Topic: Happy Dragon, et al, here's Neptune in the 3rd House
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 26, 2005 11:00 PM
From Liz Greene's The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption" : quote: Neptune in the 3rd HouseThe 3rd house is usually associated with education, communication and speech. It represents the world of the mind, and in particular that aspect of the mind which looks out into the environment and wants to know the names of the myriad things which it encounters. The 3rd house reflects the faculties of perception, categorisation and expression, and the individual’s need to acquire knowledge of the world and its components as a means of coping with life. How we understand the world around us, and how we formulate our experience of that world, are reflected by this house; and so are our experiences of early schooling and interaction with siblings and peers, which shape our definitions of reality and colour our mental attitudes in adulthood. We want to grow and explore. Akin to this is the development of language and the ability to communicate and name things….Most psychologists affirm that a true sense of individuality does not develop until language is learned. Language, and the capacity to identify a thing as itself and not something else, belong to our ability to form ideas about life. Ideas, no less than sensual experiences, define us as ourselves, different from others. In the 3rd house, one has the idea of a “chair,” which exists independently of any physical encounter with a particular chair and allows us to recognise chairs when we see them. As we name and categorise objects, so too do we name and categorise human beings, beginning with ourselves. One is different from others because one has one’s own thoughts and ideas; and the greater the differentiation of one’s ideas, the more sharply outlined one becomes as an individual. For some people, the pleasure of formulating an idea, and the urgent need to do so as a means of affirming individuality, often outweigh the importance of the physical and emotional experiences which gave rise to that idea. Equally urgent is the desire to communicate the idea, as a means of measuring one’s reality against that of others. Thus the 3rd house provides a separative function, for once a person develops an idea and speaks or writes it, it belongs irretrievably to that person, and becomes an expression of his or her identity. In this sense Mercury, the natural ruler of the 3rd, is as antithetical to Neptune’s longing as are most obviously egocentric planets such as Mars and Saturn. One of the most powerfully transformative ingredients of psychotherapy is the formulating and articulating of inner experiences, for this releases the individual from the secret container of the womb, where everything is implicit and undefined, and allows the light of separate identity to stream in through the magic medium of words. The vague inarticulateness so often displayed by a 3rd house Neptune, which is frequently misinterpreted by teachers as lack of intelligence or poor concentration, may be understood as a powerful, albeit unconscious, effort to prevent the separativeness generated by words and ideas. One of the most typical dynamics of a 3rd house Neptune is absentminded evasiveness; the individual remembers only those things which will not destroy the longed-for fusion, and is reluctant to say anythiing which might generate discord or distancing. Sometimes this mechanism may extend to outright duplicity; Neptune in the 3rd can reflect an elegant and chronic liar, although it is not lying in the calculated sense and its object is not to defraud another person. Neptune’s dishonesty is more often self-deceit (if I pretend it isn’t there, maybe it will go away), and the motive is avoidance of confrontation. Thus it passes under the general umbrella of “I hate hurting other people’s feelings, “ or, equally often, “I’m really not very clever, so could you please do my thinking and speaking for me?” A more creative facet of this dynamic is Neptune’s propensity to “think in pictures.” Emotional tone and image constitute memory, rather than a linking of ideas and concepts. Neptune’s gifts in the 3rd house may range from a photographic memory to considerable talent in poetry, storytelling, and painting. Things in the world outside do not have names or concepts; they have feeling-tones and colours and shapes, and are remembered for their universality rather than their personal relevance. Instead of utilising ideas to define differences between self and others, Neptune in the 3rd uses images to highlight similarities and induce shared feelings. But the individual with Neptune in the 3rd may be willfully woolly, and will often plead the “I can’t help it” refrain in the face of his or her apparent inability, more appropriately termed unconscious refusal, to thing clearly and speak honestly. Neptune in the 3rd may hide behind a mask of apparent inability to understand. But no planet in the 3rd, or any other house, indicates the quotient of intelligence of lack thereof. It only portrays the approach an individual takes toward formulating and expressing ideas about life. Neptune’s approach, because of its reluctance to incarnate – in words as much as in body – may be to avoid the whole issue of thinking altogether. One is simply a bad student, one is lacking in concentration, one is dyslexic. Or one formulates a vague ideology about the evils of the intellect, and heaps contempt upon those who value clarity. Or one appears so impressionable that the first idea that comes out on Thursday depends upon whom one last spoke to on Wednesday. All of these are Neptunian smokescreens. The magic ingredient which can release the wonderful image-making capacities of Neptune in the 3rd house in a life-enhancing way is Mercurial clarity. Without it, Neptune’s longing may undermine communication with others, including the capacity to learn as well as the capacity to speak. Without clarity, one is both seducible and seductive, and the dialogue between oneself and others is rarely honest. Neptune is particularly talented at implying and inferring. This is a rare gift for a creative writer. But inferences can wound deeply and even viciously, while being disowned or disclaimed the next day, on the grounds that the other person has misunderstood. Neptune in the 3rd may feel victimised by others’ misundersanding. Yet others’ anger usually springs from the hurt of unseen arrows which Neptune has unconsciously let fly. If one cannot speak what one feels and thinks, one cannot expect to be understood; and isolation and loneliness are the common results of this willful inarticulateness. Then one awaits the redeemer who can understand without words. Yet the individual with Neptune in the 3rd, who makes some effort to express it in language others can comprehend, may more than any other be a person……”of special emotional sensitivity, shaped by his [or her] own experiences and actions as well as from observation and awareness of the world. He [or she] has a particular talent which enables him [or her] to express human emotion in forms which bring pleasure to others. This gift is so mysterious that it is assumed to be of divine origin. What he [or she] creates can be recognised as Beauty and Truth, and what he [or she] gives to his [or her] hearers is a sense of affinity in human experience which – even when the experience is intensely painful – brings a deep personal fulfillment.” 8 8. Elizabeth Henry “Orpheus With His Lute”
Speaking from my own 3rd House ocean, I'm VERY glad to have Mercury keeping Neptune company on the raft in III.... IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted April 27, 2005 02:26 AM
Hey .. 'Zalamany many thanx (yet to read it) .. thanx for pic info .. must get new perscription for glasses .. misse the / .. ! goin to read this now ' ... hey if i can make you a customized icon .. just shout .. i like messing arround in photoshop 'n such ... sssss .. 'later ------------------ Can you walk on water? You have done no better than a straw. Can you fly in the air? You have done no better than a bluebottle. Conquer your heart .. then you may become somebody. (Ansari of Herat) IP: Logged |
Aen unregistered
posted April 27, 2005 03:16 AM
Thank you for posting it. quote: Speaking from my own 3rd House ocean, I'm VERY glad to have Mercury keeping Neptune company on the raft in III....
Lucky you! I got Neptune conj Jupiter & Venus (and out of sign conj with Mars as well). *deep sigh*
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lalalinda Moderator Posts: 1120 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 27, 2005 11:28 AM
I love this placement, wish I had it  Anyone notice how many 3rd house Neptunes' there are here?IP: Logged |
Lecky unregistered
posted April 27, 2005 12:05 PM
quote: The vague inarticulateness so often displayed by a 3rd house Neptune, which is frequently misinterpreted by teachers as lack of intelligence or poor concentration, may be understood as a powerful, albeit unconscious, effort to prevent the separativeness generated by words and ideas.
My Neptune is in the 3rd House, and the above rings true for me. While I consider myself to be intelligent, I often have a hard time expressing my thoughts in words. It's not too bad, it was never noticed by any teachers while I was in school, it tends to happen more frequently the more excited I am about a topic. ::wonders which house George W. Bush's Neptune is in::  IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 27, 2005 02:04 PM
to the forum, Lecky!!!LOL your question at the end -- anybody know? 'zala IP: Logged |
Lecky unregistered
posted April 27, 2005 06:08 PM
Hey! It just so happens that his Neptune is in the 3rd house! sorry the link is so messed up, still polishing my hyperlinking skills! IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 27, 2005 07:45 PM
Lecky ~ Thanks (I think!) for the low-down on GW -- yoicks, he gives us III-Neptuners a bad name! But perhaps he's just never gone beyond that "vague inarticulateness"....IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 25, 2005 02:59 PM
Wow..I am really sorry that I missed this. I am also a 3rd house Neptune..and my chart ruler is Mercury (Virgo rising). Communication of my feelings was always the hardest for me (and sometimes still is - especially with my T-square involving Mercury / Uranus and my moon). It was easier for me, when I was young, to draw or write when I was feeling sad. Like that description, I would have a harder time remembering someones name than I would how they "came across to me". People were referred to as "You know, that lady that smells like wildflowers and has deep red bozo the clown". Being a Sag Sun (Known for foot in mouth anyway) and having Neptune in the 3rd was a bit hard, but I would have to say for people with this placement NOT to let it make you feel that intellectual pursuits are out of your fact, USE the ability of Neptune to see behind what is there to help in those pursuits. In Science, I would use that photographic memory constantly. In tests I could close my eyes and SEE the page thus finding the reference. I would draw out the life-cycles, biochemical cycles and looked at them as they existed in the body - that was the easiest way for me to learn. In chemistry, which was the hardest, I had learned to pretend that I could see the chemicals in the reactions, but the calculations gave me trouble..I would come to the right answer but not know how or it would be way off from the standard formula. Dreams...premonitions..gut reactions, I would say are ALL very Neptune in the 3rd. Once one embraces this position and learns to really meditate / open the mind, you can communicate with so many more realms that just the common / traditional ones most people use. People's feelings / moods can almost be seen / felt - compassion is prevelant, as is empathy (but one also has to learn how to turn it off or you will become overwhelmed). Dreaming is especially important- it is your link to other worlds, places and once you can let yourself go- it can teach you so many things and warn you of events. I started using dreaming as a kid- I would have a problem and then dream about it... I would almost always find the solution. Do you other 3rd housers feel like this too? ~Pidaua IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 25, 2005 03:55 PM
Pid ~What a great response to Liz's interp! I feel the same, but just couldn't say it as well as you did now..... 'zala IP: Logged |
Aen unregistered
posted May 25, 2005 06:01 PM
Hi Pidua,Lot of what you say sounds very familiar. I used to get through math, physics, chemistry tests in a similar manner. It almost felt like cheating. Dreams are natural, important and healing part of my life. I have Neptune conj. Jupiter (tight) and Venus (wide orb). Jupiter conj. Neptune can really make dreams big. Guess that was also part that made depression pretty big. The Venus/Neptune conj. softens (hopefully) my speaking/writing style which is laconic, stright to the point and not always most tactful - Mercury in Cap conj IC, square Pluto/Asc, square Chiron/Desc.... Stressed Mercury and crowded 3rd hs is like having separate roads for incoming and outgoing traffic. Incoming is flooded with imagry, colors, smells and weird connections, fun tangelments, ideas and answers. Roads to outside are often blocked, under reapair or just under strict supervision. i guess I shouldn't be surprised that few days ago somaone complained that I "keep 90 per cent behind locked door". And that was from someone I felt I was open & strightforward with. Suppose I *must* find a way to activate that Mercury/Neptune semisextile. It is a minor aspect according to most astrologers, but at least it is exact. ------------------ Tourists never know where they are Travellers never know where they are going to be IP: Logged |
laglady unregistered
posted May 26, 2005 08:58 AM
It is a good article indeed. I have this placement with nep con merc. I have a heck of a time communicating my ideas to people. Fears of being misunderstood. Often I don't say anything, for fear I will come out sounding like I have no brain. And the thing is, I know I'm brilliant, if only I could convey it.My thoughts are often so extravagant that I find it impossible to know where to begin explaining them. Suppose that's Sag. I write, and talk to my guides or the weather with ease. It's people I seem to have the trouble with. People want clear, well phrased sentences. Another trait I've heard, it was for merc con nep, but i think it'd hold true here, is the tendency to speak in incomplete sentences. I know i'm "guilty" of this, often leaving out the beginning of a thought, trying to get to the meat of it. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 25, 2006 06:52 PM
**bump for Stargazer**IP: Logged |
taurean_scorpion unregistered
posted February 25, 2006 09:30 PM
i have mercury in 12th, similar to neptune in it was a good read. thanks~  "vague inarticulateness"....indeed, that is me. laglady, i can relate to what you said... i feel you...~ IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 25, 2006 09:53 PM
Neptune 3rd in Scorpio here. All of the above resonates with me. Especially given my Mercury opposition [in loose orb] in Taurus 9th. Have always, given perhaps far too much... credence to my Pluto/Mars/Moon as hot spots. Having 4 t-squares doesn't help....but the Neptune aspects and having it in 3rd has become more and more important. The ability to communicate correctly to be understood, is a challenge. I hear the phrase 'you lost me there' frequently in my communications. Thank you all for sharing your insights I understand much better now who I am.IP: Logged |
Stargazer Knowflake Posts: 46 From: just left of center Registered: May 2009
posted February 25, 2006 09:54 PM
Zala... thank you... My Neptune natal is the 10th in Scorpio... it conjuncts my MC.. it is also the energy (if you will) in my loco pattern chart... It gives me "what to do?" syndrome.. my asking was based on the jup/nep opposition as i seem to be duped rather easily...without the transit....  I have a variety of people in my life already whom i am finally starting to see the light with.. It has not been pretty I feel rather confused about it all.. which is probably of little wonder... But am trying not to make any mistakes twice...My moon is in the 3rd Aries with my NN@29 degrees..... I do know someone close to me with Neptune in the 3rd so this was a great read and one of the light shedding characters as well.. they say all things happen for a reason... Thanks again  IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted February 25, 2006 11:08 PM
Hi all, thanks to zala for posting this There are few things I can relate to in this one (hm?), although the importance of my third house is definitely elevated (Gemini sun / merc/ mars). I don't know why that is... I have Uranus in the same house....and Mars opp. both Uranus and Neptune (ouch). Sun opp. Uranus, if I use an (admittedly) wide orb Sub would opp. Neptune as well. I am a very 'slick' communicator most of the time, and never have any difficulty expressing myself...emotions yes maybe, Ive always been a straight A student, never any difficulty in school either. Concepts always came easier than memorization. The part about language and creative writing is spot on. From fluently speaking and reading/writing several languages to creative writing, lit and poetry, I love everything with an involved verbal component. I always attributed that to the Gem placements in 9th house though. Hrm. I do tend to get misunderstood a lot and do stretch the truth sometimes. Mars opp nept/uranus in the third get me in a lot of arguments and verbal trouble. Ive always gotten in trouble for stuff I have said or written, since I was a child. I almost got expelled from high school for writing something offensive on a whiteboard but my straight As saved me. Pidaua that is interesting, some things I can relate to, but not much. Ive generally been a good test taker, because I can get things that are completely conceptual or abstract (no need to visualize). Wow Node, you have 5 t squares, hats off to you for having such a positive attitude about it! That is crazy. I actually love looking at difficult charts because I think they have the most productive energy in them. I know that sounds like absolute cocknbull but difficult aspects teach a person early on how to deal with difficulty, and how to channel frustrations and conquer fears. If ur interested in a definitely non-expert reading... Id like to see your chart posted. Love SG *typo IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted February 25, 2006 11:15 PM
ah just wanted to add, never realized that there were so many lindalanders with neptune in the 3rd quite a special club. Love SG IP: Logged |
libra78 unregistered
posted February 26, 2006 05:13 AM
Neptune in 3rd/Sag here. I have mercury (virgo) as my chart ruler as well Pidau! Mercury is in 2nd/Libra. I have Venus in 3rd/scorpi.o I am not good with names but remember impressions as mentioned! I also usually remember most of my dreams from the previous night- they are quite entertaining and enlightening (sometimes)...much more fun than reality  IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2006 10:05 AM
SG, happy to share, if you give me your e-mail I'll send it to you. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Moderator Posts: 5228 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 30, 2006 09:54 PM
I have that book. I read about that placement. I can relate to all of it...she even mentioned Dyslexia. That's me alright...the speech problems too associated with my Dyslexia..also my thinking mainly in pictures,imagination,strong visualization.I visualize and think in pictures nonstop...thats also connected to my Dyslexia. I have Neptune in 3rd house in a strong t-square with retrograde Saturn in Gemini in 9th and Moon in Pisces in 6th
so I can relate to the negative Neptune in 3rd house stuff more than anybody else here. IP: Logged |
Maire31 Newflake Posts: 10 From: here there and everywhere Registered: May 2009
posted December 01, 2006 12:48 AM
Wow. That piece was absolutely phenomenal!!!Add me to the Neptune/3rd club. The aspects in my chart seem to reflect the fact that I am blessed with some of the more sublime points made in that article (grand trine/water Moon/Chiron/Neptune) as well as challenged by some of the more harsh liabilities of the negative qualities (Aries Merc/Sun quincunx Neptune, Saturn square Neptune). Thankfully the negatives don't manifest nearly as much as the positives do. Thanks again for sharing such a powerful essay...still going, "wow" IP: Logged | |