Topic: Chiron in aspect to Moon
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1007 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 04, 2005 04:09 PM
The following is from "Chiron-Transforming Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets" by Barbara Hand Clow: quote: CHIRON IN ASPECT TO SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, MOON, MARS, AND JUPITER When Chiron aspects a planet in the horoscope, the aspected planet is Chirotic. On the most primary level, the planet aspected by Chiron is similar in feeling to a planet involved in a quincunx, i.e., it is constantly activated and being pushed to a new level of awareness. Specifically, contents in the subconscious mind related to past life struggles which are relevant to emotional responses for this lifetime are activated within the vibration of the planet that is in aspect to Chiron. For example, in a chart with Venus square Chiron, the native would tend to get involved in love affairs with individuals whom they had already experienced trauma with in past lives. On a more subtle level, aspects to Chiron attune the planet in aspect to "Chiros." Chiros is the realm beyond linear time which is ruled by Saturn. It is the place where events in the here and now relate to the synchronicity principle. The synchronous level is our experience with congruences between this dimension and other non-physical dimensions. It is the place where we can find the interface between realities. It is the place in time where we can attain another plane of awareness by simply moving our focus to another realm. For example, it is the place in the psyche which recognizes significant meaning with another human that you've just met whether you know it is based on a past life contact or not. So, regarding a planet aspected by Chiron, outside events occur which attune this planet to higher consciousness vibrations in attunement with the planet in aspect. For example, natives with Chiron sextile the Sun will draw parents who try to raise the child in a good environment. Those parents also probably knew the child before. Jungians say the synchronicity principle is "accusal." To me that means the cause is not definable on the physical plane; the cause is coming from the universal timeless mind, the emotional and soul body or some other dimension which we haven't even intuited or identified yet. The planets in aspect to Chiron can resonate easily on all those levels. And regarding the "accusal" synchronicity principle, now that Chiron has been sighted, we are beginning to attune to the "unseen" causes. As we attune to them our bridge to multidimensional realms is stronger. Planets in aspect to Chiron feel unstable at first; they represent energies which we feel compelled to experience and master. Chiron's role is to destabilize, to infuse Saturnian form with Uranian energy. The experiences related to planets aspected by Chiron have only really been pushed into action since November 1977 when Chiron was sighted. Many new consciousness programs, movements, and new paradigms such as I.C.C.S., Asilomar with David Spangler and Dr. Brugh Joy, Jean Houston workshops, and Chris Griscom's work with gold needles started in the fall of 1977, and readers should take a moment to reflect on changes in their behavior since that time. For example, suddenly in 1977 and 1978, people realized they could access emotions by going into places in the body. Your ability to resonate with the planets aspected by Chiron will be enhanced by a moment's reflection on what you were doing in 1977-78, because that is a major power point in the emergence of Chiron. Aspects to Chiron are subtle because they push us to subtle levels, but Chiron is a knife-like tool you can use to dissect levels of awareness. You can utilize Chiron to sensitize yourself to other dimensions. Transits of Chiron are very critical and are not subtle, which will be discussed in Chapter Twelve. But, the aspects of Chiron to the planets and Nodes are subtle; like the emergence of a new shoot of a plant above a great root system. That shoot has great energy from the massive root system, and as you allow yourself to attune to Chirotic energy and eras, (a life force), it will infuse your system with a wonderful youthfulness, a sense of great hope. The resonation in the mind is also intense; these aspects are probably the key access point to the large field of consciousness presently not being used. We can only begin to imagine at this time the great potential of working with aspects to Chiron. We will not get this level by thinking, however, it only comes by experiencing.CHIRON IN ASPECT TO THE MOON Chiron aspecting the Moon means that the native will not be able to have any feelings unless the alchemical or spiritualized dimension is part of the feeling process. The Moon is our emotional vehicle which makes it possible to relate to other people, and the Moon is our way to go deep inside to experience the subconscious mind. All feelings are screened through our Moon and deposited into the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind contains all our experiences since the beginning of time, and we cannot know ourselves without journeying deep within by means of dreams, exploring past lives, or relating our present-day emotional experiences to deep feelings inside. Therefore, the Moon is a critical vehicle for Chiron to connect feelings to the deepest subconscious. If we can't feel what our spiritual essence might be, it is hard to get in touch with it. There are other vehicles in the chart for accessing deep feelings, which include the fourth house, Venus and Jupiter, but with aspects between Chiron and the Moon, the native possesses a great vehicle for exploring the subconscious mind and bringing in the Higher Self. Chiron conjunct the Moon is a difficult position because the natives have such intense emotions that it is difficult for them to understand the effect they have on others. They are extremely sensitive, they are very mystical about emotional bonding, and the day-to-day levels of relationships are almost impossible to bear. The ideal for this native is to master Saturn and to form a solid bond with a mate, because then the power of Uranian transformation can enter his or her life through the relationship. This native will be almost terrified of restrictions because of the Uranian desire for freedom. But if he or she can find the right partner who will help work with Saturn without undue restrictions, then the possibility of kundalini energy will manifest in sexual sharing. This native may be too involved with his or her mother, which can block the opportunity for a relationship. Also, this native will tend to attract intense and transformative partners. The key to actualizing the spiritual beauty of Chiron conjunct the Moon is Saturn grounding and balance, with room for Uranian transformation. Chiron sextile the Moon creates a perfected vehicle for understanding how emotions can help or hinder spiritual progress. These individuals, once mature, can usually heal other people as soon as they learn they can heal, if they can feel the energy of others. Many of the teachings about healing have warned against healers taking on the negative energy of clients, but this native must feel the vibration of a client deeply in order to move energy. This position creates compassion and great balance about the needs of others. In fact, the danger of taking on negativity from others does occur if the healer pities the person in need and takes on their karma. With true compassion, one does not take on this karma, that is, pity others. One simply responds to the needs of others from deep inside the heart chakra. You have nothing to fear from anyone if you respond with compassion from the heart. Chart 17 is that of a theologian who deeply understands feelings of others, and Chart 28 belongs to the astrologer who learned to heal by being able to respond to others with deep feelings. Zane Stein said of natives with Chiron sextile the Moon, "They are usually perceptive of the ills and weaknesses of others, their strong points and talents, their needs and wants." It is from this natural perceptual base about the needs of others that deep compassion is bom. Chiron square the Moon creates a crisis over feelings and higher consciousness. In the early years, relationships are very difficult and intense. This position tends to appear in nativities of analysts and astrologers, because the early childhood creates many difficult emotional experiences which are a laboratory for understanding people and their complexes once the native has experienced the Saturn return. The potential with this position is the highest level of awareness about human emotions, and this native may even become an adept at connecting the higher self into the body. This native is usually involved with the occult because the Chirotic awareness factor is so intensified. This position also creates serious perceptual difficulties: these natives are so intense that they have great difficulty learning from outside reality and other people. They will tend to change environments and people so often that they will not develop long-term friendships. Channeling and drugs are very dangerous for these natives, because they will use the drugs to color perceptions about reality, and the channeling will just reflect the opinions they already have about other people and themselves. They need to become more objective about their own perceptions or they will entirely lose their ability to use their experiences with others as material to learn lessons from. Chiron trine the Moon creates the opportunity for a powerful balance of the emotions and the higher self in consciousness. This native is naturally comfortable with soul attunement and tends to create a beautiful and harmonious environment. This is a great position for an artist or musician. The usual difficulties with laziness and non-activation of the trine are not especially noticeable with Chiron trine the Moon because the trine calms and harmonizes the Moon to Chiron. In general, aspects between the Moon and Chiron function well in the sextile and trine. One of the greatest therapists I know who is an adept at helping people works with the higher self and is given as an example with Chart 19. Natives with Chiron quincunx the Moon are almost always healers. They are naturally sensitive to emotional intensity. Chiron tends to unbalance and irritate them in the quincunx until they learn to channel powerful healing forces over time. Chiron seems to activate sensitivity about energy and electrical conductivity, and the Moon seems to become their vehicle for understanding how people feel. This is not necessarily an easy position, because the healing energy in the body pushes on the native very hard until the Saturn return. In general, once these natives find out they can heal and create a life in which they can function as healers, they do very well. Until that point, they may seem to be very neurotic because they have exceedingly intense feelings about everything around them. Once Saturn returns and they balance more in the body, the intensity lessens and the power comes in. Chiron opposite the Moon is the highest manifestation of the alchemized Moon. The Moon or perceptual screen is naturally open to all dimensions. The native has difficulty keeping the auric field clear and is open to astral interference. In the terms of traditional psychology, they have "boundary problems." This is a very hard position to live with before the Saturn return, and I have eleven individuals with this position in my files, which is way out of line statistically, indicating that I attract them. These natives tend to have very difficult early childhoods; they tend to have unusual sexual complexes coming from the powerful flow of kundalini energy in their systems. The neurological system is quite activated, which results in electrical healing skills and/or neurological difficulties. These natives possess great power and potential, and if they can balance the emotions they are capable of remarkable achievements. Chart 22 is a good example of Chiron opposite the Moon. This native is a very skilled astrologer who is especially adept at emotional counseling, and yet her own emotional reality is very difficult and complex. The Moon in the fifth house intensifies the sexual dynamism of this position. The charismatic physicist and writer of Chart 1 has Chiron opposite the Moon, with Chiron in the first house - Moon in the seventh, forming a T-square with the Sun and Saturn at the top. The feelings and charisma of this native are so intense that people flock to hear him speak. He has a stable marriage and family life which helps him to manifest the highest potential of his position. Incidentally, he does not seem to respond to transits in the normal fashion; a great deal of his energy seems to be coming from another dimension.
Thoughts, anyone??IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8696 From: Dublin, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 04, 2005 04:13 PM
No aspects here either.IP: Logged |
Alterna Newflake Posts: 0 From: In the clouds Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 04, 2005 05:09 PM
I have both my Moon and Venus conjunct Chiron - And both descriptions fit me well. But, the "Mother" statement in here, I may be too involved I suppose that's right in a different sense -- in the sense that I have to go through her criticism in whomever I choose. And that's just too much for the significant other to deal with.And it's true, the Uranian transformation enters and I'm terrified. I'm not in a relationship now, but that's how it was for me before. IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 06:09 PM
I cry in secret.IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted October 06, 2005 10:54 PM
I have Chiron semisextile my Moon, which can be interpreted like a sextile. I do have healing gifts, and am deeply empathetic. I am also a theologian and my particular interest in theology is human suffering. IP: Logged |
WaterNymph unregistered
posted October 09, 2005 10:00 AM
Thanks again zala  Got Chiron trine Moon. “This is a great position for an artist or musician.” and I took a bloody science course lol oh well…it pleases my practical Moon.IP: Logged |
geminirising26 unregistered
posted October 09, 2005 12:49 PM
This struck me: "Chiron conjunct the Moon is a difficult position because the natives have such intense emotions that it is difficult for them to understand the effect they have on others."I have this position, but I am a bit confused on what she means about people not understanding how they effect others/ Effect others in what way? Good bad? What is the "effect" transformative? Negative? I do agree with the mother statement. I know this first hand.... IP: Logged |
sweetlibra unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 04:30 AM
chiron square moon here! Chiron square the Moon creates a crisis over feelings and higher consciousnessIP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1007 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2008 07:09 PM
(**bumped for katatonic**)IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 714 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2008 07:17 PM
I have moon (7th) opp chiron (1st) - charisma? No. IP: Logged |
katatonic unregistered
posted July 06, 2008 08:39 PM
thanks, azalaksh! that was quick! makes sense to me, and the fact that mercury opposes my moon in that t-square only goes to emphasize the point...well past the saturn return and still struggling wih that one! XIP: Logged |
Seeing Stars 7.21 Knowflake Posts: 194 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2008 10:04 PM
I supposably have Moon Trine Chiron. lists it but it is a very wide orb. besides the moon I have chiron contacting Mars. Saturn. Uranus. Neptune. and Pluto.IP: Logged |
oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 1081 From: New York Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2008 11:06 PM
I have Chiron quincunx my moon, this is interesting because I also have become aware of my healing abilities recently and currently I am in the process of learning Reiki with my best friend, I have also begun to do yoga everyday, and started intense acting classes about a month ago and it seems my life has become so much calmer and is no where near as intense as it used to be. And I think it is because I am channeling that energy. Thanks for sharing that with us Azalaksh!  What does it say about the other planets that Chiron contacts?------------------ Aries Sun Moon Sag Scorpio Rising IP: Logged |
triplepisces unregistered
posted July 06, 2008 11:20 PM
Chiron square Moon!Coupled with squaring Sun and Mercury... I had counseling and still go through mental and emotional crash-burn-birth. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1007 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 06, 2008 11:23 PM
oneruledbymars ~ quote: What does it say about the other planets that Chiron contacts?
Here's my Chiron LL bookmarks collection:Chiron in Aspect to Mercury: Chiron in Aspect to Mars: Chiron in Aspect to Jupiter: Chiron in Aspect to Saturn: Chiron in Aspect to Uranus: Chiron in Aspect to Neptune: Chiron in Aspect to Pluto: Chiron in Aspect to Lunar Nodes: Chiron, the Myth / Chiron in the Houses: Chiron and the Centaurs: Chiron Cosmic Healing: Chiron in Aspect to other asteroids: Chiron in Aspect: Chiron Questions: Chiron Transits: Chiron vs. Pluto Wounding: This is a fabulous article from Karyl Jackson called "Chiron, Your Cosmic Savings Account": IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 6797 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2010 09:37 PM
bump.IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 4302 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 22, 2010 09:06 AM
 IP: Logged |
imeanj Knowflake Posts: 1689 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted January 09, 2014 11:07 AM
bump - this is awesome...IP: Logged |
astrofan Knowflake Posts: 50 From: Earth Registered: Jan 2014
posted January 09, 2014 06:16 PM
thanks for posting this one of my favorite authors  I have the sextile 2 deg orb and it can't be truer------------------ old ID astrofan123 Leo sun Scorpio rising IP: Logged |
CupOfDavid Knowflake Posts: 168 From: Canada Registered: Jun 2013
posted January 13, 2014 04:37 PM
What about Chiron bi-quintile Moon?IP: Logged |
harleyniall1998 Newflake Posts: 24 From: canada Registered: Jan 2014
posted January 22, 2014 09:16 AM
I have have aspects with chiron,lol. chiron sextile sun,square moon,square mars,square jupiter,inconjunct saturn,square uranus,quintile neptune,trine north node,square AC,conjunct MC,square pallas,trine ceres,semi-square lilith.(chiron 9th house).IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 2670 From: 2,021 mi East of Truth or Consequences NM Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 28, 2014 04:15 PM
always deserves a bump  IP: Logged |
KingofCups Knowflake Posts: 591 From: Registered: Feb 2014
posted March 09, 2014 07:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by Azalaksh: oneruledbymars ~ [QUOTE]What does it say about the other planets that Chiron contacts?
Here's my Chiron LL bookmarks collection:Chiron in Aspect to Mercury: Chiron in Aspect to Mars: Chiron in Aspect to Jupiter: Chiron in Aspect to Saturn: Chiron in Aspect to Uranus: Chiron in Aspect to Neptune: Chiron in Aspect to Pluto: Chiron in Aspect to Lunar Nodes: Chiron, the Myth / Chiron in the Houses: Chiron and the Centaurs: Chiron Cosmic Healing: Chiron in Aspect to other asteroids: Chiron in Aspect: Chiron Questions: Chiron Transits: Chiron vs. Pluto Wounding: This is a fabulous article from Karyl Jackson called "Chiron, Your Cosmic Savings Account": [/QUOTE] This was great. Do you have a link for Chiron-Venus aspects? That's the only combination not included above. Thank you for the information and in advance if you post the link for Venus aspects to Chiron. EDIT: Found it- IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 51930 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 10, 2014 03:02 PM
Thanks, King!IP: Logged |
KingofCups Knowflake Posts: 591 From: Registered: Feb 2014
posted March 10, 2014 09:14 PM
This is a question open to all. It's about Chiron Square Venus. Azalaksh, if you're still here, I'd love your opinion.My Chiron aspects: Chiron square the Moon creates a crisis over feelings and higher consciousness. In the early years, relationships are very difficult and intense. This position tends to appear in nativities of analysts and astrologers, because the early childhood creates many difficult emotional experiences which are a laboratory for understanding people and their complexes once the native has experienced the Saturn return. The potential with this position is the highest level of awareness about human emotions, and this native may even become an adept at connecting the higher self into the body. This native is usually involved with the occult because the Chirotic awareness factor is so intensified. This position also creates serious perceptual difficulties: these natives are so intense that they have great difficulty learning from outside reality and other people. They will tend to change environments and people so often that they will not develop long-term friendships. Channeling and drugs are very dangerous for these natives, because they will use the drugs to color perceptions about reality, and the channeling will just reflect the opinions they already have about other people and themselves. They need to become more objective about their own perceptions or they will entirely lose their ability to use their experiences with others as material to learn lessons from. I am so glad my Moon is in an Air sign. I think it saved me from thinking nonobjectively. The other stuff makes sense. When Chiron squares Mercury, great mental exactitude exists in the native, but the mind tends to be so energized by the square that the native is extreme in his or her opinions. Intuition is high, psychic skills are second nature, but right brain experiences also unbalance this native. This is a position which can be extremely enhanced with Chiron counseling. The high side of this square is the potential to employ Virgoan exactitude as a focal point for a Uranian vortex, and this native can become a magician. The healer and Hermetic teacher shown in Chart 8 is an excellent magician with Chiron opposite Uranus in a grand square with Sun conjunct Mercury opposite Saturn retrograde in Virgo. Her mental faculties are very sharp; she can cause almost anything to happen with her mind. Like all magicians, this skill can be used for good or for evil; it is up to the individual to decide. This makes sense. I have a powerful Virgoan intellect. Mars Semi-Sextile Chiron (wish Semi-Sextiles were discussed) Chiron Square Jupiter strengthens the will and the mind, and activates consciousness about social justice and freedom. These natives are revolutionary, but you might not notice it for awhile because they are subtle and refined while they are busy working on a very long-term and radical plan. They will be history makers, but in unique and imaginative ways which often involve magic or art. The consciousness is rather like Chiron conjunct Jupiter, but the square forces the energy into long-term manifestation. I find it especially interesting that both Carlos Castenada and Lynn Andrews have this position. Chart 22, astrologer, has Chiron in the eleventh house squaring Jupiter in the second, showing that her gift is manifesting and grounding astrology. Chart 17, theologian, has Chiron in the second square Jupiter in the eleventh, which is indicating he is a prophet, that he knows how to ground the New Age. The death counselor of Chart 29 is interesting because he was blocked from giving his gift of Jupiter opposite the Moon until he unlocked a creative outlet—counseling people with AIDS—which unleashed his compassionate Chiron in Cancer. Until he found that outlet he wallowed in emotional trivia and boredom. I am definitely revolutionary and working on making an impact towards social justice. Chiron quincunx Saturn creates an unavoidable need to ground Chiron to the Earth plane by means of Saturn. It is simply essential to create a vehicle for alchemical change on the Earth plane. R.D. Laing, healer of schizophrenics (Chart 31), has Chiron retrograde in the first quincunx Saturn in the eighth in Sagittarius. He was driven to find a way to free schizophrenics from the ordinary definitions of behavior that were clearly killing them. Chart 15, a priest working with Native American rituals, is another example. This native has Chiron in a stellium in the tenth with Jupiter/Mars/Chiron quincunx Saturn in Sagittarius in the fifth, and he was driven to break through old ritual forms and bring in creativity. Again, revolutionary feel to it makes sense. Chiron was square Uranus from 1805-1835 when there was much financial speculating in the world economy, and there was a worldwide economic crash in 1835 which caused depression until almost 1850. Chiron was square Uranus again in 1889 to 1891. Again there was much European and American speculation in the 1880s, and there was a currency collapse in America in 1893, with the economy in bad condition until 1897. Chiron was square Uranus again on and off in 1942 to 1944 during the depths of WWII. This aspect produces desperation and conflict in the personality, and an insatiable drive to transform consciousness. These natives are courageous and cannot be stopped if they believe in something, and they are driven to get to the truth and meaning of any situation. The Chirotic force is intense, and the electrical transmutation of the body at the Uranus opposition is powerful. Chart 33, the channel of Atlantean symbols, has Chiron conjunct the North Node in the tenth house T-square Uranus opposite Mars in the first. When she is actively involved in higher consciousness work and teaching, she is calmed. Reviewing nine clients with Chiron square Uranus, all are unusually attuned to transformation and seem to be relaxed only when they are actively involved in the work. They all seem to be de-energized when involved in ordinary activities. Transformation is a major piece in my chart, so I assume this is right. possible. Chiron square Neptune is exceedingly stressful and is a great challenge to any astrologer. In general, the more these natives can activate Chiron and Neptune in their lives and careers, the better off they are. No matter what they do, life will always be very Chirotic and mystical, and this influence means they can never be just ordinary, so why even try? If they can activate the potential of this aspect, their gifts to the race are great. If they cannot find a way to use this energy, they will be confused, prone to substance abuse, and eventually they will suffer nervous disorders. The body cannot handle the force of this energy unless it is channeled by means of higher consciousness serving. Chart 42 has Neptune in Virgo at the midheaven opposite Saturn in Pisces at the IC forming a T-square to Chiron in Gemini in the seventh. This native began his healing when he left the Jesuits and married at his Saturn return, and he will probably resolve the pressure of the T-square in 1986 with his Chiron return. Chart 47, a student of healing, has Chiron in the third at the head of a Yod from Pluto sextile Jupiter, and Neptune in the eleventh in Libra squaring Chiron. This woman cannot utilize the power of the healing Yod until she resolves the square from Neptune which also squares Uranus. She is going ahead with healing training, which will help her resolve the squares during her thirties. She has much work to do because Uranus in Cancer conjunct the South Node in the eighth squaring Neptune indicates she must bum through a lot of karma connected with magic, sex, and death, in order to activate and ground the North Node in Capricorn in the second. Chart 14, an artist nun, is a great example of resolution of Chiron square Neptune. She funnels the energy of Neptune into her being with the first house placement, and then she creates alchemical art by means of Chiron in the tenth. She never rests, but she is more relaxed when she is creating. Chart 21, a physician, has Chiron/Mars in the sixth opposite Uranus/Jupiter in the twelfth, T-square Neptune in the fourth. He is working on relating esoteric healing technology to modem medicine. He is very successful and quite balanced with a strong development of his North Node in Capricorn in the sixth house of healing. This chart suggests a very evolved lifetime; the native is young and bears watching. Those with Chiron square Neptune should be very wary of substance abuse and too much fantasy in their lives. I'm Uranian, so I LOVE to be different, so this feels perfect to me. Chiron Semi-Sextile Pluto. Now comes Venus: Chiron square Venus sets up the maximum stress between finding a value system which will enhance spirituality, or just giving oneself over to one emotional high after another. Also, Chiron square Venus usually signals heavy duty past life karmic pressure having to do with gender identity. In the esoteric teaching, we are taught that we choose a particular gender identity to balance male/female polarity, anima/animus polarity. Life is no more than an opportunity for experience so that we can become more evolved. And part of being able to become developed involves experiencing both sexes. Often when we are moving into a gender we are unused to there is a lot of stress, and Chiron square Venus indicates this type of stress. Thus, a person with many male past lives may be bom a female this time or vice versa, and this is often shown in the chart with Chiron square Venus. We also see this frequently when Mars is conjunct Venus in the natal chart. This client may be essentially male trying to cope with being female or vice versa, and astrologers can help the client with in depth Mars/Venus counseling. Often this native will cop out of sexual balancing by becoming gay or lesbian, although he or she might accomplish more by switching genders completely. Or, this native may appear to be gay or lesbian while actually being asexual and adjusting to the situation. In all cases, counseling on Mars/Venus energies in the chart will be most enlightening. The astrologer of Chart 22 has experienced deep emotional conflicts and a great struggle with her powerful animus within. The conflict will tend to resolve at the Uranus opposition. It is very likely she has powerful male past lives and that she is learning to use power with female or Venusian means this time. I am really straight and very comfortable with my sexuality. I've never struggled with deciding what my sexuality was. I've always been attracted to girls. Is there any alternate manifestation of this aspect? Venus is in the 5th House in Aquarius. Chiron is in the 3rd House in Scorpio. All of the others make sense, so I don't see why the Venus one wouldn't. Thank you  IP: Logged | |