ARIESPINK unregistered
posted August 27, 2005 02:34 PM
Hi everyone,How would you know if a pisces guy has fallen in love. Sometimes, they can be tricky to make out when expressing their emotional side. Would appreciate any feedback on same. IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted August 27, 2005 04:09 PM
As a Pisces moon and Pisces magnet, I've never known a Piscean to be "tricky" about thinking they're in love and showing it. They can fool themeselves into thinking they're in love, when it's only a fascination, but outwardly it's usually pretty obvious. Pisces is the sign that "loves to be in love" and its natives are notorious for throwing themselves at the object of their affection (as well as themselves off a cliff in pursuit of love, figuratively speaking). They tend to lavish the object of their affections with lots of attention, even gifts, favors and others things. Pisceans in love tend to be WAY too accomendating, letting their object of their affections walk all over them. Unless this is a very oddball fish, I doubt you should be so confused whether a Pisces is interested or not. If it's not clear, it could be that you are projecting your own inner confusion, imagination or ambivalence upon that particular Pisces instead. Pisceans often get other people's "stuff" projected onto them and then blamed for it as if it was their own "stuff." IP: Logged |
ARIESPINK unregistered
posted August 28, 2005 07:24 AM
Hi Gemini Nymph,Thank you for replying. You are so right in what you are saying re pisces guy. I agree, he can be very decent in buying presents etc., which is so true. I tend, as an Aries, to go into dreamland too much and imaging all sorts of problems. I have a Mercury in Pisces, so this is probably why I am like this. He has a Gemini Moon, so he tends to be all over the place sometimes and likes his space. I really appreciate your reply, Gemini Nymph. It is like you know the person, brilliant. IP: Logged |
GingerB unregistered
posted August 28, 2005 08:41 AM
I'm a female Pisces with a Capricorn moon. And though, I am very much the push over for someone who's caught my attention, I'm not the type of Pisces that would "run after one of the boys". I'm more the type to let it be till I know for sure that the feeling is mutual before I just go to make a fool of myself. (we are talking beginings here right.)One thing that I do know is that if they do have feelings for you, in a Pisces especially, you can see it in their eyes.  IP: Logged |
ARIESPINK unregistered
posted August 28, 2005 09:51 AM
Hi GingerB,You are so right. Pisces men in particular will not make a fool of themselves unless they know for certain that the feelings are mutual. They start off as being very friendly and sharing interests and yet, they have an intuitive feeling as to whether they are comfortable with said person or not. You are so right about the eyes, as pisces have the most mystic and dreamy eyes, and once you look at them, all problems are forgotten. That is a good point to note. Thanks again for great info. IP: Logged |
LILYGIRL unregistered
posted August 28, 2005 10:16 AM
The Pisces I know the best is my Dad, married 44 years and now widowed for five. I think you have to be very careful about Pisces men. They may place one on a pedestal but they are quite sensitive and very very worried about being rejected. They are not brainless fire breathing aggressive. In the beginning especially they can pine for you, ache for you, watch you and consider and dream about you. Frankly that phase can be extended. When I look into the eyes of any Pisces I see the permutations, the machinations, the possiblities of ---me--- (Will she be friend, confidante, lover, irritant??)merely running through their minds. They all seem to have that trait. It sounds odd but it's actually lovely.The question is ARIES is what stage is your relationship? I agree that once they have (in their minds only..LOL) staked their claim they "come out"; they swim from their protective caves. They can be suddenly warm, generous, silly, effusive and clingy. For a passive sign, I find that they have a way of being aggressive and unbeknownst to you, taking the reins when you are not watching. Here is my final example of a Pisces man. I was 19 on a study away program at a California University. I was studying very hard, knew few people, and working part time at a cafe. I was writing my first love an Aqua, a student studying overseas and cheating with a Leo girl. I became friends with a beautiful though almost slight gentleman, A Pisces on my dorm floor. we would take walks together, listen to music, eat dinner. We would tell each other things.I knew he had slept with many girls and he knew I had slept with no one. He grew up a lonely only child, I a shy one with many siblings. Three or four months into this, I am brushing my teeth in the famous coed dorm bathroom. I look up and suddenly see Michael staring at me. He simply says he is taking the bus to Davis, to visit his folks for the day, do I wish to come. I agreed which was somewhat unusual (spur of the moment trip). Well we journeyed there. And I recall walking through a deep wood to the home, a log cabin. When we arrived no one was home. I don't recall being surprised or worried. Perhaps they had gone for groceries. Pisces Michael went to the yard, picked some flowers and put them in a vase. He made us sandwiches and lit a fire. The next thing I know he is giving me a tour upstairs. We are in his old room, a now stark but pretty room decorated only by a iron wrought bed with blue and white linens. He begins kissing me, and this is what I recall most. We lay on that bed kissing for what seemed an eternity, and him asking--in my ear very quietly--if he could slip off my blouse which I let him do. I was in my half slip, braless when a truck rolled up the gravel back path. It was his parents. I never realized why I have such a fetish for pretty bras and black half slips until this summer when I remembered that day with Michael. Nothing happened sexually between us after that. I convinced myself that I had been saved from myself. And he knew I had said that to myself; he just knew. What is memorable is that we stayed very close. He continued to come to the cafe to visit me, to knock on my door and ask me to walk into town to hear music. We would hold hands and laugh. He did not forget my birthday.
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ARIESPINK unregistered
posted August 28, 2005 12:42 PM
Hi Lilygirl,I found your story so interesting and it must bring back some warm memories. Pisces guy I know quite a while now and the only problem is that he has a Gemini Moon, so he likes his space quite a lot. I have got used to this by now. They live for their dreams and you must repsect their dreams, I discovered. They are very warm hearted, very generous and considerate. With a Gemini Moon though, it can have its drawbacks, sinking into deep mood swings and then appearing as if the cloud had passed over. Your story was lovely to read and you will always find that pisces guys keep in touch with friends over the years. Thank you for replying. IP: Logged |
LILYGIRL unregistered
posted August 28, 2005 02:57 PM
I have Gem sun and mercury and am upbeat about 85% of the time. That might also be the Aries and Sag in the chart.I am not familiar with the Gemini Moon but I know Pisces regardless of how long they have been involved with someone can get sad, withdraw go into a shell. It's WATER baby. The thing that I think is tough for Aries ( I have Moon and Mars) is that Fire wooshes in and whisks out moods with great speed and fervor. I know alot of Aries and they generally-- do not stay angry or depressed for extended periods of time. They almost think, "If I get in motion I will eventually feel better." And eventually for them, is sooner rather than later. I think Pisces can get very contemplative and absent for periods. I wish a Pisces --like Mama Mia or a few Pisces gentlemen would chime in for you. But I concur that a MOON really alters the basic write up on a SUN!  IP: Logged |
nove731 Knowflake Posts: 324 From: NYC Registered: Jun 2009
posted August 28, 2005 03:52 PM
I have my Venus, Vertex, and Descendant in Pisces. If that counts for anything, really. I don't know. I generally don't go out on a limb and chase people. I guess that makes me rather atypical for a guy. Hrm. I don't know. I just let people come to me. I figure if something is meant to happen it'll come to me. Maybe that's a mistake, or wishful thinking. I'm not sure. I guess it's even odder, considering, that I have an Aries Sun, and a Sag. Moon...IP: Logged |
ARIESPINK unregistered
posted August 28, 2005 04:02 PM
Hi Lilygirl and Nove731, Delighted to hear from you both. You are so right, because I have fire, I tend to rush a lot without thinking sometimes and think the worst about people. That is my Aries Moon and my Gemini Ascendant confuses me as well. I have a mixed up chart. Pisces are very emotional, you are so right and they are such nice, sincere people. Nove731, do you find with Venus in Pisces, that you love living near water or just like scenic places near the sea. I find pisces also love their quality time alone to IP: Logged |
viper Newflake Posts: 2 From: Denton, TX Registered: Dec 2012
posted August 29, 2005 09:04 AM
Gemini NymphYou seem to have hit the nail on the head quite correctly there. As a Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and North node in Pisces - I can sort of go completely with what your saying. AriesPink, if you need more - do ask. As for Venus in Pisces, yes, I have this and apart from living on an island - surrounded by water, I work for the harbour authority and am on the ocean most days. Lived in France for six months a few years ago and I used to drive three to four hours each w/end just to be near the ocean. I hated looking out and seeing nothing but fields or landscapes without the sign of water, even lakes or rivers. IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted August 29, 2005 09:59 AM
Heeeeyyyyy AriesPink: Pisces in love huhn! Well it is not hard to tell when that is happening especially the women. But it is true we offer our whole complete selves no halves at all.. The gifts the time all of that is a forsure sign that we are there. I am Pisces with Aqua moon so I need some space at first, But give me that space and I will start to need less and less space as long as you don't smother me,just gradually let me come around. Gemini moon ppl are quite the same. My lil one's dad has a gemini moon took along time for him to c come full circle with me.. Anyway continue to give him his space ass his gemini moon likes and be patient and soft to his Pisces sun and this will work out..GOODLUCK you are in for a special treat. Hi LILYGIRL.... IP: Logged |
ARIESPINK unregistered
posted August 29, 2005 02:34 PM
Hi Viper,So interesting reading your reply re Venus in Pisces. It is amazing to find out that you live on an island surrended by water. I think by having Venus in Pisces, you also like the solitude of returning to your own personal residence near the sea. It sounds like something in a dream. With Venus in Pisces, would you take a while to get to know them first, without releasing how you feel. Would love to hear feedback on same as I am trying to discover more on the pisces I know. Thank you so much. Mama Mia, You are so kind in your reply. I will certainly allow him the space which he needs and am gradually learning how a Pisces with a Gemini Moon works. I have an Aries Moon, and sometimes I have no patience. Through this forum, I am learning so much. Thank you. I really appreciate same and I will learn to be patient. IP: Logged |
viper Newflake Posts: 2 From: Denton, TX Registered: Dec 2012
posted August 30, 2005 03:36 AM
Hey Ariespink'With Venus in Pisces, would you take a while to get to know them first, without releasing how you feel' That's an interesting one - yes and no. Yes, it is true that there is a lot of considerations taken on board 'psychologically speaking' before ones mind is made up regards a potential partner and in general brief affairs are not usually entered into. When Venus in Pisces decides to get involved, it is usually intended to be long term only - nothing else will do. It has something to do with the dreaminess and romanticism of the placement - the object of ones desire is seen as the ultimate object of desire and becomes moreso as each day passes. They can get into brief affairs, but this is not a true reflection of their real desires. If this is the case you can be assured, there is no feelings involved from the Piscean side of things. This is not to say they are using the partner, it is more a case of their yearning need for physical contact but no emotion enters the equation and this is shown by their aloof natures in such situations. They are often the ones being pursued in these relationships, there are no little presents, tokens of affection or continual phone calls or more importantly, very little holding or touching of the partner, other than in bed. Now should it be someone they really do want to get involved with, things are a lot different. These partners are not usually someone they have just met, they are usually people they already know, or know sufficiently well enough to form that image of them in their minds eye that they are the desired partner. They seldom rush into the relationship, preffering to nurture it through the primary stages, building up a good friendship with the chosen partner, this is in part due to the inner fear they hold that there feelings will not be reciprocated by the desired person and not wishing to make a fool of themselves by declaring undying love for them. All the while this is going on, Venus in Pisces is building an image in their mind of their perfect love, and the chosen person is viewed as being this ideal partner - any faults are lost to the great swirling rush of desire welling up inside of them and the partner becomes, as far as Venus is concerned, the ultimate object of love and affection. Once confirmation has been given that they too desire the venus in pisces person - it's full on and they give their all to and for the partner. Little presents are often offered, these can be anything from buying a tube of sweets for their partner on the way home to a diamond necklace - and not just for a birthday or christmas gift. Lots of touching and holding the partner is a must. And most important of all, bathing together is a must, to ensure the image of romanticised love is preserved. Venus in Pisces loves to feel the skin of their partner, glistnening with water. The partner is simply placed on a pedestal and adored, almost worshipped and always loved for they have chosen them, as far as they are concerned, for ever!!! However, should the illusion disolve, should the partner hurt, betray or deceive venus in some way - although they will virtually always forgive, they will never forget and that spark of total devotion and commitment will be lost, and no-matter what, can never be regained.  IP: Logged |
Loggerhead unregistered
posted August 30, 2005 12:39 PM
Wow... Viper, I must hand it to you, you have a way of writing about different aspects of a chart, in this case Venus in Pisces, that's really arresting. It practically makes one want to fall in love with a Pisces immediately, any Pisces, sight unseen, lol! Linda also had this knack, describing each sign so perfectly and with so much love and humanity that one never looked at the signs in the old way again. I am learning so much in this forum... Even in the supermarket checkout line, I sometimes look at people the way they carry on with their partner, or on their cellphone, and I think, Gosh, this one must have Mercury in Aries, or whatever... LOL! IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted August 30, 2005 01:08 PM
Viper: that is a good descriptin of Pisces not just Venus in Pisces,but a Pisces person period.. This is almost exactly how I operate once I figure out that I want you foreal..I say almost exactly bc my Aqua moon gives a lil resistance,but if the feeling is strong my Pisces sun wins all the time.. IP: Logged |
whalewasp78 unregistered
posted August 30, 2005 01:16 PM
I saw this and couldn't help but post. Yea, I guess we get a little twinkle in our eyes when looking at someone we like or love. It means we're 'bonding' if you don't look away. I also re-affirm my love to my family with alot of arm around the shoulder and squeeze type hug with the males, and my sisters and mother I have to watch myself because I literally squeeze the air out of them.Physical contact is something I can't get enough of, and giving myself to someone gives me great feeling of inner warmth. On the dark side, if I find myself alone, with no one to give these too, I crack open a bottle of strong stuff, and substitute that warmth with the burn of alcohol. And, sometimes, the help of 'other' things. IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted August 30, 2005 01:30 PM
That is funny WW bc my lil one is also a Pisces and WOW he is so affectionate and special in that way. He smothers me with love..and not just bc he is lil it is bc of his Pisces sun. I took him to a b-day party this past Sat and I left and came back to pick him up when I got back the hostess of the party told me, your son has become everybodys baby at the party she asked what is his sign I said Pisces she says I should have known that is why he is so affectionate. Turns out she is Pisces too.. We are really special ppl Pisces mena nd women born Feb or March.. A BIG OLE HUG OUT TO ALL MY PISCES PPL ON THIS FORUM!!!!!
Lets see if I could name a few... Viper,Whalewasp,Waternymph,GingerB,SpellboundDevilfish,hooked, I am sure there is a few more I cannot remember all off the top of my head.. IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Moderator Posts: 1474 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 30, 2005 02:20 PM
I am fellow Pisces... did someone say "HUG", oh god yes!!! Hugs are so amazing... **cries** lol  IP: Logged |
whalewasp78 unregistered
posted August 30, 2005 02:53 PM
A communal Piscean hug? Wow! Something significant WILL happen!IP: Logged |
ARIESPINK unregistered
posted August 30, 2005 03:35 PM
HI VIPER,I read your reply and my god, I could not believe it, because it was as if you were describing the pisces that I know so well,right down to the imtimate moments. Unbelievable. It proves Astrology is so right and that looking at the Birth Chart of people, how they act according to same. You are so good to reply with said info and it means so so much. This pisces loves anything to do with water etc., just like you descibed. Everything you wrote is so scarily true. Pisces like lots of touching which is true and I have a Venus in Taurus and I like touching alot too. He has a Mars in Saggittarius though and sometimes, he can get hot headed, but then cools down automatically like it never happened. Bye for now. IP: Logged |
viper Newflake Posts: 2 From: Denton, TX Registered: Dec 2012
posted August 31, 2005 02:31 AM
Well being a fish, I have to say, shyly, thankyou! -- often wonder if I know what I'm talking about, but guess I got something right here then!!  'he can get hot headed, but then cools down automatically like it never happened' Fish folk don't like fighting (verbally or otherwise) I know the odd accassion I have had to fight my corner, it's usually only ever been to satisfy the partner. If that sound odd, it's really just that a couple of my X g/f's used to get so angry cause I never flared up when they were kicking off. It has something to do with the Piscean ability to see deep inside anybody with virtual clarity and comprehension. Knowing exactly what their feeling and being able to understand how or what they are feeling and therefore appreciating the outburst as being a release of energy, for their own good. Anyway, they used to get so aggitated by my somewhat reserved dealing with it so occassionaly I would flare up, just to satisfy them, and obviously they would then get riled even more, justifying them to kick off more - so after ten minutes or so of sparring at one another I used to throw in a below the belt compliment, stare them straight in the eye and just a hint of a smile, which I must say apart from my last g/f - also a piscean, used to do the trick everytime and all there anger or annoyance would disipitate into a rather more entertaining energy - which as I'm sure you can guess, involved lots of touching????? lol
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viper Newflake Posts: 2 From: Denton, TX Registered: Dec 2012
posted August 31, 2005 02:36 AM
Oh, one more thing, you may find that pisceans appear to always be in love with their X partners and this is often misunderstood by othersIt's not so much that they are in love with the X, though some may be, it's more to do with the fact that because they selected their partner with so much thought and consideration and because the partner was so - almost - ideal, they are reflecting at that lost ideal of love - not the person itself - actually this may be more of a venus in pisces thing rather than a sun sign thing - ohpps. But non the less, it is true  IP: Logged |
ARIESPINK unregistered
posted August 31, 2005 06:17 AM
Hi everyone, Appreciate all the replies. I have learned so much, it is great.Hi Viper, I am fascinated with your indepth knowledge of venus in Pisces. I know that pisces love lots of touching etc. The matter of the X Partner is so true. They always keep in touch with them and that used really annoy me being a fire sign. With my Venus in Taurus, I could feel jealousy setting in, which is not good. I guess I have learned to trust him as time goes on. Mr. Pisces will say, ah there all just friends and keep in touch. Pisces tend to have a lot of female friends too, which is another factor I find hard to comprehend. I am learning to be patient though. One last question, Viper, with Venus in Pisces, do you like space like this pisces does, i.e. would you need to spend quality time on your own and then resurface feeling refreshed as if nothing happened. Sorry for all the questions,Viper, but I feel that what you have written is such valuable information. Thank you. IP: Logged |
viper Newflake Posts: 2 From: Denton, TX Registered: Dec 2012
posted August 31, 2005 06:49 AM
Hi AriespinkNo prob, hope it helps in some way. Space, hmm... I may not be the best authority on this one because all of my piscean placements are in the 12th house, so like it or not, I often find myself alone or feeling left out of the group. I know this is very much a 12th house scenario, but in regards to a partner. Because I have sun and moon conjunct in the same sign and house, my subconcious desires for a partner is to be totally absorbed with one another. Not meaning in a suffocating way, but as in being the most important person to me and visa versa. So from my own perspective spending time alone, would actually manifest in as much as spending time alone, with my partner. As they would be with me. All this said, yes Pisceans in general do like a little bit of free space to rejuvenate, it has a lot to do with the psychic tendencies of this sign, some more than others - but in general they pick up energies from everyone they come into contact with and more often than not, thoughts too, which makes for some weird situations when the thought which spins in your head are the exact same as the words the person next to you suddenly speaks aloud. It always makes me wonder if it was my thought or someone elses. And it happens alot. So it is sometimes necessary to de-tox of other peoples auric fields etc.. But this usually only requires a quick refreshing shower and hey presto, it's all cleared. Sorry I can't be of more help on this one but as I said, my placements makes it a little different to most other pisceans  IP: Logged | |