Topic: The birth chart of Jesus
peace Knowflake Posts: 35 From: Las Vegas,NV Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 01, 2005 07:13 AM
Was Jesus a Capricorn?.Christmas is considerd his birthday,although some research I did on the net said that he was a Pisces hmm...okay.What do you people think?.Sun Capricorn or Pisces? Ascendant?.We'll never know.If possible,could someone post Jesus' birth chart on this board.IP: Logged |
Lauren unregistered
posted October 01, 2005 07:22 AM
We've had a few threads about thisthis is one of them: if you do a search for "Jesus" you'll find lots more IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted October 01, 2005 07:51 AM
Virgo......I believe... if he existed.....he was born in September.....Virgo.....the server....... xxx
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Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted October 01, 2005 08:59 AM
No one really knows. You can't go by what they think or say. Because they aren't even sure themselves. ------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra *´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ * Lost in the peace of serenity Blind my eyes I cannot see Lost my soul but found my heart Again a time, when I shall start IP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 35 From: Las Vegas,NV Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 01, 2005 10:19 AM
Sweet!IP: Logged |
The Mutable Night Force Knowflake Posts: 122 From: England Registered: Oct 2009
posted October 01, 2005 11:24 AM
I clicked on that link. and read the first point.And I'm sorry but Jesus was not a Virgin. Blimey, he was human, after all. IP: Logged |
Pop Producer unregistered
posted October 02, 2005 03:14 PM
From my blog...------------------------------ Christ Was A Cancerian Says Non-Dodgy Gemini 26/03/2005 15:38:43 Dear Mystic, Amen to that! Christ was NOT a dirty Capricorn. He was a Cancer. Lol, I have no evidence to back that up really, just a vibe I get. Actually, come to think of it, there is evidence.... A lot of evidence... Jesus talked about family and children a hell of a lot... His message was one of love ("Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." and "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.") peace ("blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called God's children"), and compassion for fellow man, never letting people go hungry and even performing miracles to feed them!! (�I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.� . He was not quick to anger, but when he did he upturned an entire market place! (Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.) But most of all, he had that sly crablike shifty way about him when he wanted to dodge questions he didn't like: ("Are you the King of the Jews?" "It is you who say I am"; -and how's this next one for a cancer-guilt-trip? - " �I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me�one who is eating with me.� They were saddened, and one by one they said to him, �Surely not I?� �It is one of the Twelve,� he replied, �one who dips bread into the bowl with me.") He was not afraid to show emotion to his friends, but was stoic in public, and cried tears of blood when alone (That's some power-crying if ever I saw it!) I think we will agree that Cancerians are incredibly opinionated and can even be a little close-minded. Jesus (and I'm speaking as a practicing Catholic here) was so close-minded he said the only way to get to heaven was via him! And who but a Cancer could get away with saying something like that to the point of founding a major religion?! And finally, the selfless martyrdom of the all put upon Cancer, can TOTALLY be seen in the crucifixion can it not? Rather than just die, oh no, he had to die FOR THE SINS OF EVERYONE BUT HIMSELF! Yikes! Lol, anyway, he had none of the traditional Cap stats and the Church even admits that he probably wasn't born in December or January. What more evidence do we need really? But Amen to the not a Cap thing. Definitely not a Cap. *Walks away mumbling incomprehensibly about how Jesus was not dirty enough to be a Capricorn* God bless, ~JeanMarie (the non-dodgy Gemini who is totally biased towards Cancers and against Capricorns) IP: Logged |
Quark unregistered
posted October 02, 2005 08:57 PM
None of the above mentioned signs would have sacrificed their lives for a lofty ideal in the way that Jesus did. Im sticking with my Pisces theory. Plus he was at his hey day in the age of Pisces. The evidence is really in on this one.IP: Logged |
Pop Producer unregistered
posted October 02, 2005 09:10 PM
He was a Piscean figure, IMHO, regardless of his sign. IP: Logged |
Mystic Gemini unregistered
posted October 02, 2005 09:25 PM
No one can say what he is because no one really knows. ------------------ Gemini sun, Cancer rising, mercury in Gemini, moon in Taurus *29, venus in Taurus, mars in Libra *´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ * Lost in the peace of serenity Blind my eyes I cannot see Lost my soul but found my heart Again a time, when I shall start IP: Logged |
Quark unregistered
posted October 02, 2005 09:33 PM
You know, Mystic is probably right. I rephrase and withdraw my last comment.It "seems to me" that Jesus "may have been" a Pisces considering "all the evidence I know". There thats better! I hate being so aristatalian some times. Nothing is black and white. Whoever he was, he must have been a pretty important dude, coz everyone still talks about him. I bet he had nice eyes :P IP: Logged |
Lauren unregistered
posted October 02, 2005 10:35 PM
I still think Jesus didn't have a sign. He was the 13th with 12 apostles..They could be representative of the signs. If he did have a sign I don't think it really matters anyways. lol Just for the record it doesn't make anyone a better person if they're a Cancer or any other sign and they somehow found for certain that Jesus was deinitely a Cancer or a Pisces or a Virgo or a Capricorn or whatever sign they are.. Honestly it doesn't. You still have to make your *own* good deeds in life. That's the way it works. No point arguing Jesus was your sign, like it's some kind of badge of honour. "wow he's a Cancer guess that means I'm a saint now" The kinda saint that puts other people down in order to put themselves on a pedestal. "Christ was NOT a dirty Capricorn. He was a Cancer." What a nasty thing to say ..and when talking about Jesus none other..I swear some people are real hypocrites IP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 35 From: Las Vegas,NV Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2005 11:29 PM
Lauren, What do you mean badge of honor?.It's just a simple question.Why are you deeply offended by this post?.What do you mean people are real hypocrites?.I thought you were open minded.IP: Logged |
Lauren unregistered
posted October 02, 2005 11:34 PM
umm sweety what I said had absolutely nothing to do with you. It had to do with that person saying "dirty capricorns" which is puting other people down and it's nasty, while speaking about Jesus. I mean isn't that a little bit ironic? IP: Logged |
Divine Goddess unregistered
posted October 02, 2005 11:35 PM
Good Lord... read the star notes people... The dude is a LeoMoses and the Devil are Capricorn Lucifer is Libra Satan is Scorpio ------------------ Superstition is to religion what astronomy is to astrology: the mad daughter of a wise mother IP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 35 From: Las Vegas,NV Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2005 11:40 PM
Lauren, Aha! your a Capricorn.IP: Logged |
Lauren unregistered
posted October 02, 2005 11:47 PM
True I must be..Why would anyone give a rats about anyone else..unless they were that particular sign..People should just look after themselves period Man I wish the world was diff..Must be my Mars/Neptune conjunction or Pisces MC/Jupiter.. I can't stand it the way it is. Literally *can't* stand it. At some point in my life I think I'll give up..because I honestly can't take seeing it IP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 35 From: Las Vegas,NV Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2005 11:52 PM
Lauren, Is it true that Cappy's are chocolate coffee aficionados?.Just to clear up rumors.
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peace Knowflake Posts: 35 From: Las Vegas,NV Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2005 11:53 PM
Lauren, Is it true that Cappy's are chocolate and coffee aficionados?.Just to clear up rumors.
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Pop Producer unregistered
posted October 03, 2005 12:06 AM
"wow he's a Cancer guess that means I'm a saint now" The kinda saint that puts other people down in order to put themselves on a pedestal.
Lauren, it is the second time I post something (i only been here for 10 days or so) and you attack me personally based on your crazy suppositions. Cut it out you freak, get your Aries agressiveness out of my posts - You are paranoic. This is no way to interact at a forum. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone unregistered
posted October 03, 2005 12:14 AM
what's going on in the sky? I think Jesus was a cancer ascending Capricorn and Moon in Pisces
more water but tied to Earth there had to be some cappy there thank ggodness IP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 35 From: Las Vegas,NV Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 03, 2005 12:17 AM
Pop Producer, I forgot your sun sign.
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Lauren unregistered
posted October 03, 2005 12:36 AM
Pop I wasn't attacking you with that statement. I was giving an example. I could've said Pisces or Cap in the exact same example..but Cancer was the last one mentioned so I had it in memory. If anything I was critical of the post you "pasted" not your OWN words. But I wasn't attacking the person who wrote that either. I just find it hypocritical so I'm criticizing it. There's a difference between criticizing and attacking. Please don't take things personally and insult me when they aren't personal attacks at all. That is definitely not a civil way to conduct *your*self anywhere, not only on a forum Also, when I said "just for the record" it wasn't critical. I meant it as a "reminder" to people.. because I see that's the way the thread is going. Peace out IP: Logged |
SecretGardenAgain unregistered
posted October 03, 2005 01:46 AM
historically speaking what Ive heard from the natives of Bethlehem, Jesus' birthplace (went there this summer, awesome altho im not christian), almost all the denominations there agree that he was a summer birth. if one is to trust the account in the bible of marys journey during her pregnancy, being on the verge of delivery, shaking the ripe date tree (date trees are ripe in early spring/summer....) etc. anyways he does probably have a sign if he is believed to be mortal (i donno im not xian). but thats besides the point that people cant transcend their charts. Just coz Im a gemini doesnt mean im damned to all the Gemini follies. Love SG IP: Logged |
Cassy Newflake Posts: 13 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted October 03, 2005 06:11 AM
"Christ was NOT a dirty Capricorn. He was a Cancer." What a nasty thing to say ..and when talking about Jesus none other..I swear some people are real hypocrites I agree with Lauren on this one. That was a nasty thing to say.
PP, do you know that in Linda Goodman's Love Signs she makes reference to the Cappies that are the chosen ones (Jews)? I wonder what that makes Jesus? Just a thought!
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