Topic: Chiron - The Myth / Chiron in the Houses
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1002 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2005 07:40 PM
Seems to be a lot of interest in Chiron in different threads lately.....The following is from Howard Sasportas' book "The Twelve Houses": quote: THE POSSIBLE EFFECTS OF CHIRON THROUGH THE HOUSES In 1977 a tiny planetoid named Chiron was discovered between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. The sighting of a new celestial body heralds a change of consciousness in society and reflects crucial historical developments. For instance, Uranus' discovery in 1781 can be linked to a period of revolution and rebellion: America was rebelling against England, class war raged in France, and Napoleon was soon to march through Europe. Neptune was located in 1846, coinciding with the Romantic Age and the yearning for something more ideal as expressed through the rise of welfare movements for the poor, young, sick and needy. And in 1848 a wave of revolutions swept across Europe. Pluto's discovery was synchronous with the rise of fascism and totalitarianism on the one hand, and the emergence of the new science of psychology, in which uncharted depths of the mind were probed, on the other. If Chiron is to follow suit, we can turn to mythology to glimpse its connection to critical developments in the evolution of the collective. Moreover, grasping Chiron's archetypal significance will enable us to deduce its possible effects in a house. Chiron's father was Saturn, and his mother Philyra, one of the daughters of Oceanus. According to the legend, Saturn's wife, Rhea, caught her husband and Philyra in the act of coupling. To escape, Saturn changed himself into a stallion and ran away. The product of the union was Chiron, the first Centaur, born with a body half human, half animal. Distraught at giving birth to what she felt was a monster, Philyra prayed to the gods to relieve her of the burden of her newborn child at any cost. In reply, they took Chiron away and turned Philyra into a lemon tree. Chiron's first wound is the rejection by his mother, and wherever Chiron is housed in the chart is an area of life in which we might be sensitive to rejection. On a symbolic level, this may reflect the 'fall from grace' we all experience when the contracting womb thrusts us out into the harsh world. Trapped within a separate and distinct physical body, we lose that sense of oneness with all life. Chiron's house placement may show where being in the body creates a problem — where our earthly physical drives and urges could be in conflict with pulls towards something transcendent, pure and divine. Chiron, the son of Saturn, was part divine and yet part animal. We, too, are neither wholly one or the other and the house position of Chiron could indicate where this conflict is most keenly felt. Raised by the gods, Chiron grew to be very wise. His animal side invested him with an earthy wisdom and a closeness to nature. He was what the American Indians called a shaman, a wise medicine-man. Well-versed in the medicinal properties of various herbs, he practised healing and naturopathy. But his knowledge was not limited to the sphere of healing — he studied music, ethics, hunting, war and astrology. Stories of his great wisdom spread far and wide, and inevitably various gods and high-ranking mortals brought their children to Chiron to be educated. Becoming a kind of foster parent to divine children, he taught Jason, Hercules, Asclepius and Achilles, among others. In an excellent lecture on Chiron, Eve Jackson points out that the principal subjects he taught were warfare and healing. In this sense, he was conversant with the art of creating wounds and then healing them. The house position of Chiron may show where we have been wounded or damaged in some way and yet through that experience gain a kind of sensitivity and self-knowledge which enables us to better help and understand other people. Ms. Jackson associates Chiron's discovery with the rise of popular interest in psychotherapy, a profession in which painful psychological wounds are brought to the surface in the process of healing. Indeed, Chiron appears to be strongly placed in the charts of many healers and therapists. Chiron prepared people to be heroes. Teaching not only survival skills, he also instilled cultural and ethical values. His pupils were adept at surviving in the world, but they were also capable of performing noble feats and deeds in the service of their country or greater whole of which they were a part. The house position of Chiron may indicate not only where we can teach others, but also where our own heroic potential could come to the fore — an area of life in which we go beyond just being ordinary and yet don't lose touch with ‘real life'. Chiron's orbit swings erratically between Saturn and Uranus, and therefore provides a link between these two principles. In Chiron's house, it is possible that Uranus' bold new insights and revelations can be applied practically and within the confines of what is acceptable to the establishment. Chiron marries instinct with intelligence: in his house we can be inventive, intuitive, and yet down-to-earth as well. While involved in a drinking bout with some of the more raucous centaurs, Hercules accidently wounded Chiron in the knee with a venomous arrow. The poison was from the deadly Hydra and produced a wound which was incurable even with Chiron's own medicine. So we have a curious phenomenon: the great healer himself suffered from a wound which could not be healed. I have noticed that Chiron is often prominent in the charts of disabled people, many of whom fashion a meaningful life for themselves through being of service to other people. Also, it appears that the best therapists are the ones who are most aware of their own psychological imperfections and neuroses. In his book, Power and the Helping Professions, Adolf Guggenbiihl Craig points out `that the patient has a physician within himself but also that there is a patient in the doctor.' The healer who is in touch with his or her own pain and weakness is better able to help patients constellate the inner healer in themselves. As a reward for all the services he had performed, Chiron was given the gift of immortality by the gods. Therefore, he was in a strange position: he could neither recover from his wound, nor die. Finally a solution to his predicament was found. Prometheus had been banished to the underworld as a punishment for stealing fire from the gods. His release was contingent on someone else taking his place in Tartarus. Chiron, no longer wishing to be immortal, agreed to exchange places with Prometheus. In this sense, Chiron and Prometheus needed one another. They represent the blending of two different kinds of wisdom: Chiron took earthly wisdom and used it for higher purposes, while Prometheus took fire from the gods, symbolic of creative vision, and brought it down to earth. Chiron's house is where we need to integrate fiery vision with practical common sense. Chiron chooses death. He accepts its necessity, neatly making arrangements for it, so that he faces its reality with peace and nobility. Partially inspired by the work of Elisabeth Kiibler-Ross, this concept of accepting and preparing for death has recently come to many more people's attention. Chiron's attitude towards dying, and his holistic understanding of health, healing and education, are all signs of our times. It is too soon to be certain of the sign rulership of Chiron. Given the centaur connection, some astrologers believe that Chiron should be associated with Sagittarius. Others feel Virgo is appropriate because of his association with healing and practical wisdom. Present-day advances in computer technology and methods of statistical research are being applied in assessing the significance of Chiron; in the meantime, it is hoped that the following brief examples of Chiron's possible effects in the different houses will shed some light on its influence in the chart.Chiron in the 1st With Chiron in the 1st, the wounding can occur early in life. For instance, one woman I know with this placement was born with a condition commonly called 'brittle bones'. Because of her delicate state, the doctors advised her mother that the child should not be picked up or held, and in this way, as an infant, she was deprived of a necessary physical solace and closeness. Other placements in her chart indicate a very powerful will, and she bravely worked within the limitations of her handicap to become strong and self-sufficient. At the time of our reading, transiting Uranus was conjunct her 1st house Chiron and she was hoping to begin a training as a physiotherapist. Another example is an artist born with Chiron in Sagittarius in the 1st house conjunct the Ascendant. Severely stricken with an atrophying disease of the nervous system, he nonetheless used what strength he had to teach painting to young people. Although Chiron chose to die, he was rewarded by the gods for his good work by being made part of a constellation in the heavens for all to see for all eternity. Similarly, although this man died while still in his early thirties, like the immortal Chiron his memory and influence live on through his paintings and the future artwork of those he taught. Both these people personify the wounded-healer/teacher nature of Chiron and serve as a source of inspiration not only for disabled individuals but also for many of the able-bodied people who have known them. In her study of the charts of sixty-nine healers/therapists Eve Jackson found that eleven of these had Chiron in the 1st. Chiron in the 2nd The ability Chiron had to apply spiritual, philosophical and ethical insights to everyday life and practical matters is highlighted with Chiron in the 2nd. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, whose pioneering work in the field of death and dying has been of practical use to both dying people and their families, was born with Chiron in Taurus in the 2nd. Her work came to the fore just as Chiron was returning to its own place in her chart (Chiron's cycle is roughly 50 years). I have also seen Chiron in the 2nd in the chart of two people who suffered great pain through bankruptcy and financial collapse, and yet used the experience to broaden their philosophical and psychological understanding of life and themselves. Chiron in the 3rd A woman who cured herself of cancer using special diets and visualization techniques is now writing and distributing information about combating the illness in these ways: she has Chiron in Sagittarius in the 3rd house of communication. I have observed this placement in the charts of other people who write on the subject of medicine and healing. Their wounding may come during adolescence and the growing-up years. Some with this placement may have difficulty fitting into the early schooling situation or have learning or speech difficulties. In a few cases, those with Chiron here had brothers or sisters who were ill or afflicted in some way, and their formative years were marked by the need to be sensitive to their sibling's condition. Chiron in the 4th If the 4th house is taken to be the father, then he may carry the Chiron projection. The child with this placement may be exceptionally sensitive to his wounds, or view the father as a kind of teacher or mentor. One woman I know with Sun conjunct Chiron in the 4th was, as a young girl, abandoned by her father shortly after her mother died of cancer. This early rejection contributed to her receptivity to the pain, needs and feelings of other people. It is possible that in the later years of life, those with this placement may develop a latent interest in various forms of healing. Chiron in the 5th The 5th house is associated with children and young people, and those with this placement could serve as teachers to the young. One woman with Chiron here overcame heroin addiction and now works helping adolescents with drug problems. It has already been mentioned that Chiron's house placement may show where our earthly physical drives and desires could conflict with pulls towards something transcendent, pure and divine. I did a chart for a very religious man with Chiron in the 5th who was tortured by sexual desires for pubescent girls and boys. Through psychotherapy and prayer, he has successfully transmuted these urges into constructive channels and expresses his love of children by working as a tutor and counsellor for `problem' adolescents. Prince Charles is born with Chiron conjunct his Sun in the 5th house of creative self-expression. Eve Jackson quotes from an interview he gave: `Ever since I was a child, I've been interested in medical matters and in the business of healing — I've always wished I could heal: In recent years he has expressed his wholehearted support and enthusiasm (5th house) for holistic medicine. Chiron in the 6th To some degree, Chiron suffered by being trapped in a body he didn't like. I have seen this placement in the charts of a few people who felt uncomfortable or limited within the physical body. One was an unusually tall woman and another a rather short man. However, the kind of psychological adjustments that they had to make contributed to their sensitivity and understanding of the pain of other people. The man in question has worked extensively and productively with handicapped people of all ages. Recalling Chiron's holistic approach to medicine, this placement shows up frequently in the charts I have seen of therapists who work with the body — those who use neo-Reichian techniques, massage, and herbal remedies, etc. Since Chiron was so adept in the art of survival skills, it is likely that those with Chiron in the 6th have the potential to master practical crafts such as cooking, sewing or other kinds of useful handiwork. Chiron in the 7th With this placement, it is possible that the nature of Chiron could be projected onto the partner, who might be seen as obviously wounded, either physically or psychologically. Or it may be that the partner is viewed as a kind of teacher or wise mentor. Conversely, those with Chiron here could act as a teacher to another person. Chiron's feeling of rejection can come through a relationship if this planet is placed in the 7th. The hurt of a painful separation from a loved one may bring up deep wounds which soften, sensitize and transform even the most hard-hearted people. Or they could experience frustration at the discrepancy between an idealized notion of love and the reality before them. Chiron in the 8th Those with Chiron in the 8th may be sensitive to sexual rejection, or feel inadequate or confused about their sexual identity. Strong libidinal drives could conflict with their more spiritual or religious inclinations. It is likely that they are extremely receptive to any painful undercurrents in the atmosphere, and possess latent healing abilities which they should be encouraged to develop. Some may be able to teach others about the deeper mysteries or subtle dimensions of life. The 8th house is associated with death, and those with this placement may want to study the example of the famous centaur who chose death with peace and equanimity. Chiron in the 9th The 9th house will highlight Chiron's ability to take intuitive and innovative insights and apply these in a practical manner. They are likely to make very capable teachers. The highly respected and deep-thinking astrologer John Addey was born with Chiron in Aries in the 9th house conjunct the Midheaven. Crippled with an incurable form of rheumatism, he worked as a teacher for disabled people. Furthermore, he once remarked that he would have probably been all too happy to spend his days between golf and horses had it not been for his illness which forced him to stay still for a moment and reflect on life. His wound impelled him to turn his attention to the 9th house matters of philosophy and astrology. With the clarity and finesse of the mythological Chiron, Addey related the abstract and theoretical concept of harmonics in a practical way to chart analysis. Chiron in the 10th Any planet in the 10th will be linked to career and profession. Of the sixty-nine charts of healers /therapists EveJackson studied, fifteen of these had Chiron in the 10th. In short, the person's function in the world could well reflect the healing qualities of the Greek Chiron. Nevertheless, Chiron was unsure where he fitted in — he was half divine and half animal, and those with Chiron here may be uncertain of how they are to fit into society, of the role they are meant to play in the collective scheme of things. A 10th house Chiron may also describe a feeling of rejection by the mother, and the consequent psychological pain and growth that stems from such an experience. It is also possible that the mother might have carried the Chiron projection — she was seen as wounded or afflicted in some way or conversely mirrored Chiron's healing and philosophical nature. Chiron in the 11th Those with Chiron in the 11th could be involved in the running of various kinds of therapy or healing centres. They might be sensitive to the pain in society and perhaps concerned with helping or teaching those who are oppressed or downtrodden. There may be a nagging fear of rejection or slight within the context of groups and friendships or some hurt incurred through such involvements. Ultimately this pain could act as a catalyst for further self-knowledge and self understanding. Friends may carry any of the connotations of Chiron — either people involved in the healing /teaching profession or those who are obviously psychologically or physically vulnerable. Those with Chiron here may serve as mentors to their friends, or look to their associates for guidance, direction and support. Chiron in the 12th In Eve Jackson's study, the third most frequent position of Chiron in the charts of healers /therapists is the 12th house. Of these, two distinct groups were noted: those who practised `spiritual healing', such as the laying on of hands or even absent healing and those who worked primarily with dreams or guided imaging. I did a chart for a woman disabled from birth who has the Sun conjunct Chiron in the 12th; she now works as a psychological counsellor in a hospital (12th house of institutions). For those with Chiron in the 12th, unhealed wounds may be buried deep in the unconscious or stem from a difficult pre-natal experience. The psychologist Arthur Janov, author of The Primal Scream, was born with Chiron in the 12th in Aries: he feels that the way to reconnect to one's true power and vitality (Aries) is through releasing these deeply entrenched early traumas. Reincarnationists might propose that those with 12th house Chirons have had connections with healing or teaching in previous lives. In any case, those with this placement have the potential to tap a rich source of practical wisdom stored in the recesses of their own psyches.
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26taurus unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 07:45 PM
I love that book. But lost it years ago. Thanks Zala.  Chiron in the 3rd A woman who cured herself of cancer using special diets and visualization techniques is now writing and distributing information about combating the illness in these ways: she has Chiron in Sagittarius in the 3rd house of communication. I have observed this placement in the charts of other people who write on the subject of medicine and healing. Their wounding may come during adolescence and the growing-up years. Some with this placement may have difficulty fitting into the early schooling situation or have learning or speech difficulties. In a few cases, those with Chiron here had brothers or sisters who were ill or afflicted in some way, and their formative years were marked by the need to be sensitive to their sibling's condition. Yes. IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 07:57 PM
(stat. rebound .. post deleted .. june'08 )IP: Logged |
taurean_scorpion unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 08:05 PM
Thank You.Chiron in 12th house here. xoxo Esther  IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 08:14 PM
oh thanks zalaaa chiron in the 9th, and yes i told u already i plan on changing the world zala, through my thoughts and my genius well its true, the most active part of my body is my brain it never shuts off, followed closely by a big mouth, and i feel that i would be both motivated to, as well as fit to make an intellectual contribution...philosophical, i dont know, but i do plan on continuing writing , done tidbits of writing here n there. encouraging to read it though, thanks  my chirons in gem, 9th house, along with my sun/merc/mars, im not sure of the degree but could be a conjunct there, any ideas on the affects of that placement? thanks  Love SG IP: Logged |
Battle of Evermore Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted July 05, 2005 08:28 PM
Chiron in the, ok...IP: Logged |
Tranquil Poet unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 08:36 PM
Chiron in the 11th Those with Chiron in the 11th could be involved in the running of various kinds of therapy or healing centres. They might be sensitive to the pain in society and perhaps concerned with helping or teaching those who are oppressed or downtrodden. There may be a nagging fear of rejection or slight within the context of groups and friendships or some hurt incurred through such involvements. Ultimately this pain could act as a catalyst for further self-knowledge and self understanding. Friends may carry any of the connotations of Chiron — either people involved in the healing /teaching profession or those who are obviously psychologically or physically vulnerable. Those with Chiron here may serve as mentors to their friends, or look to their associates for guidance, direction and support. Chiron in taurus
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Devilfish unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 08:41 PM
i have Chiron in the fourth, and that rang true. my father was always drinking/womanizing/working my mother was always working/church/socializing did this effect me? you bet ya. made me learn how to take care of myself and others at a very young age. it gave me some grit, & im intensly loyal to my own family.
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scorpbaby unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 10:10 PM
I have Chiron in the 9th and the description seems to apply to me. "The 9th house will highlight Chiron's ability to take intuitive and innovative insights and apply these in a practical manner. They are likely to make very capable teachers." I'm currently in college studying to be a teacher  IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 10:39 PM
Thanks Zala  T_S, I've got 12th house Chiron too...mine's in Taurus! IP: Logged |
taurean_scorpion unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 11:56 PM
DayDreamer...that's coolwe're the "healer?" i have it in gemini. not very good. IP: Logged |
virgotaurustaurus unregistered
posted July 05, 2005 11:57 PM
Chiron in the first hizzaaayyy!!! All my early wounding was emotional probably thanks to the conjunction with my Moon!  Maybe someday I will be a fabulous healer! IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 474 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2005 11:58 PM
ZALA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lookl at all this helpful information she posts! YAY ZALA! 'Tis me Chiron in the 10th Any planet in the 10th will be linked to career and profession. Of the sixty-nine charts of healers /therapists EveJackson studied, fifteen of these had Chiron in the 10th. In short, the person's function in the world could well reflect the healing qualities of the Greek Chiron. Nevertheless, Chiron was unsure where he fitted in — he was half divine and half animal, and those with Chiron here may be uncertain of how they are to fit into society, of the role they are meant to play in the collective scheme of things. A 10th house Chiron may also describe a feeling of rejection by the mother, and the consequent psychological pain and growth that stems from such an experience. It is also possible that the mother might have carried the Chiron projection — she was seen as wounded or afflicted in some way or conversely mirrored Chiron's healing and philosophical nature. IP: Logged |
Lady331 unregistered
posted September 05, 2005 06:57 AM
Mine is: Chiron in Cancer in the 12thSun in Aries in the 11th Moon in Cancer in the 12th Ascendant in Cancer IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted September 05, 2005 08:58 AM
wow Zala  Chron in the 6th house, that rang bells for me IP: Logged |
thosa unregistered
posted September 05, 2005 12:13 PM
Ohh,great info azz, thxxxAny planet in the 10th will be linked to career and profession. Of the sixty-nine charts of healers /therapists EveJackson studied, fifteen of these had Chiron in the 10th. In short, the person's function in the world could well reflect the healing qualities of the Greek Chiron. Nevertheless, Chiron was unsure where he fitted in — he was half divine and half animal, and those with Chiron here may be uncertain of how they are to fit into society, of the role they are meant to play in the collective scheme of things. A 10th house Chiron may also describe a feeling of rejection by the mother, and the consequent psychological pain and growth that stems from such an experience. It is also possible that the mother might have carried the Chiron projection — she was seen as wounded or afflicted in some way or conversely mirrored Chiron's healing and philosophical nature.
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virgolibra69 unregistered
posted September 06, 2005 10:54 AM
SecretGardenAgain and Scorpbaby,I have Chiron in the 9th house too and I have a very active mind and Mouth also! Also feel very Intuitive and possibly have healing Abilities? Very into Health and Healing, have Vivid Dreams and Strong Attractions to people I feel are Soul mates? ------------------ Sun Virgo 29,Moon Aquarius 25,Cancer Ascendant 25 IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted September 07, 2005 04:04 PM
*bumped to top of thread*IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Somewhere over the Rainbow... Registered: May 2009
posted September 07, 2005 04:08 PM
i still don't quite understand how to relate my Chiron in the 8th to my life, personally...that description just doesnt, me? I mean, it's in Gemini in my chart. And i guess I do talk a lot...and think...about sex but not sex like..the, regeneration, and death in the sense of growth and the *true* spiritual/emotional depth behind it... IP: Logged |
funkyaquarianpixie unregistered
posted September 07, 2005 04:28 PM
i have chiron in taurus in the ninth.i find it very easy to teach people energy manipulation and how to use crystals for healing and meditation. its also conjunct my Vesta. IP: Logged |
amisha121877 unregistered
posted September 07, 2005 05:29 PM
i have chiron in taurus / in the 9th as well. it's also transitting my 6th house now so - it's just weird. intuitive is the word, i suppose but now, a lot of my writings, i'm sharing with others and i was never really one to share those kinds of writings so - we'll see.IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 11, 2006 02:32 AM
By David PondChiron in the 1st house – we are in a culture that glorifies the self quite a bit. You would have to find some way of self growth yet still benefit others. “The more I become the more I have to give” is a good way to describe Chiron in the 1st house. Chiron in the 2nd house is issues with security and money. In our culture we learn that security is 1) a defense posture and 2) something we never get. Constant chase for security for a little bit more above what we have. With Chiron you have to get outside the cultural attitude in order to feel connected to what makes you feel secure. A walk out in nature is a good way to feel the life force around you and feel a deeper sense of security. Chiron in the 3rd – the way you use your mind and gather information. Where do you get your information – from TV, popular press? “You are what you think, you become what you once thought.” “Think as if all your thoughts where written across the sky for all to read.” Chiron in the 4th house – you must find your place on the planet and your connection to Earth. The climate and vegetation must work, must be a sacred place for you. Chiron in the 5th house – tied to your creativity and children. It is important to live a life born out of the heart, to access that creativity by simply jumping into the house energy. You will find that the way culture defines fun won’t fit. Find a higher path in dealing with children than the cultural norm. Chiron in the 6th house – attitudes around health, culture and diet. We are in a culture that doesn’t realize how food is related to health. Probably the “cultural” diet doesn’t work for you and would need to seek a new diet that would help your spiritual quest. So where Chiron is in your chart is where you can’t accept a garden-variety experience of what your culture offers. You’ll have to recognize that would be wounding for you. If Chiron is in your 7th house – the type of relationships that culture says should work for you – that is your wound. Your relationships need to have a higher dimension, have a quest. The relationship would be a vehicle of consciousness growth. Chiron in the 8th house – the type of intimacy that culture offers would not be satisfying. You need a deeper type of intimacy, sacred sexuality, tantra sexuality. Chiron in the 9th house – the education, philosophy and spiritual quest of your culture. Similar to Chiron in the 12th; it is important for you not to accept the political and religious views you grew up with. Your path and destination is the seeking for something else. Chiron in the 10th house The Tenth House is the home of the soul's desire. It's the place where we align purpose and action. Put simply, it's what we most want to be when we grow up, because being "that" will answer a calling deep within. This longing could include the need for material success, but it could just as easily stir a desire for spiritual accomplishment. So it's not surprising you're at a career crossroads. The Tenth House with Chiron is often enough of a milestone to inspire other people too. When the person pushes the limits for himself at this time, it’s possible that he is also setting the bar a little higher for others. If he follows his gut feelings, he will break all the rules. This cycle of Chiron reflects the sort of professional audacity that can even change his life’s course. (by Ralfee Finn) Chiron in in the 11th House Placement of Chiron here often gives deep connection to the psyche and the collective unconscious, but there are usually blocks to overcome. Here the wound is usually a sense of disconnection, distance, isolation and alieation from the world and from the Universe. This feeling of being unable to fit in may make us reject the tenets of groups or society, but the longing to belong remains. Often, due to the sensitivity to the collective, people with this Chiron placement will be forward thinking and may be rejected by groups and society simply because they are ahead of their time - shades of 'discovery' here. Try listing the special ways in which you are connected to life, to others, to the world and to the Universe. List the benefits and gifts of feeling alone, isolated and alienated. Also list the ways in which your 'differentness' is a gift and blessing to you and others. Write your thoughts and dreams in a journal. (by Melanie Reinhart) If you have Chiron in the 12th house then your cultural religion probably doesn’t work for you. You have to seek outside, and the seeking is your destiny. More info on Chiron:
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Hexxie unregistered
posted January 11, 2006 03:12 PM
Thanks for typing that out Azalaksh!!Tranquil Poet, I also have Chiron in Taurus in the 11th I've always been attracted to 'various kinds of therapy or healing' too! What about you? My Chiron closly conjunct's my South Node so I get confused a little bit on how to work with this energy. The confusion stems from knowing that one is supposed to focus on the North Node this lifetime. If anyone has any insights or flashes of intuition on this conjunction, it would be much appreciated!! P.S. I think this placement of Chiron & S Node in my chart has something to do with a past life and being hurt by people I trusted due to my 'alternative' healing practices. I know that's pretty abstract! ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll :::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon::: IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 11, 2006 05:20 PM
Great info everyone. Chiron in Pisces in the 10th here ...
------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
bohemianjazz unregistered
posted January 11, 2006 10:45 PM
5th house Gemini Chiron here, which is also the outlet for my double T-Squares.IP: Logged | |