posted January 18, 2006 11:28 AM
Azalaksh -From one of the links you posted above, I think for anyone who wants a really easy compilation about the Vertex will be able to follow this quite easily. Also makes good points on "free will" versus "fate".
"Volume X, Number 2 (Aries/Taurus 1997)
Feature Article
By Rowena Wall © 1997
Many times when I'm doing a reading, I will allude to the Vertex in a chart. Most often I get a response like, "the whozit?" Not surprising since the Vertex is probably one of the least publicized points in the Chart. However, it is one of the most important points and one that should always be examined in forecasting a chart.
What is this thing?
Let me begin by confusing you. If you were doing geometry (and let's hope you're not!), the Vertex would be the pivot point of an angle. That's nice and clear, isn't it?
In Astrology, the Vertex is also an angle. It is arrived at by ascertaining the point in a horoscope where the prime vertical intersects the ecliptic in the west. The Anti-vertex is the corresponding point in the east.
The Vertex most normally falls in houses 5 through 8. However, I have certainly seen it fall in the 9th and 4th , but much more rarely.
The Vertex was actually discovered or invented by L. Edward Johndro, an electrical engineer. Later he did research on very technical astrological mathematical formulae. His theories were so complex they were very difficult to read or understand. However, those who pursued them found them to be most accurate. He had a reputation has a highly technical astrological writer. He introduced the Vertex as an important part of the Chart. He postulated that there must be two Ascendant axes in the chart - one being magnetic (Ascendant/Descendant), and the other being electrical (Vertex/anti-vertex).
Later, Charles Jayne, who was a eminent astrologer, writer, teacher and lecturer, and who emphasized the importance of mathematics and astronomy in Astrology, took up the study of the Vertex. He wrote a number of articles about the Vertex and stressed its importance.
Its Meaning?
Jondhro speculated that the Vertex had to do with involuntary actions, lack of choice and fate. Jayne further postulated that this is the "most fated" part of the horoscope. Modern Astrologers who use this axis, often refer to it as the area where one sees "fateful encounters". This is what I have found to be the most accurate interpretation of the Vertex.
"Fateful Encounters?"
Now I just know your very next question is going to be "What are you talking about now?" Well, sit down and get your coffee and I'll explain a little better, now that all the hard stuff is out of the way!
"Fateful Encounters" clearly refers to those contacts you make in this lifetime which are very karmic in nature. It is very common to see the Vertex aspected by progression/direction or transit when a significant relationship begins (or ends), or when one has met someone who will subsequently be important in one's life.
What's more, it is not at all uncommon to see aspects from one person's chart to the other's chart which include the Vertex. This is pretty much of a sure sign that there is some serious karma in play. An example might be one person's Venus on the the other's Vertex or vice versa.
Other Implications Too!
Of course there are other implications from these contacts. It's not unusual to see the Vertex of a Mother's chart being strongly connected to both her born and unborn children. By unborn, I mean those that may have been aborted or miscarried. A little detective work will show you these touchstones easily.
Children have these touchstones with parents as well. My Mother's moon falls on my Vertex, for example.
On a quick daily transit, you can also find yourself involved in a situation where you say, "You know, I think I know you from somewhere!" And what's that? Deja Vu all over again!!! Inspection will probably show that a transiting planet has aspected your Vertex, and thus you've run into someone known in a previous lifetime.
Important Angle
Recently, Chris Turner and I had an ongoing debate about the importance of the Vertex. Chris is a marvelous Astrologer and Author in Australia, and we write lengthy letters about astrology and other things. She thinks it's just so much "hooey." She challenged me to prove my point. We were going to set up a scientific study of this thing. In fact, Chris got a start on the study when we got interested in other matters and never pursued the issue. But the point is that my experience as an astrologer has shown me that this is a very important angle and should be used.
In rectifying charts, I find the Vertex to be activated during important events in the life - death, marriage and birth, among other things. I also progress and direct the Vertex when I am doing forecast charts, and of course I plot the Vertex in natal charts as well. Some astrologers also use the Vertex in Horary charts, but that is not standard practice.
Karmic Charts
I do a lot of Karmic Charts for my clients, and of course you won't be surprised to learn that the Vertex is one part of the chart that is very significant in this kind of reading.
Since the Vertex is an angle, it is very important that the correct time of birth be used to figure it. Like the Ascendant and Midheaven, the Vertex will change degrees as you change the time of birth.
Every time I do a relationship Chart, one of the first things I look at is the Vertex. This so clearly tells us if this might be a relationship that is being brought forward from a past lifetime.
Many people don't realize that most of our serious relationships have indeed "taken up again". A Karmic relationship with Vertex involvement will give you that feeling that you simply are part of that person - that you are one. That you can't live without them. You often meet the person and "at once" know that there is some important connection there.
While there are other factors as well, I would have to tell you that the Vertex connection is very clearly a major indication of "Soul Mates".
Is It Really So Vexing?
Well, the truly vexing part of this whole Vertex business is that if you are involved in a situation or relationship where your Vertex is involved, you often feel like you must stay with it or do something to "complete it", no matter the consequences. You find it hard to run away from or ignore Vertex situations. This is another reason I call it the Vexing Vertex. Sometimes we just WANT to get away and not being able to can be frustrating.
How Fateful Can you Get?
In modern Astrology, we take the position that you are the Captain of your Ship and that you are in control. While you may have opportunities that come your way, no one can make you take advantage of them. Therefore, a professional astrologer will always advise you that you have freedom of choice in matters. And that you are the one who creates your own karma on this earth.
This is a very true statement and I continue to espouse that. But I will tell you that when that Vertex is involved, it is not something you easily wiggle out of - and running seldom is an option. You will feel that compulsion to "play with fire", and the heat be damned!
When I do charts for my clients, I always delineate the Vertex, and find it most interesting as to when it crops up. If you have had charts done by me before, you will probably recall that I have stressed the importance of certain events at times, and most likely that time will involve an aspect with the Vertex.
But if you are involved in something significant now, just ask me to check your Vertex when we update your chart and I'll be happy to specifically tell you that I've done so. We may just find out that you are into something something really Karmic and meaningful. If you are, we'll explore it further.
It often helps to know just what you're dealing with at the time, since it will guide you in your decisions and actions.
Karmic Good Wishes For You All!
Copyright © 1997 by Rowena Wall."
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