  Mars(Aries) Vs Mars(Scorpio) (Page 6)

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Author Topic:   Mars(Aries) Vs Mars(Scorpio)

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posted August 07, 2013 04:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for markpattinson902     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I would be interested in learning more about Mayan Sign Astrology but where do i begin? I feel the same way about my moon sign. I have sun in libra and moon in gemini. I definitely resonate with my moon sign. The sun is the soul and the moon is the mind from which you express the inner you.


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posted August 09, 2013 09:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Astrochologist     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by thosa:
Who would win?

Mars in Aries is "simpler" so to speak. Aries being the first sign operates from baser instincts. A very direct line from point A to point B manner. Meaning Mars in Aries might get flustered with they can't overwhelm with pure strength and brute force.

Mars in Scorpio being in the "hell" side of the dial. Is a bit more layered and nuanced. Capable of being way more calculating. For example testing the waters for a quick strike, then retreating and waiting until it gets dark out, then comes to strike again. Then tries a different tactic the next day, and keeps coming back until you're through. Being a fixed sign , they will not lose willpower bc the assault is taking a bit longer than it should..

Mars in Scorpio being a Yin sign though does not have the firepower that the Mars in Cardinal fire has.

So it's a tossup lol

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posted August 12, 2013 11:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Regulus18     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Alas I must agree...arguing is fun. Blame my mars square mercury!

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posted August 13, 2013 08:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for chargeomentum     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
in any case mars taurus would beat them easily

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From: Gaea's Omphalos
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posted August 14, 2013 06:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SaturnineMoth     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
it would depend on many other things than simply having Mars in domicile sign.

actually, I'd bet that a well aspected 10th house Capricorn Mars would take just about any other (single) Mars placement.

exalted sign, exalted house - boom.

especially a Mars (of any sign) with Saturn affliction.

Saturn - detriment with Aries (Mars)

likewise considering just Scorpio Mars vs an Aries Mars - an Aries Mars of the 4th house with Saturn in Libra square - Vs a Mars-Saturn conjunct in Scorpio of the 1st house ---

The 1st individual has Mars in a less favourable house (square) with harsh aspect from a highly debilitating energy (Saturn in exalt). - let's just say that is their only Mars aspect to keep it simple.

The 2nd fella has Mars in the 1st house (given domicile) and Mars in its (secondary/traditional) domicile sign but in tight conjunction with Saturn (slightly debilitated by house - fallen) - and in a highly agitated aspect.

or we can make it even messier (it just doesn't seem fair) and give the Mars-Saturn in 1st house Scorpio a Leo Sun that widely squares the conjunction.

Now - I reckon the one with the square Saturn-Mars aspect will have the ability to formulate a very good battle strategy, they will build up their anger and express it in bursts, if they were truly angered it would build as time passes. But, they wouldn't outright snap.

The Scorpion 1st house Mars-Saturn and Leo Sun square --- well this one I believe would have one hell of a temper, and a much more subliminal way of fighting an adversary. However, they would snap quite easily when triggered. The impulses from Sun and 1st house placement of the conjunction would erode away Saturns ability to control the temperature and then their real temper would erupt quite passionately in a very steady flow.

I think making it a matter of simply Mars in one sign vs Mars of another is doing both a major disservice (as well as astrology).

I know if I ever went head to head with an Aries Martian that should I come out on top - it would be because of my other Mars aspects not simply because my Mars is better/stronger or anything like that than theirs. Astrology is not so cut and dry and it shouldn't be made out to be.

(Scorpio Mars tight cnj Pluto 3rd house Aries duad/Scorpio decan, tight sxt Mercury in Capricorn) - Saturn in 3rd house Scorpio (Capricorn Sun: Aries 8th house)

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posted August 14, 2013 11:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for elixir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
as a mars aries i would have to say mars scorpio...

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Doux Rêve

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posted August 15, 2013 06:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Doux Rêve     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
They work on different levels - you can't quite compare them.

Aries - physical
Scorpio - psychological

That being said, in a "fight" - the Aries Mars would prolly win.

Scorpio Mars is more about nuances and mind games.

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Posts: 183
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posted August 17, 2013 01:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SerpeantKing     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by chargeomentum:
in any case mars taurus would beat them easily

Yup, hehe. We can take it like nobody else can and after we've had enough of it, it comes to find out that they can't quite seem to take it like we do. That's my dealing with Mars in Scorpio. Mars in Aries is a little tougher but starts losing his will to fight in no time, at that point, we have plenty left to easily finish it. It's funny how the strongest Mars sign in my eyes is also one of most peaceful. Just wanting to enjoy our lives...

Aries Sun
Sagittarious Moon
Scorpio Ascendant(2nd decan)
Mercury in Aries
Venus in Aries
Mars in Taurus
Jupiter in Aquarius
Saturn in Scorpio
Uranus in Sagittarious
Neptune in Capricorn
Pluto in Scorpio
Chiron in Gemini
North node in Taurus
"Nature speaks for itself"

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posted August 17, 2013 01:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hera     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I won in front of Mars in Scorpio, couple of times. I have Mars (Aries) opp Pluto exact, so I have what they have, plus the Aries upper hand.

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Posts: 183
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posted August 17, 2013 01:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SerpeantKing     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
From what I have seen, Mars in Scorpio likes to tread on unexpecting victims-resorting to these childish, underhanded, vindictive mind games(often without cause) while Aries Mars is as real as it gets. These people are always ready for a battle and they don't **** around. Mars in Scorpio tends to carry this enigma with them that makes others feel "don't go there"-but Mars in Aries-will go there without hesitation and Mars in Scorpio quickly backs down after they realized they bit off more than they can chew.
But even if the Mars in Aries is being a dick or cunty, it's going to be really hard for the Mars in Scorpio to deal with, even with their strategy. You see, Mars in Scorpio has this way of exposing people for who they really are but that's no problem to Mars in Aries because these people have no problem standing in the street naked-and standing there naked-they will fight with everything they have.

Aries Sun
Sagittarious Moon
Scorpio Ascendant(2nd decan)
Mercury in Aries
Venus in Aries
Mars in Taurus
Jupiter in Aquarius
Saturn in Scorpio
Uranus in Sagittarious
Neptune in Capricorn
Pluto in Scorpio
Chiron in Gemini
North node in Taurus
"Nature speaks for itself"

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Posts: 183
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posted August 17, 2013 02:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SerpeantKing     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by a_may_gemini:
First off, we weren't talking about Vedic astrology. We've been talking about Western astrology and M. Ali has Taurus Mars. So my response is valid and correct. Maybe you should pay attention before you "correct" others.

Secondly, I am friends with several Aries Mars people and they ALL abandon their battles if they don't see results in a short amount of time. I don't have to ask them if they abandon, I've seen them do that many times over the years. If things get too heavy and difficult for them, they will leave it rather than press it and stick around.

Thirdly, I wasn't talking about any kind of fighting. I was describing Aries Mars' and Taurus Mars' general natures.

Finally, yes, Taurus Mars is very well known to be inert but that's because Taurus Mars energy is linked to investing energy in purpose and practical application. We're not ones to just take up stuff for sh*ts and giggles. We do things and make sure there's a concrete purpose to it. We want to make sure we're going to get something material out of it, whether it's for long-term money, security, and/or comfort. Once we take up something, we're not ones to abandon either, which is something that Aries Mars, although dignified, is actually prone to doing, because Aries Mars is very ego-centered and can't handle losing (bruises their ego). Cardinal energy tends to not want to stick around and have to face the prospect of losing. Fixed energy knows that there will be some losses along the way, and that would only be minor and temporary so they aren't hung up on the ego thing, which is why sticking around and seeing things finish is their mantra. Yes, Taurus Mars doesn't have the explosive and exciting energy that Aries Mars has, but we do have the staying power where it counts and that rivals Scorpio Mars and can even make calm and calculating Cap Mars say "you're crazy!"

Taurus Mars Harry Houdini said before he kicked the bucket, "I'm tired of fighting." He performed his last act 2 days before he died and in excruciating pain. Only Taurus Mars would keep working in physical pain knowing that there's some payoff. Even Cap Mars wouldn't put with that.

Taurus Mars Andy Warhol said, "I'd asked around 10 or 15 people for suggestions. Finally one lady friend asked the right question, 'Well, what do you love most?' That's how I started painting money. "
Taurus Mars loves money. So PERFECT.

I'm Mars in Taurus and I've done a lot of prize fighting, in prison, in the cage, and on the street.
No other placement can take it like Mars in Taurus can. After he's had enough, it seems others can't quite take it like they can dish it out. That's my dealing with Mars in Scorpio, and I'm just talking about their mind games. The last fight I had with a Mars in Scorpio competitor was quick work once I had taken it to the ground. Mars in Aries is a bit tougher but loses his will to fight very quickly, especially if he can see that he has done everything he can to hurt you-and has done nothing. But he is quite dangerous. Explosive energy. The last Mars in Aries I fought was a lot stronger than me and threw me around like a rag-doll. I simply hung on for dear life, let him exhaust himself of all his energy-and when he was tired-quickly took him out with a submission hold.

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From: Cartersville, GA, USA
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posted September 22, 2013 12:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wynn     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Superb Question!
What fun!

First, let me preface this by saying that I'm an Aries Sun, so I'm biased (even if I try not to be).

I agree--at some level--with the previous post-er who said that Aries will win the battle, though Scorpio will win the war. That's a very Linda Goodman answer.

Some of my favorite people on this planet are Scorpio and I know the inner workings of the Scorpio mind better than most non-Scorpios...I think.... Haha!

I do know that the intensity they possess, alone, stands for something, but Mars people have to stick together. Instead of fighting each other, can't we fight together? Like my optimism?

If we aren't allowed to do that in this showdown scenario however, I do want to end by saying that Aries' sheer will and optimism has to count for something. Scorpio tends to defeat itself sometimes.

I'm going to add this personal experience here, too. What the heck, right? When I was an Aries teenager, my first love was a Scorpio male and, I must say, that I got my way pretty much all of the time. Then, again, I was an adolescent girl and he was an adolescent Scorpio guy... Catch my drift?

But... I'm going to say that they could easily both go down in flames!

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Posts: 183
From: Virginia Beach
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posted September 22, 2013 04:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SerpeantKing     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Scorpio Mars/Moon comedian absolutely owning a heckler.

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Posts: 2213
From: Pluto-Venusia
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posted September 23, 2013 02:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LovelyAries86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SerpeantKing:
why dont you ask me? i've gone up against both of them in fist fights and especially mars in scorpio in other battles. i am an aries sun, and scorpio ascendant, with mars in taurus. i would have to give a lot of respect to mars in aries. the guy i fought was 10lbs less than me, out of shape, with no training. he had heart, it took me a good 3 minutes to get the little ****** into a rear naked choke because he had this heart-no quit attitude. he didnt care how skilled i was. mars in scorpio is a different story. my father has mars in scorpio conjunct with just about every other planet in scorpio. hes been training in the martial arts since he was about 10. hes 52 now. he is FAST. REAL FAST. i have to completely focus to stop him from hitting me. no playing around with him. on the ground though, he has no chance. i can beat him in a few seconds. so let me put it like this, fighting against a mars in aries is like trying to wrestle with a wild animal, while mars in scorpio is very tricky because they dont play fair. mars in aries is the stronger of these 2 mars signs, naturally and has a huge potential. mars in scorpio likes battle too but it is more cunning than aries because it has to be. the thing about that is heart isnt something that can't be taught, you are born with it but mars in aries can learn the tricks mars in scorpio uses and turn things around. you should see the look on their face when theyre plan has failed and they have no other options. its a deer in the headlights kinda look. either that or they resort to a less than stellar side plan which often results in failure.
as far as just a plain struggle for power. mars in scorpio is no joke. they have this way of making you take a good look at yourself. if you've already done that, you are immune to that venom. what can they expose that you are not afraid of revealing anyways? mars in aries can resort to some very childish behavior. much like mars in leo, they engage in struggles for power without much tact. a lot of times a screaming match. mars in scorpio will make sure they are heard, and start leading you into one oscillating painful realization to the next and they have of course set it up to where they are totally protected and you are exposed. psychologically, mars in scorpio has excellent defense mechanisms like mars in cancer. for example, to avoid humiliation, they'll do something like "i know my shirt looks silly but YOU, you put that piece of **** on leaving the house thinking you look ******* cool!". aries however tends to be the most unfazed by praise or persecution. they tend to be just like their birthstone, unbreakable. the real fact is is that aries is the FIGHT of the zodiac. all of that energy comes mars, the supreme ruler of aries, no pluto to dilute it, it is PURE fight. thats why aries is the god of war. they are to be respected, admired, and followed. thats just the way it is. a lot of people dont like it, and aries has gotten a pretty bad rep in the zodiac, but thats just the way it is.


That was a fantastic response! Extremely well-explained!!!

You deserve some kind of award for that answer

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Posts: 2213
From: Pluto-Venusia
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posted September 23, 2013 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LovelyAries86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
After reading a few pages of this thread, I can see that people are truly DIVIDED on this one! This is a toughie!!!


I'm Cap-Mars and I completely & personally respect *BOTH* of them. They are both utterly brilliant & powerful in their own ways! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. When an Arian *fights* a's a battle to-the-DEATH. I've seen it and it's intense up in that ***** !!!

I give the *slight* edge to Aries because Aries was created to FIGHT battles and to lead the way. But Scorpio would certainly NOT be easy to defeat. They both may tire out actually....just go grab a drink & make love.

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Mercurian Intellect

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posted October 14, 2013 06:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mercurian Intellect     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This obviously depends on the fight.
Overall, I'd say Scorpio Mars, as long as their plan is flawless.
As previously said, Aries wins the fight, while Scorpio wins the war.
Virgo Sun/2nd/Taurus Decan
Gemini Moon/11th/Aquarius Decan
Leo Ascendant/Sagittarius Decan
Libra dominant

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posted October 16, 2013 01:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DialecticLady     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I go by the planets, and think Mars never will be stronger than Pluto. I think Aries Mars is impatient while Scorpio Mars may insist the rest of life for what it wants. Scorpio is a fixed sign, so never forget a goal and I think Mars is exalted in Capricorn just because of the persistence in achieving a goal, so I think the stronger the will,the stronger mars.

Here the best article about Mars in Scorpio I've ever read:

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Plutonic Capricorn

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posted October 21, 2013 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Plutonic Capricorn     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
its about mars in scorpio in the 1st house

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posted October 22, 2013 09:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DialecticLady     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Plutonic Capricorn:
its about mars in scorpio in the 1st house

the article? no, it's only about Scorpio Mars

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From: Elysian Fields
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posted October 23, 2013 11:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LuckyStar     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My husband is Mars in aries, I am Mars in scorpio.

When we fight he is out to win at all cost, but I am strategy and ultimately I get what I want.

If he wasn't so pushy I would just meet him half way. It's because he wants to win so bad it activates my scorpio-senses.

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Plutonic Capricorn

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posted October 24, 2013 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Plutonic Capricorn     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
that article is nice but what i meant to say was since the topic is between mars aries vs mars scorpio that to make a long discussion short, its about mars in scorpio in the 1st house of aries... since the house placement is also significant.

what dialect do you speak lady, whats your etnicity? wheres your mars and in which house?

Originally posted by DialecticLady:
the article? no, it's only about Scorpio Mars

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Posts: 4148
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posted October 25, 2013 05:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for amelia28     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Mars in scorpio hold grudges more, are more strategic and can go without sex for longer periods. They are very persistent and resilient, they fight for what they want. The strategic Commander.

Mars in aries they take more risks and act before thinking more but they want to be the heroes and safe the damsel in distress. They need an outlet for their energy regularly or they will act out and get themselves into trouble. The soldier.

Who would win??? I think you would want both on your team...together they complement each other but if they were agaisn't each other I would say mars in scorpio bc of the persistence and strategic thinking.

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Plutonic Capricorn

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posted October 25, 2013 04:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Plutonic Capricorn     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
so the best is just either mars in scorpio 1st house or mars in aries 8th house.

Originally posted by amelia28:

Mars in scorpio hold grudges more, are more strategic and can go without sex for longer periods. They are very persistent and resilient, they fight for what they want. The strategic Commander.

Mars in aries they take more risks and act before thinking more but they want to be the heroes and safe the damsel in distress. They need an outlet for their energy regularly or they will act out and get themselves into trouble. The soldier.

Who would win??? I think you would want both on your team...together they complement each other but if they were agaisn't each other I would say mars in scorpio bc of the persistence and strategic thinking.

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posted October 25, 2013 09:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for amelia28     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Plutonic Capricorn:
so the best is just either mars in scorpio 1st house or mars in aries 8th house.

hahaha....... yeah that should be interesting.

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posted November 21, 2013 12:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DialecticLady     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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