Topic: Free Interpretation of your favorite aspect!! Open to All!
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 02, 2005 02:08 AM
I shall have to reexamine my aspects to find a good one. IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 02, 2005 05:08 AM
DD and zala i am not overwhelmed or even if i am its not coz of this thread but the usual other cr@p going on at any rate i am working hard and fast on the mars/uranus thread when i finish it up tomorrow i will post what i have on this. Love SG IP: Logged |
Alterna Newflake Posts: 0 From: In the clouds Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 02, 2005 01:03 PM
Wow, this is very kind of you! Thank you, I hope you don't mind a newbie such as myself to take a gander at this as well. Pluto opposing Jupiter. Pluto - 11 degrees Scorpio in the 2nd Jupiter - 9 degrees Taurus in the 8th I've always wondered about this aspect. Thank you very much again. =) IP: Logged |
libra78 unregistered
posted August 02, 2005 01:14 PM
HI again SGG (Im bounching from 1 thread to the other) : How about this one please if you get the time: Sun/Libra/1st conjunction Pluto/Libra/1st (FYI my merccury conj both those planets but its in the 2nd house) Thank you very much! IP: Logged |
MiaMammy08 Knowflake Posts: 113 From: Maryland, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 02, 2005 02:00 PM
Thanx SecretGardenAgain! This is a part of my chart that has me wondering if this is what I would do well in for my profession but it's just an assumption. The aspect is:Jupiter Cancer 2nd House opposition Sun Capricorn 9th house, Neptune Capricorn 9th House and Uranus Capricorn 8th house. I hope that you can do this one. And if it helps: on my chart my Sun, Neptune, and uranus all point to my Jupiter. In a sense like "pointing the way" at Jupiter. THANX ------------------ Yes i'm a capricorn with an aries moon and taurus rising. oh yea... IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted August 02, 2005 11:52 PM
I'll bite...but I warn you, I reserve the right to object. How about this one: Chiron in Aries, 8th house, opposing Uranus in Libra (cardinal singleton), 1st house. Opposition is a 1 degree orb (it also forms a kite with my air grand trine). Tell me something, deep, dark and insidious. IP: Logged |
tuxedo meow Newflake Posts: 21 From: gulf coast texas Registered: Aug 2009
posted August 03, 2005 12:25 AM
Progressed pluto conjunct natal plutoIP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 03, 2005 05:06 AM
Hi zala! hi everyone finally got to this thread, after doing a bunch of mars/uranus readings in the other thread ok here goes: ZALA: The yod has two major components. one is the harmonious (60 degree) angle. The other is the unharmonious quincunx, or (150 degree) angle. (there are actually two quincunxes in a yod, one from the first planet to apex, second from apex to the third planet). thus, yods are complicated because they must be dissected into both of these components. The way that the yod leans (positive or negative, overall) depends on what two planets are involved in the quincunx, and which two are involved in the sextile. The quincunx has a stop and go energy that creates false starts, backslides, and frustrations. It creates confusion and makes decision making a pain in the royal butt, especially in the house that the apex is located in. a yod is generally not considered a good placement, but it is dependent on the planets involved. also, the elevated importance of one part of the yod depends on which part of the chart is more populated. if for example, your apex is singled out in your chart, while the two other planets are surrounded by other planets, the apex will have elevated importance (kind of like a singleton, it points to the entire group of other planets). on the other hand, if the bottom two placements of the yod are isolated and there are more planets near the apex, the two base planets will have more power. in many cases, there will be tension between these two planets, on which is more influential. now on to your particular yod. In your case, the moon is at the apex of the yod, at pisces in the eighth house. the two bases of your yod are the pluto in leo/12th, and neptune in libra/third. because i dont know where the rest of your chart is populated, i cant say what part is more important. my guess is that since your sun is in libra, and merc is probably around there, that most of your planets are in that vicinity, making your moon singly more important. Assuming that your moon is more important, there are three components to be seen (the two quincunxes and a sextile): the sextile between neptune and pluto: because these are outer planets, this is a weak sextile. however, there are indications about a general ease, towards the end of your life, about achieving your goals. you will have worked hard to make your dreams reality, and relationships have come a long way to help shape your dreams and make them come true. your dreams, also elevated by the pisces moon, have almost shaped your behavior and relationships to an extent. there is a good probability of having clairvoyance, ESP, spirituality and occult interest with this placement, and with the particular houses involved (12 and 3), there is an urge to communicate and to explore the unknown. the unknown and the depths of psychology, the unknown mind, and everything hidden, is something that interests you to a great degree. there is a definite finger pointing to some sort of psychology work, or experiences, in your life, that may have strongly shaped your beliefs. quincunx 1--Moon and Pluto: There are bound to be conflicts between expression of your feelings and feeling free. To really be yourself you feel the need to communicate, however continual upheavals in your life, particularly domestic ones, may negatively affect your trust levels. it may seem that just when you trust someone, they may become tyrannical; and you may need the most protection from those who claim to love you the most. this placement can even indicate dangerous parents or spouses, who may even try to kill or harm you physically (!). quincunx 2--moon and neptune: you may struggle with wishful thinking, and may come to some rude surprises when you discover that not everyone is as sensitive and considerate as yourself. this can start very early and will probably start from your family, possibly with your mother, for whom you may have a harboring resentment (moon in 8th). there may also be serious communication problems and substance abuse issues in your home/family (3rd house neptune), and you may find yourself falling in and out of these influences for a long period in your life. Does any of it ring true zala? Let me know Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 03, 2005 05:17 AM
HOT_ICE: Sun opp. Neptune: you may have an active imagination, and even imagine things that do not exist. this placement usually brings a lot of irrational fears, paranoia, and sometimes a sense of depression and loneliness. your idealism is so strong, but reality is even more harsh and opposed and strong, and as you see your unrealistic dreams crumble, you may feel despair. however, you should try to be more logical and persistent in following up on your ambitions instead of giving up. As with all bad neptune aspects, you should try to pay attention and not drift off, into day dream or delusion. Alot of negative neptuners have a tendency to fall into delusion, drug addiction, and the like. Maybe your friends or family was unconventional in this respect. You should try to stay away at all times from intoxicating and mind altering drugs, and even away from vehicles etc. when angry or upset. Deception can be a major problem in your life, either by your own deception of others when you feel misunderstood, or by others deceiving you because you tend to trust people very easily. With your particular houses, there is a large chance that you may be deceived or the victim of a fraud in finances. Be careful with your money and also be careful not to get involved in something the slightest bit unreliable or unethical regarding finances. Your sex life may also take unusual routes, and you may find people wanting to use sex as a weapon against you in relationships. Be very aware of certain behaviors, and you should be just fine. You pointed out that the sun, the ruler of your chart, opposes the second house with neptune in it (Capricorn). This is not necessarily cause for concern, in terms of financial status. However, make sure to tell yourself that to achieve anything in your career you will have to work very hard. You have a certain confidence in your abilities and expectation that things will go just peachy, but this is a kind of idealism that needs to be backed by practicality otherwise it can result in some major dreams breaking. It can also imply a resentment of your mother (eighth house sun), or unpleasant consequences of occult studies--such as self fulfilling prophecies. Be sure to take everything with a grain of salt, a lot of caution ,and remember that aspects and houses can sometimes just be warning signals. It is up to us to shape our destiny Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 03, 2005 05:18 AM
Its super late and I shall return tomorrow. In the meantime continue posting Love SG IP: Logged |
Loopy24 unregistered
posted August 03, 2005 05:50 AM
Could you do me too please. Neptune conjunct ascendant (cap asc, scorp midheaven).IP: Logged |
moonstar77 Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 03, 2005 01:08 PM
Here's my aspect. I've read stuff on it, but it is such a "heavy" aspect so could use all the info I can get lol. Hope you can help me figure it out. And thanks for doing this! Venus (11th, Taurus) opposite Saturn (5th Scorpio) but my 5th house is ruled by Libra which means that Venus controls it. IP: Logged |
hot_ice unregistered
posted August 03, 2005 09:51 PM
Bang on target,I dream too much,and I'm one lazy F***ker....IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 03, 2005 11:24 PM
Hiya Secret Garden, Astrologer Extraordinaire!!!Wow -- you did a fantastic job with the little info I gave you! The world of astrology will be a sadder place without you as a professional, you have a real flair!!! Maybe after you’ve got that BA degree under your belt, you can explore your options in this direction -- I gotta take another look at YOUR chart! Who'd-a thunk it, that day I made you puke with my blue-green circling smilie, that this is where we'd be in 6 months! First, singleton Moon in Pisces in VIII, the Yod apex, is also the handle of a bucket config – ALL my planets (including major asteroids) except Chiron are in the eastern hemisphere of my chart – houses 10 thru 3. This does place an enormous focus on the Moon and VIII. ”The quincunx stop and go energy creates confusion and makes decision making a pain…” – decision-making a pain for Libras?!? Naaahhhh (LOL)!!! ”Good probability of clairvoyance, ESP, spirituality & occult interest, and with houses XII and III involved, there is an urge to communicate and explore the unknown” Bingo! It is definitely something that interests me to a great degree. Almost wish I had studied psychology in college and used that as a springboard to astrology, like Liz Greene…… Quincunx 1 – Bingo again! The trust issue and domestic upheavals you zeroed in on is right on the money, even down to the physical harm indications - left everything and everyone I knew and loved behind 8 years ago in a run for my life. The conflict you mention between expression of feelings and feeling free was very true when I was younger – despite the Libra Sun and Leo Asc, I was painfully shy and in awe of those I thought were more socially skilled than I. In the last couple decades I don’t find this to be a problem or conflict though….. Quincunx 2 – Bingo yet again! It was disturbing when young to discover that everyone did not pick up “vibes” (for want of a better word) as I did. It was threatening and frightening to feel so deeply, and be assaulted non-stop by the overwhelming feelings of others -- it took me a long time to learn how to "turn it off". For many years I did try to deaden those unwanted perceptions with various substances. I’ve gained some coping skills in the last decade though – see my conversations with Pidaua in aries-chick’s “Emotional IQ” thread. And oh yeah, that wishful thinking thing?!? I have a very rich fantasy life!! Seriously though, how did you come up with the “harboring resentment towards mom” thing? True to this day. She is an extremely judgmental personality, and her constant “constructive criticism” when I was growing up had (and still has) adverse effects on me even now. Great job, sweetie! Thx 1,000,000 for all your time and effort! {{love & hugs}} Mme Z IP: Logged |
Planet_Soul unregistered
posted August 03, 2005 11:26 PM
Moon Pisces 3/4 trine Venus Scorpio 10/11Thanks IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted August 03, 2005 11:31 PM
Sounds fun, Secret Garden. Thanks for the offer!Here is my request: Uranus in Scorpio at 19 degrees Fifth House Conjuncts Vertex in Scorpio at 22 degrees Trines Pisces MC at 14 degrees And depending on how wide of an orb you use, it may trine Venus in Pisces at 25 degrees.
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cancerrg unregistered
posted August 04, 2005 02:31 AM
how about this , sg quote: Venus Square Uranus 3°19 Venus Trine Neptune 0°33 Venus Sextile Pluto 1°55 Mars Sextile Uranus 3°44
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SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 04, 2005 02:34 AM
hi everyone! i promise i have been working on your aspects so dont get angry but ive got a major event for work tomorrow morning and till then im busy in preparations. tomorrow i shall return to post post post awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (!). till your and my heart is content zala im so glad you found it useful! although you really have a much stronger intuition and flair for this stuff than me (pisces moon will kick scorp moons arse anyday! ) Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 04, 2005 04:29 AM
CAPPY_ME: You may have strong passions but difficulty controlling these passions. Though you tend to sabotage yourself most of the time, by being very defensive when people criticize you, but you also have awesome stamina, and you will ultimately work your way up the ranks. Perhaps you will acquire some very powerful position, or maybe you will feel that others are constantly trampling over you in an attempt to gain power. In any case, you will feel like power games are a constant play in your life: struggles for freedom with parents, struggles against culture for autonomy, struggles against firm hierarchies to become an executive, or struggles against your own doubts and aggression to finish your education. You have strong likes and dislikes, and will definitely face some very aggressive men in your life. They may come in the form of an overly aggressive and disciplinarian father, lover, or brother. Sometimes you will find it difficult to escape the control of these dominating men. These men may see the need to control you because they fear that you are too independent and strong yourself, and pose a threat to their authority. There are bound to be struggles in your life, about control over finances. You will feel that you are best controlling them, while outer forces may want to manage or take over your finances for you. Also, your emotions and relationships may suffer public interference, which you absolutely hate. It is also possible that you may have friends who use you, or have large arguments with you, or your family may deeply dislike your choice of friends. Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 04, 2005 04:35 AM
ARIES CHICK: You may develop some insecurities later on in life after having a quite confident childhood. However, you will always appear confident to others. You are talented and sensitive, moreso than the average aries. Although you may express yourself with the same vigor, you really think and feel other’s emotions and reactions more than the typical fire sign crusader. You have trouble focusing your energy, particularly when you are distraught regarding friends. You may set unrealistically idealistic goals. John lennon had this placement--and although he meant to achieve good with his goals, he ended up offending many people through his extreme expressions of those goals, and he also felt occasionally disillusioned due to the high idealism in his mind. Similarly, you can see quite clearly in your own mind what the ideal world and human behavior is , but you get frustrated easily when others fail to see the larger picture, or your efforts do not translate to positive change. You may be very strong against drugs and mind altering substances. Perhaps you help conduct or volunteer in campaigns against drug abuse. You have high, admirable ideals in these regards, and you make your voice heard. You are always concerned about people younger than you not making mistakes that you or other people in your generation have made. You are a stickler for doing the right thing, and this may cost you may friends and many arguments. There is another interesting affect of this aspect, which may come up as a deceitful male entering your life. Since you have good sense of people’s facades, you are unlikely to completely fall as the fool, however it is possible that you may fall in love with such a man. It is also likely that he enter your life through work or your career. Your life and its discipline will not tolerate this kind of deceit for long, but be careful to not trust so easily. Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 04, 2005 04:40 AM
GEMINSTONE: Marriage is likely to be a very deeply loving, lasting, and highly sexual experience for you. Your sexual partner may become your spouse later, and this will be a large event in your life. Its possible that this partner may enter your life early, or that he is an Aries. Its also possible that even if his sun sign is not aries, he acts very much like an Aries--in his affinity for physical activity, his aggression and pursuance in a relationship, or his demeanor and appearance (strong and muscular). Yet there will be some roadblocks and tensions in this picture, and it is likely that the path to establishing this relationship in public and assimilating this man into your life may be a very very bumpy road. It is possible that you will meet this person at work. Many people may think that he is not at all suitable for you, because he seems to be against your actual personality traits and needs. However, many of your own hidden desires will be expressed through this relationship and as such it may be a healthy one. It is also possible that if you get married to this man, you may have children and find a lot of fulfillment in parenthood. Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 04, 2005 04:47 AM
MYSTIC SCORP: This aspect took place for a while and in quite a few peoples charts. Because these planets are outer planets, the aspect itself is not too personal, however, because your sun sign is scorpio, and because of the house involvements, a personal interpretation could be offered. The general meaning of this aspect is usually a rise in spirituality, the occult, and study of spiritual healing during this time period (1928 to present I think, or a few years back perhaps). You may personally feel yourself transformed by mystical subjects, and perhaps even magic and voodoo. It is possible that you can get too involved in these studies, and it is good to distance yourself for a while and take a long hard look at reality. Another affect of this placement may be that, to others, your demeanor has completely changed. it could be that your parents think that you have changed into someone that they don’t even know anymore. Or even friends from 10 years back may not even recognize you, not because of your appearance, but because your values and especially your communication has changed. you may be a more meaningful communicator, or you may also be more reserved now because you feel that your opinions are not as understood and appreciated as they should be. It is likely that you will really truly communicate your honest feelings with very few people until this aspect breaks. It is also likely that you will attract and stay longest with Neptune-influenced individuals. The calm, laid back and dreamy Pisces ideal may materialize as a potential partner, numerous Pisces friends, or taking on of playing an instrument, writing poetry or literature, redecorating or a love for peaceful transformation of dress, home, and possibly, a deep love of animals, and possibly also the ocean or water. Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 04, 2005 04:57 AM
OCEANIC DREAMS: This is indeed a very interesting aspect. You will have all sorts of interesting episodes, regarding both men and women, particularly at work. Your career is bound to skyrocket because of your natural charisma. You may find men at work attracted to you and several may ask you out. It is also possible that both men AND women are interested in you romantically. Nonetheless, your career plays an important role in your love life. The men that you are attracted must have a strong sense of ethics and a good work habit. They are probably groomed and must remember details, and preferably your birthday. The type of relationship you do best in is one that is low key but genuine, and you do not generally feel comfortable with sweeping confessions of love for too long. Instead, you may feel strangely attached to men who are quieter and ‘underdogs’ in the aggressive-macho man game. You are likely to find your ideal mate quickly. You radiate sexuality, magnetism, and determination. People want to be near you, and you feel amiable towards most of your admirers also. You may be very thin and have very strong bone structure, like most models. You may also dress very carefully and somewhat conservatively. Men of all types will be attracted to you. You also tend to have a very high intelligence, and sometimes may find a variety of people jealous of you. You have a look and a personality of ordered dreaminess, of structure yet natural at the same time. Perhaps you have very large, deep colored eyes. you may have high ideals of love, and be a very very devoted lover, but at the same time you are modest and moderate when it comes to sex. Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 04, 2005 05:03 AM
MOON DUCHESS: You are compassionate, intuitive and caring, and find it hard to say no to anyone. Learn to compromise less! Although this aspect increases your creativity leaps and bounds (you could put this to good use in advertising, public relations, writing, or poetry), it can be difficult to put to use, because you are too apt to daydreams. Attending school, university, or even a structured job, is difficult for you to follow for long periods of time, partly because you are so highly imaginative and can see the future very clearly. You have little patience with the present and a short attention span. Turning fantasy into reality involves work, and sometimes you may feel discouraged when your dreams crash down because you failed to put together the proper impetus towards action for them. You may have very idealistic notions about love and relationships. It is likely that you will find a partner very sensitive to your complicated mood swings and needs. However this is likely to come after years of searching and discouragement. This kind of lover is likely to come late in life or late in the dating cycle, and may even be someone unexpected or secret, someone who you had never expected. There is a somewhat dark, mysterious side to your own being. Your fascination with the forbidden, and the dark side of life, is very deep. You may find yourself doing explicitly ‘bad’ things and then questioning yourself why. Although you do have a lot of willpower, you are quite the dreamer and sometimes don’t stop yourself until after you’ve made a mistake. Love SG IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted August 04, 2005 05:04 AM
the rest i shall post tomorrow, so sleeeeeepy byebye Love SG IP: Logged | |