Topic: Love at first sight - Astrological aspects
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted September 25, 2005 08:40 PM
What aspects would cause this? And I am not talking about sexual aspects.------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra "You must live in the infinite blackness that exists when I close my eyes. I see you when I fall asleep, I see you when I dream." - Talib Kweli IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 474 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 25, 2005 08:53 PM
Probably strong contacts between your personal planets and angles. Sun/Moon/Venus/Mars. Ascendant/IC/Desc/MC. Strong Pluto would be good too. Squares are oddly magnetizing. Conjunctions would bring familiarity. Usually 'sexual aspects' come into it. Whether you want me to talk about them or not.IP: Logged |
WaterNymph unregistered
posted September 26, 2005 08:21 AM
How about Sun or Moon forming a hard aspect with the other's Sun/Moon midpoint?IP: Logged |
GemStar unregistered
posted September 26, 2005 08:22 AM
Transiting Venus conjunct natal Uranus...IP: Logged |
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted September 26, 2005 08:40 AM
I meant synastry.
------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra "You must live in the infinite blackness that exists when I close my eyes. I see you when I fall asleep, I see you when I dream." - Talib Kweli IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted September 26, 2005 09:06 AM
"Classic" Aspects: Sun conj. Moon. (My 1d Aqua Moon's conj. my Husband's 1d Aqua Sun)... But that's really kinda more like, "Dude! I know you!" at first sight. Happy Moon/Venus things don't hurt, either - in my experience, they seem to make for a bit of an emotional understanding. (Me: Aqua Moon, Taurean Venus; He: Taurean Moon, Aqua Venus) IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted September 26, 2005 10:16 AM
Oh yes I would say Sun/Moon Conjunctions and Venus/Sun Cinjunctions and Moon/Venus conjunctions somewhat..Ive had this in a few relationships and it has always been real powerful when we first met, we kinda of just gazed at each other for a minute b4 even saying hi,,, LOL.. IP: Logged |
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted September 26, 2005 11:02 AM
I have sun trine venus with a scorpio. Would that be an aspect that I can include in this? I had Sun conj. Moon with my ex cappy.
------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra "You must live in the infinite blackness that exists when I close my eyes. I see you when I fall asleep, I see you when I dream." - Talib Kweli IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 474 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 26, 2005 12:16 PM
( i was talking synastry)IP: Logged |
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted September 26, 2005 01:29 PM
Yes I know. I meant to say it to Gem Star.
------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra *´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ * Lost in the peace of serenity Blind my eyes I cannot see Lost my soul but found my heart Again a time, when I shall start IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted September 26, 2005 05:33 PM
Sun/moon midpoint hard aspectsIP: Logged |
Jazzebel unregistered
posted September 26, 2005 08:27 PM
Venus of one conjuncting Uranus of another, instant sparks! Been there, done that- its irresistible  IP: Logged |
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted September 26, 2005 09:25 PM
I had venus conjucnt uranus with my ex cappy. That messed up everything.
------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra *´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ * Lost in the peace of serenity Blind my eyes I cannot see Lost my soul but found my heart Again a time, when I shall start IP: Logged |
Jovian Knowflake Posts: 498 From: US Registered: May 2012
posted September 06, 2012 10:51 PM
I echo the Venus-Uranus connections as being electric at first sight.How about Venus conj Asc? Felt by the Venus person, that is. The Ascendant partner appears to be your "ideal." IP: Logged |
CRCRINCON Knowflake Posts: 263 From: CA, USA Registered: Aug 2012
posted September 09, 2012 01:42 AM
I had love at first sight with my husband (been together 8 years and married 4) I'm still so inlove with him it's ridiculous...Not sure what created it??? I am not sure if we share the "common" themes astrologically people speak of. Intuitively I know it has something to do with his Sun Gemini/Taurus Moon. That combo has always attracted me to people. But with him, the moment I met him, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I was even with someone else when we first met. And for months it ate me up because I knew I was falling inlove with him and wasn't sure if we would ever get a chance to be together romantically. We have Venus Square Uranus. His moon squares my Venus, trine my mars, inconjunct my NN and Widely (7degree) trine my ASC. My moon sextile his ASC. My pluto opposed to his ASC. We also have: Sun Conjunct SN Moon Trine Pluto Moon Opposed Venus Mars opposed Pluto Venus Trine Mars Okay - So we have MC inconjunct ASC ASC conjunct MC (large orb of 8 though) Think those aspects would affect "love at first sight"??? IP: Logged |
libragemmale Newflake Posts: 11 From: Registered: May 2012
posted September 11, 2012 09:09 PM
My partner and I have Sun conj. Pluto and we had love at first sight . I always thought Venus conjunct mars or venus conjunct moon to be pretty darn powerful among the active planets. I had my venus stuck in a woman's Moon and found her incredibly irrisistable on a sexual and emotional level.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 22813 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 13, 2012 10:39 AM
 ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
Pinkie&TheBrain Knowflake Posts: 70 From: Europe Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 13, 2012 01:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by CRCRINCON: I had love at first sight with my husband (been together 8 years and married 4) I'm still so inlove with him it's ridiculous...Not sure what created it??? I am not sure if we share the "common" themes astrologically people speak of. Intuitively I know it has something to do with his Sun Gemini/Taurus Moon. That combo has always attracted me to people. But with him, the moment I met him, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I was even with someone else when we first met. And for months it ate me up because I knew I was falling inlove with him and wasn't sure if we would ever get a chance to be together romantically. We have Venus Square Uranus. His moon squares my Venus, trine my mars, inconjunct my NN and Widely (7degree) trine my ASC. My moon sextile his ASC. My pluto opposed to his ASC. We also have: Sun Conjunct SN Moon Trine Pluto Moon Opposed Venus Mars opposed Pluto Venus Trine Mars Okay - So we have MC inconjunct ASC ASC conjunct MC (large orb of 8 though) Think those aspects would affect "love at first sight"???
yes, sun conjunct south node. Node conjunctions get my no.1 vote in terms of creating "love at first sight". IP: Logged |
a_may_gemini Knowflake Posts: 176 From: Los Angeles, Calif Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 15, 2012 06:51 AM
My ex Leo and I had very few synastry aspects. Because he and I were only born 2.5 months apart, much of our chart planetary positions were the same. However, when we met, it was love at first sight.These are the aspects we have: Venus trine Pluto (mine to his) Mars conjunct MC (his to mine) Sun conjunct MC (mines to his) Sun trine Saturn and Jupiter (mine to his) Moon trine Uranus (mine to his). We both have the same NN, his is Leo in 1 degree and mine is in Leo 3 degrees. Astrologically, his chart and mine completely miss each other but we were together for over 7 yrs and we hardly argued. We had a very intense love. IP: Logged |
geea Knowflake Posts: 316 From: the green glass Registered: Jun 2011
posted September 15, 2012 01:18 PM
This is my chart w/ my ex. We met in highschool. He was the new guy and the first moment we looked at each other we froze both without saying a word. We didn't even talked, I came to my sense and left, lol- It was instant and yes, I'd call this love at first sight. I fell in love with him the moment I saw him. The first time we talked was days after when a friend introduced us "officialy":P It never happened with anyone, not even with my actual boyfriend who's got almost the same chart as him, only the moon is different. IP: Logged |
punisher91 Newflake Posts: 19 From: The Darkend Abyss Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 15, 2012 02:15 PM
can be caused by having their sun or venus in your fifth house. also can be caused by your venus having aspects to uranus or neptuneIP: Logged |
starfairy Knowflake Posts: 119 From: los angeles, california, USA Registered: Jul 2010
posted October 10, 2012 11:38 AM
Have you ever fallen in love at first sight? You know, that exciting, heart-stopping feeling you experienced the first time you laid your eyes on that special someone? You might have had a Venus-Uranus synastry aspect with that person. You likely met this person when one of you was searching for something new and exciting, completely out of the norm of your other relationships. Maybe this person came from a different cultural background than you. Maybe you felt stuck in your stale marriage, and you then met an interesting, intriguing younger man who completely swept you off your feet. Uranus serves to jolt us awake, making us aware of our need for independence, individuality, and stimulates our desire for the unique. Uranus beckons us to take the road less traveled, to step out of our comfort zone and into new, fresh experiences.Venus-Uranus in Synastry When Venus meets Uranus, the chemistry is unmistakable. You probably met suddenly, and unexpectedly. The Uranus person is enamored by the Venus person’s grace and beauty, while the Venus person is intrigued by the excitement and unpredictability the Uranus person promises. You feel you have met your soul mate, and the relationship starts with a bang. The intellectual connection is through the roof; you feel you have met someone with whom you can share your unusual interests. Along with this connection is a strong physical and sexual attraction. As with all outer planet to inner planet synastry aspects, the outer planet person usually has the upper hand in this relationship. As the relationship progresses and things start to get comfortable, Uranus may begin to withdraw. Why is this? Well, Uranus represents freedom and independence, and has a disdain for tradition, while Venus seeks harmony and cooperation. Venus wants romance and peace, while Uranus wants excitement and freedom. When Venus gets too close to Uranus, Uranus may distance himself from Venus. Uranus may begin to feel Venus wants more of a commitment than he can handle. Venus brings out Uranus' desire for freedom, which makes settling down into a commitment very difficult. Perhaps as the two settle into a routine, Uranus gets bored and seeks excitement elsewhere. Uranus is a rebellious planet, and may resent the fact that Venus wants to “tie him down.” Indeed, what started out as a torrid, exciting love affair can quickly degenerate into an unstable, unpredictable situation. Venus-Uranus relationships are marked by an on-off energy between the couple. Numerous separations, often at key moments, characterize this relationship. Indeed, the ability to count on one another is tarnished with this aspect. Venus finds it difficult to get Uranus to commit, and becomes frustrated by Uranus’ inconstancy. Venus’ initial feelings of excitement soon turn into feelings of frustration and disappointment at the perceived lack of interest on Uranus’ part. Indeed, this relationship has the potential of ending just as quickly as it began. This aspect is also found in the synastry charts of long-distance relationships, interracial relationships, or relationships in which there exists a large age difference. Either way, the relationship itself is unconventional in some manner. This description relates especially to hard aspects between Venus and Uranus in synastry. The trine and sextile are far more manageable; they inject excitement and unpredictability into the relationship, but are not as destabilizing and upsetting as we would experience in the case of hard aspects. Note: Hard aspects between Venus and Uranus on their own do not spell doom for a couple. With the right amount of stabilizing aspects (e.g. Saturn), this relationship can last for a long time. Individuals with Venus in Earth or Water will have a more difficult handling this aspect than individual with Venus in Fire or Air.!venus-uranus-in-synastry-electric-love/cktj IP: Logged |
Long - standing Knowflake Posts: 43 From: World person Registered: Aug 2011
posted October 22, 2012 09:54 PM
I have Venus (my) opposite husband's Uranus, i couldn't stop thinking about him from the very begining, we more then 20 years together, and he is very often on business trips, nearly every month, it keeps the relations fresh and i think its Venus - uranus plays.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 22813 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 23, 2012 10:05 AM
Awww...------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
astrofan123 Knowflake Posts: 92 From: Registered: Oct 2012
posted October 31, 2012 12:05 AM
I would think it involves the ascendant as it is the first thing people see. in my 13 yr relationship: my uranus trine his venus (Out of sign aspect) my moon conjunct his asc my venus conjunct his moonedit: my Eros conjunct his vertex his IC conjunct my vertex I think vertex is also significant. fated meeting. romantic or not. but both our vertexes happen to be in the natal 5th house IP: Logged |