Topic: Chiron - The Myth / Chiron in the Houses
RainbowDay unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 11:52 AM
What an interesting thread! THANKS!! I've got Chiron in the 11th in Cancer... "They might be sensitive to the pain in society and perhaps concerned with helping or teaching those who are oppressed or downtrodden. There may be a nagging fear of rejection or slight within the context of groups and friendships or some hurt incurred through such involvements. Ultimately this pain could act as a catalyst for further self-knowledge and self understanding." & "Here the wound is usually a sense of disconnection, distance, isolation and alieation from the world and from the Universe. This feeling of being unable to fit in may make us reject the tenets of groups or society, but the longing to belong remains." I can really relate to that...
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mudmama unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 12:56 PM
Can anyone tell me more about a natal Chiron retrograde? Mine is in the 6th house Aries.IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1002 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 03, 2007 02:01 PM
mudmama ~I haven't reread this thread for awhile, but this is a good Chiron article: If you can, pick up Martin Lass' "Chiron: Healing Body and Soul" -- an excellent tour thru Chiron in the horoscope, and also the following book. Here's a few paragraphs on Chiron retrograde from Barbara Hand Clow's, "Chiron: Transforming Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets: quote: Retrograde planets are best understood from a *magnetic perspective*, from an energy point of view, and their activity is best understood conceptually as a time dynamic. Direct planets are electrical, and they cause energy to charge and move; retrograde planets are magnetic and draw energy into the chart. Therefore, when Chiron is retrograde it draws in healing, initiatory, and alchemical powers. Going through my files, I noticed that the clients with Chiron retrograde are more alluring, more fascinated by magic and the occult themselves, and they draw this energy to themselves. The time dynamic refers to the fact that retrograde planets tend to function in the past, present and future simultaneously. In the short run on the physical plane, this time dynamic is confusing because with direct planets the action just starts at a point in time and goes forward, and it is more easily observed, but this time dynamic lends great subtlety to the psyche.The outer planets are retrograde more frequently than the inner planets; the Sun and Moon are never retrograde, of course; and it can be asserted that the energies of the outer planets are the most subtle due to the longer retrograde phases. The time dynamic goes to an extremely subtle level with Chiron. The three aspects of the deity in Druidic theology are Beli (future destroyer), Yesu (present and savior), and Taran (past and creator). This triple deity is present for those who have Chiron retrograde. That is, they are worried about the future and meaning of the destructive forces; they feel the essence of the present or savior; they search for the esoteric meaning of the past or creation. That is the tune they dance to, and the sooner they can identify the effect it is having on their consciousness, the sooner they can put it into perspective. This is a deep and intense response to the universe which offers great wisdom and creativity as soon as it is integrated into the psyche. The house position of Chiron retrograde will describe the avenue of perception of this powerful vortex of perceptual sensitivity.
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mudmama unregistered
posted September 03, 2007 06:43 PM
Thank you! The link won't load for me but the excerpt here did give me some answers.IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 9522 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 16, 2009 04:47 PM
great thread. i have chiron in 10th and just realized that my two careers - music and healing - are perfectly described here, chiron being a healer and musician himself...somehow i never put it together before.and somewhere - this thread or another chiron one? - peri added some descriptions which also resonated, including one of chiron in 10th indicating someone who always has to be pushing the envelope and frequently raises the bar for others by doing so...i kind of get to the end of my road once everyone else assimilates what i've pushed on them! always thought this was just uranus running riot in my chart. so much more to it than the old definition i had of a "wounded public-image" or "difficulty in career" IP: Logged |
lechien Knowflake Posts: 1980 From: in a giant room with 2 little furry friends Registered: May 2009
posted January 17, 2009 01:52 AM
mmm, i'm having a hard time understanding my retrograde Chiron in the's supposed to be a placement of children and healing of others. but as long as i can remember i had no relation to children in my life, nor thought i liked them. I am an only child without cousins, no friends with children either. i really have no contact with children in general. when i was a babysitter a few times, children for some reason seemed to love me, but i didn't get particular joy out of it. i never had the desire to have babies. for a long time i think i rather avoided and hated children. i'm older now and that's changed a bit, but i still don't plan to have children of my own. does it have something to do it being retrograde? will i love and care for children when i'm older? i don't know about "healing others" either. i think my relationship to others is within the normal range and am not considered a healing type nor am i a nurse. i'm completely puzzled...! IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 9522 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 20, 2009 07:40 PM
since this week is definitely chiron time...IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 9522 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 25, 2009 02:34 PM
i have been looking backwards for some more chiron threads...would love to see chiron TRANSITS through houses and signs as opposed to natals...? also very curious about chiron/venus aspects and transits as someone i know has venus at 26aqua?IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25670 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 27, 2009 03:23 PM
Great info!------------------ "Fortune favors the bold." Erasmus IP: Logged |
sunquintilejupiter/mc Newflake Posts: 12 From: stockholm sweden Registered: May 2009
posted May 29, 2009 08:15 AM
chiron 6th house here I agree I love hate my body and I am master with my hands.IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 2976 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2010 05:28 AM
to the topIP: Logged |
stelliuminscorpio1410 Newflake Posts: 1 From: Witchita Kansas, USA Registered: Feb 2013
posted February 25, 2013 03:01 PM
I have chiron in the 10th 2 degrees conjunct my midheaven. I have found it made me love cats and astrology. I also have virgo rising and I think chiron rules virgo, so that doubled this. I have also noticed it causes anhedonia and low dopamine receptors and neurological disorders relating to the social world. It is a common theme I have observed, along with saturn-aquarius associations. IP: Logged |
meissieri Knowflake Posts: 45 From: The Netherlands Registered: Feb 2013
posted February 26, 2013 06:51 AM
"Chiron in the 10th Any planet in the 10th will be linked to career and profession. Of the sixty-nine charts of healers /therapists EveJackson studied, fifteen of these had Chiron in the 10th. In short, the person's function in the world could well reflect the healing qualities of the Greek Chiron. Nevertheless, Chiron was unsure where he fitted in — he was half divine and half animal, and those with Chiron here may be uncertain of how they are to fit into society, of the role they are meant to play in the collective scheme of things. A 10th house Chiron may also describe a feeling of rejection by the mother, and the consequent psychological pain and growth that stems from such an experience. It is also possible that the mother might have carried the Chiron projection — she was seen as wounded or afflicted in some way or conversely mirrored Chiron's healing and philosophical nature."Yup, 100% me. Well, except for the part about my mother, I have a very good bond with her. My Chiron is conjunct my Midheaven and it has a tight trine with Pluto in Scorpio to strengthen the effect even more. I've certainly had a lot of trouble and drama with finding the right career for me. I had to give up two other educations that meant the world to me (ironically, one of them was health care) to find my niche. I've always felt confused about my reputation - with Chiron in Cancer, I don't know how often I've had the reputation of being a drama queen, whiny, too sensitive; pretty much everything negative said about Cancer (though I love that sign myself <3). At the same time, I've also been seen as motherly, sweet, protective - a friend once jokingly called me "Nurse Rianne" and a bit of a therapist for others. Sometimes I think that's the only thing I seem to be good for. People open up easily to me, even those that are super out of touch with their feelings... they talk about super personal, sensitive issues with ease when I reach out to them. Definitely have been the "teacher from experience" too. That's what I've noticed in my life and how it's felt to me. I hope I'm right about it, though! IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 671 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted February 26, 2013 07:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by meissieri: "Chiron in the 10th Any planet in the 10th will be linked to career and profession. Of the sixty-nine charts of healers /therapists EveJackson studied, fifteen of these had Chiron in the 10th. In short, the person's function in the world could well reflect the healing qualities of the Greek Chiron. Nevertheless, Chiron was unsure where he fitted in — he was half divine and half animal, and those with Chiron here may be uncertain of how they are to fit into society, of the role they are meant to play in the collective scheme of things. A 10th house Chiron may also describe a feeling of rejection by the mother, and the consequent psychological pain and growth that stems from such an experience. It is also possible that the mother might have carried the Chiron projection — she was seen as wounded or afflicted in some way or conversely mirrored Chiron's healing and philosophical nature."Yup, 100% me. Well, except for the part about my mother, I have a very good bond with her. My Chiron is conjunct my Midheaven and it has a tight trine with Pluto in Scorpio to strengthen the effect even more. I've certainly had a lot of trouble and drama with finding the right career for me. I had to give up two other educations that meant the world to me (ironically, one of them was health care) to find my niche. I've always felt confused about my reputation - with Chiron in Cancer, I don't know how often I've had the reputation of being a drama queen, whiny, too sensitive; pretty much everything negative said about Cancer (though I love that sign myself <3). At the same time, I've also been seen as motherly, sweet, protective - a friend once jokingly called me "Nurse Rianne" and a bit of a therapist for others. Sometimes I think that's the only thing I seem to be good for. People open up easily to me, even those that are super out of touch with their feelings... they talk about super personal, sensitive issues with ease when I reach out to them. Definitely have been the "teacher from experience" too. That's what I've noticed in my life and how it's felt to me. I hope I'm right about it, though!
Well, I'm positive you'll turn out to be the best! Why wouldn't you? You were born to win.  IP: Logged |
meissieri Knowflake Posts: 45 From: The Netherlands Registered: Feb 2013
posted February 27, 2013 10:55 AM
Thank you! Not sure about being born to win, though... Born to help, probably. Do you have Chiron there as well? IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25670 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 28, 2013 10:52 AM
Moving to Asteroid Astrology.------------------ "Fear the government that fears your gun." IP: Logged | |