Topic: Chiron in aspect to Venus
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1007 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2008 07:24 PM
23 ~ IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 714 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2008 07:37 PM
Thank you! And yes, I can relate to all that stuff too. I think though that was more how I was in my younger days, when I never listened to folks though!IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2008 09:07 PM
zaladoes this book have any information about chiron and ascendant - mine are conjunct 1 degree and chiron is also conjunct sun 5 deg - but that's a bit wide isn't it? IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1007 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2008 09:39 PM
Here's Chiron/Sun -- I'll go pull out the book and see I know there's a few pages in Martin Lass that I can copy out for ya..... **edit** and here's another good Venus/Chiron interp: IP: Logged |
persian_cat unregistered
posted July 06, 2008 10:06 AM
Please help me figure out this synastry results:Planet 1st Aspect Planet 2nd P1 Position P2 Position Orb Venus conjunction Lilith 11 Cancer 44' 8" 3 Cancer 55' 8" 7.82 Pluto conjunction Jupiter 4 Libra 38'26" 27 Virgo 56'17" 6.7 Pluto conjunction Uranus 4 Libra 38'26" 0 Libra 53'29" 3.75 North Node conjunction Mars 16 Sagittarius 45'19" 16 Sagittarius 13'26" 0.53 Lilith conjunction Ceres 8 Aquarius 48' 4" 5 Aquarius 36'53" 3.2 Chiron conjunction Sun 24 Aries 29'53" 27 Aries 43'20" 3.23 Chiron conjunction Saturn 24 Aries 29'53" 28 Aries 28'36" 3.98 Pallas conjunction Ceres 29 Capricorn 45'51" 5 Aquarius 36'53" 5.85 Sun opposition Ceres 7 Leo 21'56" 5 Aquarius 36'53" 1.75 Moon opposition Lilith 2 Capricorn 9'17" 3 Cancer 55' 8" 1.77 Mercury opposition Pallas 20 Cancer 8' 4" 12 Capricorn 32' 5" 7.6 Mercury opposition Juno 20 Cancer 8' 4" 15 Capricorn 14' 0" 4.9 Venus opposition Pallas 11 Cancer 44' 8" 12 Capricorn 32' 5" 0.8 Venus opposition Juno 11 Cancer 44' 8" 15 Capricorn 14' 0" 3.5 Mars opposition Pholus 2 Virgo 5'56" 28 Aquarius 16'20" 3.82 Jupiter opposition Pluto 16 Pisces 59'59" 22 Virgo 55'29" 5.93 Saturn opposition Pallas 12 Cancer 12'31" 12 Capricorn 32' 5" 0.33 Saturn opposition Juno 12 Cancer 12'31" 15 Capricorn 14' 0" 3.03 Uranus opposition Sun 24 Libra 1'19" 27 Aries 43'20" 3.7 Uranus opposition Saturn 24 Libra 1'19" 28 Aries 28'36" 4.45 Pluto opposition North Node 4 Libra 38'26" 28 Pisces 57' 3" 5.68 Pluto opposition Chiron 4 Libra 38'26" 4 Aries 15'17" 0.38 Juno opposition Pluto 18 Pisces 32' 9" 22 Virgo 55'29" 4.38 Vesta opposition Sun 21 Libra 37'24" 27 Aries 43'20" 6.1 Vesta opposition Saturn 21 Libra 37'24" 28 Aries 28'36" 6.85 Moon sextile Pholus 2 Capricorn 9'17" 28 Aquarius 16'20" 3.88 Mercury sextile Pluto 20 Cancer 8' 4" 22 Virgo 55'29" 2.78 Venus sextile Moon 11 Cancer 44' 8" 11 Taurus 27'28" 0.28 Venus sextile Mercury 11 Cancer 44' 8" 7 Taurus 40'31" 4.07 Mars sextile Lilith 2 Virgo 5'56" 3 Cancer 55' 8" 1.83 Jupiter sextile Pallas 16 Pisces 59'59" 12 Capricorn 32' 5" 4.45 Jupiter sextile Juno 16 Pisces 59'59" 15 Capricorn 14' 0" 1.75 Saturn sextile Moon 12 Cancer 12'31" 11 Taurus 27'28" 0.75 Saturn sextile Mercury 12 Cancer 12'31" 7 Taurus 40'31" 4.53 Neptune sextile Ceres 6 Sagittarius 56'34" 5 Aquarius 36'53" 1.33 Pholus sextile Pallas 9 Pisces 43'42" 12 Capricorn 32' 5" 2.82 Pholus sextile Juno 9 Pisces 43'42" 15 Capricorn 14' 0" 5.52 Ceres sextile Pallas 14 Pisces 7'53" 12 Capricorn 32' 5" 1.58 Ceres sextile Juno 14 Pisces 7'53" 15 Capricorn 14' 0" 1.12 Pallas sextile North Node 29 Capricorn 45'51" 28 Pisces 57' 3" 0.8 Juno sextile Pallas 18 Pisces 32' 9" 12 Capricorn 32' 5" 6 Juno sextile Juno 18 Pisces 32' 9" 15 Capricorn 14' 0" 3.3 Vesta sextile Mars 21 Libra 37'24" 16 Sagittarius 13'26" 5.4 Sun square Moon 7 Leo 21'56" 11 Taurus 27'28" 4.1 Sun square Mercury 7 Leo 21'56" 7 Taurus 40'31" 0.32 Moon square Jupiter 2 Capricorn 9'17" 27 Virgo 56'17" 4.22 Moon square Uranus 2 Capricorn 9'17" 0 Libra 53'29" 1.27 Moon square North Node 2 Capricorn 9'17" 28 Pisces 57' 3" 3.2 Mercury square Sun 20 Cancer 8' 4" 27 Aries 43'20" 7.58 Mercury square Venus 20 Cancer 8' 4" 13 Aries 17'40" 6.85 Venus square Venus 11 Cancer 44' 8" 13 Aries 17'40" 1.55 Venus square Chiron 11 Cancer 44' 8" 4 Aries 15'17" 7.48 Mars square Neptune 2 Virgo 5'56" 28 Scorpio 7'20" 3.97 Mars square Vesta 2 Virgo 5'56" 27 Taurus 57' 2" 4.13 Jupiter square Mars 16 Pisces 59'59" 16 Sagittarius 13'26" 0.77 Saturn square Venus 12 Cancer 12'31" 13 Aries 17'40" 1.08 Saturn square Chiron 12 Cancer 12'31" 4 Aries 15'17" 7.95 Pluto square Lilith 4 Libra 38'26" 3 Cancer 55' 8" 0.72 Pluto square Pallas 4 Libra 38'26" 12 Capricorn 32' 5" 7.9 North Node square Pluto 16 Sagittarius 45'19" 22 Virgo 55'29" 6.17 Pholus square Mars 9 Pisces 43'42" 16 Sagittarius 13'26" 6.5 Ceres square Mars 14 Pisces 7'53" 16 Sagittarius 13'26" 2.1 Juno square Mars 18 Pisces 32' 9" 16 Sagittarius 13'26" 2.32 Vesta square Juno 21 Libra 37'24" 15 Capricorn 14' 0" 6.38 Sun trine Venus 7 Leo 21'56" 13 Aries 17'40" 5.93 Sun trine Chiron 7 Leo 21'56" 4 Aries 15'17" 3.1 Mercury trine Neptune 20 Cancer 8' 4" 28 Scorpio 7'20" 7.98 Mars trine Sun 2 Virgo 5'56" 27 Aries 43'20" 4.37 Mars trine Mercury 2 Virgo 5'56" 7 Taurus 40'31" 5.58 Mars trine Saturn 2 Virgo 5'56" 28 Aries 28'36" 3.62 Uranus trine Pholus 24 Libra 1'19" 28 Aquarius 16'20" 4.25 Neptune trine North Node 6 Sagittarius 56'34" 28 Pisces 57' 3" 7.98 Pluto trine Ceres 4 Libra 38'26" 5 Aquarius 36'53" 0.97 Pluto trine Vesta 4 Libra 38'26" 27 Taurus 57' 2" 6.68 Lilith trine Uranus 8 Aquarius 48' 4" 0 Libra 53'29" 7.92 Pallas trine Jupiter 29 Capricorn 45'51" 27 Virgo 56'17" 1.82 Pallas trine Uranus 29 Capricorn 45'51" 0 Libra 53'29" 1.13 Pallas trine Pluto 29 Capricorn 45'51" 22 Virgo 55'29" 6.83 Vesta trine Pholus 21 Libra 37'24" 28 Aquarius 16'20" 6.65 First planet positions are mine and the second are for him. I have raised the subject before in a different forum about this dillema I have Please help me figure out the answers and then maybe it would help me get over him peacefully. Thank you so much. IP: Logged |
katatonic unregistered
posted July 06, 2008 06:40 PM
thanks for this azalaksh, just came across this and the sun/chiron there a moon one somewhere? i think i still have this book somewhere maybe i'll just go dig it out. my chiron tops a t-square with moon and mercury either side...IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted July 06, 2008 06:49 PM
"Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence? -Sai Baba"oh dear.. this quote is so APT, seeing as Sai Baba is a world renowned paedophile.
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Purple_Chick_71 unregistered
posted July 07, 2008 12:36 PM
Zala - thanks for doing this! It's been a fascinating read...and scary accurate, I think! Neptune's Muse - How about THIS for a "chironic chart"? Chiron: square sun ------- 2 deg sextile moon ----- 0 deg trine mercury ---- 6 deg sextile venus ---- 1 deg conjuct mars ----- 7 deg opposed uranus --- 9 deg trine neptune ---- 5 deg opposed pluto ---- 7 deg conjunct ASC ----- 1 deg square MC -------- 4 deg Yeah, I know some of those are wide, but I still beat you! Na na na na naaaaa na! lol Sorry...that was my Aries ASC talking!  But seriously, these interpretations resonate with me, even the wide aspects. BUT...I'm starting to wonder if I'm an astrological hypochondriac! lol Every time someone posts about a "type" of chart (plutonian, neptunian, etc...), I see myself! Maybe I'm just too self-entered! (There's that Aries ASC again!) LMAO ------------------ Sun - Capricorn (10th House) Moon - Gemini (2nd House) Mercury - Sagittarius (9th House) Venus - Aquarius (11th House) Mars - Aries (12th House) ASC - Aries IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted July 07, 2008 04:23 PM
i also have chiron trine venus. man! you'd think that would be something lovely.. but sadly, this description seems very true. lots of heavy karmic relationships.. but, i do learn a lot from them, so i guess that's the upside. i'd really like to hear that it would be possible to fall into requited love with someone and have it be lovely and not so heavy though. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 71 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2008 07:52 PM
I have Chiron sextile Venus and that was the most accurate description I've ever read. Wow. The irony is that not only do I sacrifice myself on the altar of Love, but in fact my real name IS Love (it's not just a cheesy handle). It's like I planned it that way as a reminder of why I'm here. I was JUST having a conversation with myself on my balcony...well, more like a debate...about this very topic, so I suppose synchronicity is very present for me today. Also, my most exact Chiron aspect is Chiron square Saturn, 0 degree orb. Ugh. The Magi heartbreak aspect in my own chart. Chiron certainly explains a bundle.
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oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 1081 From: New York Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2008 09:42 PM
This one certainly rings true for me! I am officially sacrificed, lol.I think I might be running neck and neck with ya Purple_chick. I have: Chiron: Conjunct Sun Conjunct Descendant Oppose Uranus Square Jupiter Trine Saturn Trine North Node Trine MC Trine Moon Trine Neptune Sextile Mars Sextile Venus Sextile Mercury Sextile IC ------------------ Aries Sun Moon Sag Scorpio Rising IP: Logged |
Purple_Chick_71 unregistered
posted July 07, 2008 10:49 PM
WhatEVER One-Mars! You think you can out-Chiron me just because you'e an Aries Sun??? Hah! You can't list an aspect to both MC and IC because it's basically the same thing! And...ummm...another thing...I bet your orbs are, like, 29 degrees and stuff...yeah, that's probably it! Just teasing! IP: Logged |
oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 1081 From: New York Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2008 11:01 PM
Girl jealousy does not look good on you! lol IP: Logged |
Purple_Chick_71 unregistered
posted July 07, 2008 11:22 PM
NO YOU DIDN'T!!! Hey, EVERYTHING looks good on ME, One-Mars! lolBtw, where in S. Carolina are you? (If you don't mind me asking.) I've been to Columbia and Charleston...loved Charleston! It's so pretty. But MAN! Was it hot! (And it was only early May at the time! lol) IP: Logged |
oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 1081 From: New York Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2008 11:44 PM
lol You are to crazy! I love it! And I am not doubting that everything probably does look good on you!  I am from a small town in S Carolina. But currently I live in Charleston. And yeah right now it is blazing hot. Sometimes the breeze from the ocean helps, but yeah still hot! lol I love it here though, it is the cutest litte city I will probably always keep a home here. ------------------ Aries Sun Moon Sag Scorpio Rising IP: Logged |
Purple_Chick_71 unregistered
posted July 07, 2008 11:58 PM
So now you're trying to charm me, huh??? lolYeah, Charleston was great. And the food was fantastic! Lucky you to be living there! (Except for the God-awful heat! lol) But alas, I fear we are highjacking this thread, and I should also probably go to bed. (Hey, I made a little poem! lol) Night! Night! IP: Logged |
oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 1081 From: New York Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 08, 2008 12:08 AM
Yeah, all this heat, lucky me! lol I think you are right, its bedtime! Nice to meet you though.  Say hello to your new friend! lol
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 09, 2008 04:38 PM
Once again...deffinately fits:i have the kiron skuare venus: it seems i must equilibrate my feminin and masculin side-- im straight yup but i guess i just had too many past lives as a man isnt it?Sometimes i dream about it:that i was very free soul with head ahead of times and always stubborn to do things my way by force. im rambling now... my Bf has venus trine kiron:fits as well... his 1st serious relationship was never easy,very karmic and too demanding adn he didnt had the return he deserved.. . I know by experience that that past experience has inflincted upon him many traumas and wounds.. IP: Logged |
katatonic unregistered
posted June 03, 2009 05:25 PM
well my own chiron and venus are exactly 75 dg apart, so not included here, but the square fits with someone i know, who doesn't seem to have any "trouble" being a man but is very gentle in his treatment of fact he is not the only one i could say that about, same aspect.anyone going through chiron conj venus at this time? IP: Logged |
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 2265 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2009 10:04 PM
wow the venus square chiron is intresting i have it and can relate to it but i would never change my gender i like what i have most of time . but the whole experimenting with gay and lebian stuff is really sexy i like it.IP: Logged |
lindaGreg Knowflake Posts: 495 From: Bermuda Triangle Registered: Feb 2010
posted February 18, 2010 05:18 AM
Ok, refering back to the first topic where the moderator has kindly provided us with some valuable information on Chiron / inner planet aspects, I have a question.I have a Venus Square Chiron + Venus Opposition Uranus As per the moderator's information it says... "Chiron square Venus sets up the maximum stress between finding a value system which will enhance spirituality, or just giving oneself over to one emotional high after another. Also, Chiron square Venus usually signals heavy duty past life karmic pressure having to do with gender identity. In the esoteric teaching, we are taught that we choose a particular gender identity to balance male/female polarity, anima/animus polarity. Life is no more than an opportunity for experience so that we can become more evolved. And part of being able to become developed involves experiencing both sexes. Often when we are moving into a gender we are unused to there is a lot of stress, and Chiron square Venus indicates this type of stress. Thus, a person with many male past lives may be bom a female this time or vice versa, and this is often shown in the chart with Chiron square Venus. We also see this frequently when Mars is conjunct Venus in the natal chart. This client may be essentially male trying to cope with being female or vice versa, and astrologers can help the client with in depth Mars/Venus counseling. Often this native will cop out of sexual balancing by becoming gay or lesbian, although he or she might accomplish more by switching genders completely. Or, this native may appear to be gay or lesbian while actually being asexual and adjusting to the situation. In all cases, counseling on Mars/Venus energies in the chart will be most enlightening. The astrologer of Chart 22 has experienced deep emotional conflicts and a great struggle with her powerful animus within. The conflict will tend to resolve at the Uranus opposition. It is very likely she has powerful male past lives and that she is learning to use power with female or Venusian means this time." So can I assume that because I have Uranus in the opposition, in addition to Venus square Chiron, that there should not be any conflict? Because although I am not a lesbian, I still feel more confortable around men than making friends with women. I am not sure whether this info is relavant. So is my assumtion right? IP: Logged |
amowls* Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted February 18, 2010 11:46 PM
I have Venus square Chiron too but with a Uranus square to Venus.I'm not gay, but I am a Feminist  IP: Logged |
Ami Ann Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted February 19, 2010 07:36 AM
Usually trines are good. I have Chiron trine Venus and it does not seem good but painful. Maybe ,everything Chiron touches is painful? AmiIP: Logged |
Caramia Knowflake Posts: 44 From: germany Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 19, 2010 02:51 PM
Chiron square Venus sets up the maximum stress between finding a value system which will enhance spirituality, or just giving oneself over to one emotional high after another. Also, Chiron square Venus usually signals heavy duty past life karmic pressure having to do with gender identity. In the esoteric teaching, we are taught that we choose a particular gender identity to balance male/female polarity, anima/animus polarity. Life is no more than an opportunity for experience so that we can become more evolved. And part of being able to become developed involves experiencing both sexes. Often when we are moving into a gender we are unused to there is a lot of stress, and Chiron square Venus indicates this type of stress. Thus, a person with many male past lives may be bom a female this time or vice versa, and this is often shown in the chart with Chiron square Venus. We also see this frequently when Mars is conjunct Venus in the natal chart. This client may be essentially male trying to cope with being female or vice versa, and astrologers can help the client with in depth Mars/Venus counseling. Often this native will cop out of sexual balancing by becoming gay or lesbian, although he or she might accomplish more by switching genders completely. Or, this native may appear to be gay or lesbian while actually being asexual and adjusting to the situation. In all cases, counseling on Mars/Venus energies in the chart will be most enlightening. The astrologer of Chart 22 has experienced deep emotional conflicts and a great struggle with her powerful animus within. The conflict will tend to resolve at the Uranus opposition. It is very likely she has powerful male past lives and that she is learning to use power with female or Venusian means this time. ___________________________________________this is so true. I have chiron square my venus and I has always been a person who feel like more masculine AND always thriving to rebel against limitations of humanhood. when i was a child i did not want to be female... now in my 41, i am happy with my gender,....but overreat to male jokes about women or cultures that dont respect women, etc... i also has venus conjuct mars, which reinforce all the above explanation. I always suspected that if reincarnation exist, i was a man. i was so sure of that. reading this reinforce my idea. thanks for this piece of info. IP: Logged |
enchantress299 Knowflake Posts: 736 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 01, 2010 12:33 AM
I hate the gender/sexual identity thing with regards to aspect interpretations. I just don't think you can see that from aspects. I have Chiron square Venus and Uranus square Venus. According to those descriptions I should be a lesbian.  I am not a lesbian and I don't feel that I am overly feminist either. I believe that women should have rights and be comfortable in their own feminine power, but not so much so that they have to become men to do it. What I could see is that there is that recognition of the feminine side of power within ourselves. Women have power just as men do, it's just a different kind of power. So again... I don't think that the gender stuff is valid. I would like to know how that relates to Chiron anyway. I didn't think that Chiron was overly masculine. IP: Logged |