Topic: Chiron in aspect to Neptune
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2005 11:52 AM
The following is from the book "Chiron-Transforming Bridge Between the Inner and Outer Planets" by Barbara Hand Clow: quote: CHIRON IN ASPECT TO SATURN, URANUS, NEPTUNE, PLUTO, AND THE LUNAR NODES As we slowly weave our way from the Sun out through the inner planets, we finally approach the outermost of the inner planets—Satum. Saturn is the last planet visible to the naked eye. It rules linear time, structure, and form in this solar system, and it contains the energies of all the inner planets around the Sun. But with its eventual return to its natal position at around the age of 29, human consciousness is prepared to break through the leaden form of Saturn and experience the outer planets within the essence of the human body. Before 30, Saturn is like a lead shield holding out the galactic resonances radiating through the outer planets. Saturn contains within physical essence the energies of the inner planets and the Earth and Moon to the Sun. We cannot know who we really are without our spirituality, the real meaning of our existence since the beginning of creation. Our spiritual connection happens when the Saturnian lead shield dissipates and the Sun shines through the inner planets out to the outer planets. It is time to examine Chiron aspects to Saturn and Uranus, and then to Neptune, Pluto and the Lunar Nodes. The trilogy of Satum/Chiron/Uranus offers wisdom in itself. Chiron's orbit is very elliptical, moving out to the orbit of Uranus, but not crossing the orbital path. However, Chiron goes inside the orbit of Saturn when it moves to its perihelion; that is, Chiron pierces the lead shield of Saturn. As we work with aspects to Saturn it is imperative that we comprehend the meaning of this piercing of the Saturnian lead form. This piercing is what initiation is; this energy expresses the power of Uranus to rearrange the electrical neurological systems. This part of Chiron's path proves that there is no such thing as determinism, fate, or moira, as Saturn linear time is pierced by Chiros or spherical time. This is the spiraling of experience, the critical leap of total creativity which affirms that anything is possible. Natives with aspects between Chiron and Saturn experience break-through from Earth forms and linear time to creativity, but like all breakthroughs, it is hard work When Chiron affects Saturn by aspect, Saturn has a different dimension than usual. Without aspects between Saturn and Chiron, and also Chiron aspects to Uranus and Uranus to Saturn, the progress of Saturn development is quite predictable, and the native is comfortable with Saturnian growth. When there are aspects to Chiron, the native isn't so confident about predictable patterns. The native has difficulty trusting; he or she usually has serious conflicts with one or both parents, and may project the early home conflicts onto society at large. However, this early and deep distrust of Saturnian fixed form tends to yield openness and creativity after the Saturn return. That is, the psyche is less shielded in lead than usual. At the return the native balances the need for using Saturnian form and structure, and then is more free than most to respond to the outer planets. The aspecting Chiron functions as a constant initiator, moving consciousness out of fixed ruts. Health is ultimately a question of biological balance, and biological balance has a lot to do with steady and powerful Saturnian growth and Uranian electrical activation of new cellular production and neurological structural reorganization. As we know from science, everything is completely new in the human body every seven years; every cell is new. New birth cannot occur without death. Chiron is in relationship to the seven-year Uranus cycle which contains a Saturn square to Saturn within each seven-year Uranian sign transit. Chiron rules the process of complete letting go of old forms so that new and vital birth can occur. It is the process of learning to trust, of going forward even when we aren't sure why. Then the new issues have space. Chiron rules the healing principle, which is a function of both Saturnian control and Uranian electrical vitalization. Chiron is the key to finding that balance. The sighting is a signal that we must begin to know when to heal and when to let go. For example, antibiotics can heal, but they can be used as a control mechanism in the environment. The struggle of the immune system is subverted by overuse of antibiotics. Now after 40 years of antibiotics, we are seeing severe malfunctions, such as AIDS, in the immune system. In my opinion, the physical environment is on the verge of teaching the race that the immune system itself must be trusted, that total control (or Saturn) by scientists and physicians will never work. Also, medical astrologers should take note of the times when Saturn's lead shield is pierced by Chiron. This cycle will yield clues to cancer radiation cures. Radiation cannot pierce lead. A better piercing mechanism will be coming into medicine with radionics or some other technique which is Uranian. Now that we can also use Chiron for health research, the true need for trust in the universe or Eros will come into balance with control, or Thanatos. Astrologers interested in health should begin Chiron work immediately so that more information will be available on these critical issues. The aspects between Saturn and Chiron are the key to many of these questions.CHIRON IN ASPECT TO NEPTUNE Aspects between Chiron and Neptune are keys to pragmatically utilizing Chiron for bringing the higher self into space and time because of the Chiron/Neptune—sixth/twelfth house polarities. Visualize a funnel of energy with the small end of the funnel located in a specific place, and with the wide end of the funnel swirling out into a wide circle which sucks in timelessness, nothingness, and no separation. In fact, there is no separation in matter, but we exist with identification and specification so that human perception and learning can occur. That is our physical reality. The experience of no separation, of the no-self, of being nothingness within the cosmos is also an essential experience. Until the discovery of Chiron, most mystics had encountered the experience of the no-self quite by accident, and then had tried to describe it. Much of the expression of how to come to it has been of letting go of identifications and specifications. But many, including myself, have found it difficult to "let go" without knowing what one is letting go of. So, it usually happens by accident, and it is always amazing because it feels so wonderful to enter that state. Some mystics, such as Meister Eckhart, have pointed out that nothing is right under our noses, and that we are looking everywhere for it but right in front of ourselves. Since all matter is one, Eckhart is correct. Now, with the sighting of Chiron, we have a tool in the chart for timing mystical breakthrough which will be explained in the next chapter. And with examination of Chiron aspects to Neptune, we have astrological aspects for tuning into the experience of the no-self, or the self at one with the God-force. When Chiron is aspecting Neptune, the nature of the placements can be used as a meditation path for attunement to that which is right within us at all times, to the divine. It is impossible for us to have access to the divine without also being in service of the divine. The sixth and twelfth houses show the way to compassion and letting go of the small self, which is contained in the ego. The house placement, sign, and nature of influence from Neptune to Chiron is a key to the way to find the funnel to the divine, to Neptune, in a given incarnation. The sighting of Chiron is the Second Coming of Christ, the sign that Christ is incarnating in the heart chakra. As we go into aspects between Chiron and Neptune, ways to locate Neptunian ecstasy in consciousness will be looked at in relation to Chiron. When Chiron is conjunct Neptune, the focalization of the Neptunian vortex exists right at the conjunction. By utilizing the natural pragmatic energy of Chiron by means of a meditation on Saturn form and a deliberate firing of kundalini energy up through the spine clearing the chakras, Neptune can be reached. Natives who are lucky enough to have this placement will succeed with this technique only if they completely understand that they are creating a channel to the divine, that their success has nothing to do with ego identification or personal attachment. The degree to which they are polarized into attachment to this channel will be in direct proportion to the degree to which they narrow the channel. A meditation on a channel of water with the mud that silts it up as equal to their personal attachment will help those who are ego-attached get the point. Then a second meditation on a tunnel with unrestricted powerful wind blowing through will help them once they really see the limitation of the ego. The second meditation should not be suggested until the individual really sees his or her ego problem. If your client really comprehends the ego attachment and is ready to let go, flower essence remedies which help let go of ego, such as Wild Oats, work really well. The degree to which no attachment exists as this wonderful energy is brought in for compassionate service and love for others is the degree to which the soul is in the body. I have many clients with this placement. Chart 19 belongs to a highly developed therapist who has made great progress with this aspect. His life has been difficult on the personal level because he has four planetary pairs including Neptune conjunct Chiron. The planetary pairs make it difficult to be objective and make personal progress by learning from others. The ego breakthrough has been very difficult, as a male, with the Sun in Leo. His North Node in Cancer in the ninth house has helped him to learn compassion by nurturing clients with a strong spiritual direction. His Jupiter, very advanced in 29 degrees Virgo also in conjunction to Chiron, caused him to create a pathway for the masters to assist clients and help them to access their higher selves. And, as he sat day after day on a search for letting go with his clients, gradually he balanced the Libran Chiron conjunct Neptune in the twelfth by deliberately acknowledging that the divine energy was not his own. With experience, he began to rearrange his consciousness with the Uranian force of the Moon in Aquarius trine Chiron conjunct Neptune conjunct Jupiter. For someone with this many personal stresses (as seen by the planetary pairs), the Neptunian expansion is a way out of a life of trivial stress. Again, the degree to which he sees that he is merely a channel and learns to expand beyond personal blocks is the degree to which he has access to the divine. Zane Stein noticed that Chiron sextile Neptune creates a real longing in the individual for whatever `utopia' is described by the sign and house of natal Neptune. This is exactly right. Of nine clients, all have this quality, and some are more successful than others at actualizing this ideal world. Chart 1, a physicist, has Neptune in Libra in the eleventh sextile Chiron in Sagittarius in the first. This person uses his charisma to create a vehicle for bringing his own powerful comprehension of Neptune to others. He is busy balancing the cosmos within his own energy to create a pathway for his great vision of the Aquarian Age, and then he recreates that utopia in the minds of those he teaches. Chart 30, a jeweler, has Chiron right at the Midheaven conjunct Moon sextile Neptune in Libra in the seventh. This native lives in a visionary world of beautiful faceted healing colors, and he projects his inner vision into his clients who are balanced by the Neptune in Libra energy which also connects them to the divine by means of the energy vibration of the gems. Chart 12, an esotericist, is an unusually good example of this aspect, and life did not make sense to this native until he was initiated into his sacred order which is guardian of the genetic heritage and sacred blood. He has Chiron/Venus/Part of Fortune in the twelfth sextile Neptune in Libra in the ninth. The stellium squares the Nodes, and the North Node is at the head of a Yod from Neptune sextile Pluto retrograde. He was clearly an old master wizard who returned to activate Venusian teachings, and his life began to make sense when he could see that. There are many more examples. See Chart 44, and notice that this native is a body therapist with Neptune in the second house. This is a powerful and balancing aspect to be used as fully as possible. Chiron square Neptune is exceedingly stressful and is a great challenge to any astrologer. In general, the more these natives can activate Chiron and Neptune in their lives and careers, the better off they are. No matter what they do, life will always be very Chirotic and mystical, and this influence means they can never be just ordinary, so why even try? If they can activate the potential of this aspect, their gifts to the race are great. If they cannot find a way to use this energy, they will be confused, prone to substance abuse, and eventually they will suffer nervous disorders. The body cannot handle the force of this energy unless it is channeled by means of higher consciousness serving. Chart 42 has Neptune in Virgo at the midheaven opposite Saturn in Pisces at the IC forming a T-square to Chiron in Gemini in the seventh. This native began his healing when he left the Jesuits and married at his Saturn return, and he will probably resolve the pressure of the T-square in 1986 with his Chiron return. Chart 47, a student of healing, has Chiron in the third at the head of a Yod from Pluto sextile Jupiter, and Neptune in the eleventh in Libra squaring Chiron. This woman cannot utilize the power of the healing Yod until she resolves the square from Neptune which also squares Uranus. She is going ahead with healing training, which will help her resolve the squares during her thirties. She has much work to do because Uranus in Cancer conjunct the South Node in the eighth squaring Neptune indicates she must bum through a lot of karma connected with magic, sex, and death, in order to activate and ground the North Node in Capricorn in the second. Chart 14, an artist nun, is a great example of resolution of Chiron square Neptune. She funnels the energy of Neptune into her being with the first house placement, and then she creates alchemical art by means of Chiron in the tenth. She never rests, but she is more relaxed when she is creating. Chart 21, a physician, has Chiron/Mars in the sixth opposite Uranus/Jupiter in the twelfth, T-square Neptune in the fourth. He is working on relating esoteric healing technology to modem medicine. He is very successful and quite balanced with a strong development of his North Node in Capricorn in the sixth house of healing. This chart suggests a very evolved lifetime; the native is young and bears watching. Those with Chiron square Neptune should be very wary of substance abuse and too much fantasy in their lives. Chiron trine Neptune is a helpful aspect if the rest of the chart shows strength. It seems to really facilitate teaching of small children, and a client who is director and teacher in a private school has this position. I have four other clients with this trine who are really wonderful teachers. They have an innate ability to stimulate the imagination of children because they love fantasy themselves and communicate it well. Chart 2, a spiritual healer, has Chiron/Sun in the second trine Neptune in Scorpio in the ninth. The young teacher of Chart 24 is very empowered by Chiron right on the descendant trine Neptune retrograde in the third. He has much to communicate, is still young, but eventually he will find out who he was as a teacher in past lives so he can focalize the powerful third house Neptune. The artist, Chart 41, is saved by the eleventh house Neptune trine from being overpowered by his ninth house stellium of Moon/Pluto/Jupiter/Uranus/Mars/South Node opposite Chiron. He will be a great artist when he matures. Chiron quincunx Neptune creates a tendency to try to live a dream. The native creates an ideal, and then tries to live life according to that idea. Chiron was quincunx Neptune periodically from April 1905 through 1907.1 have only two relatives who have this position. One became a poet when she was a young girl and spent the rest of her life living the life of a poet by doing commemoratives and belonging to literary groups. She has an odd otherworldly quality that I've always wondered about. The other relative was very wealthy, created a life just the way he wanted it, and didn't seem to notice others very much. Chiron was opposite Neptune in 1843 and 1900. It will be opposite in October 1989 when Voyager flies by Neptune, and again in June, 1990. 1 have no clients with this aspect. It is logical to assume that this position would cause a great deal of confusion when unresolved, but that the native would be very open to divine consciousness if they could balance themselves.
Thoughts, anyone??IP: Logged |
Kat unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 05:40 PM
hmm my chiron is trine Neptune in the 4th. At 42 I have no children, but I think I could have made a good mom. I used to teach elementary art years ago.IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4416 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 05, 2005 06:18 PM
Nothing in this one for me.IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted October 06, 2005 10:49 PM
I have Chiron trine Neptune by sign. I am a fabulous teacher with small kids. Really, almost effortlessly. I have spiirtual healing gifts, but I don't openly exercise them. They are mostly expressed through communication and psychic connections - I have Neptune in the 3rd and Chiron in the 8th. I'm an artist: musically, writing and painting/drawing. Neptune is also a fire singelton in my chart. IP: Logged |
sweetlibra unregistered
posted March 09, 2006 05:10 AM
Chiron quincunx Neptune! I think all my planets have aspects to chiron!!!IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 26, 2006 10:54 PM
(**bumped for Lia**)IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4311 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 07, 2008 08:15 AM
*bump*zala - i beat you too it! lol! but, for personal reasons. IP: Logged |
IXIEveryTimeIDie unregistered
posted July 07, 2008 07:29 PM
My chiron is opposite Neptune & Saturn. IP: Logged |
IXIEveryTimeIDie unregistered
posted July 07, 2008 07:32 PM
Delete.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Knowflake Posts: 4311 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 08, 2008 09:11 AM
information from Chiron trine Neptune
Natal Chiron Aspects Chiron-trine-Neptune (1895, 1920-26, 1963-68 and 1994-95) indicates that there is a high degree of resonance between our spiritual nature or Soul and our Wounds, blockages and unresolved issues.Even if we do not consciously and intentionally deal with these things, they will tend to find expression through our creative, artistic and spiritual pursuits.In addition, they may find expression through our exploration and experimentation with altered states of consciousness.These themes were the hallmark of the explosion of creativity and experimentation in the trines of the 1960s. With this aspect, if we choose to deal with our issues, we may tend more towards spiritual, Healing and creative pursuits whereas, if we choose not to, then we may tend more towards escapist and consciousness-altering or consciousness-dulling pursuits and devices.Either way, as always, our Divine Design is expedited, consciously or unconsciously. There can be the tacit indication of considerable work already done on Healing and the evolution of consciousness in past lives. Essentially, this aspect is speaking the Truth that Love is the greatest Healer.This aspect is a welcome addition to other Chiron aspects in the chart of people wishing to pursue Healing as a specific life's path. Noted people that share this aspect include Gene Roddenberry (Star Trek), Pope John Paul II, Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), Lee Iaccoca (Chrysler CEO), Lyle Menendez (homicide with brother), Matt Biondi (Olympic swimmer), Robert Kennedy, Whitney Houston and Marcel Marceau. IP: Logged |
Azalaksh Knowflake Posts: 982 From: New Brighton, MN, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 22, 2009 08:58 PM
*bumped for this week's conjunction of Jupiter/Chiron/Neptune at 26 Aqua*IP: Logged |
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1071 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 02, 2009 08:43 PM
my chiron is oppposite uranus and neptune and cojunct juipter. what does that mean.IP: Logged |
The Duke unregistered
posted November 20, 2009 09:14 PM
I have the opposition here.. chiron and mercury are the opposition to a cardinal cross i have between chiron in cancer and neptune in cap. mercury in libra and mars in aries..the chiron opposition creates.. this.. vision.. kind of always a reminder that this world is in a way 'not real'. and if for some reason it seems to be TOO real, then yes, adjustment is made to make it not so.. IP: Logged | |