Topic: Aries AND Virgo
Velvet unregistered
posted March 06, 2005 05:46 AM
How compatiable is an Aries with a cancer moon with a Virgo with a scorpio moon?
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astro junkie unregistered
posted March 08, 2005 12:27 PM
I'm thinking they may both be unpredictable. They will either totally clash, or balance each other out perfectly. Interesting combo. What have you found? ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
itali71 unregistered
posted March 09, 2005 03:19 PM
I am an aries and have been dating a younger Virgo man-this is the first Virgo I have ever dated-and sometimes it is difficult on the day-to-day things-especially financial issues-I am a spendthrift-like most Aries and he is Frugal. However, the passion and lovemaking is by far the most intense and satisfying i have ever had-I think worth the effort to work at the small things we have issues in.. Jewels------------------ Laughter is everything... IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted March 09, 2005 03:23 PM
Welcome!  IP: Logged |
sassygrrrl unregistered
posted March 09, 2005 04:09 PM
As a Virgo female currently (& woefully) infatuated with a much-younger Aries man, I can vouch that the Aries-Virgo combo can definitely be an interesting one. ..And as these two both have a water Moon, whatever their relationship with each other, they will both be emotionally involved. In fact, they may have to watch their tempers with one another, with Aries being the most emotionally sensitive of the two. And whatever the sex of these two people, Aries may want Virgo to mother them, which Virgo might be willing to a point. Because as long as Aries respects the fact that Virgo needs some private 'alone' time every day (or maybe even every hour), and Virgo doesn't hold back from expressing his/her feelings for the other, then this pairing could possibly work out very well. IP: Logged |
thirteen unregistered
posted March 09, 2005 04:44 PM
I am virgo/ virgo moon woman married to aries/cancer moon husband. We have our issues but we balance ea. other out. The post above mine is right on....IP: Logged |
Velvet unregistered
posted March 09, 2005 08:15 PM
itali71 what you said about aries spending and virgo's being frugal is so true! My SO and i are constantly fighting over money. He saves and I spend lol. I guess that's a good thing because without him saving we would never get anywhere so we do balance each other out a bit in the end.Another thing is he is a total workaholic whereas I am very lazy and hate working. So problems often arise because of this as well.
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Velvet unregistered
posted March 09, 2005 08:27 PM
''..And as these two both have a water Moon, whatever their relationship with each other, they will both be emotionally involved. In fact, they may have to watch their tempers with one another, with Aries being the most emotionally sensitive of the two. And whatever the sex of these two people, Aries may want Virgo to mother them, which Virgo might be willing to a point. Because as long as Aries respects the fact that Virgo needs some private 'alone' time every day (or maybe even every hour), and Virgo doesn't hold back from expressing his/her feelings for the other, then this pairing could possibly work out very well.'' Wow, This is increditably accurate! I admit*blushing* that my boyfriend does ''parent'' me a lot. he is the mature one in this relationship and we both seem to naturally follow these roles. Also, he will often want him ''alone'' time which I used to take offense to thinking he meant he just did not want me around but now that I understand that it is just his nature to be shy and a loner I don't take personal offense anymore. Thanks sassy! You really know what you are talking about. I get frustrated because all astrology books ever say about a relationship between aries and virgo is ''not compatiable'' or something equally as depressing. It's nice to hear about all the other stuf involved as well. Honestly, I often feel that my cancer moon is very powerful and sometimes overrules my aries sun as I can be very emotional and sensitive and at times feel nothing like the outgoing aries that I was when i was younger. It seems the older I get the more my cancer traits are showing. Perhaps, this is just what happens when you get to know yourself? Sorry for babbling on....Im just so excited to have a place to talk about all of this without people rolling thier eyes. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 10, 2005 11:11 AM
This is true, about what we mostly read about a Aries/Virgo relationship is not promising. Many times on paper, things don't look right. It's important to just ask each other what their experience is, that is how we learn.
I know that an Aries influence can overwhelm a Virgo influence, whether the Aries was a man or woman. Woman Aries cut to the chase too. But if the Virgo guy is not the maternal type, then I'd say the Aries man with Virgo woman is more desirable. Lately I've been looking at other maybe, not so obvious connections in Synastry which may make up for these contradictions. For example, if the Aries man has his Sun in the 6th House, or the Virgo's Sun in the 1st House. Or if the Sun is in Aries in the 9th House, and, and the Virgo's Moon is in Sag. That type of thing. You guys have seen my recent threads on this. Just one new way for me to look at it.
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CNO732 unregistered
posted March 10, 2005 12:05 PM
Sassy girl was on point ...I'm a Virgo/Leo moon and my sig is Aries/Cancer moon ... Opposites in reality but mutual honesty, respect, admiration, loyalty and solid in true grounded relationships ... did I say honesty? AND the sexual energy is just unbelievable .. An Aries can pull a Virgo out their kinky/nasty shell and they both love intamacy (not true what u hear about virgos -- we love being in love and are extremely affectionate IF U ARE THE ONE ... Virgos like to nurture and Aries with their child-like mentality feed right into it ... Ups and downs emotionally with both as Virgos can be moody, crabby and get into a funk and Aries always impulsive, not sticking to a task, not seeing simple details of anything .. But they balance each other nicely Lots of communication and loyalty and understanding to each other's goals, desires and feelings will make this work well ... I see lots of emotion and passion in ur pairing ... Virgos nervous energy will feed Aries impuslive fire ... They both like different things and adventure, with the Virgo a little more hesitant ... Lots of laughter and goofiness also ... Aries need to let Virgo escape mentally from time to time (with some alone space -- they are quite cerebral) and Virgos should not criticize the Aries for the impetuous impulses they have and not take everything they say with a grain of salt (Aries are quite biting in their honesty where Virgos have little more tact although they think with a mean mind) ... Despite what I have read ... A really good pairing IP: Logged |
itali71 unregistered
posted March 11, 2005 10:55 AM
I think this feedback from all of you beautiful openminded souls ROCKS!! I had my Virgo dark-humored man check out all the replies and he really seemed to enjoy it! I seem to always have to break out my Love Signs book-which has been like a bible for me for the past 10years. Who knows being an Aries I may choose to write my own...... XO------------------ Laughter is everything...ARIES GIRLS ROCK! IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 16, 2005 10:38 AM
I wonder how it would go with these Signs in a couple's respective Venus'? (Aries & Virgo in Venus)... probably difficult to generalize, but if Venus is attracting someone to us ...------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted March 16, 2005 12:52 PM
Oh, I am so excited!I have a date with a Virgo guy this Friday! He is a music teacher at an independent school during the school year, and during the summer he teaches under priviledged kids in a music program at UC Berkeley. He's a: Sun in Virgo Moon in Virgo Venus in Leo Mars in Sagittarius  IP: Logged |
The Mutable Night Force Knowflake Posts: 122 From: England Registered: Oct 2009
posted March 16, 2005 01:14 PM
Okey-dokey... a lil question on-topic then... What combo do you think works better? Older Aries with younger Virgo or younger Aries with an older Virgo? Personally I think the latter works best. With the first combination, the Aries tends to get a bit patronising.
Oh, and can anyone tell me, from my planets, would I gel well with an Aries guy? I have Virgo Sun Aries Moon Merc Virgo Venus Leo Cap Asc thanks x IP: Logged |
moonshine unregistered
posted March 16, 2005 08:25 PM
I'm a virgo woman and I've been out with 3 Aries men... we're not compaitble in my opinion - in all cases, we argued too much. They all had similar traits - very competitive, always had to have the last word, and called much too often. I dont like a guy to keep tabs on you too much! i like my freedom.. And you're right about the patronising Mutable - they all patronised me - even one that was 2 years younger than me, lol! (He was the worst) IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 17, 2005 04:08 PM
Grat Aphrodite!Mutable - I cannot decide which of those two combo's would work best. As for whether you would get along well with Aries based on your astrological positions, I say YES! ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
sassygrrrl unregistered
posted March 21, 2005 01:01 PM
AJ ~ Mr. Aries & I both have a water Venus. (mine in Scorpio, his in Pisces) So in your opinion would this put us on the same Venusian least in an elemental sense, and be a great synastry asset? IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 22, 2005 01:27 PM
YUP YUPIP: Logged |
The Mutable Night Force Knowflake Posts: 122 From: England Registered: Oct 2009
posted March 22, 2005 01:45 PM
Its sad really about I'm never sure whether, although I really ADORE Ariens and I think (most of them) like me but I'm not sure where I really stand. Whether I'll ever amount to a really good friend or love interest in their eyes. Thanks AJ. Nice to know heheh  Actually... I was thinking of giving the Aries guy I like my phone number... not sure considering recently, when we saw him (me and my friend) our really tactless other friend says hi to him then turns to us and goes "See, I got further in one minute than you have in 6 months!" So... maybe I'm being kind of wishful here...  IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 24, 2005 09:17 AM
... well ... I've never known an Aries guy to beat around the bush ...IP: Logged |
sassygrrrl unregistered
posted March 27, 2005 04:02 PM
haha one would think, AJ. Some of them do beat around the bush. ...Well one of them does, anyway. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted April 05, 2005 01:22 PM
If an Aries guy is not COMPLETELY 100% direct with me as to his intentions, then he's hiding something ...(not to be confused with beating the bush) IP: Logged |
sassygrrrl unregistered
posted April 05, 2005 03:27 PM
I think that in my young Mr. Aries case, the only thing he's hiding is his feelings. Because I know that he is greatly attracted to me as he had once told me so in an email. And even if he had never told me, I would know it anyway, because..well, a woman KNOWS. Whether its my age or something else, I think that I intimidate him in some way. Because despite being an Aries, he has always been rather shy around me. Whenever he does actually DARE to flirt with me, he tends to do it in such a subtle, passive-aggressive way that sometimes I'm not even sure that he's actually flirting with me and I get frustrated because of it. And then HE seems to get frustrated & hurt that I'm not getting his signals and he ends up getting all sulky toward me. Oy vey. I blame it ALL on his Uber-passive Venus in Pisces and Moon & Mars in Libra placements. I WISH he could channel his inner Aries and be more direct. *sighs* IP: Logged |