Topic: Saturn Gets Bad Press
astro junkie unregistered
posted March 26, 2005 10:35 AM
... I don't know ... we talk about Saturn a lot and have seen some EXCELLENT interpretations of the role is plays in our lives ...But something came to mind last evening. How when you read interpretations of Capricorn's, they look like old people when they are born, but act more and more young-at-heart the older they get. And I thought this was so interesting, as things start off difficult, but then get easier, when it comes to Saturn. There's really something to be said for that. Try to think of Saturn, and especially the Transits, as things which will allow for an easier life when it's over. IP: Logged |
trillian Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 26, 2005 11:18 AM
Bravo, AJ. Well-said.I have often thought that Saturn and Cappies get too much bad press. Astrology is energy that indicates; it does not compel. What we do with the energies is always up to us. IP: Logged |
GemStar unregistered
posted March 26, 2005 11:19 AM
Speaking of Saturn transits...Saturn is now direct-yes?My Saturn is transiting my Mercury in my 9th house. Lately, I have been feeling more intensity with my words when I am talking with my friends and family. Kinda like I really want to get my universal thoughts across...thoughts that apply in multiple areas. For example: I was talking with a friend about people who feel 'trapped' in some way in their life. My thoughts were that people a never really trapped, they just THINK they are trapped. To me, life is not about just accepting a limiting circumstance/situation (like a job or relationship you dislike). It is about going beyond the 'trapped' feeling....listening to your intution that is telling you something is not right...and DOING something different. Find a different plan if your current one is not working. The easiest thing is the world is to do Nothing. Doing nothing about a situation is easy. People say: "Oh well, this is just the way it is...". Not looking any further. Going through that open door into the unknown is much more difficult. Too many people do not have the guts, strength or courage to make changes. They just take the easy way and do Nothing. (Missing out on the potential of better things I might add!) I think I stunned my friend with this thought-line. It must have hit a chord...she just became quiet. (We were talking about another situation re-a unhappy co-worker). Something more is going on there but she has not discussed it with me. (But truthfully, I have sensed some type of conflict with her in her marriage). Now I feel sensitive that I am expressing myself too much. Being a Gem, I am always expressing myself and have lots of people who are my friends. We have fantastic discussions as well. Maybe my Saturn is making my words more intense? Too personal? More sober? Possibly more thought-provoking. (Even if it hits a sensitive spot with someone..that doesn't necessarily mean it's bad does it? What do you think???? (sighing) GemStar IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted March 26, 2005 12:00 PM
Well, I'd agree with you in many points Gem Star. People do often lack the resolve to take charge of their own lives, and want to blame their lack of fulfillness and happiness on exterior things or other people. It's a sadly commonplace human flaw: a simple lack of accountability. It requires courage to be accountable, but courage is not fearlessness (that's caused by either experience or stupidity, depending on the context), but the willing confrontation of fear. ANd people just don't want to confront their fears. That's why courage should be so praised: not only it a genuine strength, it's also far too rare. I don't really agree with AJ's assessment that Capricorn start out old then get younger - that's not my experience. Rather, they start out burdened with a deep sense of duty and responsibility and grew into it, like growing into shoes that are at first way too big. And when they reach that point where they can bear that cap birden, they are often very good, honorable and strong people who have a genuine sense of fulfillment in their lives. That is, in better situations. In not so good situations, the burden grinds them down, and makes them bitter, narrowminded, bigoted and cynical. If Caps tend to get bad press, I suspect it's because that is because they are capable of impressing a lot of influence in their lives. So when it's bad, it can be very hurtful. And speaking fairly as someone who has been badly hurt by Caps, that's simply the burden Caps must bear, for better or worse. Capricorn projects that sense of resonsibility unto its native, like its polar Cancer, and like Cancer, it can take a truly unhealthy turn as the individual matures and make choices on how to cope with the problem they face throughout life. That sense of responsibility often encourages Cap natives to be the first the stand up and take action - a highly admirable quality, for sure, but when it's a Cap of dubious character, the actions that Cap takes may not be so admirable in the end. Like Cancers, Capricorn natives are very much works in progress, and so much depends on their life expriences and choices they make. And those choices determine how well that Cap grews into its "shoes." Hence why Caps can really run the gambit between the the most saintly and most evil people in our history. MLK, a Cap Sun, was more than willing to bear that responsibility to tackle social problems of his times, and did so most responsibly and honorably. Hilter, a Cap moon, felt a deep sense of resonsibility about the social problems of his time as well, and sought to tackle them with equally intense resolve and determination, but there his similarities to MLK end. Certainly, at any point MLK could have turned to violence, intolerance and bigotry, but choose not to - his choice of action was based in the overall quality of his charcter and it made all the difference in the world, literally. Could you imagine how difference our history over the past 50 years would be if he had made the kind of choices Hitler had made? MLK and Hitler are both great men who were great largely due to their Capricorn qualities, but that one became a great good and the other a great evil largely hinged on the choices they made in the course of their lives that molded them in one way or the other. I may be one who takes part in the bad press about Caps, but it's largely due to the fact that I *do not* underestimate their ability to be great influences to the world around them, and not always for the better. IP: Logged |
trillian Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 26, 2005 01:11 PM
quote: Capricorn natives are very much works in progress, and so much depends on their life expriences and choices they make
We are all works in progress, and all of our experiences depend on the choices that we make. This is not exclusive to Cappies, or anyone else.
quote: And speaking fairly as someone who has been badly hurt by Caps
Bit of an oxymoron,isn't it? It's a little hard to claim objectivity, from a place where one feels hurt and/or wounded.Caps don't have any exclusivity on hurting people. Do you know Randall, the owner of LindaLand? He is a triple Cappy, and a finer man you would not find anywhere... Now for Hitler, the astrological indicators of his negative traits don't stem solely from a Moon in Cappy, which can mean much wisdom in an individual. Hitler also had Saturn in the 10th house, which can be one of the most difficult placements there is. However...energies only indicate. We are free to do iwth them what we will. ![](
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Sweet Blue Moon unregistered
posted March 26, 2005 01:17 PM
But something came to mind last evening. How when you read interpretations of Capricorn's, they look like old people when they are born, but act more and more young-at-heart the older they get. And I thought this was so interesting. This is so true I am surrounded by so many cappies.
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Gooberzlostlovefound unregistered
posted March 28, 2005 01:31 AM
Trillian~ This is kind of off topic, but why is Saturn in the 10th house considered a very difficult placement?IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted March 28, 2005 01:50 AM
Just chiming in to say, yes, Saturn gets too much bad press. I've had my struggles with the old guy and his transits over the years but I only came out better from them. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger.I actually love Saturn and Cappy folks. It's my chart ruler though, maybe that's why. IP: Logged |
Aen unregistered
posted March 28, 2005 06:19 AM
Transiting Saturn square natal Moon/Pluto was hands down THE most difficult. But I got rid of lots of inner clutches and people I'd become too dependent of. I sure like the strenght that transit gave me. ![]( This transit sort wiped everyhing clean, so now I can take the transiting Pluto square natal Moon/Pluto sort of 'show me what you have in store' manner. It's sure not an easy transit, but now without that extra baggage I had before, the road looks much better. IP: Logged |
aries-chick unregistered
posted March 28, 2005 09:48 AM
lol that Saturn.. I have a love/hate relationship with that planet. It squared and opposed most of my chart for the past couple of yrs so its been hate lately lolBut it rules my moon and yes Capricorn - bad press always, specially the moon- oh well I wuv my moon anyhow.. I find the wicked witch from hell interpretations kinda funny though muhahahahaha *gets on her broom and flies outta the thread* If you all turn into frogs in the next 5 min - sorry, always get my bunny/frog spells mixed up IP: Logged |
virgotaurustaurus unregistered
posted March 28, 2005 04:32 PM
I too have a love/hate relationship with Saturn...right now I'm not liking it too much as it is squaring both my natal Pluto and Saturn. I'm sure once it's over, I will go back to liking Saturn (seeing the outcome of Saturn transits always makes me excited). It just feels like a long time coming, talk about wiping the slate clean...jeeeesus. IP: Logged |
sassygrrrl unregistered
posted March 28, 2005 05:31 PM
I think that Saturn may be kinder to people who have a strong Saturn and/or Capricorn influence in their chart. But from my own personal experience, Saturn, along with his partner-in-crime Pluto, loves to totally kick my A$$. Everytime I see a bad Saturn & Pluto transit heading my way, I run screaming in terror. ...Well not literally, but trust me I feel like it. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted April 05, 2005 01:47 PM
Interesting ... thank you for all the input and sharing ...IP: Logged | |