Topic: Chiron in aspect to Uranus
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2005 11:04 AM
The following is from the book "Chiron-Transforming Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets" by Barbara Hand Clow: quote: CHIRON IN ASPECT TO SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, AND THE LUNAR NODES As we slowly weave our way from the Sun out through the inner planets, we finally approach the outermost of the inner planets—Satum. Saturn is the last planet visible to the naked eye. It rules linear time, structure, and form in this solar system, and it contains the energies of all the inner planets around the Sun. But with its eventual return to its natal position at around the age of 29, human consciousness is prepared to break through the leaden form of Saturn and experience the outer planets within the essence of the human body. Before 30, Saturn is like a lead shield holding out the galactic resonances radiating through the outer planets. Saturn contains within physical essence the energies of the inner planets and the Earth and Moon to the Sun. We cannot know who we really are without our spirituality, the real meaning of our existence since the beginning of creation. Our spiritual connection happens when the Saturnian lead shield dissipates and the Sun shines through the inner planets out to the outer planets. It is time to examine Chiron aspects to Saturn and Uranus, and then to Neptune, Pluto and the Lunar Nodes. The trilogy of Satum/Chiron/Uranus offers wisdom in itself. Chiron's orbit is very elliptical, moving out to the orbit of Uranus, but not crossing the orbital path. However, Chiron goes inside the orbit of Saturn when it moves to its perihelion; that is, Chiron pierces the lead shield of Saturn. As we work with aspects to Saturn it is imperative that we comprehend the meaning of this piercing of the Saturnian lead form. This piercing is what initiation is; this energy expresses the power of Uranus to rearrange the electrical neurological systems. This part of Chiron's path proves that there is no such thing as determinism, fate, or moira, as Saturn linear time is pierced by Chiros or spherical time. This is the spiraling of experience, the critical leap of total creativity which affirms that anything is possible. Natives with aspects between Chiron and Saturn experience break-through from Earth forms and linear time to creativity, but like all breakthroughs, it is hard work When Chiron affects Saturn by aspect, Saturn has a different dimension than usual. Without aspects between Saturn and Chiron, and also Chiron aspects to Uranus and Uranus to Saturn, the progress of Saturn development is quite predictable, and the native is comfortable with Saturnian growth. When there are aspects to Chiron, the native isn't so confident about predictable patterns. The native has difficulty trusting; he or she usually has serious conflicts with one or both parents, and may project the early home conflicts onto society at large. However, this early and deep distrust of Saturnian fixed form tends to yield openness and creativity after the Saturn return. That is, the psyche is less shielded in lead than usual. At the return the native balances the need for using Saturnian form and structure, and then is more free than most to respond to the outer planets. The aspecting Chiron functions as a constant initiator, moving consciousness out of fixed ruts. Health is ultimately a question of biological balance, and biological balance has a lot to do with steady and powerful Saturnian growth and Uranian electrical activation of new cellular production and neurological structural reorganization. As we know from science, everything is completely new in the human body every seven years; every cell is new. New birth cannot occur without death. Chiron is in relationship to the seven-year Uranus cycle which contains a Saturn square to Saturn within each seven-year Uranian sign transit. Chiron rules the process of complete letting go of old forms so that new and vital birth can occur. It is the process of learning to trust, of going forward even when we aren't sure why. Then the new issues have space. Chiron rules the healing principle, which is a function of both Saturnian control and Uranian electrical vitalization. Chiron is the key to finding that balance. The sighting is a signal that we must begin to know when to heal and when to let go. For example, antibiotics can heal, but they can be used as a control mechanism in the environment. The struggle of the immune system is subverted by overuse of antibiotics. Now after 40 years of antibiotics, we are seeing severe malfunctions, such as AIDS, in the immune system. In my opinion, the physical environment is on the verge of teaching the race that the immune system itself must be trusted, that total control (or Saturn) by scientists and physicians will never work. Also, medical astrologers should take note of the times when Saturn's lead shield is pierced by Chiron. This cycle will yield clues to cancer radiation cures. Radiation cannot pierce lead. A better piercing mechanism will be coming into medicine with radionics or some other technique which is Uranian. Now that we can also use Chiron for health research, the true need for trust in the universe or Eros will come into balance with control, or Thanatos. Astrologers interested in health should begin Chiron work immediately so that more information will be available on these critical issues. The aspects between Saturn and Chiron are the key to many of these questions.CHIRON IN ASPECT TO URANUS We are beyond the inner planets, and the elliptical fifty-year orbit of Chiron now becomes our primary center. The orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A is fifty years. We are letting go of the Sun and beginning to feel the galactic cosmic ray vibration. "Pentecost" means "the fiftieth" in Greek, and work with the Chirotic cycle brings the full comprehension of Pentecost. In the Hebrew ritual cycle, Pentecost is the fiftieth day of the harvest, and the festival carries all the power of the ancient harvest rituals. At the first Pentecost after the Ascension of Christ, the dynamic changed. The fire tongues of the Holy Ghost pierced the physical plane and entered the physical bodies of the Christians. This was a Chirotic event, and the meaning of human evolution was spiritualized into a birthing galactic connection. Now the emergence of the Chiron archetype is the Second Coming of Christos, a name unnervingly close to the name of the Centaur healer. The Second Coming is not a physical plane holocaust, an apocalypse; it is in fact the birth of the Chirotic force in the heart chakra of each healed human being. Chiron aspects to Uranus need to be examined in light of the Chiron cycle to Uranus in general. As already discussed, Chiron's orbit is highly elliptical, and Chiron is in Aquarius through Taurus for about 28 years, and transits Gemini through Capricorn (8 signs) for about 32 years. It is in Aries for almost eight years, and it is in Virgo and Libra for less than two years each. Uranus spends about seven years in each sign. Therefore, Chiron makes some aspects quickly and then moves rapidly past Uranus. When Chiron is in Aquarius through Taurus, it can synchronize into a long-term aspect. For example, Chiron was square Uranus periodically from 1805 to 1835, and it is in exact opposition 41 times from 1952 to 1989. There were no aspects between Chiron and Uranus from 1900 to 1939. Therefore, with Chiron aspects to Uranus, often there is no data, and only speculations on historical trends are possible. Generally, aspects between Chiron and Uranus tend to increase the influence of Uranus. Chiron was conjunct Uranus in 1796 when Chiron was in perihelion and probably within Saturn's orbit. The American Revolution occurred in 1776, the French Revolution in 1789, and Uranus was sighted in 1781—right in the middle. It would seem to me that a conjunction of Chiron and Saturn at the perihelion had a very conservative effect which tended to slow down the violently transformative impact of the discovery of Uranus. Chiron was close to a conjunction with Uranus during 1898 and 1899. Chiron was sextile Uranus in 1800, 1894, and during November 1939 to July 1941. These natives are very opinionated, energetic, and obsessed with transformation. Chart 44 is of a healer who works with guided imagery in music. Chiron is in Cancer in the twelfth house sextile Uranus in the tenth, and she is extremely nurturing in her work. Uranus is also trine Neptune and sextile Chiron, and she is a powerful meditator and utilizes many forms of artistic expression. Generally speaking, this aspect seems to produce much attunement to art. Chiron was square Uranus from 1805-1835 when there was much financial speculating in the world economy, and there was a worldwide economic crash in 1835 which caused depression until almost 1850. Chiron was square Uranus again in 1889 to 1891. Again there was much European and American speculation in the 1880s, and there was a currency collapse in America in 1893, with the economy in bad condition until 1897. Chiron was square Uranus again on and off in 1942 to 1944 during the depths of WWII. This aspect produces desperation and conflict in the personality, and an insatiable drive to transform consciousness. These natives are courageous and cannot be stopped if they believe in something, and they are driven to get to the truth and meaning of any situation. The Chirotic force is intense, and the electrical transmutation of the body at the Uranus opposition is powerful. Chart 33, the channel of Atlantean symbols, has Chiron conjunct the North Node in the tenth house T-square Uranus opposite Mars in the first. When she is actively involved in higher consciousness work and teaching, she is calmed. Reviewing nine clients with Chiron square Uranus, all are unusually attuned to transformation and seem to be relaxed only when they are actively involved in the work. They all seem to be de-energized when involved in ordinary activities. Chiron was trine Uranus in 1841 and 1842, in 1852 to 1855, and in November 1945 to October 1946. These natives seem to have difficulty finding their places in life; they seem to be confused about identifying the real meaning of their lives. The sanctuary worker, Chart 4, has had a well-organized career, but her work is often not close enough to what she really believes in. Of women clients with Chiron trine Uranus, I have noticed peculiar trends with childbearing. Four of them did not manage to have a child until nearly age 40, whether they were married or not, and now they are having quite a struggle with motherhood. It could be assumed that the upcoming Uranus opposition triggered the pregnancies, possibly to help open the heart chakra. Chiron was quincunix Uranus a few times in 1844-46,1848-49, November-December of 1948, and July-September of 1949. This aspect is highly transmutative and creates a great vortex in consciousness for Uranian energy. These natives are extraordinary, and eventually will create something very special with this quincunx. Chart 7 is a weaver who is really struggling to bring in very Chirotic symbols. Her work is very powerful, but it is always an effort for her. Chiron in the seventh is quincunx Uranus in the second. Chiron was opposite Uranus a few times from 1951 to 1989. This is an aspect of ferocious intensity which either bums the native out or pushes him or her to great transmutative levels. Drugs are a grave danger to this native, especially cocaine or psychedelic substances. Of eleven clients with this aspect, four seem to be hopelessly lost to drug addiction. Chart 8, a Hermetic teacher, has Chiron opposite Uranus, and this woman's skill with electrical body readjustment is great. The spiritual healer of Chart 2 is showing great powers with this aspect at an early age. The physician of Chart 21 is doing research to measure kundalini energy coursing through the body. Chart 41 belongs to a young artist who has been struggling to balance Chiron opposite Jupiter/Uranus/Mars. He is a person of remarkable awareness at a very early age. Chart 45 is of a glass blower who creates amazing spiraling forms of color within clear glass. It would seem that his fluid Uranian contact transmutes itself into bizarre manipulations of the physical plane. The oppositions have been having a potent effect for a long time now. Observing the last five or six exact oppositions, l noticed that the accident rate increases, especially for airplanes. As this book gets ready to go to press, the Reagan government is tom apart by the Iran Contra Affair during the November 1986 opposition. The opposition stresses people out, makes them feel like everything is too much. Substance abuse is especially unwise during the opposition. Also, I suspect this aspect intensifies the potency of viral infections and may overstress the immune system. Many of the people dying of AIDS have this aspect natally, and they may weaken when it repeats. Again, we need much research at this time.
Thoughts, anyone??IP: Logged |
Neptune's Muse unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 01:57 PM
 I don't left me with a strange feeling...Chiron Uranus Opp. IP: Logged |
Hexxie unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 02:22 PM
neat stuff. i'm gonna have to find my copy of this book among my many other books hehe. after reading this book on chiron, i really started noticing where that energy pops up. i have chiron opposite - uranus, mars, venus, north node (yes i have all these things conjunct)! i love what it says here "It would seem that his fluid Uranian contact transmutes itself into bizarre manipulations of the physical plane." in regard to that glass blower. well, i don't wanna blow glass, but there's some sort of hidden msg for me in that quote that i am going to explore  ------------------ ~Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon~ IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 06:06 PM
Finally, no aspect to Uranus. But I have aspects to all your other posts.IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2005 06:20 PM
Wow! That many Chiron aspects, Kat? I've got four.IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 11:21 PM
I have Chiron oppo Uranus - it forms a Kite with my air Grand trine. Never knew exactly what to think of that. I knwo that my grand trine sometimes expresses its self through the Sun/Merc point, and sometimes through the Uranus point. When it expresses itself through the Uranus point, I tend to get myself into trouble - often with my parents, bosses or other authority figures, and yet at teh same time there's some kind of Chironic revelation, insight or wisdom gained that leads me to further self-possesion and awareness. I liek to think of this uranus-Chiron aspect as my "anarchist" aspect because whenever it voices itself, it seems I become even more apart from the status quo and more of my own person. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted October 12, 2005 01:45 PM
Thank you Azalaksh
------------------ ... it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness IP: Logged |
sweetlibra unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 05:01 AM
Chiron opposite UranusIP: Logged |
Stargazer Knowflake Posts: 46 From: just left of center Registered: May 2009
posted March 09, 2006 10:13 AM
oppo. Uranus... me tooIP: Logged |
chrissymgreen unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 02:49 PM
i have chiron opposite uranus, uranus is on my ascendant and chiron/mercury are on my descendant.i think that while my mercury/chiron conjunction lends me the ability to read others very well, with frightening ease really, uranus on my ascendant frequently causes me to rebel against restrictions on my person...for instance, i can tell when someone wants something from me, and if i am in the right mood, this turns me off like a light switch. it often doesnt even matter what is wanted. i identify with the example of the glass blower; i'm an artist who likes making my own paper, hand-made books and objects. i like designing and building art objects that do something completely useless. this pleases me in some fashion. IP: Logged |
Node Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 13, 2006 09:24 AM
This native 2-11-67 7:02 PM Baltimore MD, has 10 Chiron aspects. More than any other point/planet in the chart. Mercury and NN are the only ones unaspected.IP: Logged |
MUSTANG unregistered
posted September 13, 2006 11:24 AM
According to in the chart at the bottom of my natal wheel (thats where you find these aspects, right?)I have: Sun sextile chiron merc sqaure chiron venus trine chiron mars trine chiron jupiter trine chiron uranus opp chiron neptune trine chiron pluto opp chiron I have absolutely NO idea how it affects me, since I know so little about chiron. IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted September 13, 2006 09:40 PM
Interesting article.I have chiron at the "fated" 29th degree of Pisces opposite Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto and Moon. (also trine Venus, Neptune, Ceres and Asc....) I think I have too much going on with Chiron to sort it all out......
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Node Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 13, 2006 10:01 PM
Chiron is a very important influence in the chart. Some people are more 'Chironic' than others due to an innordanant ammount of aspects. This applies to planets/points in everyones chart. Some are more Plutonion or Saturnian...what I am trying to say is that I feel that Chiron should be given a closer look in charts where it is heavily aspected. It's symbol as a key is significant and prophetic. Sometimes it symply IS the key to unlock a chart.IP: Logged |
mysticaldream unregistered
posted September 13, 2006 10:30 PM
Could you explain more Node? I have many Pluto aspects and it is my chart ruler. I don't know how I feel about the chiron descriptions.....they leave me feeling depressed because they don't seem very hopeful. I guess I would prefer to read "this aspect may be hard but it can produce something wonderful" instead of will have a wound that never fully heals etc, etc. I just believe the "hand we are dealt" is for a purpose and can be used positively......if that makes sense.IP: Logged |
Seeing Stars 7.21 Knowflake Posts: 137 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2008 12:26 AM
funny.. I have the oppostion.. it mentioned the viral infections type of things. and the immune system. when I was like 16 or 17 I must have had a short period of time when my immune system was weak. cause I had came down with a very bad viral infection in my nasal cavity called abnoiditis or something. it was hell. I couldnt breath through my nose whatsoever. my lymph nodes (which is connected with the immune system) swelled up in my neck, underarms, and inner hip thigh region. I had the worst migraines ever I thought I was going to die. I was on three medications. Vicodin, Steroid and an Antibiotic. and one of the medications gave me a very bad rash or something cause I broke out and the itching was so unbearable. most of the time all I could do was sit around in pain. worst sickness Ive ever had. I have no doubt in my mind a transiting planet formed a t-square with this opposition. and they mentioned Airplane crashes. heh now Im def. freaked out to go flying. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2008 06:11 PM
I have the same kite thingy as Gemini Nymph. Whatever it is all about I haven't noticed it featuring electrical body readjustment. IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Moderator Posts: 49 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted July 07, 2008 09:41 PM
"Chiron was opposite Uranus a few times from 1951 to 1989. This is an aspect of ferocious intensity which either bums the native out or pushes him or her to great transmutative levels. " Hmmmm
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oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 824 From: South Carolina Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2008 11:07 PM
Ok I am an opposite. I dont have a substance abuse problem, thank god! But this one kind of makes me very uneasy. No wonder my astrologer told me not to drink! lol ------------------ Aries Sun Moon Sag Scorpio Rising IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 08, 2008 04:24 AM
I need a more mundane intepretation. This one isn't bad: Chiron opposite Uranus Due to separation from a parent or lack of communication in your earliest environment, you have difficulty in sharing and opening up to others. Creative, independent and yet high-strung, you will be successful so long as you develop patience and refrain from being provocative. Asserting a contrary opinion or taking an unpopular stance for the sake of rebellion can be as disruptive and destructive as it can be creative and productive. As life goes on, you will get the knack of being spontaneous without provoking others.
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PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4311 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 08, 2008 09:07 AM
interetsing information from Chiron opposition Uranus
Natal Chiron Aspects With Chiron-opposition-Uranus, Uranus shines a light - a challenge, in a sense - upon our Wounds, blockages and unresolved issues.By illuminating these, we are given the ultimate opportunity to deal with the Wounds and issues as they come to the fore. This aspect is perhaps the most active of the Chiron/Uranus aspects barring the conjunction.The opposition causes us to run in the opposite direction to our Woundedness.In doing so, we run into Uranus, who then proceeds to show us the higher view of that from which we were running.When Uranus' Truth and its bigger Picture become too difficult to handle, challenging us beyond our current capacity, we run again, back into our Woundedness, back to Chiron.Here, due to Uranus' light shining on the Wounds, we find new material to work with, adding to our overall understanding.When what we find there again becomes too Painful, again we run, again bumping into Uranus.So it goes on, in a tic-tocking journey of Healing and evolution of consciousness. If we are not able to deal with the Wounds and Pain that come up and we are not able to deal with the greater Truth that Uranus offers, then we are stuck in a kind of nightmare of constant running.In this case we tend to try to do anything to 'blank out'.We attempt this by using alcohol, drugs, sleep, work, music and all other types of 'escapism' to avoid the Wounds, blockages and unresolved issues.If we try this for too long, however, it will inevitably be reflected in our bodies through illness, disease and general unwellness. This all-or-nothing kind of psychology is the very reason why Chiron-opposition-Uranus (and Chiron-opposition-Pluto) is an aspect that confers Healing ability and/or focus in our lives.We cannot avoid it; we cannot run away from it; it follows us wherever we try to go.This is why the generations of people born between 1952 and 1989 have altered the consciousness of the planet via the Healing modalities (taken in their broadest sense).The mid-1960s represented the fulcrum point.The late 1970s represented the culmination.The 1990s represented the peak, particularly as this time encompasses not only Chiron's perihelion and perigee, but also Chiron's own half-return.This psychology, combined with the sheer number of oppositions Chiron and Uranus made during this time, is one of the major contributors to the discovery of Chiron, as we have already seen. Due to the vast number of people with this aspect, we will offer only a few examples.It is important to point out that there are not so many famous people with this aspect, a point that fails to support our assertion that the aspect is associated with the Healing and new-age movements.However, if we consider that 1) the aspect itself does not confer fame or notoriety, 2) the Healing and new-age movements were not about fame and notoriety - they were about inner Healing - and 3) the bulk of Healers and new-age facilitators were part of a grass-roots phenomenon, then we can understand the deficit of noted persons that follows.I can show hundreds of charts supporting the connection, but most are for people of whom no one has heard. Noted people with this aspect include Ji Maharaj (Indian guru who made the 'big time' in the US from 1972 onwards), Nick Campion (British astrologer), Annie Lennox, Bill Gates, Carrie Fisher, Denzel Washington, James Ingram, Shannen Doherty, David the Bubble-Boy (rare disorder of immune deficiency) and Bo Derek. It is interesting that an unusual number of athletes possess this aspect.Perhaps they are literally trying to run away from their Wounds, blockages and unresolved issues.This may sound implausible.However, consider that 1) our outer activities mirror our inner state and that 2) one of the means we use to avoid having to sit down and think deeply about our issues is to stay busy and physically active all the time.I know many people like this and can see this tendency in myself. These sportspeople include Martina Navratilova, Chris Evert Lloyd, Frederi Deburghgraeve (Belgian athlete named Sportsman of the Year and given an Award of Merit, 1995), Eddie Edwards (British athlete called “The Eagle;” participated in the winter Olympics 1988), Jim Harbaugh, (American quarterback and athlete), Kathy McMillan (American track and field champion), Ed Moses (American athlete, a hurdler who won Olympic gold at Montreal in 1976 and in Los Angeles August 1984), Gianni Poli (Italian field and track star, winner of the marathon in New York 11/02/1986) and Paolo Rossi (Italian soccer player; helped Italy win the World Cup 1982). IP: Logged |
oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 824 From: South Carolina Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 08, 2008 11:04 AM
This one makes alot of sense. Wow, I definitely see the running part and the Uranus mind expanding experience and the Woundedness that I face. Is it possible that when traveling the opposition we perhaps dwell in differents states of consciousness?------------------ Aries Sun Moon Sag Scorpio Rising IP: Logged | |