  Long Distance relationship - Do they work? (Page 3)

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Author Topic:   Long Distance relationship - Do they work?

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posted July 14, 2019 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My sister met her husband online. It took a few years for them to meet in person, he lives in Canada, she lived here in Ohio. It took them years to get married, but she moved there five years ago (they were married seven years ago).

If I got involved with a guy from my past, it would be long-distance, but I didn't like it at the time. I don't mind time alone, I don't like to feel smothered. I just want to meet someone here.

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posted July 15, 2019 03:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I guess it can work.

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posted August 12, 2019 05:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 18, 2019 03:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for PurpleBebe     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Aquarius Mars prefers this.

I don't need to be in close proximity to the person I love - it always feels like they're with me all the time anyway.

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posted August 18, 2019 12:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anonymidarkness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If four of you work together, yes!!!!

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posted December 04, 2019 12:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Leo-Cancer98     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
Do you guys who have long distance relationships have

Moon/Venus in aspect to Jupiter
Moon/Venus in aspect to Neptune
Moon/Venus in aspect to Uranus

Moon/Venus in 12th
Moon/Venus in 9th
Moon/Venus in 11th

Moon in Sag
Moon in Pisces
Moon in Aquarius?

I am just trying to make a connection here(if any).

I'm a Sagittarius Moon, and my partner is an Aquarius Moon.

Cancer Rising
2nd House Leo Sun
3rd House Leo Mercury
6th House Sagittarius Moon & Pluto
1st House Cancer Venus & Mars
9th House Pisces Jupiter conjunct MC.

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posted December 29, 2019 03:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 09, 2020 02:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 12, 2020 12:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CrazyPisces     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My boyfriend and I are on opposite ends of the U.S and have been for a year and counting, with the exceptions of me going to visit him and him coming home for the holidays.

My Moon in Gem sextile his Venus in Leo. I think my Venus in Aquarius and Moon in Gemini helps out bc he keeps me mentally stimulated and I don't mind the distance as long as I'm able to text/call him. He has an Aries moon. I'm a Pisces and he's a Cancer sun.

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posted January 12, 2020 10:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Welcome! That sounds like it works.

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posted February 02, 2020 10:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 15, 2020 03:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SwissViking     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well i am a cancer and just blocked my long distance so because - she ignored me on valentines? and then ignored me the next day , idk what was up with her , we could have met up since her school finished and we are finally in the same city , but no according to her she says she has no time. she is sun gem venus taurus moon taurus and merc taurus i am cancer sun leo venus and merc , moon capricorn , and unless she phones me to fix things up (i will give her 3 days ) this long distance relashionship is over for me , not becuase of distance , rather because it was one sided too much (her venus in my 12th + i am the venus in our mars venus and venus pluto aspect) there you have it. ofcourse i can say cancer being clingy is really good at the long distance thing , been stuck with her for about 2 years so , yea... personally tho was always better in person.

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posted February 16, 2020 03:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Leo-Cancer98:
I'm a Sagittarius Moon, and my partner is an Aquarius Moon.

Ok.Thank you.

I think that with long distance relations working out,there is less of a need to live in each other's pockets.

So there must be aspects that support this natally i.e the ability for the two to upkeep the coupling long-term.

I wonder though if you both happen to live together etc. How will these placements play out?

As the distance is what helps to keep things "fresh". But when together, the hum drum nature of life may make things very "traditional" and quite regular.

Like will you both be in the same house but function as if the other one is not there? Thereby creating the illusion of "distance"?

OR else predominantly live lives that are separate from each other? But still be together? I.e different hobbies,different social outings or different friends etc.

Being comfortable to let the other "go on their way"- so to speak.And feeling no need to "merge" your two lives? As some Aquarius Moon/ Sag couples I suspect may even decide NOT to live together at all.

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posted February 16, 2020 03:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SwissViking:
Well i am a cancer and just blocked my long distance so because - she ignored me on valentines? and then ignored me the next day , idk what was up with her , we could have met up since her school finished and we are finally in the same city , but no according to her she says she has no time. she is sun gem venus taurus moon taurus and merc taurus i am cancer sun leo venus and merc , moon capricorn , and unless she phones me to fix things up (i will give her 3 days ) this long distance relashionship is over for me , not becuase of distance , rather because it was one sided too much (her venus in my 12th + i am the venus in our mars venus and venus pluto aspect) there you have it. ofcourse i can say cancer being clingy is really good at the long distance thing , been stuck with her for about 2 years so , yea... personally tho was always better in person.

NEVER tell anyone you are dating that you don't have TIME for them. This especially a long distance relationship AND the fact that the person you are dating is Leo Ven.

I think earth Moon Virgo and Cap are low maintenance when it comes to romance. They don't ask for much really.

It is usually I (Cancer Moon) especially with Virgo, that may go all out on special days like birthdays, valentines, first {insert sentimental day here} events etc.

She has Gem Sun and Taurus placements.Its likely she's getting her "goodies" elsewhere.

Earth placements ime tend to conserve energy.
And so they don't make an effort if;

1)They don't see the person as a worthwhile long-term investment I.e really like the person and see myself with them for a longer period of time.

2)They are prioritizing something/someone else as more important. Or they are "gaining" much more elsewhere(again,they don't like you that much).

3) They have already cooled off and are no longer interested.

The fact that it's long-distance makes it worse. You are not overreacting. The least she could do was make the effort, you don't ask for much.

For you to go all out for as long as you did does speak something of your tenacity.Maybe it's a Cancer/Cap Moon thing? Is your Asc in Gem?

But I suspect you are like me I.e you have a Sun/Moon midpoint in Lib. So that could make you a bit of a consummate romantic. Or someone who tends to be understanding and accommodative of the partner etc.

When someones Pluto touches your Venus or their Mars touches your Venus, they tend to "fire" you up.

With Pluto especially, the feelings are hard to just "get over". They tend to have a momentum to them because of the energy behind Pluto.

Unfortunately however,if it's not reciprocated I.e a double whammy. Then it can be "one sided" I.e they get you all hot and bothered and YOU feel you have to do EVERYTHING. Like they don't even try etc.

I had a Pluto/Venus conj contact with a guy who was very hard to deal with.No double whammy. Very painful for me.

My reactions to him were quite EXTREME I.e one day we are talking.The next minute I want to erase his presence from my phone over something really "insensitive" he said.

Watch out for these extremes in emotions. They(the Pluto person) can't put a foot wrong as their Pluto is directly affecting your value system (Venus) sometimes irrevocably.

This could change the way you express love to them i.e the capacity you have to forgive them etc. And thereby also the capacity you have to forgive yourself and heal from that experience I.e the classic "I will never open myself up to be hurt like that again" notion comes from Pluto-Venus or Pluto-moon contacts.

It's not always what they do that elicits such an intense response. It's YOU.They are evoking some latent/dormant love nature in you. Some innate fears of being blindsided because you feel so open and raw with them.

So everything they do or FAIL to do, is amplified. Be mindful of that always.

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Posts: 30250
From: Here
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posted February 16, 2020 11:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
Ok.Thank you.

I think that with long distance relations working out,there is less of a need to live in each other's pockets.

So there must be aspects that support this natally i.e the ability for the two to upkeep the coupling long-term.

I wonder though if you both happen to live together etc. How will these placements play out?

As the distance is what helps to keep things "fresh". But when together, the hum drum nature of life may make things very "traditional" and quite regular.

Like will you both be in the same house but function as if the other one is not there? Thereby creating the illusion of "distance"?

OR else predominantly live lives that are separate from each other? But still be together? I.e different hobbies,different social outings or different friends etc.

Being comfortable to let the other "go on their way"- so to speak.And feeling no need to "merge" your two lives? As some Aquarius Moon/ Sag couples I suspect may even decide NOT to live together at all.

With my sister and her husband, they sent each other voicemails, and/or talked on Skype for long periods. They would somehow watch movies together on Skype, or TV shows.

I knew another couple who met online - through I site that's now shut down (a goal-setting site, set up so that people blogged and "cheered" each other). They were really flirty with each other publicly, and there was a group of friends on there who also ended up skyping each other. I guess they did that, and decided they were in love, and got engaged before they even met in person. An Aquarius and a Pisces in different countries. She'd got a new job in England (between both countries - Australia and the US), she flew to surprise him here, then he visited in England. They got married the following year, and things were fine until they settled in her country. He got permission to move to Australia, they were so happy, had a baby over a year later... Two years after that, they split up. The Pisces guy got involved with another woman over there, within a year, had another baby, but I remember seeing her post something on facebook, about how he can't just disappear when they're having problems.

I remember being slightly envious of the second couple (the two who met through the site). It was all so romantic, you know? They seemed like a good fit. I have their charts somewhere, but no birth times.

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Posts: 30250
From: Here
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posted February 16, 2020 11:30 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

When someones Pluto touches your Venus or their Mars touches your Venus, they tend to "fire" you up.

With Pluto especially, the feelings are hard to just "get over". They tend to have a momentum to them because of the energy behind Pluto.

Unfortunately however,if it's not reciprocated I.e a double whammy. Then it can be "one sided" I.e they get you all hot and bothered and YOU feel you have to do EVERYTHING. Like they don't even try etc.

I had a Pluto/Venus conj contact with a guy who was very hard to deal with.No double whammy. Very painful for me.

My reactions to him were quite EXTREME I.e one day we are talking.The next minute I want to erase his presence from my phone over something really "insensitive" he said.

Watch out for these extremes in emotions. They(the Pluto person) can't put a foot wrong as their Pluto is directly affecting your value system (Venus) sometimes irrevocably.

This could change the way you express love to them i.e the capacity you have to forgive them etc. And thereby also the capacity you have to forgive yourself and heal from that experience I.e the classic "I will never open myself up to be hurt like that again" notion comes from Pluto-Venus or Pluto-moon contacts.

It's not always what they do that elicits such an intense response. It's YOU.They are evoking some latent/dormant love nature in you. Some innate fears of being blindsided because you feel so open and raw with them.

So everything they do or FAIL to do, is amplified. Be mindful of that always.

Yes, I've experienced this, too.

SwissViking, I'm sorry that your girlfriend (or ex-girlfriend) let you down/was so casual with your feelings.

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Posts: 201631
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted February 16, 2020 05:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Welcome, CrazyPisces and SwissViking!

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted February 17, 2020 02:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great advice, Aries23!

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From: South Africa
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posted February 18, 2020 01:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
With my sister and her husband, they sent each other voicemails, and/or talked on Skype for long periods. They would somehow watch movies together on Skype, or TV shows.

I knew another couple who met online - through I site that's now shut down (a goal-setting site, set up so that people blogged and "cheered" each other). They were really flirty with each other publicly, and there was a group of friends on there who also ended up skyping each other. I guess they did that, and decided they were in love, and got engaged before they even met in person. An Aquarius and a Pisces in different countries. She'd got a new job in England (between both countries - Australia and the US), she flew to surprise him here, then he visited in England. They got married the following year, and things were fine until they settled in her country. He got permission to move to Australia, they were so happy, had a baby over a year later... Two years after that, they split up. The Pisces guy got involved with another woman over there, within a year, had another baby, but I remember seeing her post something on facebook, about how he can't just disappear when they're having problems.

I remember being slightly envious of the second couple (the two who met through the site). It was all so romantic, you know? They seemed like a good fit. I have their charts somewhere, but no birth times.

Long distance relationships can be quite "epic" & "sweeping" in essence.And that's because the two people involved feel like they are moving mountains to be together.

That momentum, that energy, that optimism, those challenges faced and overcome etc. Makes the love so great-that when it eventually settles to mundane domestic life, it usually is quite jarring.

It's hard to adjust from going at 100 miles an hour to 20. And domestic life can certainly slow things down considerably for someone who loves the thrill of what the earlier romance brought.

Now you deal with the nitty gritty, you see the partner fully and you start to see the cracks and imperfections in your coupling.

The Pis in the story likely got addicted to the "high" of that "uncertainty" romance so much, he couldn't come down from it.

I wonder if Venus is in Aries? Or in aspect to Mars/Uranus?

It's all very romantic from the outside looking in. Kind of like a sweeping romance NO?

BUT the thing about fairytale romances is that they don't have a "where are they now?" follow-up.

Babies,bills and the bond take over.Life becomes too "real".That's what happens 🤷🏾‍♂️

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Posts: 157
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posted March 03, 2020 01:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeoSagRisingTaurusMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
Long distance relationships can be quite "epic" & "sweeping" in essence.And that's because the two people involved feel like they are moving mountains to be together.

That momentum, that energy, that optimism, those challenges faced and overcome etc. Makes the love so great-that when it eventually settles to mundane domestic life, it usually is quite jarring.

It's hard to adjust from going at 100 miles an hour to 20. And domestic life can certainly slow things down considerably for someone who loves the thrill of what the earlier romance brought.

Now you deal with the nitty gritty, you see the partner fully and you start to see the cracks and imperfections in your coupling.

The Pis in the story likely got addicted to the "high" of that "uncertainty" romance so much, he couldn't come down from it.

I wonder if Venus is in Aries? Or in aspect to Mars/Uranus?

It's all very romantic from the outside looking in. Kind of like a sweeping romance NO?

BUT the thing about fairytale romances is that they don't have a "where are they now?" follow-up.

Babies,bills and the bond take over.Life becomes too "real".That's what happens 🤷🏾‍♂️

Oh, Aries, this is so real it hurts.
I speak more broadly of why this is so touching here:

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Posts: 11070
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posted March 06, 2020 05:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeoSagRisingTaurusMoon:
Oh, Aries, this is so real it hurts.
I speak more broadly of why this is so touching

I think the fantasy was destroyed when he didn't contact you for those 20 days. Something in you shifted and perhaps you have been "punishing" him indirectly ( and yourself by extension) ever since.

Your mind still wanders to certain details of why you two lost contact. And perhaps his "I love you always" is just not enough to ease the anxiety of not knowing?

Without knowing what happened and lack of transparency,that's what negates the momentum. Because ones imagination can imagine all sorts if things this even when the person on the other side IS sincere.

You have Neptune/Mars in a wide conjunction and in the 1st. This is the idealist who spends a great deal of time living in "ideal" land.

The ruler of the 7th is in the 7th. And contrary to what I read, having the ruler in the house it rules tends to make one more self-sufficient in the area of life that house rules.

So in your case, it is more the "idea" of romance that is enticing to you. And not so much it's actualization.

This is further supported by Neptune/Mars in 1st in the sign of Cap. The person must live up to very high standard.

The ruler (Jup) is in Pisces AND are aspects Venus in Virgo by OPPO. Once again, there are high standards you look for here.

Your South Node is ruled by Ven(Lib 24) and the S.N squares the 7th house ruler(Mercury) tightly.

This exacerbates the need for romance and may have someone be very strict as to how they want their romantic life to unfold- as Venus is in critical Virgo.

Uranus aspects Venus/Jupiter and so once again I see this as a strong indicators of someone who loves the "idea" of a romance novel. But not reality love.

This is especially when we consider that Uranus is in the fantasy 12th house in your chart and widely conjunct the Asc.

You have to decide whether you want to accept the phantom version of the guy you say you love. Or the real one.

The phantom version is likely the one that he has been parading around you. Making sure that all you interactions are "unforgettable" and concealing unpleasantries about himself.

The real version of him is less perfect. He probably did have someone on the side that he was seeing at the time for physical and/or other contact.

He probably didn't admit this to you because he didn't want you to get off him and still believe the fairytale you two are in.

You must ask yourself if it was truly "love" if things fell apart so quickly of so easily? Or was it an idea of romance you had in your head?

Long distance couples do understand that one or both will likely have someone they are seeing parallel to the relationship. This could be for practical reasons of physical needs or accessible company.

Does it make the connection that the two share "bogus"?Not necessarily . Not if the two people concerned have realistic expectationsof thei long-distance bond.

I have heard of long-distance relationships that go on for 7 years. That's a long time spent being apart.

The advantage that such relationships have however is that they are free from unrealistic standards that the other partner is "obligated" to meet I.e I can't be in a long distance relationship with someone and during that time, be expected to not sleep with anyone or date.

The connection between the two is kept alive because of mental rapport and the consistent feeling that you are MORE than just lovers. But friends too.

It ain't easy. But to keep yourself tied into situation that ended abruptly as this because of presumptions and failures to disclose etc. Will not serve you.

Decide if you really want him. ALL of him and that you are willing to relax your standards a lot to keep the connection going. Is he worth it? Or did you just fall in lust?

The thing is with Neptune is, it loves to linger on obsessing about things that were left open-ended.The "what if"? scenario.

The thing is, we don't have "what if". We have now and " what is" to make our minds up about. It's not as romantic. But atleast its true.

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Posts: 201631
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted March 22, 2020 09:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 157
From: Quintiles land, next to Neptune conjunct Asc
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posted March 30, 2020 07:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeoSagRisingTaurusMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:
I think the fantasy was destroyed when he didn't contact you for those 20 days. Something in you shifted and perhaps you have been "punishing" him indirectly ( and yourself by extension) ever since.

Your mind still wanders to certain details of why you two lost contact. And perhaps his "I love you always" is just not enough to ease the anxiety of not knowing?

Without knowing what happened and lack of transparency,that's what negates the momentum. Because ones imagination can imagine all sorts if things this even when the person on the other side IS sincere.

You have Neptune/Mars in a wide conjunction and in the 1st. This is the idealist who spends a great deal of time living in "ideal" land.

The ruler of the 7th is in the 7th. And contrary to what I read, having the ruler in the house it rules tends to make one more self-sufficient in the area of life that house rules.

So in your case, it is more the "idea" of romance that is enticing to you. And not so much it's actualization.

This is further supported by Neptune/Mars in 1st in the sign of Cap. The person must live up to very high standard.

The ruler (Jup) is in Pisces AND are aspects Venus in Virgo by OPPO. Once again, there are high standards you look for here.

Your South Node is ruled by Ven(Lib 24) and the S.N squares the 7th house ruler(Mercury) tightly.

This exacerbates the need for romance and may have someone be very strict as to how they want their romantic life to unfold- as Venus is in critical Virgo.

Uranus aspects Venus/Jupiter and so once again I see this as a strong indicators of someone who loves the "idea" of a romance novel. But not reality love.

This is especially when we consider that Uranus is in the fantasy 12th house in your chart and widely conjunct the Asc.

You have to decide whether you want to accept the phantom version of the guy you say you love. Or the real one.

The phantom version is likely the one that he has been parading around you. Making sure that all you interactions are "unforgettable" and concealing unpleasantries about himself.

The real version of him is less perfect. He probably did have someone on the side that he was seeing at the time for physical and/or other contact.

He probably didn't admit this to you because he didn't want you to get off him and still believe the fairytale you two are in.

You must ask yourself if it was truly "love" if things fell apart so quickly of so easily? Or was it an idea of romance you had in your head?

Long distance couples do understand that one or both will likely have someone they are seeing parallel to the relationship. This could be for practical reasons of physical needs or accessible company.

Does it make the connection that the two share "bogus"?Not necessarily . Not if the two people concerned have realistic expectationsof thei long-distance bond.

I have heard of long-distance relationships that go on for 7 years. That's a long time spent being apart.

The advantage that such relationships have however is that they are free from unrealistic standards that the other partner is "obligated" to meet I.e I can't be in a long distance relationship with someone and during that time, be expected to not sleep with anyone or date.

The connection between the two is kept alive because of mental rapport and the consistent feeling that you are MORE than just lovers. But friends too.

It ain't easy. But to keep yourself tied into situation that ended abruptly as this because of presumptions and failures to disclose etc. Will not serve you.

Decide if you really want him. ALL of him and that you are willing to relax your standards a lot to keep the connection going. Is he worth it? Or did you just fall in lust?

The thing is with Neptune is, it loves to linger on obsessing about things that were left open-ended.The "what if"? scenario.

The thing is, we don't have "what if". We have now and " what is" to make our minds up about. It's not as romantic. But atleast its true.

Aries, first and foremost I need to thank you for this precious analysis.
How do I send you a private message? I'd like to talk about this more in depth

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Posts: 201631
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted May 28, 2020 06:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 201631
From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted June 22, 2020 02:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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