Topic: Chiron in aspect to Sun
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 997 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 04, 2005 03:49 PM
The following is from "Chiron-Transforming Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets" by Barbara Hand Clow: quote: CHIRON IN ASPECT TO SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, MOON, MARS, AND JUPITER When Chiron aspects a planet in the horoscope, the aspected planet is Chirotic. On the most primary level, the planet aspected by Chiron is similar in feeling to a planet involved in a quincunx, i.e., it is constantly activated and being pushed to a new level of awareness. Specifically, contents in the subconscious mind related to past life struggles which are relevant to emotional responses for this lifetime are activated within the vibration of the planet that is in aspect to Chiron. For example, in a chart with Venus square Chiron, the native would tend to get involved in love affairs with individuals whom they had already experienced trauma with in past lives. On a more subtle level, aspects to Chiron attune the planet in aspect to "Chiros." Chiros is the realm beyond linear time which is ruled by Saturn. It is the place where events in the here and now relate to the synchronicity principle. The synchronous level is our experience with congruences between this dimension and other non-physical dimensions. It is the place where we can find the interface between realities. It is the place in time where we can attain another plane of awareness by simply moving our focus to another realm. For example, it is the place in the psyche which recognizes significant meaning with another human that you've just met whether you know it is based on a past life contact or not. So, regarding a planet aspected by Chiron, outside events occur which attune this planet to higher consciousness vibrations in attunement with the planet in aspect. For example, natives with Chiron sextile the Sun will draw parents who try to raise the child in a good environment. Those parents also probably knew the child before. Jungians say the synchronicity principle is "accusal." To me that means the cause is not definable on the physical plane; the cause is coming from the universal timeless mind, the emotional and soul body or some other dimension which we haven't even intuited or identified yet. The planets in aspect to Chiron can resonate easily on all those levels. And regarding the "accusal" synchronicity principle, now that Chiron has been sighted, we are beginning to attune to the "unseen" causes. As we attune to them our bridge to multidimensional realms is stronger. Planets in aspect to Chiron feel unstable at first; they represent energies which we feel compelled to experience and master. Chiron's role is to destabilize, to infuse Saturnian form with Uranian energy. The experiences related to planets aspected by Chiron have only really been pushed into action since November 1977 when Chiron was sighted. Many new consciousness programs, movements, and new paradigms such as I.C.C.S., Asilomar with David Spangler and Dr. Brugh Joy, Jean Houston workshops, and Chris Griscom's work with gold needles started in the fall of 1977, and readers should take a moment to reflect on changes in their behavior since that time. For example, suddenly in 1977 and 1978, people realized they could access emotions by going into places in the body. Your ability to resonate with the planets aspected by Chiron will be enhanced by a moment's reflection on what you were doing in 1977-78, because that is a major power point in the emergence of Chiron. Aspects to Chiron are subtle because they push us to subtle levels, but Chiron is a knife-like tool you can use to dissect levels of awareness. You can utilize Chiron to sensitize yourself to other dimensions. Transits of Chiron are very critical and are not subtle, which will be discussed in Chapter Twelve. But, the aspects of Chiron to the planets and Nodes are subtle; like the emergence of a new shoot of a plant above a great root system. That shoot has great energy from the massive root system, and as you allow yourself to attune to Chirotic energy and eras, (a life force), it will infuse your system with a wonderful youthfulness, a sense of great hope. The resonation in the mind is also intense; these aspects are probably the key access point to the large field of consciousness presently not being used. We can only begin to imagine at this time the great potential of working with aspects to Chiron. We will not get this level by thinking, however, it only comes by experiencing.CHIRON IN ASPECT TO THE SUN When Chiron aspects the Sun, the full sense of self, of being who really are, is related to the degree that we experience spirituality, higher consciousness, in our lives. This aspect has to do with identifying one's dharma, one's path in life, and then the nature of the aspect shows whether this path has been constant stress or progressive actualization. With stressful aspects such as conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, the years up to forty will be difficult. Natives will feel the destiny they sense inside is not reflected by their reality. Those with sextiles, trines, and even quincunxes, are naturally spiritual beings at an early age. They often stay away from experiences which might confuse their natural spiritualized sense of self. They also may have a superiority complex, a sense of being above others. They have charisma, and others are wary of them, as noted by Zane Stein. With Chiron conjunct the Sun, the innate sense of destiny is so strong that normal patterns are rarely lived out. This native is unique; he or she bums with purpose and creativity. Marc Robertson noticed that most people are at a peak level of success when Saturn transits the natal midheaven, and that most people go into a deep inward search when Saturn crosses the rising. Most people have a success cycle when they experience the Jupiter return. Those with Chiron conjunct the Sun seem to have a different timing going on. Chart 2 is that of a young healer who has been a mystic since early childhood, and is an extraordinary healer at the present time. Her mother is a great mystic and healer, and this native created the correct environment around herself to manifest her power of Chiron conjunct Sun. Chiron sextile the Sun produces a profound depth at an early age, an environment which offers opportunities to develop high principles, and a great inner need to bring a significant work into the world. Charts 10 and 25 are good examples of the early and deep inner drive to manifest high purpose with Chiron sextile the Sun. The publisher of Chart 10 chose parents of very pure ideals, even though the mother is very difficult, as can be seen with Moon in the top of a T-square formed with Mars opposite Pluto, and difficulties with the father are indicated by Saturn square Chiron. The artist of Chart 25 chose very loving and supportive parents, and she is very disciplined. There is a noticeable steadiness and constant drive in these natives, but they are also rarely satisfied with their accomplishments. Chiron sextile the Sun indicates that the Higher Self will be embodied within this individual during this incarnation, and perhaps the level of dissatisfaction about accomplishments will lessen when the higher self embodies, usually after Uranus opposite Uranus. Natives with Chiron square the Sun show the typical pattern of working with squares: they have a difficult struggle with spirituality before the Saturn return, they work on the real meaning of life intensely during their thirties, and they begin to master the dilemma after Uranus opposite Uranus. These natives have a very difficult time at the Uranus opposition when the Uranian electrical infusion exacerbates the Chiron square Sun and tends to cause neurological stress. This is a tough position; counseling will help greatly, and these natives need affirmation about the progress of their heavy struggle with Saturn. Shoulder massage is a necessity for them. They need to learn to control Saturn and not have Saturn control them. They are hard on themselves, but let go of control. Once they discover their destiny/Sun, they will find themselves in control with working with Uranian imbalance. Chiron trine the Sun attunes the native to transmutation and encourages a very creative view of the universe. They are naturally aware of the potential fluidity and basic power for change in all structures. My clients with Chiron trine the Sun have shown great sense of purpose at an early age, but they have had difficulty at Uranus opposite Uranus if they were not disciplined before that time. These natives are naturally responsive to spirituality, and they can get addicted to a higher consciousness "fix" of one new experience after another. But they are in trouble at Uranus opposition if they have not developed a Saturnian work vehicle to use as a means to express their creativity. Chiron aspecting the Sun sets up a dynamic of knowing who we are with the soul in the body, and this spiritual fusion does not develop without service to others. Chart 3 is an example of a publisher who disciplined himself in the early years and created a vehicle for giving his service. Chart 26 is that of a talented woman who did not create a life work as a vehicle for her spirituality by the Uranus opposition. The Uranus opposition has occurred, she is developing her life work at this time, but it is difficult to do it without many prior years of experience. This issue is especially critical in her case because Chiron is also conjunct the North Node of the Moon, and her ability to expand herself to Neptune is in jeopardy, as is also indicated by Jupiter square the Sun. Chiron quincunxing the Sun creates a double quincunx effect, and these natives are like loaded sticks of dynamite. They simply cannot rest, they are totally driven to bring the higher self into being and to spiritualize the planet in general. Almost every native I've seen with this position is a well-known New Age leader, spiritual teacher, or ecologist; this position truly galvanizes the soul into the body, but it is a tough position. The type of clients I see is reflective of my work in New Age healing circles since 1982. As work with Chiron progresses, many astrologers will see people from all walks of life who have an aspect like Chiron quincunx the Sun. It must be understood that this type of aspect is critical now that Chiron has been sighted. No matter what kind of life this native is living, they must express this emerging energy. For example, an economically disadvantaged mother with small children might be finding herself by giving powerful healing in her family, church, or job. Back to the type of client I have typically worked with recently, Charts 16, a writer/ecologist, and 17, a theologian, are excellent examples, and both natives have gone through deep personal struggles while they gifted others with their great teachings. The Jungian analyst of Chart 27 is working on the wounded child archetype, but this native has also suffered great personal tragedy that has almost broken him. All three natives are men who have almost not survived personal crises and yet who were driven to bring in their spirituality for the world. Implied is a rigidity about destiny which creates a hard personal life, but enables the native to give great gifts to others. Chiron opposite the Sun creates a life and death struggle to bring the self into full expression. And the expression the Sun finds must be alchemical and healing. I used my own chart (28), as an example, because my life was a struggle to find who I was until the Uranus opposition. Then I began expressing my alchemical Sun in works such as Eye of the Centaur where my actual journey of self is transmutative for readers who find out who they are by joumeying with me through many lifetimes. Zane Stein, who founded Associates for Studying Chiron, has Chiron opposite the Sun, and all those who know Zane have been amazed by his selfless and almost fanatical dedication to Chiron research. This book would never have been written if it weren't for the work of Zane Stein. This is a tense dynamic, and the only resolution is to move into maximum self-expression in healing and spiritual practices.
Thoughts, anyone??IP: Logged |
beebuddy unregistered
posted October 04, 2005 03:52 PM
"Thoughts anyone?"Thanks and keep em comin. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 7105 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 04, 2005 04:03 PM
Woohoo!! No aspects! Eat my shorts, Chiron!IP: Logged |
Lauren unregistered
posted October 04, 2005 10:29 PM
-IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 06:04 PM
chiron trine sun conjunct mercury. Azalak, shI've got alot of aspects to chiron if you noticed my other posts. I think in general this description fits me. I only wish I had the guts to be more successful. IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted October 06, 2005 10:57 PM
Sun sextile Chiron by sign - I can relate to desription. I am not sure about that higher Self business but I am chronically dissatisfied with my accomplishments. IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted October 09, 2005 07:00 AM
Chiron Square Sun...Yes, I do need to learn to control Saturn, not let it control me, and not be so hard on myself!! Thanks for all the Chiron Info Zala  IP: Logged |
sweetlibra unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 04:44 AM
Chiron quincunxing the SunImplied is a rigidity about destiny which creates a hard personal life, but enables the native to give great gifts to others. IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted March 10, 2006 04:15 PM
Sweet LibraI also have sun quin. chiron. I could definitely relate to it. What is the name of this book? Libra Sun/ Libra Moon/ Scorpio Ascend. IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted March 10, 2006 04:20 PM I see the name of the book. Duh!IP: Logged |
Mama Mia Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted March 10, 2006 04:27 PM
I have Chiron Conjunt Sun in Pisces and this is ssooooooo true I feel this going on in my life as we speak..IP: Logged |
Cardinalgal unregistered
posted March 10, 2006 04:30 PM
Chiron Oppose Sun - and it makes perfect sense.  IP: Logged |
sdg1844 unregistered
posted March 10, 2006 09:27 PM
I have Chiron Sextile the Sun. It definitely describes me. I'm never content and know that I don't want to leave this life without giving something back to humanity. I will be going back to school and studying Int'l Affairs with a specific focus on women's health issues. ------------------ Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve on the silence? -Sai Baba IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 997 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2006 10:54 PM
(**bumped for Lia**)IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 27, 2006 02:44 AM
Keep in mind that Clow is very esoteric to begin with. She's not that practical.Melaine Reinhart's book on Chiron is a lot more practical IP: Logged |
jkxx unregistered
posted July 27, 2006 04:41 AM
Have/read Clow's book. It does have that 'magical' drift but it was a good way of tackling the meaning of Chiron.Zala, many thanks for bringing the threads back! I'm going through a chiron square pluto transit right now and the def makes a lot of sense. Pretty scary stuff too.. =) IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 997 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2008 09:57 PM
for PA  per Hand-Clow: 0-5 Degrees: Combust and Conjunction The 0 degree point is the new seed energy and is best felt in the body by resonating with the exact moment of the New Moon. For a few seconds at the New Moon, all the galactic planes are completely open to the Earth plane. At the exact moment a new seed is born which will wax and wane during the lunar month. Attunement to that point will fuse consciousness completely with the lunar cycle. Therefore, any planet combust Chiron will manifest on a totally Chirotic level during the incarnation. The Sun combust Chiron would indicate that the native could not know him or herself except by alchemical interaction with environment. As the planets move away from combust through conjunction up to 5 or 6 degrees, the energies feel fused, but the planet pulling away is the leader which will teach by its energy the working of the conjunctive energies. In my experience, planets in combust cannot be separated in consciousness. The native needs to immerse perception in the fusion of the two energies. This native is critically open to the subtle planes through this combust. This point is like a “Window to the Sky” which is an acupuncture point which brings multidimensionality (into the body)4. Combust is less than one degree and was created in the natal chart to teach oneness. Conjunction indicates a need for the native to learn to sort out the energies, and special counseling is to be given on the energies individually so the native can find a method for perception of each one of the energies separately. 4. Griscom, Chris, “Ecstasy is a New Frequency: Teachings of the Light Institute” IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4313 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2008 10:16 PM
zalathanks for this. the information is - wowow! lots to digest here - lots and lots. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 997 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2008 10:37 PM
Glaucus mentioned Melanie Reinhart's book -- "Chiron and the Healing Journey, An Astrological and Psychological Perspective" -- so here's her chapter on Chiron/Sun:When Chiron is in aspect to the Sun, there is a wound to the solar masculine principle, and thus our experience of individuality, ‘soloness’ and purpose. Our sense of being at the creative centre of our own world may be damaged, and we may make someone else the centre of our universe; we then promote their interests and help them to shine, basking in their reflected glory, living our Chiron/Sun aspect vicariously. We are able to foster the talents and self-expression of others, but may discount our own worth and then feel despair and envy. Lacking the sense of an inner personal centre, we could be especially prone to being taken over by archetypal energies, for good or ill. Conversely, we may be charismatic, and shine brightly; we succeed in becoming the centre of attention, being loved and admired by many, but somehow we cannot recognize and enjoy it. In childhood, we perhaps lacked the experience of being at the centre of our parents’ lives. Our parents may have been somewhat childlike themselves, needing validation of their worth from us, and thus we may have the wound of narcissistic isolation. If we were not sufficiently mirrored and validated for our uniqueness, we probably learned very early how to survive by delighting others, reflecting their aspirations, and being only that which pleased them. We may adopt many different personae, but feel estranged from ourselves: no matter what eminence we achieve, we feel phoney. Our false self is seen, while our true self may weep somewhere in the background. We could feel the need to display ourselves, and only feel real when on show; we may be over-sensitive to criticism or confrontation, which we seek to avoid with an exaggerated panache. On the other hand we may be afraid to shine, as our inner being has a painful history of not being accepted and validated: we look everywhere for a mirror, and see only our own reflection. The Sun is the only heavenly body that casts a direct shadow on the Earth; the full moon casts shadows but its more diffuse light is reflected from the Sun. This ‘dark side of the sun’ is relevant when Chiron aspects the Sun. It represents egomania, narcissism, a belief that one’s purpose is god-ordained and therefore any means justify the attaining of it. With these aspects, we can become authoritarian, and desire to be in sole control of life and everyone we come into contact with; we may be wilful, inflexible, contemptuous and always need to be right. Coming face to face with this controlling, destructive and autocratic side of the masculine principle is often a difficult part of the journey of those with Chiron/Sun aspects. On the positive side, these aspects can signify the ability to achieve and to fight for what we want in life. We could have natural qualities of leadership, as people will warm to our sense of noble purpose. Some with Chiron/Sun aspects gather a following, but some become ardent followers of others, projecting their individuality onto them, emulating them and living in their shadow. Women with Chiron/Sun aspects often lack confidence in their masculine side, and it may be difficult to embark on creative enterprises that require focus, goal-orientation and organization. They may live in the father’s shadow, modelling themselves on his unconscious images and expectations of women. They are sometimes preoccupied in finding the ‘right man,’ and this usually means one through whom they can take their sense of identity, purpose and achievement. For example, a woman with Chiron opposite the Sun in Gemini married a man with Sun and Moon in Gemin; she was attracted to the mercurial wit and brilliance he displayed, which she could not feel within herself; later she bitterly resented him for it, and turned her sharp tongue on him. Jackie Kennedy [had] Sun in Leo in the 9th house, square Chiron in the 6th house in Taurus conjunct the North Node and possibly the Descendant; although a woman of style and individuality in her own right, she [was] perhaps even more famous for having been the wife of two extremely rich and powerful men, President Kennedy and Aristotle Onassis. When still a child, she reputedly told her father that she would marry the President of the United States when she grew up! With Chiron/Sun aspects, the image of the father will be coloured by Chironian themes. He may have been weak, ill, impotent, wounded, absent or insubstantial – or at least perceived in that light; he may also have been a wounding influence, violent and rough. Sometimes, however, the father is a spiritual mentor, guru and guide: he is supportive, wise and fosters individual growth. The son of such a man may have problems, feeling unable to compete, and perhaps even rejecting the positive attributes he has inherited; he may travel a long and circuitous route to reclaim them. Women with Chiron/Sun are sometimes groupies, projecting the image of saviour or healer: they pursue charismatic men, gurus, musicians or other public figures; they try to be their counterparts – the wounded woman, the damsel in distress or the wife of the great man. On the other hand they may see men as wounded; they may attract ‘lame ducks’ who need emotional or financial support, and who in turn wound them. With Chiron in aspect to the Sun, we have a natural ability to reflect to others their sense of self, which is often the very thing we cannot experience inwardly ourselves. We may be magnetic and attractive, but perhaps also very lonely, if we allow ourselves to feel it. Men with this aspect sometimes feel responsible for healing or resolving something inherited from their father. Some have a gift for positive fathering, whether or not they have their own children; they could work with children, facilitate creativity or help foster individuality in others by discussing goals and objectives from a position of respect and emotional detachment. A Chiron/Sun aspect is a powerful stimulus to the process of individuation. There has always been a connection between horses and the Sun. The latter connection is due not merely to the fact that the horse whas the ‘vehicle’ of the sun-god but because, through its swiftness, strength and activity, it was itself a symbol of the Sun. We have seen that horses are important in many shamanic cultures, the symbolic means for magical flight or ecstasy. The initiatory cycle of the shaman includes a stage which Joan Halifax calls the ‘solarization of the consciousness,’ where we move from the periphery to the centre of our life. With Chiron aspecting the Sun, the healing of our suffering may come through the recognition of the wider context of life and a sense of our individual place in it, where the ‘laughter of compassion wells up from the human heart.’ With Chiron aspecting the Sun, we are called upon not to shine for ourselves alone, but for the greater glory of God. IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted July 05, 2008 10:41 PM
Amazing article. It is very interesting that they say Chiron infuses Saturnian form with Uranian energy. My Chiron opposes both Saturn and Uranus. I find it so fascinating. It is conjunct my sun and trine my moon. I once showed my chart to an astrologer and she said "based on your Chiron I am guessing you have some father issues. Did he leave when you were 4"? I almost fell out of my chair. While he left much earlier, my parents got a divorce when I was 4. quote: With Chiron conjunct the Sun, the innate sense of destiny is so strong that normal patterns are rarely lived out.
Yah...understatement. quote: This native is unique; he or she bums with purpose and creativity. Marc Robertson noticed that most people are at a peak level of success when Saturn transits the natal midheaven, and that most people go into a deep inward search when Saturn crosses the rising.
I am not too sure about that since Saturn passed my MC about 5 years ago...But hopefully I will go back and tell you cuz I got 4-5 more years until ASC...though I don't like going inward...i find weird stuff there quote: Most people have a success cycle when they experience the Jupiter return.
My Jupiter return and my Saturn on ASC will be at the same time...see no success without some Saturnian bs happening..always... quote: The Sun combust Chiron would indicate that the native could not know him or herself except by alchemical interaction with environment
Yah! I would love to know the moon aspects. I am going to look for that book. Thanks so much Zala! IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted July 05, 2008 10:47 PM
quote: . They are sometimes preoccupied in finding the ‘right man,’ and this usually means one through whom they can take their sense of identity, purpose and achievement.
a very unfortunate aspect of my personality i think quote: With Chiron/Sun aspects, the image of the father will be coloured by Chironian themes. He may have been weak, ill, impotent, wounded, absent or insubstantial – or at least perceived in that light; he may also have been a wounding influence, violent and rough.
UGH yes! quote: Women with Chiron/Sun are sometimes groupies, projecting the image of saviour or healer: they pursue charismatic men, gurus, musicians or other public figures; they try to be their counterparts – the wounded woman, the damsel in distress or the wife of the great man. On the other hand they may see men as wounded; they may attract ‘lame ducks’ who need emotional or financial support, and who in turn wound them.
Partially true but not exactly because of my Scorpio moon and power issues. quote: With Chiron in aspect to the Sun, we have a natural ability to reflect to others their sense of self, which is often the very thing we cannot experience inwardly ourselves. We may be magnetic and attractive, but perhaps also very lonely, if we allow ourselves to feel it.
YES i have been told that people tell me that I help them discover who they are but I myself am a mess quite often. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 997 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 05, 2008 10:59 PM
Hi BUD, it's good to see you!! (**waves**)Chiron in Aspect to the Sun by Martin Lass, from "Chiron - Healing Body and Soul" In general, Chiron aspects to the Sun indicate that we are destined in some way to express the messages, issues and themes of Chiron in our lives. We are, in a sense, Chiron’s emissary. Crucial themes of this aspect include the challenge of coming out of the darkness into the light and of allowing or not allowing ourselves to shine. Conjunction, Parallel, Contraparallel, Occultation Next to Chiron conjunct, parallel, contraparallel, or occult the North Node, Chiron conjunct, parallel, contraparallel or occult the Sun represents the most powerful expression of the themes of wounding and healing in our personal lives – particularly in the case of the occultation. This aspect is a mark of a healer and/or spiritual teacher. Whether a person fulfills this task in a given lifetime is dependent upon many other issues and questions. In short, with this aspect, we express the wound, the healing and the themes of Chiron directly in our lives. It is difficult for us to separate ourselves from our wounds, and it is certainly impossible to separate ourselves from the healling path, once initiated. However, the area of live (seen through the houses) and the specific path/purpose/calling/destiny of our life (seen through the Nodes) – through which Chiron’s messages and expression will be manifested – will vary according. Healing, taken in its broadest sense, encompasses many different areas of life, some of which we might not initially consider healing. It is simplistic, however, to associate healing with only physical healing and the medical professions, traditional or alternative. For example, a person with the North Node in Capricorn and the Sun conjunct Chiron in Pisces in the 5th house may have a path and purpose to take responsibility for their life and for the lives of others, returning the nurturing they have been given along the way (NN in Capricorn). They may express this through their emotional and psychic sensitivity toward others and their impulse to rescue others (Sun in Pisces). They then may play this out in the area of the arts (5th house), creating an environment and structure in which others can express themselves, such as a performing arts complex (NN in Capricorn) thereby healing their wound of fear of self-expression (Chiron’s gift and message as expressed through its conjunction with natal Sun). We can see from this one example how crucial it is to consider all features of a chart in synergy with each other. As one would expect, this Chiron-Sun aspect has its own difficulties and challenges, because we cannot help expressing our woundedness. The healing side can and will only be expressed/manifest if and when we attend, consciously and intentionally, to our wounds and issues. In my own personal experience, three of my spiritual teachers, all highly psychic and all healers of the highest order, have Chiron conjunct Sun, one with an occultation. This aspect can be a tacit indication of considerable work already done on healing and evolution of consciousness in past lives. * * * * * * * * * * * * * (The opposition, quincunx, trine, square and sextile are also delineated, if anyone wants to see them, ask ) IP: Logged |
triplepisces unregistered
posted July 05, 2008 11:52 PM
My Chiron square Sun, Moon, Mercury and oppose Saturn. The description about Chiron square Sun fits me to the T. even the part about father/men who we attract and even explains the crash/burn/rebirth cycle I have compared to my other Pluto in Scorp friends (even those who have Pluto oppose Mars...)IP: Logged |
breakfast on pluto unregistered
posted July 06, 2008 02:00 PM
My chiron taurus;opposite to my sun scorpio;uranus and mercury scorpio..what is that;i dont understand..IP: Logged |
librarising Knowflake Posts: 113 From: Registered: May 2009
posted July 06, 2008 05:05 PM
My Chiron semi-sextiles my Sun,squares my moon, sextiles my Saturn and opposes my Uranus and Neptune... I suppose I am a wounded wench.IP: Logged | |