Topic: Chiron in aspect to Mercury
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 1010 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 04, 2005 07:49 PM
The following is from the book "Chiron-Transforming Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets" by Barbara Hand Clow: quote: CHIRON IN ASPECT TO SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, MOON, MARS, AND JUPITER When Chiron aspects a planet in the horoscope, the aspected planet is Chirotic. On the most primary level, the planet aspected by Chiron is similar in feeling to a planet involved in a quincunx, i.e., it is constantly activated and being pushed to a new level of awareness. Specifically, contents in the subconscious mind related to past life struggles which are relevant to emotional responses for this lifetime are activated within the vibration of the planet that is in aspect to Chiron. For example, in a chart with Venus square Chiron, the native would tend to get involved in love affairs with individuals whom they had already experienced trauma with in past lives. On a more subtle level, aspects to Chiron attune the planet in aspect to "Chiros." Chiros is the realm beyond linear time which is ruled by Saturn. It is the place where events in the here and now relate to the synchronicity principle. The synchronous level is our experience with congruences between this dimension and other non-physical dimensions. It is the place where we can find the interface between realities. It is the place in time where we can attain another plane of awareness by simply moving our focus to another realm. For example, it is the place in the psyche which recognizes significant meaning with another human that you've just met whether you know it is based on a past life contact or not. So, regarding a planet aspected by Chiron, outside events occur which attune this planet to higher consciousness vibrations in attunement with the planet in aspect. For example, natives with Chiron sextile the Sun will draw parents who try to raise the child in a good environment. Those parents also probably knew the child before. Jungians say the synchronicity principle is "accusal." To me that means the cause is not definable on the physical plane; the cause is coming from the universal timeless mind, the emotional and soul body or some other dimension which we haven't even intuited or identified yet. The planets in aspect to Chiron can resonate easily on all those levels. And regarding the "accusal" synchronicity principle, now that Chiron has been sighted, we are beginning to attune to the "unseen" causes. As we attune to them our bridge to multidimensional realms is stronger. Planets in aspect to Chiron feel unstable at first; they represent energies which we feel compelled to experience and master. Chiron's role is to destabilize, to infuse Saturnian form with Uranian energy. The experiences related to planets aspected by Chiron have only really been pushed into action since November 1977 when Chiron was sighted. Many new consciousness programs, movements, and new paradigms such as I.C.C.S., Asilomar with David Spangler and Dr. Brugh Joy, Jean Houston workshops, and Chris Griscom's work with gold needles started in the fall of 1977, and readers should take a moment to reflect on changes in their behavior since that time. For example, suddenly in 1977 and 1978, people realized they could access emotions by going into places in the body. Your ability to resonate with the planets aspected by Chiron will be enhanced by a moment's reflection on what you were doing in 1977-78, because that is a major power point in the emergence of Chiron. Aspects to Chiron are subtle because they push us to subtle levels, but Chiron is a knife-like tool you can use to dissect levels of awareness. You can utilize Chiron to sensitize yourself to other dimensions. Transits of Chiron are very critical and are not subtle, which will be discussed in Chapter Twelve. But, the aspects of Chiron to the planets and Nodes are subtle; like the emergence of a new shoot of a plant above a great root system. That shoot has great energy from the massive root system, and as you allow yourself to attune to Chirotic energy and eras, (a life force), it will infuse your system with a wonderful youthfulness, a sense of great hope. The resonation in the mind is also intense; these aspects are probably the key access point to the large field of consciousness presently not being used. We can only begin to imagine at this time the great potential of working with aspects to Chiron. We will not get this level by thinking, however, it only comes by experiencing.CHIRON IN ASPECT TO MERCURY Chiron in aspect to Mercury balances right and left brain perceptual skill and quickens the deeper levels of the mind. This native has potentially great intuitive skills if he or she can begin to trust the thought processes, and this native can read minds easily. He or she knows what to say and how to respond to people without knowing much about them and therefore can become an adept at communication skills. The Virgo rulership of Chiron is very stabilizing to the thought processes, and this native has the potential to be very precise and still be intuitive at the same time. Chiron conjunct Mercury creates a superlative ability to perceive exactly what is going on in any situation and to understand how people are thinking in relation to the situation. This is a marvelous aspect for a negotiator, for a businessperson working with groups, for a teacher, or for a therapist involved in group counseling. Mercury conjunct Chiron also indicates great facility with computers. Chiron, ruling Virgo, grounds thoughts into exact space and time, and the conjunction extremely enhances this skill when in conjunction with Mercury. Chart 18 of the yoga teacher is an excellent example of the conjunction. This native is a superb yoga teacher, and her mental skills are phenomenal. She is finishing her Ph.D. at this time. Chiron sextile Mercury produces a strong and exacting mind, and an extraordinary ability to create something and convey the meaning of the creation to others. This is a great position for a photographer, a designer, and for almost any field of sales. This is the salesperson who can sell underwear to people who live in a nudist colony. Also, those with this position are great counselors and healers because they have an immediate sense of what technique to use. They are excellent diagnosticians, for example. The artist shown in Chart 25 is a good example of Mercury sextile Chiron. She has great skill in taking the works of other people to their maximum potential. Another of my clients with Mercury sextile Chiron teaches a program called "Superconscious" as developed by Robert Fritz. Participants present their program for successful living and how they see themselves in relation to their creation, and this client tears these carefully laid plans to shreds. Then she proceeds to show how we create our own reality, and that this is our only real power. When Chiron squares Mercury, great mental exactitude exists in the native, but the mind tends to be so energized by the square that the native is extreme in his or her opinions. Intuition is high, psychic skills are second nature, but right brain experiences also unbalance this native. This is a position which can be extremely enhanced with Chiron counseling. The high side of this square is the potential to employ Virgoan exactitude as a focal point for a Uranian vortex, and this native can become a magician. The healer and Hermetic teacher shown in Chart 8 is an excellent magician with Chiron opposite Uranus in a grand square with Sun conjunct Mercury opposite Saturn retrograde in Virgo. Her mental faculties are very sharp; she can cause almost anything to happen with her mind. Like all magicians, this skill can be used for good or for evil; it is up to the individual to decide. Chiron trine Mercury brings in powerful occult and healing skills. These natives are naturally in tune with the ancient times, and they remember the old healing skills whether they ever actualize them or not; these natives are wise old souls. If they do not discipline themselves and actuate the trine, they will only remain very much in tune with ancient cultures and healing arts and no more. This intuitive knowing will be a source of pleasure for them. These natives love books about Atlantis and Egypt, for example. If they actuate the trine by disciplining them-selves as healers, and occultists, then great skills will manifest with training. Chart 29 is an interesting case with Chiron at the top of a T-square, the opposition between the Moon in the eighth and Jupiter in the second, with Chiron forming the trine with Mercury quincunxing the Moon. He has done well financially, but he came to me shortly after Uranus opposite Uranus because he felt depressed and empty, and his life was meaningless. Due to the power of Chiron in the fifth in Cancer at the top of the T-square, and Pluto retrograde in Leo in the sixth house of healing, I felt he needed to be initiated into one of the healing orders. The appropriate one was Weighing the Heart of the Soul, and now he is a wonderful AIDS counselor, helping suffering gays who are dying. His whole life has meaning now. Chiron quincunx Mercury natives think of themselves as servers, and their thought processes are constantly occupied in finding a way to give of themselves in the deepest way. They cannot tolerate trivia; they are driven to find something significant when they are very young. The power of Mercury quincunx Mercury activates once they have discovered significant work. These natives are no good at just being ordinary; the awareness of their eventual destiny occupies them almost from birth. This position creates a holistic mind, a mind that works with broad and large cycles and processes, and Uranus tends to be more activated than Saturn by the quincunx. The key to balance is for these natives to leam to use Saturn discipline. Chart 28 of the astrologer has Mercury quincunx Chiron. In the early years, she mastered so much information in so many fields that it was hard to discriminate and focus. With the focus of Saturn, the Saturn ruled Mercury in Capricorn began to function well after much work on past life information. Chiron opposite Mercury is a very activated position with the power of Saturn and Uranus balanced so that the mind can function at its optimum. This native is a natural occultist, an initiate, but you may find him or her just plodding along doing their work. However, if you observe carefully, you will notice that phenomenal occult mastery is coming through this work. Chart 30 is that of a jeweler who works with vibrations in gems, and he has had many past lives as an alchemist. The point is, with Mercury opposite Chiron, the Saturn function is perfected, and there is a bridge of awareness to Uranus. Saturn in Virgo forming a T-square to Chiron opposite Mercury galvanizes light into form. Psychiatrist R.D. Laing, Chart 31, is a healer of schizophrenia. He understood that schizophrenics are just checking out of an intolerable reality for a period of time as they go on a Uranian higher mind joumey in order to handle the energy on this planet. If they are supported by others while they joumey with the belief that they will return and eventually master Saturn reality, they will have a safe journey. R.D. Laing has Chiron in the first house opposite Mercury in the seventh house, which gives him special understanding about the alchemical journey of the self needing support and understanding from the mirror/our support group. Also, Neptune in the fifth opposite Moon in Aquarius in the eleventh gives him a very special sense of grounding solidly here as we journey to mysticism. He has also given culture a significant insight; he teaches that our left brain scientific culture is insane, and that those who actually go crazy are the sane ones.
Thoughts, anyone??IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 8846 From: Santa Rosa, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 04, 2005 08:00 PM
This trine is nice to me.I wonder how many signs of me being a healer I'm going to need before I act on them. Even my name, Jason, means healer (greek). IP: Logged |
teaselbaby Newflake Posts: 5 From: Ohio Registered: Jul 2009
posted October 04, 2005 08:19 PM
I have Chiron conjunct both my Sun and Mercury, and the descriptions have made a lot of sense to me.  IP: Logged |
Lauren Newflake Posts: 0 From: Colorado Springs, CO, USA Registered: Aug 2014
posted October 04, 2005 10:10 PM
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Kat unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 05:52 PM
chiron trine mercury here! I'm, glad that these topics are positive. Someone read to me what this author had to say about chiron in the 8th house and I was really irritated. Basically that I have a life long persute in scamming someone or something like that.You could trust me with your kids, money, secrets, house keys, (but not chocolate or any other sugar based googy.) I'm considered an honest person, the only person I'm really dishonest with is myself - I have a tough time admitting certain undesirable aspects about myself and I'm great at beating myself up. I'm not certain whether all this is true, it's her opinion on a fairly new astrological find. It's fun to hear but I'll take everything with a grain of salt.IP: Logged |
ScotScorp unregistered
posted October 06, 2005 12:04 PM
Thanks Zala!My (Libra 3rd house) Mercury is in opposition to my Chiron. Very interesting what the article states about being in "touch" with Uranus power... considering my (Libra 3rd house) Uranus is conj. my Mercury and is also in opposition to Chiron.. *AND* at the 29th degree! Wicked! Angela IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted October 06, 2005 06:59 PM
Thanks Zala!Chiron conjunct Mercury in the 3rd here. quote: Chiron conjunct Mercury creates a superlative ability to perceive exactly what is going on in any situation and to understand how people are thinking in relation to the situation.
Yes, indeed! :O! I found that whole interp. to be right on. to find, Uranus oppo Chiron.... IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted October 06, 2005 10:45 PM
I have Chiron sextile Mercury : I would make a great diagnostician, btu I suck royally at sales. IP: Logged |
DayDreamer unregistered
posted October 09, 2005 06:58 AM
Chiron Square Mercury...rings true. Extremely energized mental activity, and psyhic skills are second nature. How do I get to become a Magician?  IP: Logged |
WaterNymph unregistered
posted October 09, 2005 09:54 AM
thanks Zala  I’ve got Chiron square Mercury. "and this native can become a magician" ooooooo  IP: Logged |
sweetlibra unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 04:40 AM
I have chiron quincunx mercury!!!These natives are no good at just being ordinary; the awareness of their eventual destiny occupies them almost from birth.  IP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 01:18 PM
"Chiron conjunct Mercury creates a superlative ability to perceive exactly what is going on in any situation and to understand how people are thinking in relation to the situation. This is a marvelous aspect for a negotiator, for a businessperson working with groups, for a teacher, or for a therapist involved in group counseling. Mercury conjunct Chiron also indicates great facility with computers. Chiron, ruling Virgo, grounds thoughts into exact space and time, and the conjunction extremely enhances this skill when in conjunction with Mercury. Chart 18 of the yoga teacher is an excellent example of the conjunction. This native is a superb yoga teacher, and her mental skills are phenomenal. She is finishing her Ph.D. at this time."i have chiron conjunct mercury on the 7th house cusp! This is very me, I'm even very good with computers...I'm a graphic designer, so i work with them. chrissy
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proxieme unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 02:28 PM
Very cool - I have Chiron sextile Merc; my husband has Chiron trine Merc; our kiddo has Chiron sq Merc. Interesting read, all in all  AG - That's funny! Even though I read through this, it took your comment to point out a verity about my husband. (His name's Jason, too, and he becomes sort of famous in whatever circle he's in as a counseling healer of sorts.) Maybe ya'll's parents were clued into something... IP: Logged |
oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 1081 From: New York Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2008 12:01 AM
------"This is the salesperson who can sell underwear to people who live in a nudist colony. Also, those with this position are great counselors and healers because they have an immediate sense of what technique to use. They are excellent diagnosticians, for example"------------- This is interesting because I just took on a sales job to help make ends meet, and I am totally kicking ass at it, lol. I am like floor manager now and its only been like 6 weeks! Also I am always, always, it seems giving advice to people about there relationships!
------------------ Aries Sun Moon Sag Scorpio Rising IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 09, 2008 03:04 PM
Thanks Zala  i only have looked at kiron on relationship perspective and now i can really resonate with the description of my Merc trine Kiron: since i was very young that i was completely fascinated and atracted by ancient times and Eras,like Atlantis,Egypth,Roman Empire etc - specially cultures that were highly developed and far ahead their time ( i think Egypthians were much more ahead than us now hihihi) im now thinking on taking a class in Shiatsu as many people told me already i have skills there and im very atracted to the idea of helping others with my own effort and skill. IP: Logged |
plutomaki unregistered
posted July 09, 2008 04:44 PM
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joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 434 From: Indianapolis, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted April 14, 2011 05:51 PM
Chiron quincunx Mercury natives think of themselves as servers, and their thought processes are constantly occupied in finding a way to give of themselves in the deepest way. They cannot tolerate trivia; they are driven to find something significant when they are very young. The power of Mercury quincunx Mercury activates once they have discovered significant work. These natives are no good at just being ordinary; the awareness of their eventual destiny occupies them almost from birth. This position creates a holistic mind, a mind that works with broad and large cycles and processes, and Uranus tends to be more activated than Saturn by the quincunx. The key to balance is for these natives to leam to use Saturn discipline. Chart 28 of the astrologer has Mercury quincunx Chiron. In the early years, she mastered so much information in so many fields that it was hard to discriminate and focus. With the focus of Saturn, the Saturn ruled Mercury in Capricorn began to function well after much work on past life information. Yep, sounds like me. 
------------------ "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” `Helen Keller quotes IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 7498 From: ‐♡‐ ℳℴℴ𝓃,𝒮𝓊𝓃 &𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓈 -♡- Registered: Nov 2016
posted July 25, 2021 04:04 PM
Excellent thread! I was seeking answers, this details well the merging between Mercury +Chiron. I just realised in PR the tr Chiron is tight on my Pr 2nd house pr Mercury.
There's some deep psyche (tr 6th Pr) transits for me and I'm exploring as much as I can. The layers of the mind are many. Fallen into some psychological form of entertainment on NF, which the timing for me is healing. Apropos my healing and form of entertainment. Just need to resolve the puzzle pieces on these activations in my charts. Chiron is a sweet gift in everyone's chart. *Idk where else to place this. Because these two merged energies seem key, I'll leave it here. Below is my transits/Progressed of an event for me that was so huge to my psyche, my complete sense of self was effected by that moment. The anniversary draws near, yet it is a cornerstone to the who/why I am. We all have something, this was mine.
I am syching with the healers efforts in the film, "go back to your greatest trauma" and bringing Shadow into the study. This is interesting how Chiron + Mercury are opening me to this now.
asteroid Schadow 5265 is cnj my AC tr Jupiter went cnj my n. Psyche&Karma. 3rd Incredible as this event shaped me, Psyche holding it there. It would so happen Tr Mercury was on my Vertex and tr Chiron was cnj Siva 1170 - Notes I had: Episodic, catabolic (breakdown/through) process that precedes insight; destruction of density/fixated beliefs (relative to aspects); crisis of death (stagnation) or regeneration; - I was in a crisis of death. Tr chiron was in Opposition with Persephone 399 Goddess Of Hell. Where the place this event actualy took hold of me, had two names associated with it, One included "Hell" - "the other Devil's_" Like Dantes Inferno. I started small going into the depths of the dark, death centers of the mind. I was initiated at that event. My sidereal AC Scorpio seeing the 8th personal. Understanding that thin line from young eyes. In the Pr chart (event date) Tr Mercury on 8th house cusp (Moon decan, this occured on huge August FM) My Dna/Vertex were in eachother in the 8th. Leo - Death/vital essence. I did fight to stay with this DNA. Tr Chiron was cnj Pr Moon To be edgy I threw TARDIS 3325 in. Thinking like Travelers (time/space) Low and behold it (in prog chart) was on my Pr Moon! with that tr Chiron upon them both.
Wow. What the transits can bring fwd. Like an ocean wave folding in and out, never releasing the article of interest - until the very right moment. Pr chart tr Sun/Beatrix cnj and tr DNA/Schadow cnj in the 9th tr Babuska (2) trine the DNa/Schadow transits. The energy + houses certainly paint the picture in which was the reality of a crossover >travel.
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StrangeCat Knowflake Posts: 39 From: Kangarooland Registered: Nov 2023
posted November 14, 2023 05:03 PM
I have the square - tight orbs too. Uranus is opposite Chiron (3 degree orb), which is on my DC. I never thought of it but I have a T square formation with Chiron. Everyone I come across is wounded in some way. Sometimes very much so. You try to comfort them and give them some unbiased perspective, but ultimately they have to heal on their own. IP: Logged | |