Topic: Chiron in aspect to Mars
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1010 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 04, 2005 01:05 PM
The following is from the book "Chiron-Transforming Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets by Barbara Hand Clow: quote: CHIRON IN ASPECT TO SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, MOON, MARS, AND JUPITER When Chiron aspects a planet in the horoscope, the aspected planet is Chirotic. On the most primary level, the planet aspected by Chiron is similar in feeling to a planet involved in a quincunx, i.e., it is constantly activated and being pushed to a new level of awareness. Specifically, contents in the subconscious mind related to past life struggles which are relevant to emotional responses for this lifetime are activated within the vibration of the planet that is in aspect to Chiron. For example, in a chart with Venus square Chiron, the native would tend to get involved in love affairs with individuals whom they had already experienced trauma with in past lives. On a more subtle level, aspects to Chiron attune the planet in aspect to "Chiros." Chiros is the realm beyond linear time which is ruled by Saturn. It is the place where events in the here and now relate to the synchronicity principle. The synchronous level is our experience with congruences between this dimension and other non-physical dimensions. It is the place where we can find the interface between realities. It is the place in time where we can attain another plane of awareness by simply moving our focus to another realm. For example, it is the place in the psyche which recognizes significant meaning with another human that you've just met whether you know it is based on a past life contact or not. So, regarding a planet aspected by Chiron, outside events occur which attune this planet to higher consciousness vibrations in attunement with the planet in aspect. For example, natives with Chiron sextile the Sun will draw parents who try to raise the child in a good environment. Those parents also probably knew the child before. Jungians say the synchronicity principle is "accusal." To me that means the cause is not definable on the physical plane; the cause is coming from the universal timeless mind, the emotional and soul body or some other dimension which we haven't even intuited or identified yet. The planets in aspect to Chiron can resonate easily on all those levels. And regarding the "accusal" synchronicity principle, now that Chiron has been sighted, we are beginning to attune to the "unseen" causes. As we attune to them our bridge to multidimensional realms is stronger. Planets in aspect to Chiron feel unstable at first; they represent energies which we feel compelled to experience and master. Chiron's role is to destabilize, to infuse Saturnian form with Uranian energy. The experiences related to planets aspected by Chiron have only really been pushed into action since November 1977 when Chiron was sighted. Many new consciousness programs, movements, and new paradigms such as I.C.C.S., Asilomar with David Spangler and Dr. Brugh Joy, Jean Houston workshops, and Chris Griscom's work with gold needles started in the fall of 1977, and readers should take a moment to reflect on changes in their behavior since that time. For example, suddenly in 1977 and 1978, people realized they could access emotions by going into places in the body. Your ability to resonate with the planets aspected by Chiron will be enhanced by a moment's reflection on what you were doing in 1977-78, because that is a major power point in the emergence of Chiron. Aspects to Chiron are subtle because they push us to subtle levels, but Chiron is a knife-like tool you can use to dissect levels of awareness. You can utilize Chiron to sensitize yourself to other dimensions. Transits of Chiron are very critical and are not subtle, which will be discussed in Chapter Twelve. But, the aspects of Chiron to the planets and Nodes are subtle; like the emergence of a new shoot of a plant above a great root system. That shoot has great energy from the massive root system, and as you allow yourself to attune to Chirotic energy and eras, (a life force), it will infuse your system with a wonderful youthfulness, a sense of great hope. The resonation in the mind is also intense; these aspects are probably the key access point to the large field of consciousness presently not being used. We can only begin to imagine at this time the great potential of working with aspects to Chiron. We will not get this level by thinking, however, it only comes by experiencing. CHIRON IN ASPECT TO MARS Mars aspecting Chiron natally indicates a deep association with the sacred warrior archetype. Mars is the activation of the animus, the male aggressive principle in the natal chart, and aspects to Chiron spiritualize the issue. The sighting of Chiron on November 1, 1977 offers the hope of a successful solution for the nuclear dilemma. As already indicated, Chiron liberated Prometheus from the underworld, thereby returning the power of fire to the human race. Now, 3600 years later at a synchronous point in the cycle of Nibiru, we have taken fire power to its end point by developing nuclear weaponry. Chiron's natal reading, related to the atom split chart in Chapter Thirteen, indicates a way out of the dilemma. On the most basic level, people don't need to kill each other any more when they have transmuted their consciousness and absorbed their past life karma. But in the Chiron nativity, Chiron square Mars is showing that the sacred warrior has incarnated again! Splitting the atom was a cosmic karmic error, or at least we can say that the consciousness of the scientists was not adequate for the work at the time. The human race will eventually learn not to violate the basic microcosm of the universe; but once Pluto was sighted in 1930 it was inevitable that the human race would have to learn that lesson. But, how do we protect ourselves? The splitting of the atom was a violation of the holographic galactic essence because of the consciousness of the scientists involved. That is, Earth and all beings here have a molecular sharing relationship to the galaxy. We are the children of the galaxy. We are dangerously playing with fire in the universe when we change the basic unit, the atom, without understanding the whole. It was microcosmic rape by the negative warrior energy here. As individuals participating in a synchronous galactic hologram, we are only allowed to use force to protect ourselves if it is by means of the high consciousness of the sacred warrior. That is, we are to contain our power centered in our solar plexus, and our protection is our own inner strength. Becoming the sacred warrior means becoming the protector of the hearth, of Hestia the goddess of home, balance, and peace. It means entering the Earth with passion, not raping it. It was low warrior energy when Jason violated Medea, Circe, and Hestia, the three women of the Moon. Low warrior energy is any form of rape and power over women; high warrior energy is protection of the hearth, the women and children. Clearly we have a chance to relearn the sacred arts, to live in balance with Mars and Venus. The collective unconscious already knows that Mars/Venus imbalances result in holocaust and diseases such as AIDS. For example, has anyone considered that just splitting the atom—not even considering the radioactive pollution resulting—has resulted in new disease? All we have to do now is change the dynamic, and those with aspects between Mars and Chiron can teach us the way at this time. Chiron conjunct Mars is the beginning of knowing the sacred warrior. Of four clients I have who have Chiron conjunct Mars, all but one are using it in an unevolved way. They are amazingly bullheaded; they relate to others as if they were horses wearing blinders, and they are extremely energetic. They find it very difficult to see themselves objectively, but they are good-hearted and care about others. These three are women, and obviously it is hard for a woman to get in touch with the sacred warrior image. However, two of them responded strongly when I suggested that they resonate or attune with Artemis. Chart 15, with Chiron conjunct Mars, is of a priest working with Native American rituals. He has shared the sacred warrior energy for many years with the Sioux. His Pluto/Sun conjunct in the 12th squaring the Moon in Aries in the ninth house caused him to be very open to the spirituality of the Sioux, and his Chiron conjunct Mars caused the Sioux to recognize his role as sacred warrior for planetary healing. The sextile of Chiron and Mars powerfully births the sacred warrior archetype in consciousness. These natives are naturally courageous and feel like they can do anything. And when they use energy, they are balanced and unceasing. Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid is a perfect example of Chiron sextile Mars energy in the horoscope. The role Lynn Andrews plays in Medicine Woman as sacred female warrior stealing the marriage basket from the rapist male, Red Dog, is a perfect example of the Mars sextile Venus power. Lynn Andrews also has Chiron in the tenth house sextile Uranus/Mars natally, making her the ideal writer to bring the archetype of the sacred woman warrior into consciousness at this time. And cosmic geologian Teilhard de Chardin, Chart 32, has Chiron sextile Mars, and he played the role of sacred warrior within the Roman Church trying to open its doors to new thought. Chiron square Mars creates a tendency to try to avoid transmutation. The natives are very aware of the power of Chiron because of the square, and they develop all kinds of strategies for avoiding Uranian energy until they experience their Uranus opposition. This position is like the way most of us feel about going to the dentist. Mars is aggressive use of energy, and Chiron is a breakthrough to the other side, so this native is being challenged to develop new and unusual strategies for living. Zane Stein has noted how they tend to get into a rut, and a superb example of this is Jim Jones of the Jonestown massacre, Chart 35. Chiron in the late fourth house conjunct the Sun in the fifth indicates his search for self involved release of creativity, and the square to Mars in the eighth indicates how he got locked into a horrifying necrophiliac pattern which took many lives with him. The artist photographer of Chart 9 has experienced great difficulty with getting into ruts. In fact, he was experiencing paralyzing depressions when Chiron was transiting his Mars/ Uranus square Chiron natally. Since the Mars/Uranus is in the seventh and Chiron is in the top of his ninth house, this spiritual crisis put severe stress on his relationships. I can honestly say that I do not think this client would be alive now if it weren't for his work with Chirotic energy. Obviously this effect is radically intensified by the Sun, Venus, and Chiron being in Virgo. The channel of Atlantean symbols, Chart 33, has Mars square Chiron within the grand square of Chiron/North Node in the tenth—Mars in the first—South Node/Part of Fortune in the fourth—Uranus retrograde in the seventh. She learned to activate the Mars opposite Uranus as soon as she found her life path of activating symbols for New Age consciousness. Natives with Mars trine Chiron always seem to be the ones who get all the lucky breaks. Their intuition is superb and aggressive, and they seem to anticipate exactly the right moment to make a breakthrough. The presence of Mars cuts down on the general tendency for trines to be lazy, and the Saturn part of Chiron is activated by Mars, which tends to cause the native to be very adventurous. Sigmund Freud, Chart 51, had Chiron in the third house exact trine Mars, and his ability to communicate his energy is still phenomenal today. Phil Donahue has Chiron trine Mars, and his ability to get all the breaks for himself and then cause consciousness-raising in his work has been admirable. The New Age harpist of Chart 36 has shown the same tendency to get all the breaks and then change consciousness with her work. She specializes in slow tempos in her music which heals people, especially the elderly. Chiron quincunx Mars creates terrific transmutative force, as do all quincunxes to Chiron. You will find very few natives with this position who are closed to consciousness expansion, but you will find many who yearn for more awareness but do not know how to attain it. As always with quincunxes, the energy never stops pushing toward manifestation. Because of the basic tension involved in aspects between Mars and Chiron, this aspect will mainly result in constant tension with a lot of resolution. Chart 37 is the chart of a priest who has been leading transformative walks to holy sites. He has great charisma, and his drive to bring in great energy is strengthened by the Mars quincunx Chiron. His South Node in Virgo shows he was a healer in past lives who has come to communicate ecstasy (the North Node in Pisces in the third house). Mars quincunx Chiron is a difficult aspect to develop, but there is great potential for continual new levels of awareness. Chiron opposite Mars is the full potential of the sacred warrior archetype, but since this consciousness is so little understood in culture, there is very little room for expression. Natives with this aspect will have great compassion for the oppressed and be moved to fight injustices. Natives who have been unable to overcome fear and cultivate courage because of the cultural dynamic they've lived in will be honest, trustworthy, and very strong. As more years pass since the sighting of Chiron, more natives will find the power of the sacred warrior growing within. Chart 2 of the young New Age healer shows a younger person who has been able to activate the warrior energy by doing her work, and also participating in firewalks. This young woman is courageous and secure; she is a sign of the future.
Thoughts, anyone??
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted October 04, 2005 01:19 PM
Azalaksh,Wow, I want to know more how do I know where this is in my chart? Mystic Gemini did a chart for me but chiron was not mentioned. Love and Light to you and thanks for posting that it makes alot of perfectly good sense........ IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1010 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 04, 2005 01:36 PM
lho ~You can do your own chart at and it only takes a few minutes to set yourself up. Here's how: Please go to Right under the “Astrodienst” in the blue title bar is a section called "Free Horoscopes", click on that. Under "Please select your free horoscope" choose the section headed in gray called "Horoscope Chart Drawings" and pick "Extended Chart Selection". Click on "Add a New Person" and set yourself up. Then under "please select the type of chart you want" drop-down box, choose "natal chart wheel" and click on the "click here to show the chart" button. Once you've run that you'll have all your planetary positions (and a nice picture!). At the "Horoscope Home" page, you can now click on "Portrait" under Astrodienst Free Horoscopes" in red. Down at the bottom of your "Short Report - Personal Portrait" is the text listing of all your planetary and house positions. It has been written "give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him...." you know the rest..... 'Zala
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lotusheartone unregistered
posted October 04, 2005 01:54 PM
thanks so much you are so sweetZala Love and Light to YOU IP: Logged |
teaselbaby Newflake Posts: 5 From: Ohio Registered: Jul 2009
posted October 04, 2005 05:11 PM
Thank you for posting all of these aspects 'Zala.  My sister has Mars in Sagittarius trine Chiron/Ascendant, and this pretty much describes her. (she's also a very determined Cappy with Aries rising, though ). Angela IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2005 02:02 AM
Nothing for sesqui-quadrate.Got Chiron sextile Saturn? IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1010 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2005 03:36 AM
AG ~Will try to run and post Chiron to Outer planets/Nodes/Angles tomorrow. Here's hoping for another "eat my shorts" for you!!! 'Zala IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 05:50 PM
my Chiron is in opposition to my mars loosely conjuct pluto. I'm kind of whimpy but I do have my strenghts.IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2005 05:53 PM
Thanks Zala!   IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted October 06, 2005 10:37 PM
Hmmm I have Chiron sextile Mars - I'm a sacred warrior. How cool. I always knew that spiritually, I was a warrior archtype with sage leanings. IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted October 09, 2005 06:56 AM
Eeek...Jim Jones of the Jonestown massacre had Mars Square Chiron? What an example to illustrate having difficulties getting out of a rut! IP: Logged |
sweetlibra unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 04:51 AM
Thanks zala  Chiron opposite Mars IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 5253 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 09, 2006 09:56 AM
cool beans! great work Zala! Chiron trine MarsIP: Logged |
Hexxie unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 12:54 PM
Wow, I guess I missed this one the 1st time around. Figures Mercury Retrograde would bring me some neat stuff to read!Here we have yet another Chiron opposition in my chart. I think just about all of the Chiron oppostions sound pretty darn positive though! (Chiron opposite Mars, Venus, Uranus, N Node) Thanks Zal Gal  ------------------ `Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.' ~Lewis Carroll :::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon::: IP: Logged |
praecipua unregistered
posted May 08, 2008 05:04 PM
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evander Knowflake Posts: 171 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 08, 2008 05:23 PM
Chiron rx (3rd cancer) square Mars (12th aries) I somewhat agree. Change has somewhat dual effect on me. It terrifies and inspires me. I desperately want to rush change often cause I just can't stand the fact that i can't prevent it from happening. This causes me alot of headaches and violent outbursts (12th house mars) ... Mars transiting cancer has been very hard for me. I've been very sad. Then again that oposes my cappy stelium so i could be misinterpreting. Cheers and hats off for the article IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 09, 2008 02:11 AM
From StarSong: Mars trine or sextile Chiron
You are the maverick, the “gentle warrior”: Warrior in the sense that you accept danger, discomfort and challenge for the sake of a higher purpose; and in this case the purpose is that of understanding and healing a wounded spirit. You can be decisive and forceful without being destructive. The understanding of effective assertiveness comes naturally to you, and your way of being teaches others how to heal their masculine, aggressive side. Mars square Chiron You may face some very difficult choices around the concerns of perceived self-interest versus following your own unique path to healing an essential wounding. You could become addicted to busy-ness as an avoidance of self-awareness, hiding behind constant activity. You have a fear of letting go of self-direction and control and following Spirit on an uncharted journey. You feel it as an either-or dilemma, and vacillate. Find a creative way to incorporate both needs into your life, and your resolution will become a key for others. Though I have the sextile, I don't know about healing masculine aggression, plenty of people would say I AM masculine and aggressive. I try and keep it in check on here, how am I doing? Believe me it can be an effort.
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sunquintilejupiter/mc Newflake Posts: 12 From: stockholm sweden Registered: May 2009
posted May 30, 2009 09:56 AM
my mother has exact conjunct mars-chiron in leoand she is energetic like hell. And bullheaded too. She is a cancer. Have a friend with the inconjunct and another with an opposition orb 5 maybe not enough. The friend with the opposite hates new age. weird!
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Caramia Knowflake Posts: 44 From: germany Registered: Jan 2010
posted January 16, 2010 05:28 PM
I have chiron square my mars and i did not find the interpretation acurate. maybe the example of jim jones did not fit or was too extreme and then... no more explanations.If you could develop further without the extreme examples of mars square chiron would be useful for normal people having this trait and not only for mass killers. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 22062 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2010 09:31 PM
I found this in a google search. Chiron recently started to square my Moon in Gemini - Venus will be next (square), followed by a conjunction to Mars, and a trine to my ascendant (it should be trine my Uranus, right now, or very soon). I found something here on Chiron transits, and have to say that I feel like doing anything but sucking up to anyone, for anything, right now. They don't have transits to all of the planets listed, so I'm searching for anything I can find - I put in Zala's name, because I remembered her posts such as this. Thanks again for sharing, Zala.  IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 5253 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 22, 2010 09:03 AM
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hodad Knowflake Posts: 325 From: tiburon ca usa Registered: May 2009
posted March 02, 2011 06:04 AM
I have Mars sextile Chiron----I always thought sextiles were boring and bland aspects not having much of an impact,say compared to the hard aspects or even trines.I thought having Mars sextile Chiron would not be nearly as interesting or dynamic as if they were conjunct.Conjunctions always seem to really pack a punch. I may have to rethink this.Sextiles seem represent similar energies as the hard aspects, it's just more subtle and not so in-your-face. I have quite a few sextiles in my chart,almost a Grand Sextile,with one planet(Jupiter) being slightly out of orb for one aspect.I always just thought they were very mild aspects,like a very weak version of a conjunction,but they actually are quite significant,they just manifest differently. Can anyone out there speak in defense of their sextiles??IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 434 From: Indianapolis, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted April 14, 2011 05:52 PM
Chiron quincunx Mars creates terrific transmutative force, as do all quincunxes to Chiron. You will find very few natives with this position who are closed to consciousness expansion, but you will find many who yearn for more awareness but do not know how to attain it. As always with quincunxes, the energy never stops pushing toward manifestation. Because of the basic tension involved in aspects between Mars and Chiron, this aspect will mainly result in constant tension with a lot of resolution. Chart 37 is the chart of a priest who has been leading transformative walks to holy sites. He has great charisma, and his drive to bring in great energy is strengthened by the Mars quincunx Chiron. His South Node in Virgo shows he was a healer in past lives who has come to communicate ecstasy (the North Node in Pisces in the third house). Mars quincunx Chiron is a difficult aspect to develop, but there is great potential for continual new levels of awareness. Yes, this sounds like me. 
------------------ "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” `Helen Keller quotes IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15550 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted October 05, 2015 03:43 AM
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Hemilla Knowflake Posts: 802 From: State of mind Registered: May 2015
posted April 18, 2016 05:18 PM
My chiron conjuncts my mars - but mars is in 2nd house and Chiron in 3rd I like description here - i can relate IP: Logged | |