Topic: What is in your Sixth House? That's your Passion
deuxantares Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 27, 2008 01:39 PM
Amowls, i'm not sure but isn't avant garde more uranian than plutonian?IP: Logged |
augentier unregistered
posted October 27, 2008 02:20 PM
My 6th house is Aries and I have no planets there...but my 6th house ruler (Mars) is aspected by Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Chiron and it's in Pisces in m 5th house. Well...I am passionate about random things, at random times, and for short periods of time..I go thru phases. But I guess an everlasting passion I have had is acquiring knowledge and experience in different ways..and intimately knowing people (friends or more). I don't see how my 6th house plays into that...seems to reflect my Moon and Venus better.
------------------ Capricorn sun / Scorpio rising / Sagittarius moon Mercury:: Sagittarius Venus::Scorpio Mars::Pisces IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 27, 2008 03:59 PM
Empty 6th, Aries on the cusp. Mars is in the 3rd. That would be my passion for words, communication, expressing my thoughts. My house piled high with books. On plaidus, Aries is also on the 5th cusp.
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sunshine_lion unregistered
posted October 27, 2008 04:07 PM
mars and neptune in my 6th and libra is the house ruler. seems like a wierd combo.IP: Logged |
Snow_Dream Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted October 27, 2008 10:37 PM
My 6th house ruler is Scorpio, the planets that are in my 6th house are: Sun, Mercury, and Neptune. it's ruler Pluto is in 4th house Virgo. What would that mean as far as my passion?IP: Logged |
Snow_Dream Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted October 27, 2008 11:01 PM
How about 6th house ruler Sagittarius the only planet thereinis Neptune, it's ruling planet Jupiter is in Aries in the 10th house. Passion would be?IP: Logged |
amowls Newflake Posts: 4 From: Falls Church, VA, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 27, 2008 11:02 PM
Well I was thinking more dark than avant garde, I don't know why I chose that phrasing lol.IP: Logged |
GemLover unregistered
posted October 27, 2008 11:29 PM
Taurus on the cusp Ruler is in Gemini, in the 6th house itself.I think communicating, especially writing, about things is my passion, especially if it's about things that can help people. Health/healing, those kinds of things appeal to me. I actually started out my education career proper by writing learning materials about natural healing. Overall I want to help people and I think I could do that through writing. I also have Venus opposite Neptune and I think my passions have become much more spiritual over the past couple of years. Somebody mentioned to me just yesterday that I should become an astrologer, to help people understand themselves... that actually fits with this part of my chart I think. IP: Logged |
Ranti Newflake Posts: 4 From: Chiang Mai THAILAND Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 28, 2008 10:36 AM
Sagittarius for me and my Jupiter is in 12th house GeminiMaybe my passion is to tell the untold? LOL IP: Logged |
aguayaire unregistered
posted October 28, 2008 07:32 PM
Jupiter in pisces in the 6th house. Someone told me it's "intercepted" (?)Neptune in sagittarius, in the cusp of the 3rd house. Also true node there. not sure. I read about it but actually, I didn't get it. I have heard the spirituality call, but I don't really enjoy it, and have lost the discipline I used to have so don't meditate, etc... don't like routine, don't like dealing with practical things of every day life. Im never in the present. What makes it difficult to try to be in the present. Im rambling. Some light, anyone ? IP: Logged |
seveneieghtorange unregistered
posted October 28, 2008 10:52 PM
Okay, lets see...I have Saggitarius in my 6th house and its ruler Jupiter is in my 8th house...what does this mean?? IP: Logged |
artemisss unregistered
posted October 28, 2008 11:50 PM
cancer sixth house cuspno planets moon in 1st house (pisces) passion = helping people to be intuned with themselves..i think...bringing out a persons inner side...making them feel comfortable..connecting with others on a very deep level. IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted October 28, 2008 11:52 PM
My 6th house ruler is uranus and its conjunct jupiter in 3rd.Active mind and imagination... ??? ------------------ Sun.. Cancer Moon.. Gemini Mars.. Cancer Mercury.. Cancer Venus.. Leo Ascendant....... Virgo IP: Logged |
cooljen Knowflake Posts: 298 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 29, 2008 07:17 PM
It seems like everyone is simply posting their 6th house info... well mine is...Moon in 6th house Aries on the 6th (Mars ruler of my 6th house) Mars in the 9th house (along with my Sun) I don't quite know how to interpret that. ------------------ Leo with Scorpio Rising and Moon in Taurus IP: Logged |
Leo-Cancer98 Knowflake Posts: 1975 From: Toronto,Ontario,Canada Registered: Nov 2014
posted December 03, 2019 05:13 PM
quote: Originally posted by taurean_scorpion: Scorpio is on my 6th house cusp.My Scorpio placements, Moon and Pluto in Scorpio are also in the 6th.
Girrll, you must be as obsessed with work, health, fitness, nutrition, and high performance; as I am, haha. ------------------ Cancer Rising 2nd House Leo Sun 3rd House Leo Mercury 6th House Sagittarius Moon & Pluto 1st House Cancer Venus & Mars 9th House Pisces Jupiter conjunct MC. IP: Logged |
Leo-Cancer98 Knowflake Posts: 1975 From: Toronto,Ontario,Canada Registered: Nov 2014
posted December 04, 2019 09:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Snow_Dream: How about 6th house ruler Sagittarius the only planet thereinis Neptune, it's ruling planet Jupiter is in Aries in the 10th house. Passion would be?
Great question! I have my 6th House Lord in the 10th House too. ------------------ Cancer Rising 2nd House Leo Sun 3rd House Leo Mercury 6th House Sagittarius Moon & Pluto 1st House Cancer Venus & Mars 9th House Pisces Jupiter conjunct MC. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201675 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 20, 2020 05:00 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 15192 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted January 23, 2020 09:09 PM
Found this.. - QUOTE excerpt . . . chart of the person with the correct time of birth. The Sixth House and the planets there-in plus the ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the Sixth House will give indications to you where the native is competent and has interests in matters of job and health. If there are no planets in the Sixth House, then look to the house placement of the Ruler of the Sign on the cusp and the aspects to that planet. The natural house of the sign on the cusp of the Sixth House is also a clue to the area that the person will find satisfying employment. .. For example, if Sagittarius is on the cusp of the Sixth House, the person may enjoy working in the legal field, at a college or university, or as a minister of a church;- all Sagittarius or natural ninth house matters. If Jupiter is found in your Sixth House it is important to check the condition of the aspects to Jupiter from other planets in the chart. .. If Jupiter is harshly-aspected, the native may become a “workaholic” but not receive the recognition for their heroic efforts. .. If Jupiter is well-aspected, then they may work long house and have to travel a bit with their job-- but their efforts will be well rewarded. They will taste much success. A person with the 'Sun in their 6th house' will often justifiably take pride in its work and is a good worker, but will need applause (preferably in the paycheck!) .. They often enjoy a job that helps instruct the public in way to live a healthier life, or are actually in the medical fields serving the ill and sick. Many people are good at many things but the Sixth House is where you will find 'meaningful' work. .. If they don t develop their own special skills and competence, they will often end up working at meaningless jobs. I can indicate the areas of likely success, but the native must exert the effort to be trained and learn the skills necessary. The sixth house is also the house of health so if you find compatible work, [then] you are most likely to enjoy good health. The other house in the chart that will have a major bearing on job and career is the Tenth House.
It is the house of your reputation on the job and in your community. It is more indicative of a person who has a 'profession' as opposed to just a job. If your 'Sun is in the Tenth House' you are more likely to be a “Chief” as opposed to just a follower. .. If the Sun is well-aspected there will be a strong sense of self and a will to succeed coupled with ambition for power. If they use that power wisely, will depend on the other planets tenanting the Tenth House and the aspects they receive. Trines and sextiles will indicate success with little effort-- but squares and oppositions are often need to fuel the drive to keep climbing the mountain to fame and fortune. A well-aspected 'Moon in the Tenth House' indicates someone who will be well received by the public and can often sell almost anything to women. A Tenth House with many planets may indicate one who will sacrifice one's home life or social life for the attainment of success. The cusp of the 10th House is the MC .. (medium coeli or Midheaven). This is a point in space and it is second in importance in a chart to 'the Ascendant', the point on the eastern horizon at birth. These two points move approximately one degree every four minutes. That is why the exact time of birth is so important. When a planet transits over them, especially Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, there will often be major changes in the public life and career of that native. The same is true if these planets are transiting your Sixth House. Last updated on October 3, 2017. end/quote IP: Logged |
Hemilla Knowflake Posts: 837 From: State of mind Registered: May 2015
posted February 28, 2020 09:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by sthenri: What is the ruler of your Sixth house? Example, Sagittarius is the sign on the cusp (beginning) of the 6th House (work) and the ruler, Jupiter, is in Scorpio/5th House-the work links storytelling and creativity. (Stephen King-creates horror stories)What is the start of your sixth house? and which house is the ruler in? Natasha Taurus/6th house Ruler is in Aries/4th house
hmm my 6th is in capricorn and saturn is in pisces in 9th .... i mean i am creative and good with foreign languages but far from it being my passion
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Hemilla Knowflake Posts: 837 From: State of mind Registered: May 2015
posted February 28, 2020 09:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by wildflwrs: Gemini is on the cusp of my 6th House...and Mercury (the ruler) is in Scorpio in the 10th. I do seem to have Mercurial ambitions career-wise...but Mercury is anorectic...and I tend to have these frequent crises. Uranus is the only planet in the 6th House...I've always had kind of strange pets, strange health problems that no one can help me with...and an unstable work history.
on topic of uranus in 6th, i have a loooot of cats, like too much, well 6 of them, and thats not really usual, people tend to have 3 at most - and my dream is to have pet shelter opened and i can collect all animals that need help and give them their forever homee ! But i dont atm i work in regular job and i have monthly crisis when i want to quit, but i am also conformist who hates change but dreams of change (capricorn is to be blamed) IP: Logged |
MonteCristo Knowflake Posts: 528 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted February 29, 2020 12:13 AM
Empty 6th but cusp of Aries, my mars is in 10th in Leo along with sun, mercury, and Venus. Mars trine Jupiter in 7th, trine Neptune in 3rd, trine Uranus in 2nd. Mars square Taurus moon in 8th. Hmmmm.IP: Logged |
LeoSagRisingTaurusMoon Knowflake Posts: 157 From: Quintiles land, next to Neptune conjunct Asc Registered: Nov 2019
posted February 29, 2020 10:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by mirage29: Found this.. - QUOTE excerpt . . . chart of the person with the correct time of birth. The Sixth House and the planets there-in plus the ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the Sixth House will give indications to you where the native is competent and has interests in matters of job and health. If there are no planets in the Sixth House, then look to the house placement of the Ruler of the Sign on the cusp and the aspects to that planet. The natural house of the sign on the cusp of the Sixth House is also a clue to the area that the person will find satisfying employment. .. For example, if Sagittarius is on the cusp of the Sixth House, the person may enjoy working in the legal field, at a college or university, or as a minister of a church;- all Sagittarius or natural ninth house matters. If Jupiter is found in your Sixth House it is important to check the condition of the aspects to Jupiter from other planets in the chart. .. If Jupiter is harshly-aspected, the native may become a “workaholic” but not receive the recognition for their heroic efforts. .. If Jupiter is well-aspected, then they may work long house and have to travel a bit with their job-- but their efforts will be well rewarded. They will taste much success. A person with the 'Sun in their 6th house' will often justifiably take pride in its work and is a good worker, but will need applause (preferably in the paycheck!) .. They often enjoy a job that helps instruct the public in way to live a healthier life, or are actually in the medical fields serving the ill and sick. Many people are good at many things but the Sixth House is where you will find 'meaningful' work. .. If they don t develop their own special skills and competence, they will often end up working at meaningless jobs. I can indicate the areas of likely success, but the native must exert the effort to be trained and learn the skills necessary. The sixth house is also the house of health so if you find compatible work, [then] you are most likely to enjoy good health. The other house in the chart that will have a major bearing on job and career is the Tenth House.
It is the house of your reputation on the job and in your community. It is more indicative of a person who has a 'profession' as opposed to just a job. If your 'Sun is in the Tenth House' you are more likely to be a “Chief” as opposed to just a follower. .. If the Sun is well-aspected there will be a strong sense of self and a will to succeed coupled with ambition for power. If they use that power wisely, will depend on the other planets tenanting the Tenth House and the aspects they receive. Trines and sextiles will indicate success with little effort-- but squares and oppositions are often need to fuel the drive to keep climbing the mountain to fame and fortune. A well-aspected 'Moon in the Tenth House' indicates someone who will be well received by the public and can often sell almost anything to women. A Tenth House with many planets may indicate one who will sacrifice one's home life or social life for the attainment of success. The cusp of the 10th House is the MC .. (medium coeli or Midheaven). This is a point in space and it is second in importance in a chart to 'the Ascendant', the point on the eastern horizon at birth. These two points move approximately one degree every four minutes. That is why the exact time of birth is so important. When a planet transits over them, especially Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, there will often be major changes in the public life and career of that native. The same is true if these planets are transiting your Sixth House. Last updated on October 3, 2017. end/quote
Taurus on the cusp of the 6th house (Equal) In 6th house I have Chiron, Hygeia (they're conjunct) and Astraea. 6th house ruler should be Venus? And it's in my 9th house.
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manymoones Knowflake Posts: 257 From: Registered: Aug 2018
posted March 02, 2020 03:40 PM
6th house cusp of Cancer, with Leo moon in 6th house conjunct descendant and Jupiter (7th house).Also have Chiron Rx conj. South Node in sign of Cancer in the 6th. This opposes 12th house Cap stellium. A lot going on. I know what I am passionate about, but have not come to the point in my life where it is my work. My current work is not a good fit but I seem to be stuck for now.... “bloom where you are planted”.... I suppose! There must be things I still need to learn here. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201675 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 24, 2020 05:33 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 201675 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 11, 2020 07:27 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |