Topic: Chiron - The Myth / Chiron in the Houses
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 12, 2006 02:24 PM
bohemianjazz -That caught my attention. How do you feel that Gemini Chiron in the 5th serves as an outlet for your double T-Squares? ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
bohemianjazz unregistered
posted January 12, 2006 09:56 PM
Hey astro junkie, It gives me direction. I've been lacking in all the things the fifth house signifies, and I'm compensating it now.------------------ 3rd Decan Scorpio Sun, 1st Decan Aries Moon, 1st/2nd Decan Aquarius Rising IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 13, 2006 09:23 PM
Cool ... you mean by healing of some sort? Things that Chiron stands for?I have one very challenging T-Square. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
bullhead unregistered
posted January 13, 2006 09:32 PM
Chiron in the 3rd A woman who cured herself of cancer using special diets and visualization techniques is now writing and distributing information about combating the illness in these ways: she has Chiron in Sagittarius in the 3rd house of communication. I have observed this placement in the charts of other people who write on the subject of medicine and healing. Their wounding may come during adolescence and the growing-up years. Some with this placement may have difficulty fitting into the early schooling situation or have learning or speech difficulties. In a few cases, those with Chiron here had brothers or sisters who were ill or afflicted in some way, and their formative years were marked by the need to be sensitive to their sibling's condition.mine is in pisces @ 3rd when i was 20yrs old, one day my father spitted out a secret dat i had a brother but died b4 i was born, since im the youngest in the family, no one cares to tell me, i was chilled when i heard it. My sister still try to stop my dad from tellin me, then i asked my mom, she said it was true. 2 bad i could have 2 brothers instead of one, but mom said dat if dat son didnt die, she wouldnt have another one which is me, and she said im the worst, LOL, im sure she was kidding IP: Logged |
libra78 Newflake Posts: 0 From: Bangalore Registered: Aug 2011
posted January 14, 2006 05:44 AM
Chiron in the 8th in Taurus. My chart is full of these planet or asteroid 'oppositions' with their respective house (in this case 8th house of Scorpio and Taurus) I need tantric sex apparently to help me figure this all out  IP: Logged |
bohemianjazz unregistered
posted January 14, 2006 10:36 AM
astro junkie...yeah. it's like healing. it's not always easy though, just like the real wounds, albeit psychologically (or spiritually). but i'm working on it, and surprisingly, many supports me it's wonderfully weird, that when i decided to focus on healing, help is everywhere. what does your t-square consist of? ------------------ 3rd Decan Scorpio Sun, 1st Decan Aries Moon, 1st/2nd Decan Aquarius Rising IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 14, 2006 05:19 PM
OK - I think I see. Chiron in Gemini in the 5th gives you a natural charisma with people, and you've come to accept the inherent power therein. Your owning your power and allowing the good you can do to affect others. I think that's what you're saying, and that really is one of those little blessings we are so happy to find in our Charts!My T-Square is Mars in Scorpio as the Focal Point, with the other 2 "legs" teetering between Moon in Cancer & Saturn in Capricorn, one of the most challenging Oppositions. The Empty Space is in Aries in the 12th House. The Empty Space is where the build-up of T-Square energy finally gives into. When that Focal Point sort of gives out in search of that 4th leg, the "table" falls suddenly into the Empty Space. Since mine is in Aries, it means once the energy builds up, it takes on a very impulsive direction, such as picking up and moving on a dime. And it being in the 12th House makes my behavior impulsive, but BLIND impulsive, since the 12th House is all about the subconcious and very willing to cross boundaries. So you get a very intense Mars in Scorpio completely giving into impulse based on subconsious needs I'm basically unaware of. It has required from me a great dedication to self-actualization, and the eternal search for a higher calling. The last thing I want to do is dive impulsively into a dark abyss from which I might never recover from. That Mars in Scorpio is also part of a Scorpio Stellium, so it is imperative that I live my life with the highest and purest of intentions. I find solace in my Chiron as well, because it is in Pisces in the 10th House. So along with my Moon in the 3rd, pushes me to share my emotional experiences with others in a postive way. I am very observant of my emotions, and I can be over analytical in my desire to break through to others - my Venus & Pluto are Conjunct in service-to-others-oriented Virgo. ------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness
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Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1002 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2006 05:55 PM
(**bumped for today's interest in Chiron**)  IP: Logged |
BlueEyes24 unregistered
posted July 26, 2006 06:02 PM
Yup, very true. I have chiron in Gemini in the 7th house.IP: Logged |
Kim Rogers unregistered
posted July 26, 2006 06:58 PM
Zala,That was awesome! I have Chiron & Moon in Pisces in the 7th. " Or they could experience frustration at the discrepancy between an idealized notion of love and the reality before them." I am disabled, and I am a 'teacher' to many about herbs,holistic health & spiritual matters. Many friends & some family are always seeking my councel. Plus being Scorp I am the keeper of a thousand confidednces. I can relate to Chirons' dilema about not being able to be cured & not being able to die. This helps me undererstand a large piece of my puzzle. Thanks for the topic.  ------------------ "When the student is ready the teacher will appear" IP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted July 26, 2006 07:17 PM
Very interesting. Thanks Zala  I have Chiron in Pisces in the 12th. I have always been fascinated with dreaming (sometimes precognitive, telepathic, sharing and lucid dreamer) and have applied focus to thought/touch-energy healing. where's your Chiron? IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7138 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2006 08:00 PM
Mine's in Aries in the 11th. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1002 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2006 08:11 PM
Lia ~In Cappy in the 5th..... Z IP: Logged |
aquaspryt69 unregistered
posted July 26, 2006 08:16 PM
Cool Zala!! Thanks for sharing that! Chiron in 6th but retrograde. I have been a massage therapist since 1995. What effects does the retrograde have on it? Any idea?  IP: Logged |
Kamilla unregistered
posted July 26, 2006 08:26 PM
Here are some Chiron transits from Chiron opposition Ascendant Gifts Personal relationships will take on particular significance under this influence. People you haven't seen for some time may, directly or indirectly, remind you of shared experiences. Although these memories might be painful, they give you the opportunity to realize that any deep or emotional relationship was in fact a gift. We often only come to this realization many years later, because our most healing experiences often occur within relationships to people we might wish we had never met. You may feel that the time is now ripe to end some of your long- standing partnerships and friendships. By keeping relationships alive which only continue to survive in your imagination you could prevent yourself from having new relationships and experiences which more accurately reflect your present state of inner maturity. How we relate to others can teach us a great deal about how we relate to ourselves. Entering into private or professional partnerships which end up hurting you is an unmistakable sign that you do not really value yourself, and probably believe that you don't deserve any better. You should now try to uncover the deeper lying causes behind such self-denial. Experiences in childhood or early adolescence probably left you feeling ashamed and inferior, and such feelings continue to affect the pattern of your present relationships. Only when you can love and value the person you are today will you attract people who can truly help you with your future development. Chiron Trine Ascendant Act quickly *** This influence can help you to reconcile your personal needs with those of others. If you now have the courage and single-mindedness to stick up for your own interests you can expect support from others. Having experienced that acting in your own interests does not have to mean being inconsiderate or reckless will help you greatly in the future. You won't encounter any resistance or rivalry if you stand up for things which correspond to your inner nature. You may now have to deal with past events which undermined your self-confidence, leaving you feeling weak and inadequate. Such experiences can be extremely painful. In order to avoid similar rejections in the future many people withdraw into themselves, being prepared to go to great lengths to conceal their true feelings. Although this might help them to avoid further pain, it also prevents them from fulfilling their dreams, and decreases their vitality. You might now receive an offer at work or in your personal life which is both tempting and challenging, but also a certain amount of apprehension and trepidation. Do not hesitate! Do not miss this opportunity to finally do something that you have only dreamed of doing up until now. This could be revitalizing, helping you to place more trust in your own instincts. These will take you to the right places at the right times, helping you to express your true self, while enabling you to use your abilities in a way which is beneficial to others. Chiron trine Moon Don't panic! *** This influence allows you to gain new insights into your feelings, hopes and desires. You will, however, need to keep an open mind and be willing to learn, because this influence does not really compel you in any way. It might be more a case of allowing something to happen than achieving it through your own efforts. This influence is exclusively concerned with those feelings and desires which shame or embarrass you, or those which are somehow painful or a burden. You are now more able to recognize such feelings, both within yourself and in others. How you react to others will mainly depend on how you relate to yourself. You might find it easier to accept such feelings in others than in yourself, particularly if someone you trust confronts you with painful aspects of yourself. If this happens do not attempt to play the understanding advisor or therapist. You will best be able to help by revealing something about yourself. If you can do this, the other person could help you to gain a deeper understanding of your own inner pain. In any case you should now find it much easier to recognize your own weaknesses and vulnerabilities. A discussion with your mother, or someone with whom you have a similar relationship, could help you to find new ways of overcoming old emotional pain or sensitivity. Chiron trine Neptune Home movies *** Under this very positive influence you may sometimes be overcome by feelings of bliss, love and security. You may feel closely connected to the beauty of nature, or a divine principle whose presence you see in everything and everyone. Your fantasy life is likely to be very active, with the flood of images coming from your unconscious making you feel as if you were sitting in your own home cinema. This optimistic time will help you to see past events that were the cause of much silent suffering in a more conciliatory light. These might include feelings of weakness or inadequacy, or fears of being unable to cope with the harshness of everday reality, causing you to seek refuge by distracting yourself through television, or turning to alcohol or food for comfort. You are now more able to recognize that your attempts to escape reality originate from a time when you felt that you had to protect yourself. This may have been caused by others trying to persuade you that you were either incapable or too young to understand the world around you. This is a particularly good time to seek reconciliation with those who disappointed or let you down in some way. Your heightened intuition gives you the strength and ability to see behind the scenes, which will help you to recognize that many things which you originally found hurtful and embarrassing have in fact enabled you to grow and mature. According to an old proverb, it is only in times of despair that the pupil seeks the teacher. This illustrates that suffering and disappointment are not only indispensable for spiritual and psychological development, but in the end also have healing properties. Mercury trine Chiron Deeper understanding This quality of time will help you to develop a deeper understanding of those psychological areas that are connected with the experience of pain, suffering and rejection. This influence is especially well suited to so deepening the understanding of these interrelations that the first inklings of how to carry out a healing can be perceived. During this phase it is important to talk to other people who are interested in this theme. This time is well suited to penetrating the complicated connections and dependencies between human behavior, the psyche and early injuries - to differentiate between cause and effect -, whether for yourself or for someone who has confided in you. Chiron sextile Venus Incident *** This influence indicates no particular event, but rather a small, hardly noticeable incident that one could so easily overlook or cover up that in many cases it is not really consciously acknowledged and therefore remains unrecognized. Such an incident is to be expected while window shopping, at the cinema or theater, enjoying the nightlife or otherwise amused. Friends, acquaintances, or perhaps your partner are possibly with you. Through a careless remark, a slight clumsiness, or a wrong word without bad intent, you suddenly find yourself in an embarrassing situation, feel yourself hurt or belittled. Characteristically, only you are affected, as a particular sensitivity was disturbed - therefore the others will probably not have noticed anything. If you react in an injured manner, demand apologies or become aggressive, this will probably only cause further, unnecessary pain for you. As you have already often experienced similar situations before, and are presumably aware of the fact that this incident was completely unintended, you will keep yourself under control, keep quiet about the affair and not let it show. It is probably better this way - why spoil everyone's fun just at this moment? Nevertheless, you should not just leave things at that and should later, at the right moment, talk it over with your partner or someone else close to you. You should at the very least find a quiet moment to think over the incident, as it points to a particular oversensitivity and could, under other circumstances, lead to a complete overreaction. The more you find out about this personal sensitivity the easier it will be to accept it. Then you could go one step further and explain this singularity to your friends or partner, so that they know what to watch out for. Saturn sextile Chiron A late harvest *** During this time old structures will become less important. You are now able to assess your strengths and weaknesses more realistically. Although you will continue to accept certain restrictions in your life and to uphold some of the more pleasant traditions and customs, a feeling of inner certainty will enable you to reconsider whether some of these things cause you to make unnecessary sacrifices. You will be less willing than otherwise to identify yourself with principles which seemed sacrosanct up until now. This might cause you to question some of your important relationships and those you considered to be figures of authority. Your urge to overcome existing limitations and to follow your own aims and needs will make you seek out new relationships and go down unusual paths. You now have a great opportunity to find inner stability and to gain new insights and skills - especially in areas concerned with the physical and mental consequences of long-standing pain and trauma. You will become more interested in the more unconventional or "exotic" areas of medicine, naturopathy and psychology. If you are already interested in such topics, or if your work is somehow concerned with them, this will be a time of great progress. You now realize that any apparent detours you might have made were in fact meaningful and helpful, and you will now be in a position to harvest the fruits of effort that once seemed to be in vain. Chiron square Pluto Ending self-torture *** For the majority of people this is a critical and exhausting influence, especially if they have avoided dealing with any long-standing problems with friends, loved ones, family or colleagues at work. Refusing to deal with such issues will inevitably lead to recurring fits of rage, power games or feelings of shame or helplessness. This will result in a decrease in energy and vitality, which merely prolongs the situation. These problems are far more likely to be caused by deep-lying psychological pain having its origin in childhood or adolescence than by the present circumstances. To overcome this you need to free yourself from the associated feelings of shame and guilt, in order to find a creative solution which such feelings have stood in the way of. A tendency to keep destructive relationships going despite sensing that they are stopping you from fulfilling your potential is a sign that you are having difficulty letting go of any feelings of rejection and embarrassment you suffered in childhood. You probably have a painful lack of self-love and respect that is preventing you from finding the courage to end this state of self- torture. The challenges and difficulties this influence brings will subtly force you to be more courageous and truthful, particularly when you feel vulnerable. Rather than relying on power and strength when dealing with others you should stay clear of all manipulative behavior. Confiding in someone you trust or withdrawing to meditate can help to create an environment in which you feel able to be totally authentic. Chiron square Jupiter A crisis of faith *** This difficult time will test your spiritual or religious convictions. Even so, this influence is basically positive, because it will make you aware of any inconsistencies in your world view. It can also help you to see the detrimental effect on your personal well-being caused by relying too much on ideals, which will allow you to achieve a healthy degree of independence. You therefore now have a chance to either revive or rediscover your spiritual or philosophical freedom. This influence could indicate an ongoing crisis of faith in which your highest ideals are called into question. You may come to realize that your motivations were not as altruistic as you would have liked to believe; you might also come to the conclusion that your ideals have been an attempt to compensate for, or cover up, any personal weaknesses. You might realize that you have been chasing after false prophets which have led you far from your own individual path. It is as if you have been using your noble ideals to suppress the animalistic, physical side of your nature. These will now make their presence felt, demanding to be taken seriously. This will force you to change or expand your philosophical outlook, which in turn could cause you to make radical changes in your life. Whatever happens, this influence gives you an opportunity to examine whether your world view is compatible with all influences of your nature. Chiron square Uranus Small explosions *** For the majority of people this can be an extremely unpleasant influence, because it can - fairly ruthlessly - remind us of long-forgotten and painful events. It can make us conscious of psychological scars we thought had healed long ago, or at least help us to come to terms with them. This usually occurs without warning. An unforseen event, an unexpected contact with a past acquaintance or some thoughtless comment during an argument with a partner or colleague at work - one can suddenly feel hurt or exposed, causing violent reactions which others find difficult to understand. At times like these it is important to understand and simply accept that all of our past experiences, whether joyful or sad, continue to accompany us throughout our lives and considerably affect the way we feel today. Problems are only able to trigger feelings of insecurity, shame, envy or revenge if we deny that they are part of us. Being overcome by such feelings in the most awkward situations forces us to recognize and consciously integrate them as natural parts of our psyche. Only then will we be able to develop a loving acceptance of ourselves with all our failings and inadequacies. Profound changes and even healing experiences are now possible, although these might be unsettling and hectic. If you can stay calm and allow things to happen without putting up too much resistance you will feel a noticeable sense of relief. This is because just about everything now happening can help to increase your inner integrity, thus making you less prone to future crises. Uranus conjunction Chiron A bolt from the blue *** Your nerves are probably rather strained at the moment, simply because you feel unable to digest your experiences as quickly as they are happening. Being aware of this will help you to treat others with more consideration, and not to allow your own inner discontent to disturb them. If you can share your innermost feelings with your partner you will be more able to use this time constructively. You are probably not as alone as you sometimes believe. Everyone, including the members of your family, work colleagues and friends have to cope with losing ideals and changing values. Consciously being able to let go of deeply personal and painful old wounds - whether by turning to some form of therapy or experiencing some kind of spiritual awakening - will create space for a new sense of responsibility towards humanity as a whole. Only then can we broaden our horizons enough to see what is wrong with the world. The fight for personal freedom is always closely related to the conditions of the society in which we live. It is therefore now important that you use your creative potential to serve the wider community. You could either join a group or project which is particularly concerned with human rights, society's outcasts or the environment. You could even help others by telling them of your own personal healing experiences. How you help is not important, what is, is that you are able to see your own life within a wider context, so that your ideals and convictions can play a more central role.
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Lialei unregistered
posted July 26, 2006 08:48 PM
oooooh, the 5th Wonder how that affects your Love life, Zala. Like, would it influence you to be drawn to troubled souls to help them, I wonder? The compassionate reaching love of the Wounded Healer.  AG, it seems as if you're always one sign and one house away from me. Must be your Gemini rising and my Taurus rising. Get off my potty line!  of course, just kidding. any line with you in it would be a pleasure.  Great info, Kamilla.  Does anyone have any info on Chiron's natal planetary aspects? any links? I have Chiron Trine Sun, Chiron Trine Neptune and Chiron opposing Pluto. Wondering what it could mean. (I'm being a lazy Knowflake. It's terrible, I know. ) IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1002 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2006 11:00 PM
Hi Kim, aqua, Kamilla!!  Here's a great Chiron article: Lia ~  Your Chiron in the 5th musing is right on target (the healing wounded souls thing)..... {{hugs}} Z IP: Logged |
sugar_buns unregistered
posted July 27, 2006 01:43 AM
my chiron is in the 8th house(gemini) n i have been told that i have a magical touch...ppl just need a massage from me on the area that is hurting n within minutes they r fine, or atleast feeling a lot better... but i cant do the same to myself...i had to endure a lot of pain in my childhood bcos of a disability that i was born with...i was operated 7 times for it, n guess what the doctor who came to operate on me all the way from russia was a gemini(probably with an 8th house sun). now aint that interesting...?IP: Logged |
sugar_buns unregistered
posted July 27, 2006 10:28 AM
so has anybody had similar experiences??? mine was a lifealtering one. n the most astonishing n sad thing is that after i had been fully operated the last time n further needed no operations the doc went back to his country n couldnt return for seeing me again,as much he wanted to....cos afterwards when he was on a flight to come here, he probably died,cos that plane crashed n we couldnt find about him later on,just the info that he wasnt on the alive list...istill miss him n thank him for what he did for me. it looks as though his only purpose of this life was to give me a new life ...IP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted July 27, 2006 11:48 AM
Thank you so much for all the bumps, Z  Pleasant suprise.  All this reading is so very timely. Also the article you just posted above. In life, I do seem to find myself in situations again and again, where circumstance seems unfair, and I realize I'm left with the choice of either bitterness/hardening myself, or empathetic understanding. I seem to always be put in a space of selfless giving. I don't have a tendency to blame others (for long anyway--of course, I'm human), for I always try searching for understanding of their place and motivations, and also am hardest on myself, searching deeply for my own part in what has happened. I always cherish the moments that they sincerly tried, and I never lose focus of any kindness shown to me.  Also, in time, I've come so much more to trust the cycles of time and have patience. It's never easy to go on blind faith, having no tangible proof that the unconditional love I feel and give has any meaning. Most often it doesn't seem to have any significance. Sometimes I do faulter in despair, momentarily. Forever, it seems, I felt (and feel) as if Universal Forces were constantly testing me/trying to detour me from Innocence. The challenge of remaining innocent at heart, when all else seemed to be pressing me to get hard. (other people's advice to me, etc.) But I'm so determined and rebellious. To me, hardening is giving up/giving in. Letting outside forces alter my Truer Soul Nature. I am often misunderstood and this is something that's sometimes difficult. (strengths perceived as weakness...attempts of exploitation...the feel of needing to always remain alert, etc.) Anyway....rambling.  Thanks so much, Zala. You've struck a harmonious chord of Beauty and Inspiration that I'm so grateful for just now.  IP: Logged |
Lialei unregistered
posted July 27, 2006 12:13 PM
sugar_buns~"so has anybody had similar experiences???" yes and no. Short on time to reply, but I've also come quite close to death's door, and understand the gratitude you feel towards your surgeon. So strange and sad that he passed.  Because of my illness and what happened, I was told I'd never conceive children naturally. I believed this with great sadness (you don't know what something means to you, until the possibility is taken away :bheart ...then went on to miraculously baffle medical logic 3 times.  Well, as for healing, having the experience of miracles, helped me believe that anything is possibile, no matter how dire it may seem. The Universe always works in wonderous, mysterious ways, if only you trust in it.  IP: Logged |
Kamilla unregistered
posted July 27, 2006 12:35 PM
I have Chiron conjunct Jupiter in 8th House in Pisces. I am very good with my hands and was told many times that I could do well in massage therapy. I am leaning more toward Reiki though. I am happy to try to relieve just about anyone of pain or discomfort especially in neck and shoulders area. I call it an "emergency rub" However, I really don't like other people touching me except for those very close to me and personally found massage to be unpleasant. Go figure
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Node Knowflake Posts: 2115 From: 1,981 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 01, 2007 07:31 PM
--Le Bump
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yourfriendinspirit unregistered
posted September 02, 2007 01:23 AM
Zala this is an interesting post, thank you. For all those who have contributed as well... Lot's of exciting information!My husband and I both have Chiron in the 12th house. [Spiritual Healing connections] ------------------ Sendin' love your way, "your friend in spirit" IP: Logged |
venusdeindia unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 10:27 AM
i have Venus conjunct chiron at 25 Taurus exactly conjunct the 3 rd house cuspat 24 Taurus.this is a very important configuration in my chart. it is the Apex of a YOD. Venus conjunct chiron is quincunx Neptune at 25 Sag and Pluto at 24 Libra. this was a completely dormant aspect unti lTransiting Pluto crossed my Neptune at 25 Sag.long story short , i got dragged to underworld, died metaphorically but resurrected better than ever. i am willing to go thru it again. i am a hundred timed better person, and the chiron wound has led me to study healing. so no surprise there. also i am gravitating towards communication. i like getting across thoughts or advice that is healing, i just completed a Reiki course. long way to go , but i am gazing up at them stars.........IP: Logged | |