- I never really wrote any "songs", but I did noodle around on the guitar and make up melodies. As for that dratted Moon of mine, it's a love-hate relationship - LOL!!! Singleton Moon in Pisces in the 8th House has been almost too much of a challenge for me (check out Mama Mia's new "Intuition" thread, I just wrote there). Someone once told me that I had the "Bucket Configuration" in my chart -- the Moon was the handle that swung the rest of the planets. I also noticed (only recently) that I have a kite and a grand trine, and I know very little about the meanings of those or Chiron, which is at 15 Cap, 14 degrees away from NN in Cap at 29. I would like to know more about my "wounds" so that I can get busy with inner and outer healing. I've read very little about the Dragons either. If you wanna take this off the board, I'll post my email at my profile.... This intellectual, wordsmith Airy type meant what she said -- you really have a way of expressing yourself that I admire. Most of the time I feel verbally constipated -- I only think of snappy comebacks or really good descriptions for my feelings when it's too late to communicate them. That's why I would rather write to someone than talk on the phone, because I can reread what I've written and revise it to make more sense and express my thoughts more clearly! My brain/tongue are just not in sync with my feelings/emotions, and I feel a lot of frustration in not being able to immediately express thoughts, concepts, feelings.....IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted March 05, 2005 01:01 AM
Hey Azalaksh, Wow, how cool! Beads, jewelry! That is artistic and I bet youre quite good at it. I agree a bead shop would be heaven. I dream of being self employed someday. Not sure exactly what I'd like to do yet but I have alot of ideas! And hey, I've noodled around on a guitar or two myself! Ahh a singleton Moon and the handle of a bucket at that! That sounds powerful...?...or at least a very significant aspect of your chart. I dont know too much about singletons myself. I feel like I have alot of astrological knowledge but it is spread out all over the place. I know a little bit about this, a little bit about that but a whole lot of nothing! LOL That's not true, but I do feel like I still have ALOT to learn. Astrology is definitely a life long learning process and down the road I would like to take actual classes, I think that is the only thing that might help me to "pull it all together." I had a good article on Chiron and if I can find it I'll post the link. The Nodes are also fascinating to delve into but good info can be hard to find with them too. Oh and feel free to email me anytime! The easiest way to go about it would be to visit the forum I moderate (Lexigram Magic) and click on my name. It will take you right to my email address! LOL, I know just what you mean about verbal constipation. I feel that way often. Writing is in certain ways, much easier for me too. "My brain/tongue are just not in sync with my feelings/emotions, and I feel a lot of frustration in not being able to immediately express thoughts, concepts, feelings....." Yep, I hear you there. I tend to think it goes with the territory of being very sensitive, intuitive, right brained maybe?.....I tend to be pretty introverted myself. Well, it's nice getting to know you! See you around. Take care. IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted March 05, 2005 01:01 AM
Hi GeminiAries! Thank you for that fabulous info. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 05, 2005 05:34 PM
~ Bumped up to the Top ~ It's next week - got your Top Ten Wishes for the New Moon ready? This'll be interesting, I wonder how the New Moon in Pisces will affect me emotionally? Will I be more intuitive, sensitive, psychic than usual?IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 08, 2005 11:25 AM
Thanks for all this great info on the New Moon - I think this particular Piscean phase is to my Mars in Scorpio's liking. The thought of totally tuning into one's intuition in order to visualize and manifest is such a glorious proposition, and hopefully, reality.------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 207 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 08, 2005 05:10 PM
Other than reading our wishes out loud, do we need to do anything else to assist (I need all the help I can get with some of my wishes) our wishies along? Set the mood? Candles? IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 08, 2005 11:24 PM
BlueTopaz124 ~ I think whatever feels right and positive for you would lend energy to your Request to the Universe. Candles sound great! It has been written that those on The Other Side (your spirit guides and angels) will flock to a candle flame like moths..... Here's something 26Taurus wrote previously in this thread: quote: In all honesty, you can learn to manifest what you want any day of the week, month or year. The energies of the New Moon are helpful but the power of your thoughs and manifesting your desires are ALWAYS availiable. There is a great book out called "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks on this. There is also tons of info on the web. Your thoughts have power, learn how to use them wisely. Don't worry you won't do anything wrong. Just by concentrating on what you want you are already half-way there. However you do it - it will work out. There are no strict rules here. Have fun with it. And know that what you desire will come to you. What you focus upon, gets sent out and WILL at some point, come back to you. Keep positive thoughts in mind.
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BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 207 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 08, 2005 11:38 PM
Very cool then Azalaksh!... After 26Taurus mentioned that book "Ask and It Is Given", I LOVE that book! I sent for a copy - think I got it either through or, can't remember...
I had heard about the Law of Attraction a couple of years ago and had an idea of what someone was talking about, but after reading their, what power we all have! For years, I been manifesting (parking spaces, an open line at the bank, things like that, nothing TOO major) and grounding energy, know the power of our thoughts, but it wasn't until recently that I read something (I must have been ready to hear it) that said - we can turn our attitude to the positive or negative anytime we wish, no matter what is going on in our lives at the moment, we can choose to change from the negative to positive like flipping a switch... I was like, yes, I can, can't I? IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 10, 2005 09:56 AM
It IS cool ... just know that I've run into a few snags in this respect. You can visualize all you want, but if it will not exist within the realms of reality, it will not manifest no matter what you do. Snags are always those little romantic wishes we somehow, inadvertently, pick up along the way. Purge ladies! (I don't mean literally).IP: Logged |
BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 207 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2005 10:47 AM
True AJ...if it's not going to happen, it won't no matter what you do...positive thinking, staying open to allowing things to happen, though helps a lot, because anything really can happen! IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted March 10, 2005 01:57 PM
Today's the day! Hey BlueTopaz!!! Isnt that book awesome??!! I had read up alot on that subject but wasnt aware of the part about opening yourself up to recieveing. That is a very important part and can make all the difference. I still dont have it down pat yet, but I'm getting there! It's amazing when you see it actually work! " we can turn our attitude to the positive or negative anytime we wish, no matter what is going on in our lives at the moment, we can choose to change from the negative to positive like flipping a switch... I was like, yes, I can, can't I? " Indeed! Bright new moon blessings to you! And everyone else working to make their wishes come true! IP: Logged |
BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 207 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2005 02:45 PM
and in receiving...the key is to not let fear (another emotion) interfere with our receiving process...I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to have a knee-jerk reaction, particularly in relationships, to let fear be my driver (and sometimes fear rears its head in insidious ways i.e., sabotage, that I am not aware of until later) and keep me from what I truly want. It's also a process of awareness...(sometimes easier said than done)IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 16, 2005 09:17 AM
BlueTopaz124 -Maybe if we think of fear as more of a knee-jerk reaction rather than a "feeling" - ... but sometimes the only thing we have to fear is fear itself ... ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
GeminiAries unregistered
posted April 06, 2005 12:10 AM
New Moon Reminder... Jan SpillerFriday, April 8, 3:33 pm, EST (4:33 pm, EDST= Eastern Daylight Savings Time), is the New Moon Power Day in April. This month offers us an ESPECIALLY potent New Moon for two reasons: it combines with a Solar Eclipse and because it is the New Moon in Aries, it is the most potent Moon of the year for making wishes involving new beginnings! If you have a copy of the book: New Moon Astrology, be sure to consult page 13 for more information. Don’t miss this opportunity to make wishes for experiences you’d like to have. Because this New Moon is in the sign of Aries, it’s a powerful time for wishes involving courage, starting new enterprises, and making a new beginning in any area that is important to you: a relationship, a business, a job, a new behavior. Things you may have wanted to happen in your life for a long time can begin easily manifesting through using the boost of this powerful New Moon. For success, your wishes must be handwritten on paper and ten wishes maximum are allowed on each power day. The most potent time is the first 8 hours AFTER the exact time of the New Moon; within the first 48 hours will still work. The potency continues to exist for another twelve hours, but is weaker. For clear success, its best to avoid wishing during those hours when the Moon is Void of Course. Therefore in April, your most potent times for wishing are: Friday, April 8: 3:33 pm - 12:00 midnight; Saturday, April 9: 11:50 am - 12:00 midnight; Sunday, April 10: the entire day is clear for wishing. These times are in Eastern Standard Time and need to be converted to your local time zone. Keep in mind that if your time zone is observing Daylight Savings Time, you will to add one hour, and then convert to your time zone. Among other things, this New Moon stimulates the ability to more successfully navigate your life by boosting your energy and boldness. It empowers you to become more aware of yourself and those things that truly are in alignment with your own identity. It stimulates in you the boldness to follow your impulses and discover yourself. The energy of Aries also creates an opening for demonstrating your independence and thereby increasing your vitality. This New Moon offers us the support to become more honest and authentic in our dealings with others. It gives us the confidence to begin a desired new pathway of self-expression that before we may have lacked the courage to initiate. Your wishes can be about anything that is important to you to bring into your experience. The New Moon in Aries is the most powerful New Moon of the year for making new beginnings in your life. This particular lunar cycle is made even more potent by the combining of a Solar Eclipse with the Aries New Moon of 2005. Be sure to use this unique window of opportunity to your advantage. IP: Logged |
GeminiAries unregistered
posted April 07, 2005 12:42 PM
Make your wishes Clear!IP: Logged |
sVirgo Knowflake Posts: 51 From: Colorado Registered: May 2009
posted April 07, 2005 10:25 PM
When I have to make my wish clear. So how would I give statement I wish or I want.
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BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 207 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 17, 2005 11:20 PM
On the subject of wishes and manifesting - go read the thread on co-creation in Uni-versal Codes...good information there. Does anyone have any information on the next new moon? 26T?
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pixelpixie Newflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 17, 2005 11:24 PM
Courtesy of the lovely and illustrious and dedicated and intelligent and so sweet I just want to lick her, 26Taurus~
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BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 207 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 18, 2005 12:39 AM
Why thank you pixelpixie!IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted April 18, 2005 02:12 AM
HAHA! You crazy!!!I could use a good lickin' you know? I'm all yours! Lick away. IP: Logged |
GeminiAries unregistered
posted April 30, 2005 11:01 PM
NEW MOON REMINDER... Sunday, May 8, 3:46 am, EST (4:46 am, EDST= Eastern Daylight Savings Time), is the New Moon Power Day in May! Don’t miss this opportunity to make wishes for experiences you’d like to have. Because this is also Mothers Day in the US, any celebrations you may be planning will be a particularly auspicious beginning for mothers in the year ahead!This New Moon is in the sign of Taurus, and it’s a powerful time for wishes involving money, manifesting what you consider valuable in any area that is important to you: a relationship, a business, a job, a new behavior. Things you may have wanted to happen in your life for a long time can begin easily manifesting through using the boost of the powerful and steadfast Taurus New Moon. For success, your wishes must be handwritten on paper and ten wishes maximum are allowed on each power day. The most potent time is the first 8 hours AFTER the exact time of the New Moon; within the first 48 hours will still work. The potency continues to exist for another twelve hours, but is weaker. For clear success, its best to avoid wishing during those hours when the Moon is Void of Course. Therefore in MAY, your most potent times for wishing are: Sunday, May 8: 3:46 am - 12:00 midnight; Monday, May 9: 3:29 am - 12:00 midnight; Tuesday, May 10: the entire day is clear for wishing. These times are in Eastern Standard Time and need to be converted to your local time zone. Keep in mind that if you are observing Daylight Savings Time, add one hour, and then convert to your time zone. Among other things, this New Moon stimulates the ability to more successfully navigate your life by boosting your steadfast determination. It empowers you to become more aware of the power of attaining your aims through thoroughness and step-by-step processes. It stimulates in you the gift of being able to appreciate the value and beauty of what you already have. The energy of Taurus also creates an opening for enjoying the comforts of life. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 30, 2005 11:27 PM
Thanks GeminiAries ~ I'm glad you pulled this up again for next week's New Moon. I'm gonna start on my monthly Letter to the Universe tomorrow!And thanks especially to the brilliant and incomparable 26T who brought it up in the first place! Consider yourself licked again, 26! 'zala IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted May 01, 2005 02:50 AM
Oooh baby! I like this! rofl! You know, when I was a kid (not too long ago) - a *lickin'* meant I was getting spanked. I did something wrong. Lickin' = Spankin' = bad girl. Where's LibraSparkle when we need her? Spank me babies!! ....or lick me. I'm a Bull, either way...I'll like it. :O!! IP: Logged | |