Topic: Gauging Creative Potential
ScotScorp unregistered
posted July 26, 2005 05:40 PM Bumped into this article as I was looking for information about mutual reception! Angela
------------------ Scorpio/Leo/Leo "All things are bound together. All things connect." Chief Seattle IP: Logged |
Loggerhead unregistered
posted July 26, 2005 09:49 PM
Great link, ScotScorp!! If you scroll all the way down and click on main menu, you'll see more links, including a very good article on midpoints. Highly recommended rading! Thanks!  Loggerhead IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted July 27, 2005 12:14 AM
Thanks Angela, read the first section and it looks interesting...going to read the rest tomorrow.IP: Logged |
whalewasp78 unregistered
posted July 27, 2005 10:34 AM
Cool article scotscorp. (One favor...please don't mention the 'illustrious' KC Royals. It's too painful for me.) lol IP: Logged |
whalewasp78 unregistered
posted July 27, 2005 10:38 AM
So would a Pisces sun, merc, and venus indicate anything? From what I understand, my Leo Saturn and Capricorn moon kinda put a damper on creativity, as in my case. Also, being raised to be practical, and not 'waste time on trivialities' probably wasn't the best environment for me.IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted July 27, 2005 04:26 PM
Whale: According to this article, it's more like your relations between Venus and other planets, and Neptune and other planets. Like, Sun-Venus Conj. is one. Planets in mutual reception are another indicator, as well as quintile aspects.I just found the article because I have Neptune in Sagitarrius and Jupiter in Pisces and they are in mutual reception. They are also squaring each other closely. I also have a few of the other aspects mentioned in the article. I wouldn't know how your Cap Moon and Leo Saturn affect you (And I don't want to talk about Saturn anyways.. enough that it already b*tch-slapped me in Cancer, now it's gettin' my Leo Moon) but since you play a musical instrument, I would be inclined to think you are creative. Making music is definately a great way to create... putting your own spin on other people's stuff. Hey, I wanna say thank you to the Royals for opening up their stadium this year and letting the opposing teams win. That's awfully friendly of ya'll. (Why did you bring it up? The team is third to last place OVERALL in the MLB!! Painful!) IP: Logged |
geminirising26 unregistered
posted July 27, 2005 05:41 PM
Hey, I took a peek at the link...can someone explain mutal reception to me? I have heard of midpoints, but never seem to grasp it...can someone explain that to me too??IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted July 27, 2005 09:46 PM
Gemini: quote: Lastly, certain planets in Mutual Reception suggest idealism that can reflect creativity. Two planets are in mutual reception when they are each in the Sign that is ruled by the other. For example, Mercury in Cancer would be in mutual reception with the Moon in Virgo. The Sun in Aquarius would be in mutual reception with Uranus in Leo. The reception between planets is quite similar to an aspect between the two. If two planets in mutual reception are already in aspect, the aspect is emphasized tremendously.
I have Neptune in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Pisces. Jupiter rules Sag, and Neptune Pisces. Another easy example is Moon in Leo, Sun in Cancer. MOON is ruled by CANCER, SUN is ruled by LEO. Do you see how this works? If you swapped the Moon in Leo into Cancer, and Sun in Cancer into Leo, the planets would be in their "natural" or ruled signs.
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whalewasp78 unregistered
posted July 28, 2005 01:01 AM
Well for starters Scotscorp, I need to familiarize myself with trines, squares, etc. That's a part of astrology I haven't grasped yet. It's better having it explained to me, than trying to read about it. As for the musical instrument, I'm more the follower. I don't really 'come up' with stuff on my own. (Wish I could.) Course, whatever I do play, I'm very critical of myself. Virgo rising of course. Lastly, the Royals are abominable...that in itself justifies bringing the subject up! Later! IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted July 28, 2005 11:19 AM
Whale: I understand about not "getting" something just from reading about it. Have you gone to and used their interactive tools to read your chart? That is the first place I learned about aspects!Ahh... maybe your Virgo rising prevents you from deviating from the exact notes. I would still give it a try though... put an extra oomff of sound into a solo, or play part of a loud piece softly. Stretch out a fast piece. Feel the emotion and express it! (Easy for me to say... I just play my vocal cords.) And the Royals? Who? What? What is that?  Angela
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whalewasp78 unregistered
posted July 28, 2005 12:56 PM
Hey Scotscorp! I've been playing the hell out of my guitar, probably due to boredom. I do get into these frenzies sometimes, where I start hitting the strings really hard, and bend strings extremely hard. But it's with actual songs. Yes, Virgo rising. Makes me wonder how Kurt Cobain a fellow sun/rising wrote all of those songs. Of course, plenty of drugs always helps. (I'm more a boozer, with an occasional 'left-handed cigarette'.) I do maintenance for a living right now...I like dealing with facts and figures, and based upon that, figuring out the problem, or building something. As you can see, I like having set instructions given to me, and then deviating from them whenever I see an easier, quicker way, or to adjust to a new situation. Hmmm, sounds like an army manual.The Royals? OH! Now I remember! I think there was a definition meaning 'inept' or something. IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted July 28, 2005 02:33 PM
LOL. Yes, you are Virgo influenced! Not a bad thing, because you'll get the job done, right? My man is a Virgo. My mom (was), brother, and both my man's dog and MY DOG are Virgos. They are all organized to a fault, and love instruction. My dog will actually "nose" a leaf on the floor that he has brought in from a walk, and wait for me to pick it up. Now that's clean! (Another thing that some Virgos tend to be, so I've noticed...but not all of them..)So, what do you wanna do music wise? What can you see yourself doing? Would you ever write songs? Ever create the perfect solo? And inept is an appropriate description. IP: Logged |
whalewasp78 unregistered
posted July 28, 2005 03:43 PM
Me writing songs? Hmm. Maybe if I took some 'shrooms, and got totally baked. A few years ago I used to 'smoke' all the time, and things would just 'happen' magically with the guitar. It was neat. Then I enlisted in the army, came home, cooked for a few years, went to trade school, and now I'm doing maintenance. Random tests there, if you know what I mean. I feel like doing my own thing again and quitting, but then I know I'll end up wanting to straighten out again. I do 360's between the Pisces side, then the Virgo. Right now I'm leaning toward the more disciplined side, though Pisces breaks through on the weekends. Ok. I've rambled enough. Gotta get to work, and see what's broken today. Take care!IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted July 28, 2005 04:16 PM
Wonderful! Thanks ScotScorp.IP: Logged |
Loggerhead unregistered
posted July 28, 2005 10:08 PM
I have 2 planets in mutual reception (Sun in Virgo and Mercury in Leo), and Sun/Venus and Pluto conj., a Sextile btw. Neptune and Sun/Venus, plus 4 quintiles, one of them to the MC. -- I ought to be famous for my creative endevours...One of the reasons why I'm not might be that the Sun and Venus conj. has only harmonious aspects, i.e. sextiles and trines, (except for the cusp of the 7th house, and Chiron), and it's the squares and oppositions that "make things happen." I do appreciate art tremendously though, and am very musical, and I also love to draw, particularly people. I guess somehow I never got around to expressing my creativity, except through writing. But I don't think, ScotScorp? Whalewasp? that writing is included in this? I don't really think of writing as an art, but more as a craft. What do you guys think? IP: Logged |
Nasya unregistered
posted July 29, 2005 04:11 AM
WOW!!! Great article.Had been really curious about indicators of creativity since a long time. thank you very much! 
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whalewasp78 unregistered
posted July 29, 2005 11:20 AM
Hey Loggerhead. I'm the same way about writing. To me, creativity is basically making something exist with no plans. I think I'm more the 'craft' type, which is making something with preset guidelines. I do like the written word, and using archaic, or complex words in my vocabulary gives me satisfaction. One thing I loved doing in high school art was calligraphy, you know, writing in the style of medieval monks. I always liked the distinct, sharp lines. And yes, it took minutes just to write a sentence. I used to write short stories, but for reasons unknown to me, I stopped years ago.IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted July 29, 2005 01:06 PM
Whale: Ahhh.. it's finding the creativity in you w/o the "enhancments". How to is the question you've got to answer. (I feel so Yoda) Is the question how to? Think so me.All my life I've been around creative people. Believe it or not, I didn't take the required art classes in middle school or high school... I was always a kid "peer counseler" and art is the first class that was dumped off my schedule to fit counseling in. I wouldn't give up my drafting/shop classes, even being the only girl in drafting in high school! I can draw house plans all day long... *sigh* So creativity w/o the structured teaching. Yet, I find drawing the clouds, my dog and 3-D boxes so relaxing. I cross stitch, make cards w/rubber stamps and scrapbook. So, I bounce back and forth between expressing myself in a "pre-determined" way (3-D boxes and cross stitch) and the creative free flow way. Not to bring up in a bad way the last relation that you discussed on here, but maybe a good start would to be to write a song about the Scorpio, and how you feel? If not... paint banner sayings about your favorite baseball team? Typical Scorpio... I bring up the less than desirable stuff to get creative about!!! LOL! How about paint-by-numbers? Structure w/color? Creative cooking... now that's when I wish I lived on the other side of Misery, because I'd be right over to cook w/you! Beer roast w/purple beer bread?? Yum! Loggerhead: I think writing falls under both creative and craft. Depends on what you are writing. Creating a fiction piece that's floating around in your head is creative; using facts to argue an opinion, craft. I have tons of fiction pieces in my head just waiting to be put on paper (And 5 planets in third house, including Mercury, would be SOOO happy to see me write) but I can't seem to sit still long enough to write them. On the other hand, I just started a blog over at MSN. I'm focusing the blog on my take on issues in society. Yes, no "personal stories" blog here. I've found the less I watch the news, the less stressed I am. I was a junkie... every nite from 5 to 6:30. I figure, if I can get all of my "takes" out of me on things that fire me up, I'll feel even better. This first blog is about my take on why we have abortion in this country, and even though some of my stance is ridiculously funny, I feel ALOT better for getting my feelings out of me. Expression in a creative way, but in the end, a craft. Especially since I quote facts and provide links inside of the posting. Angela
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Loggerhead unregistered
posted July 29, 2005 01:26 PM
Whalewasp, ScotScorp is right. Use that Scorpio! : Everything is material. It will make you feel better, it could even be cathargic. You might also end up with a damn good story, and at the least, you will find pleasure in writing it and if not that, in having written it (which isn't the same thing at all.)I was talking about fiction, ScotScorp. Unlike Virginia Woolf who had a very distinct feeling of writing with different sides of her brain depending on whether she wrote fiction or non-fiction, I feel pretty much the same either way. This is, I suppose, what a Moon (12th house) and Neptune (3rd) square does for you. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 29, 2005 01:36 PM
I haven't posted here yet, because I feel like I certainly already have the creative potential without having to figure out everything Basil's saying in that article. Is that bold?IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted July 29, 2005 02:32 PM
Logger: Got it. (Fellow 12 house Moon) I guess I notice the difference because the stories I could write fiction wise are so "emotional". I think, "How can I get them OUT!" Creative mind at work I suppose.  AGod: Aren't you bold. So, since you know (and boast), can you state what aspects/conditions you have natally that are mentioned in the article and further reiterate your creative self? Sorta like astrological proof? Angela ------------------ Scorpio/Leo/Leo "All things are bound together. All things connect." Chief Seattle IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 29, 2005 02:48 PM
That's what I was originally going to explain Angela -it was too much for me to go through it all. I'd love to just have Basil look at my chart. I guess I'm lazy.  born on 26 Dec 1972 local time 02:34 pm in Orange, CA (US) Maybe, I suppose it's possible, that I wouldn't like what Basil had to say. I mean, what if I didn't fit his mold? I know I've been artistic and attracted to art my whole life. I know my musical ability is natural and significant (much more than a mere dabbler). IP: Logged |
Loggerhead unregistered
posted July 29, 2005 03:47 PM
ScotScorp, clarification: My stories ARE emotional, that's why they are hard to write. What I meant was that even non- fiction feels creative to me. I seem to process facts not in a distant, abstract way, but intuitively, so that when I arrive at a perfectly logical conclusion it feels as if I had just finished a fascinating voyage through cons and pros. The way I structure an essay is always in a roundabout way that leads the reader to the conclusion in such a fashion that he feels he's gotten there by his own effort. (I am doing this subconsciously, but it's been pointed out to me.)In what sign is your 12th Moon? IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted July 29, 2005 03:52 PM
Did you post in the lazy thread that's floating around in LL yet? j/k!My gosh! I'm not very good at reading other people's charts yet, but I do have to say your chart looks like mine.. most planets in a five house span, 'cept 1, and Chiron. W/o Chiron you've got a pail, and the handle is Saturn... and you're a Cap w/2 planets in Cap, plus NN. You've living a Cap life! In the 8th house also. Makes datin' a fellow Scorpio a good thing?? *wink* Alright, lemme see if I can get your chart stuff compared to this article on creativity.... quote: A prominence of Neptune or Venus is an immediate suggestion of heightened creativity. What do I mean by prominence? Neptune’s hard aspect contacts (conjunction, square, quindecile, opposition) with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Jupiter or an Angle emphasize a sense of idealism that is frequently expressed in creative ways.
Neptune hard aspects-you have Nept conj Venus and Mars, and opp your Asc. quote: Venus can only be conjunct or sextile to Mercury. These relationships between the Sun, Mercury, and Venus – any combination – suggest idealistic tendencies that may take the form of creativity.
You have Mercury conj Venus. Mutual reception: Unless my eyes aren't working, you do not have any planets in mutual reception, although you're close with Saturn in Gemini and North Node in Capricorn. I'm 99% this doesn't count since NN is not a planet, but are you influenced by it? Maybe. It's not one of the ideal listings in this article, so it doesn't "count". I have no knowledge on mid-points, except to say where my Sun-Moon one is. Somebody else might offer to figure them out for you. quote: The quintile suggests creativity. Using a 3-degree orb, any quintile in a horoscope emphasizes creativity. When I see a quintile in a horoscope, the only question I ask myself is, “Does the quintile tie into the Midheaven?” Quintiles to the Midheaven or to the ruler of the Midheaven tie creativity into the professional profile. Otherwise, the quintile speaks for itself and requires no further analysis. An inordinate amount of quintiles in a horoscope (three or more) practically demands a creative outlet in one’s life.
You have three Qs: Sun Q Uranus Moon Q Venus Mercury Q Pluto (I'm not sure of the orb uses for these aspects.) Also from the Quintile section: quote: And I would be remiss if I did not add that the creativity often crosses over into the private life in the sexual nature but that is a discussion for another essay.
Qs are good for ya.  quote: The 5th House is the House that has been traditionally linked to creativity. But the 3rd, 7th and 11th Houses have also shown to be of significance because of their role in communicating creativity, presenting it to the public, or using creativity as a way to gain love because of the attention and accolades that are afforded through performance.
You have two planets in the 5th, 3 in the 7th, and pesky Chiron in the 11. Mercury, the ruler of your 5th house (Virgo), is in your 7th. Neptune, the ruler of your 11th house (Pisces), is in your 7th. Your Moon, the ruler of your 3rd house (Cancer), is in your 5th house. Lastly, Gemini, "ruler of your chart" and ruler of Mercury, again reiterates with Mercury in the 7th. Looks like you're linked up all the way around in those key houses. I apologize if I've missed anything, but that's the basics of the article. I'd say from the evidence above, you are DeFiNaTeLy creative! Angela
------------------ Scorpio/Leo/Leo "All things are bound together. All things connect." Chief Seattle IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted July 29, 2005 03:56 PM
quote: ScotScorp, clarification: My stories ARE emotional, that's why they are hard to write. What I meant was that even non- fiction feels creative to me. I seem to process facts not in a distant, abstract way, but intuitively, so that when I arrive at a perfectly logical conclusion it feels as if I had just finished a fascinating voyage through cons and pros. The way I structure an essay is always in a roundabout way that leads the reader to the conclusion in such a fashion that he feels he's gotten there by his own effort. (I am doing this subconsciously, but it's been pointed out to me.)
I hope I didn't imply anything about your posts through my posts. Now that sounds their own journey through your essay. Awesome!! I always like to compare my favorite non-fiction stories to scavenger hunting... does that make sense? Hunt and gather it all together.... 12th house Leo Moon. Angela IP: Logged | |